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Calls For Media To Restrain From Publicizing Acts Of Violence And Sex Appeal

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Culture Minister calls for media to restrain from publicizing acts of violence and sex appeal

Culture Minister Khunying Khaisri Sri-Arun (คุณหญิงไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) has called for all media to retrain from publicizing articles and programs insitgating sexual appeal and violence. Khunying Khaisri said the government is concerned about inappropriate programs in all forms of media including the internet that may deviate children's mind.

The Ministry of Culture have received countless complaints from parents regarding pornography and various inappropriate forms of deviated visual depictions, adding that these images have affected their children's psychological condition. Therefore any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct or violence will not be tolerated. Khunying Khaisri said she wants to see more programs related to creativity in righteousness and good morale in all medias, adding that children are our future generations and therefore it is vital to create a healthy society based on good morale.

Khunying Khaisri has called for a meeting with all media executives on January 8 at 09:30 hrs. Social Science Academics are also invited to join the meeting. The outcome of the meeting will be forwarded to the Prime Minister.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - -8 January 2007

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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Culture Minister calls for media to restrain from publicizing acts of violence and sex appeal

Culture Minister Khunying Khaisri Sri-Arun (คุณหญิงไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) has called for all media to retrain from publicizing articles and programs insitgating sexual appeal and violence. Khunying Khaisri said the government is concerned about inappropriate programs in all forms of media including the internet that may deviate children's mind.

The Ministry of Culture have received countless complaints from parents regarding pornography and various inappropriate forms of deviated visual depictions, adding that these images have affected their children's psychological condition. Therefore any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct or violence will not be tolerated. Khunying Khaisri said she wants to see more programs related to creativity in righteousness and good morale in all medias, adding that children are our future generations and therefore it is vital to create a healthy society based on good morale.

Khunying Khaisri has called for a meeting with all media executives on January 8 at 09:30 hrs. Social Science Academics are also invited to join the meeting. The outcome of the meeting will be forwarded to the Prime Minister.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - -8 January 2007

This should be good.

If its news, it must have been announced yesterday, giving all concerned a good full day to formulate a response and policy. In any event, its another knee jerk reaction, certainly with no forethought. The Culture Ministry must be feeling a bit out of the news recently so thought this up.

Bit brief on details, but it looks like it's the Thai media she has called in so its going to be hard to blame the despicable falangs this time. Don't see much graphic sex in the western press do we?

She may want more of these programs, but nobody else will watch them, Thais want family drama (fighting) ghost and zombie movies and three stooges type slapstick comedy as a rule.


The monthly bozo-space-trajectory-melting-fuse rant from our dear Propaganda Staffel... heu... Culture Ministry.

How refreshing.

I ask you : what the life would be without Khunying Khaisri Sri-Arun ?

Desperately empty. :o


Felt like watching a bit of Thai tv last evening. One channel showed two schoolgirls tugging away on a backpack while two hi-so ladies tugged on the other end, a lot of screaming and whining, the scene ended with a broken vase that sent the two hi-so's on their a55 and in in a stupor. Switched to the next channel and the first thing that appears, a handgun and a young woman being roughed up, again, more screaming and whining. My brain being highly stimulated by these events, I had an enlightening moment of clarity and the one scientific calculation I couldn't figure out for months was quickly resolved. I ran to the shed and completed the building of my accelerated particle collider. :o


I recently read/saw that Thailand has the highest rate of TV watching in the world.

I think a lot less time in front of the TV for young people would be better. I think the other problem is the fact that so much of what is on is absolutely mind-numbing. I'm a bit of a Television addict, but I cannot sit in front of a Telly as long as most locals can.


I really aggravate my Thai partner during his TV viewing. "Oh look, all those good Thai Buddhists kill the other good Thai Buddhists!! Does the Lord Buddha loves handguns, and slapping little Thai Buddhist women with big weapons? Oh, all those ghosts!! Do they all kill for the Buddha!!"

With all due respect for the teachings of the Lord Buddha, let me clarify that my point is that these Thai TV programs show the devotees of Buddhism as violent thugs who have no respect for other living things. Oh, and how about those disobedient Thai Buddhist children?

I really aggravate my Thai partner during his TV viewing. "Oh look, all those good Thai Buddhists kill the other good Thai Buddhists!! Does the Lord Buddha loves handguns, and slapping little Thai Buddhist women with big weapons? Oh, all those ghosts!! Do they all kill for the Buddha!!"

With all due respect for the teachings of the Lord Buddha, let me clarify that my point is that these Thai TV programs show the devotees of Buddhism as violent thugs who have no respect for other living things. Oh, and how about those disobedient Thai Buddhist children?

I could have made a similar comment about the "devotees of Christianity" and the American and European TV programs, but I didn't.

Felt like watching a bit of Thai tv last evening. One channel showed two schoolgirls tugging away on a backpack while two hi-so ladies tugged on the other end, a lot of screaming and whining, the scene ended with a broken vase that sent the two hi-so's on their a55 and in in a stupor. Switched to the next channel and the first thing that appears, a handgun and a young woman being roughed up, again, more screaming and whining. My brain being highly stimulated by these events, I had an enlightening moment of clarity and the one scientific calculation I couldn't figure out for months was quickly resolved. I ran to the shed and completed the building of my accelerated particle collider. :o

I have to agree with you. Most shows are deplorable in what they represent. Like boyhood fantasy-type stuff. Fighting to save the girl with not much else surrounding that single point; being the hero (as opposed to making a hero for the viewer); etc. Too simple and filled with gratuitous violence and semi-sex.

Don't forget to make anti-matter.

I recently read/saw that Thailand has the highest rate of TV watching in the world.

I think a lot less time in front of the TV for young people would be better. I think the other problem is the fact that so much of what is on is absolutely mind-numbing. I'm a bit of a Television addict, but I cannot sit in front of a Telly as long as most locals can.

In my gym/spa there is a "resting/reading room" with newspapers and tv open to the men's changing room. The gym is not a crowded one, and most of the time there are only 5 or 6 of us present. I have noticed that almost every time a Thai comes through the reading room, he switches on the tv and then leaves the room for other parts of the facility, not staying to watch the telly even for a few minutes. This has happened so frequently that I feel confident in saying that tv is part of background ambience for most Thais as is air con for most farang. If it is off, turn it on!

Therefore any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct or violence will not be tolerated.

Word on the street is that the entire internet and all television programs will be cleared of any and all of these depictions by 14:00 today.

Culture Minister Khaisri Sri-Arun


and yet... she looks so sane... it's a perplexing quandry...

I recently read/saw that Thailand has the highest rate of TV watching in the world.

I think a lot less time in front of the TV for young people would be better. I think the other problem is the fact that so much of what is on is absolutely mind-numbing. I'm a bit of a Television addict, but I cannot sit in front of a Telly as long as most locals can.

In my gym/spa there is a "resting/reading room" with newspapers and tv open to the men's changing room. The gym is not a crowded one, and most of the time there are only 5 or 6 of us present. I have noticed that almost every time a Thai comes through the reading room, he switches on the tv and then leaves the room for other parts of the facility, not staying to watch the telly even for a few minutes. This has happened so frequently that I feel confident in saying that tv is part of background ambience for most Thais as is air con for most farang. If it is off, turn it on!

In many a Thai household and business, it's the first electricity-using device turned on in the morning and the last to be turned off at night, often with no one in particular actually using it during the time it's on.

It does, indeed, provide the requisite background ambience for homes and businesses.

Therefore any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct or violence will not be tolerated.

Word on the street is that the entire internet and all television programs will be cleared of any and all of these depictions by 14:00 today.

Culture Minister Khaisri Sri-Arun

and yet... she looks so sane... it's a perplexing quandry...

I hate to sound negative but I have to agree that this is a knee jerk reaction. I guess we will just add her name to the very very long list of people who have tried and failed.


Although I agree with the idea in principle,

if you blur out the Sex and Violence, along with the Smoking Booze and Guns,

we will have a picture that makes the old 405 line pictures look positively sharp.............


I wish she would ban the pixelation that takes place all too often.

I have never been to the cinema, do they do it there too?

And what do I do about the reels and reels of head movies I store behind my eye balls? maybe I can somehow get them pixelated :o


Seems to be too much senseless comedy on TV, sensationalism in the local papers with full frontal shots of murder victims, and lots of porn on the video rental shelves. I know only one Thai who reads books, even if they are American spy thriller translations. That boggles me the most -- few local folks read books.

Seems to be too much senseless comedy on TV, sensationalism in the local papers with full frontal shots of murder victims, and lots of porn on the video rental shelves. I know only one Thai who reads books, even if they are American spy thriller translations. That boggles me the most -- few local folks read books.

My wife reads quite a few books, granted they are written by a TV star who recently had a baby, or by a former girlfriend of Big from D2B, or...

I really aggravate my Thai partner during his TV viewing. "Oh look, all those good Thai Buddhists kill the other good Thai Buddhists!! Does the Lord Buddha loves handguns, and slapping little Thai Buddhist women with big weapons? Oh, all those ghosts!! Do they all kill for the Buddha!!"

With all due respect for the teachings of the Lord Buddha, let me clarify that my point is that these Thai TV programs show the devotees of Buddhism as violent thugs who have no respect for other living things. Oh, and how about those disobedient Thai Buddhist children?

I could have made a similar comment about the "devotees of Christianity" and the American and European TV programs, but I didn't.

Oh, but I do! I'm an equal-opportunity pacifist. I think that the media is teaching Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, and all the atheists to be killers.

As for Thais leaving the TV on at all times, whether they watch it or not: Americans do that, too. When I raised my teenagers, I would walk into a room with a TV on, and if nobody was watching, I'd turn it off. Mindy would show up a minute later from a toilet break, and turn it back on. Grrrr. Now her kids do the same, but she doesn't turn it off.

And what do I do about the reels and reels of head movies I store behind my eye balls? maybe I can somehow get them pixelated :o

Good news, bad news situation.

The Good News is that is possible to remove these images from their database as described.

The Bad News is that it requires the utilization of this instrument to complete the process:


And what do I do about the reels and reels of head movies I store behind my eye balls? maybe I can somehow get them pixelated :o

Good news, bad news situation.

The Good News is that is possible to remove these images from their database as described.

The Bad News is that it requires the utilization of this instrument to complete the process:


I vote for the bad news implement.

I really aggravate my Thai partner during his TV viewing. "Oh look, all those good Thai Buddhists kill the other good Thai Buddhists!! Does the Lord Buddha loves handguns, and slapping little Thai Buddhist women with big weapons? Oh, all those ghosts!! Do they all kill for the Buddha!!"

With all due respect for the teachings of the Lord Buddha, let me clarify that my point is that these Thai TV programs show the devotees of Buddhism as violent thugs who have no respect for other living things. Oh, and how about those disobedient Thai Buddhist children?

I could have made a similar comment about the "devotees of Christianity" and the American and European TV programs, but I didn't.

Well, I'm glad you didn't because you would have offended 99% of Americans/Europeans who would call themselves "Christians" but only darken the door of a church at christening, marriage, and death (OK, throw in a Christmas Eve or two), but their stated creed has little to do with their daily lives. ....like many of the Thai I know who also compartmentalize their lives into "religion" (religious holiday visits to the Wat, monk initiations, etc.), and their real daily life: acting like hellions on the highways, and all the other ugly stuff they love to watch on TV.

Try this on for size: It's a HUMAN condition.


Will these people GROW UP?

Everything I have heard from this ministry has been bullsh*t. They need to mind their own business and leave it up to parents to take care of the kids.

I remember that Thaksin told the UN that they are not his father, the Ministry of Culture is not mine of anyone in this land of immature idiots and ultra-conservative dinosaurs.


Just ease up on the negative criticism there please.

From the Forum Rules: "extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated."

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


So what are the likes of Dara Daily and the other popular Thai Language daily newspapers going to do if they are not allowed to show graphic images ? Smaller papers and less production costs for sure I think. <smiles>

Therefore any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct or violence will not be tolerated.

Word on the street is that the entire internet and all television programs will be cleared of any and all of these depictions by 14:00 today.

Culture Minister Khaisri Sri-Arun

and yet... she looks so sane... it's a perplexing quandry...

Does my Uniform fetish make this image sexual?

Seems to be too much senseless comedy on TV, sensationalism in the local papers with full frontal shots of murder victims, and lots of porn on the video rental shelves. I know only one Thai who reads books, even if they are American spy thriller translations. That boggles me the most -- few local folks read books.

Outside of the cities books in Thai are nearly impossible to find and at 300 baht plus each, often outside the budget of the average Thai person.

Will these people GROW UP?

Everything I have heard from this ministry has been bullsh*t. They need to mind their own business and leave it up to parents to take care of the kids.

I remember that Thaksin told the UN that they are not his father, the Ministry of Culture is not mine of anyone in this land of immature idiots and ultra-conservative dinosaurs.

One need not be ultra conservative to agree with the Minister. I am against censorship but there is nothing wrong with saying some shows are crap and are a negative for society.

Most of the tv programs on Thai tv are god awful. Seemingly every female on thai tv between the age of 15-55 is portrayed negatively. There is hardly anyone to for girls yound women to emulate.

I don't expect shows to be all educational and perfect but some of the crap does go to far. People do emulate what they see on tv to some extent. So if there is just bad behavior seen on tv some of that will filter down.


I guess it's the backlash against Ministry of Culture that drives this thread, because I think that our posters would otherwise welcome banning gore and sex from frontpages, and less stupidity on TV, too.

People don't really have a choice what to watch, Channels 3 and 7 set the standards, if they upgrade their prime time shows, the rest will follow.

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