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Tourists really don't mind about Pattaya's filthy beaches, claims vendors' rep

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1 minute ago, Jonmarleesco said:

I assume he paid a market research firm to come up with that. After all, if you're going to lay claim to an extra helping of stupidity, it helps if you can add a dose of legitimacy.


But then, that would involve some thinking in the first place ... nope, must have been all his own idea. 

Since when do marketing firms supply doses of legitimacy?

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Of course, the farangs are so stupid and do not care to lie down on a rubbish place. Or maybe they like that country so much that they didn't care about the rubbish around.

2 minutes ago, peperobi said:

Of course, the farangs are so stupid and do not care to lie down on a rubbish place. Or maybe they like that country so much that they didn't care about the rubbish around.

>>>>Or maybe they like that country so much that they didn't care about the rubbish around.<<<<


"that country" is code for pussy?





Unfortunately, sad as it sounds, the rep may be partly correct, some of the tourists that Pattaya seems to want to attract come from places far dirtier, so to them the beach is clean!

They probably don't even notice!

1 hour ago, Toshiba66 said:

That's why the country is one big rubbish dump.

Careful now, you'll have the anti 'Thai bashing brigade' jumping up and down.


See?  It's not just TAT.  It's a Thai thing to go on like this.  And expats pick it up quickly, especially if they sink their nest egg into a property or business.   'Part of what some people actually love about the place I guess.  Recipe:  take a glass that's half full (can be less...), pretend it's almost completely full, add a heaping tablespoon of advertising (or word-of-mouth à la bombaste) and a soupçon of heavy cheerleading, drizzle liberally with crème de delusion, and voilà!




15 minutes ago, Thian said:

I did go in the sea untill waist high but got itchy legs after that. Now i understand why almost nobody swims in Pattaya.

>>>>>>got itchy legs<<<<<<<


Legs? You are an atypical Pattaya visitor!



The class of tourists coming here now don,t really care about anything other than what Pattaya is famous for. A mate went down to the hotel swimming pool to find an indian washing his underpants in the pool with a bar of soap, very genteel !


Maybe if the government would spend the amount they spend on subs and boats and other useless purchases on the one and only real asset (beaches clear blue sea water) they have then it might be a paradise they claim it is in the travel brochures oops ! have I caught the stupid disease     :shock1:

5 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

Tourists actually LOVE filthy beaches..

I'll correct that for you. Tourists actually LOVE filthy bitches.  :smile:

2 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


I think they grabbed the first lottery hawker they saw and gave him a job for the day.


Or maybe they just found an ostrich with its head in the sand and asked it to represent them....

hardly there is not a clean bit of sand available :sick:

1 hour ago, Toshiba66 said:

They could clean the beach twice a day for a year and I still wouldn't get in the water but at least they could make some kind of effort. I think most Thais feel that cleaning up rubbish is beneath them. That's why the country is one big rubbish dump.

I once touted the merits of Thailand to a business associate in Canada. He said "I wouldn't go there, the place is filthy". Obviously the destination is identified this way by many would be tourists. 

And it's all down hill from here. 

4 hours ago, sirineou said:

after all he sad, they don't come here for the beach and we have plenty of what they come for. wink wink :tongue:

Exactly the first thing that came into my (dirty??) mind when I read the headline!!   Is he also the spokesman for the bars and  "massage" shops? 555


typical thai head in the sand attitude, dont they think these very same tourists will tell others. take photo and never come back,, what a <deleted>.


IMHO Pattaya City Council (PCC) seems to have a 'mind over matter' approach to the hospitality industry here.
The filthy beaches only demonstrate how in fact PCC doesn't mind and tourists don't matter! It's very sad.


To be fair to Pattaya (for a change) it's not a Pattaya problem - excerpt from a recent Nation article below.


"Thailand’s 300-tonne version of the swirling Pacific trash monster is believed comprised mainly of litter swept into the sea by this year’s southern floods. But the source matters little compared to the biting fact it represents: Thais are simply creating too much waste."


The garbage is from all over the place, chucked from boats, Bangkok, everywhere - Pattaya, being a kind of inverted butthole syphons it up.


I used to live in Bang Saray, a couple of times a year the beach would be knee-deep in trash and the clean-up would take a few days then reappear like clockwork.

5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Why look for a vacation where you can swim with dolphins, when you can come to Pattaya and swim with faeces ? :cheesy:

Because dolphins are not as comforting to the elderly ( and younger) when bunking up at night.


It isn’t only Pattaya, all of thailand is filling up with trash and litter.

The problem is really out of control. It is time the government stops in with a campaign to clean up Thailand. Bike for mom is fun catchy little PR stunt, but really, wouldn’t it be more effective and longer lasting to clean up Home for mom?

2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

They could clean the beach twice a day for a year and I still wouldn't get in the water but at least they could make some kind of effort. I think most Thais feel that cleaning up rubbish is beneath them. That's why the country is one big rubbish dump.

They should build a robot to do that, it will put Thailand on the map as robotic engineering country which is what they want.



Or they can force corrupt people to clean the beaches, if they won't do that for 5 years in row they go to jail...

Just now, mdmayes said:

I cancel my Pattaya 7 day trip to nicer waters. I cast my approval of the crap filled beaches with my $$$$.

Note to Pattaya City Council:

Please take note of mdmayes's comment as this messenger...is one of thousands!


..The reporter then went on to interview a tourist.....Sandra from England....Sandra commented that she was so excited when she was swimming at Pattaya as she was surrounded by "little brown fish" by the thousands......she said they kept bumping and nudging into her.....she said she felt sorry for these fish...as they had no eyes...:coffee1:

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