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Fugitive ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra seeks asylum in UK


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Not very safe in England this Tory government would sell their granny for a few votes and if England has an extradition treaty with Thailand she can always pop over to Wales or Scotland and as we are still in the EU a final decision on extradition would be decided there not in England as it's as corrupt as Thailand government there paid 1.5 billion pounds for 10 votes 

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13 hours ago, jgarbo said:

No such beast as a "legal military coup" but there is a "popular ousting of corrupt criminals by military", which is what happened here. Yingluck will simply follow the murderer Gen. Pinochet, Thatcher's pal. The UK welcomes any criminal with enough money. I've seen a dozen coups here, all by military brats who didn't get a promotion or their share of the loot. This latest was popular and the military under Prayut have cleaned up a lot of the corruption. Rooting out Thaksin's cronies will take time, though. He did a lot of damage during his "democratic" rule. 

We need two laughing symbols. One laughing with you and one laughing at you.

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

The Midlands - they are the counties in the middle of England. Hence the reason they're called the Midlands

You mean like Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, no need to tell me about my home country mate, I know them all too well having worked in all of them on investigations at sometime or other the last 30 years, and "know more than you, as you say" the answer is I very possible do from some of the made up comments and one sided facts that you twist to suit your properganda.


and don't patronize spelt patronise in Real English you should know that.


Its very unlikely the Shins as you call them keep baht in large numbers when in Dubai or anywhere else as its a knife edge to the future of the country so maybe the $ would suit them better.


I really do not know how you and a few others could have built up such a hatred for the Shins, but as you have and I have read so often and after years of me saying nothing, I took the other side, as far too much bullSh>> is  flapping from mouths to be all true.


A Brummie maybe.

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2 hours ago, Jim walker said:

Not very safe in England this Tory government would sell their granny for a few votes and if England has an extradition treaty with Thailand she can always pop over to Wales or Scotland and as we are still in the EU a final decision on extradition would be decided there not in England as it's as corrupt as Thailand government there paid 1.5 billion pounds for 10 votes 

What have you been smoking or drinking today? Whatever it was its bad for you.

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On 9/29/2017 at 7:32 PM, Dave67 said:

Obviously, you don't know what decent people in the world think about Thailand and its Military Junta, People get Asylum in the UK just for coming from a country with a Military Junta so persecuted ex-PM will sail through, might have a long legal process but in the end, she will win. Not many countries who have legal Military coups unless you rewrite a constitution of course but who on earth would keep doing that?

From what I have read, coming from a country with a Military Junta is not a prerequisite to claim asylum in the UK.

It seems the whole of the population he  of middle east, northern africa and sub saharan africa also have some sort of claim.


Oh and the word is prosecuted...not persecuted...or to be  absolutely correct ..convicted.


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On 9/29/2017 at 7:39 PM, Reigntax said:

Good for her. She can live in a country where the basis of law and rights was drafted almost 800 years ago rather than redrafted every 4 years.

The little hiccup with the revolution somewhere in the middle slips from you memory? No coup there? Really?

England's history was no bed of roses...red or white.

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On 9/29/2017 at 8:46 PM, chickenslegs said:

I don't believe there are many western countries that would agree to extradite a deposed civilian PM to a country run by a military junta. I do not recall any successful extradition requests by this military government - but I am willing to be proved wrong.


Another comment: As far as I know there is no evidence that Yingluk is even in the UK, nor that she has applied for asylum - just a remark from a member of PT. In fact I have not seen any verifiable reports of her whereabouts at all.

She was not deposed...stop trying to rewrite  history

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On 9/29/2017 at 8:56 PM, alexlm said:

They keep telling us "they are bad they lost billions of Bahts"... in every article, again and again, and again...


Can't handle the truth?

They also caused many suicides indirectly by failing to pay farmers the bounty they had promised.

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9 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Can't handle the truth?

They also caused many suicides indirectly by failing to pay farmers the bounty they had promised.

But that of course was not really their fault now was it.


You should follow your own advice and stop rewriting history. Yingluck dissolved the house under pressure from Suthep and his idiotic followers (never ever seen people so utterly deceived by the person whom they followed) and therefore the care taker government could not pay the farmers because the constitutional court meddled and prevented payment. That the commitment was made when the government was still active wasn't a consideration. It would have been in any society where honesty is important. But the objective of this decision was to put more pressure on Yingluck to hand power to Suthep. only if you can read between the lines, such antics becomes apparent. 



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15 hours ago, jgarbo said:

No such beast as a "legal military coup" but there is a "popular ousting of corrupt criminals by military", which is what happened here. Yingluck will simply follow the murderer Gen. Pinochet, Thatcher's pal. The UK welcomes any criminal with enough money. I've seen a dozen coups here, all by military brats who didn't get a promotion or their share of the loot. This latest was popular and the military under Prayut have cleaned up a lot of the corruption. Rooting out Thaksin's cronies will take time, though. He did a lot of damage during his "democratic" rule. 


How could you possibly determine if the latest (coup) was popular? All dissenters have been silenced so you're just going along with all the propaganda. That's what they tell us, so that must be true.


Do people really give military coups much thought in Thailand? The army is in control and elected governments serve at the pleasure of the military commander. Will this ever change? Can it ever change?


"I've seen a dozen coups here". You've been here since 1951? or if you mean all the successful coups, then you've been here since 1932, as there have been 12 successful ones so far. 


The only bright side to this is that historically 9 coup attempts failed.

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46 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

From what I have read, coming from a country with a Military Junta is not a prerequisite to claim asylum in the UK.

It seems the whole of the population he  of middle east, northern africa and sub saharan africa also have some sort of claim.


Oh and the word is prosecuted...not persecuted...or to be  absolutely correct ..convicted.


No, the right term is definitely persecuted. Convicted means nothing, Yingluck is free to go pretty much anywhere in the world. The rest of the world does not sleep, they know exactly what this trial was. Only a select few people here in Thailand actually buy the <deleted> uttered by the Junta, who should be convicted but never will because of a self granted amnesty. One that did become a reaility. Pretty hillarious considering the whole sage started with some amnesty that never actually made it through. Yet the people screaming bloody murder then, seem to allow this particular amnesty now, even though it is far more extensive and benefits just a few people. Hypocrites is the only applicable term. 


In any case, since the current regime is composed of criminals, any person being "convicted" by the regime will get a free pass. and so they should. No article 44 is going to change that. 



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22 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

No, the right term is definitely persecuted. Convicted means nothing, Yingluck is free to go pretty much anywhere in the world. The rest of the world does not sleep, they know exactly what this trial was. Only a select few people here in Thailand actually buy the <deleted> uttered by the Junta, who should be convicted but never will because of a self granted amnesty. One that did become a reaility. Pretty hillarious considering the whole sage started with some amnesty that never actually made it through. Yet the people screaming bloody murder then, seem to allow this particular amnesty now, even though it is far more extensive and benefits just a few people. Hypocrites is the only applicable term. 


In any case, since the current regime is composed of criminals, any person being "convicted" by the regime will get a free pass. and so they should. No article 44 is going to change that. 



Stop shredding your nightie....nobody, and i mean nobody gives a shit about Thailand and their internal politics on the world stage. 

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2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Stop shredding your nightie....nobody, and i mean nobody gives a shit about Thailand and their internal politics on the world stage. 

But this is not about who gives a shit about Thailand. Do you believe foreign governments are ignorant of what is going on ? Of course not, they read the papers too. 


Yingluck has no worries, there will be no extradition. And reading between the lines once more, I doubt the Junta wants her back in any case. Yeah, Interpol has been requested to locate her, but do you honestly believe attempts to get her back will be executed ?




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11 hours ago, nong38 said:

guess that agreement was arranged before a military junta was in control though. I dont know if you would call it a military dictatorship, well they will still have the last say in what the new "democracy" comes  up with and if you would how would the UK Government feel about handing over a democratically elected PM to a shed load of Generals who ceased power from that PM. It would probably be better if they did not ask as refusal often causes offence and loss of face.

There is always a great hoohah here on Thaivisa  about extradition. Having an agreement, and it should be noted most of Thailand’s extradition agreements are of the “non-standard” variety, does in any mean the person is immediately handed over. They have the right to question the request as do other governmental organization’s, and  can voice complaints. Only after those have been heard can it go through

In this case, given the publicity it would generate and the paucity of real evidence, Thailand will never file a request.

However you can bet they will be shoptalking it on Thaivisa from here to Eternity.

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38 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

But this is not about who gives a shit about Thailand. Do you believe foreign governments are ignorant of what is going on ? Of course not, they read the papers too. 


Yingluck has no worries, there will be no extradition. And reading between the lines once more, I doubt the Junta wants her back in any case. Yeah, Interpol has been requested to locate her, but do you honestly believe attempts to get her back will be executed ?




Nope...and it is the last thing they want. At the moment the problem is solved to everyone's satisfaction including Yinglucks.

And the Reds

Everyone's a winner....so far

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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

Yeah, Interpol has been requested to locate her, but do you honestly believe attempts to get her back will be executed ?

Interpol has been offically contacted??? They do lost children requests now?


Last time they said this it took 8 months to confirm that NO they had not contacted Interpol about her brother.  Poor little Thaivisa posters herein the cyber pit had worked themselves almost incoherent debating that issue. If Interpol is officially contacted, a crime has been comitted, they want her arrested, and they are prepared to extradite.  So its going down  ... cool .... better get the poporn ready. 

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On 29/09/2017 at 9:26 PM, alexlm said:

They keep telling us "they are bad they lost billions of Bahts"... in every article, again and again, and again...


I really dislike talking about politics, but didn't she STEAL money from poor rice farmers,? (Not "lost billions")!?


im actually a bit confused on this topic now, cos the majority here think she is being wronged. 

From my understanding she used her power to gain very lucrative financial rewards, (like most politicians) and fkd over a lot of farmers etc,? Or is there not one OUNCE of evidence?

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23 minutes ago, DjSiN said:

I really dislike talking about politics, but didn't she STEAL money from poor rice farmers,? (Not "lost billions")!?


im actually a bit confused on this topic now, cos the majority here think she is being wronged. 

From my understanding she used her power to gain very lucrative financial rewards, (like most politicians) and fkd over a lot of farmers etc,? Or is there not one OUNCE of evidence?

There is not an ounce of evidence on either of the charges you refer to.

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10 minutes ago, DjSiN said:

I really dislike talking about politics, but didn't she STEAL money from poor rice farmers,? (Not "lost billions")!?


im actually a bit confused on this topic now, cos the majority here think she is being wronged. 

From my understanding she used her power to gain very lucrative financial rewards, (like most politicians) and fkd over a lot of farmers etc,? Or is there not one OUNCE of evidence?

It went both ways. There were a lot costs involved for storage and transportation, but if you are buying millions of tons of rice for B23/kg and selling some of it for B15, you are obviously going to make a loss. And there was not a lot of accounting going on, all this was hidden from parliament.


OTOH in one revealed deal, there was a genuine G2G sale to Indonesia of 300,000t. In a closed door deal, a rice trader was involved, who bought the rice from Thailand @ B12/kg and sold it to Indonesia for B15. So he made B900 million on a total loss of B3.3 billion. Where was the need for a trader in a G2G deal? The man involved Apichart is close to her brother and was her preferred agent despite having outstanding debts to the country and banks of billions of baht. He is currently incarcerated for fraud.



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On 10/1/2017 at 3:54 AM, tryasimight said:

From what I have read, coming from a country with a Military Junta is not a prerequisite to claim asylum in the UK.

It seems the whole of the population he  of middle east, northern africa and sub saharan africa also have some sort of claim.


Oh and the word is prosecuted...not persecuted...or to be  absolutely correct ..convicted.


Give it a rest <deleted>

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"a notice will not be published if it violates Interpol's constitution, which forbids the organisation from undertaking activities of a political, military, religious, or racial character. Interpol can refuse to publish a notice that it considers inadvisable or a potential risk."


According to Interpols guidelines good chance NOTHING will be issued ....  hah

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11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Possibly. But reports about the PTP government years, the lead up to the coup, the subsequent Junta years will all have been fed back to the Foreign Office by the Embassy. But applications for asylum are dealt with by the Home Office. IME, not always the seamless smooth communication channels you might imagine between those two esteemed organizations!!

It will all depend on the law and not be subject to unique bending and interpretations though!


As with anyone seeking any kind of entry to the UK, having billions and having rich siblings already owning substantial property is gonna help somewhat.


But the chances of them asking her to leave, with all that dosh, are remote. And she ain't anywhere near the league of some of the Russians and Eastern Europeans who not only live there but own a bloody lot too!



You have misunderstood the position.But on two points you are more or less right.Firstly the UK government will ask her not to openly engage in political campaigning with the Thai government.Secondly she obviously has the funds not to be a charge on UK state finances.But the reason she - a democratically elected leader - will be received as a political exile is the open and shut case that she is victim of a witch hunt of a illegitimate regime that seized power by force.This is not even a debatable matter overseas.You are naive in thinking that somehow this matter might fall between the FCO and the Home Office which liaise closely on matters of this sort.


As for the rice price support scheme the UK government will have no opinion.If personal corruption had been proven, that might give pause for thought - but there is no evidence for that and even her enemies don't claim that is the case.

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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

Elections are good, even when they are a farce.

Giving people a vote is never a farce in the real world, halloween.

Taking power in a coup and limiting basic human rights while saying it's all about fighting corruption and for your own good while clearly having both hands in the cookie jar themselves - now that's a farce.

Wonder what one would call people who actually bought into that BS fairy tale? 

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11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Wasn't  there a British ambassador that wrote a not very flattering report on Thailand?

But OK, I only asked a question, I am not arguing.



That's standard the corruption is ripe and fresh for the tasting. The regime is just feasting

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On 9/29/2017 at 10:36 PM, Thian said:

So you even don't know who's the real leader of Thailand???

I'm not allowed to write about the subject so i won't.


The coup came right on time because loads of angry farmers came to BKK as well...we already had hurds of Red's occupying streets/government buildings and bombings shootings.


The farmers were so angry and desperate because they didn't get paid from Yinglucks government. Many even hanged themselves already.


The ricetraders built hollow ricepiles and imported rice from neighbouring countries to get the double price in Thailand from Yingluck.

Haven't you heard about all the missing rice? 20.000 full trucks are missing iirc.


I'm happy with the army in control, feel much safer in BKK. Better have armyposts around the corner than bombing thugs.


Stories and proporganda. All staged and produced by the coup leaders. Who assigned the sewer crawlers to create kaos and speeches.

Bottom line is this. Army belongs in barracks. Have no business here evident by the failed economy and non reforms and weak leadership. 

RTP failed to perform there duties before the coup and proven incompetent and should be immediately audited removed and possible heavy jail time.  As for the farmers well everyone has a choice. It's called business. And I don't believe the regimes figure's lol..in fact I don't believe one word.

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4 minutes ago, Media1 said:

Stories and proporganda. All staged and produced by the coup leaders. Who assigned the sewer crawlers to create kaos and speeches.

Bottom line is this. Army belongs in barracks. Have no business here evident by the failed economy and non reforms and weak leadership. 

RTP failed to perform there duties before the coup and proven incompetent and should be immediately audited removed and possible heavy jail time.  As for the farmers well everyone has a choice. It's called business. And I don't believe the regimes figure's lol..in fact I don't believe one word.

You people keep promoting colors also talking crappie.  Thai people need a real man with a western brain and a western vision for the country to prosper. These old men ain't it. There damaging development.

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