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Rising Islamophobia In Thailand Irrational And Dangerous: Scholars

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Just now, RichardColeman said:

If it means taking out versus of beheading and rape form the Koran then yes.

have to take a lot out of the bible and Torah as well if such things upset you...

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Good for them. Very unusual for Thai People to think very far ahead, about the consequences of their actions today.


Maybe others can learn from these people about foresight.


This plague is spreading far too fast, and unless it is contained quickly, the human race will be doomed.

1 minute ago, bert bloggs said:

Pity they dont like us practising it in many of their countrys .

Intolerance is wrong no matter who or where it is practiced.

7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Intolerance is wrong no matter who or where it is practiced.


Try telling that to the countless westerners that have had their heads chopped of by radical muslims!!!


Oooops!!!   I don't think they will be able to hear you anymore.

Just now, NoBrainer said:


Try telling that to the countless westerners that have had their heads chopped of by radical muslims!!!


Oooops!!!   I don't think they will be able to hear you anymore.

Tell that to the Rohingas being butchered in the Burmese Buddhist led genocide.

2 hours ago, Maverell said:

Yes, there is more chance of getting killed on the roads than a terrorist attack in Khon Kaen but they were looking ahead in their letter, which urged the governor to “extinguish the fire in the early stages.”


Something the West has not done.....

And now it is getting near impossible.

Islam does not belong in non islamic countries or regions.

6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Tell that to the Rohingas being butchered in the Burmese Buddhist led genocide.

And tell that to the non muslims getting murdered anywhere else in the world.

In Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, to name a few.


Besides, who started the upheaval, weren't it the same people attacking police stations, army barracks, schools, civil buildings?

What about the mass graves found?

18 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, it's a multi-faith country where all citizens have the right to practice their faith, no matter what outsiders ''think''

On paper only is the right to freely do it with in some given range.. Here it is Demographics for religions and the main 2 in focus are Buddhism Thai style and Muslim. Buddhist Thais are tolerating the cancer until it enlarges in their sacred area, and more and more Muslim religion is considered becoming a malignancy now. I don't know too many Thais just say Bangkok going up to the North who speak favorable for them. Just like they say Indians smell. Tolerant only up to a point. 

38 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, it's a multi-faith country where all citizens have the right to practice their faith, no matter what outsiders ''think''

Who are the "outsiders"?


Enough please!
I know Thailand to be dangerous and I have been scared to return for a half year holiday since before the Coup.

Now you want to scare me more?


Maybe my wife returns for a while each year and I stay in the relative safety of my small corner of Spain that no one really knows about?????



1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

It's a Muslim region...are you saying they should change centuries of tradition to suit you?

1. Chiang Mai is not a muslim region.

2. Centuries of tradition? One century ago they didn't have amplifiers and loudspeakers. Only one man "singing" from the minaret, also a nuisance but more bearable.

9 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

On paper only is the right to freely do it with in some given range.. Here it is Demographics for religions and the main 2 in focus are Buddhism Thai style and Muslim. Buddhist Thais are tolerating the cancer until it enlarges in their sacred area, and more and more Muslim religion is considered becoming a malignancy now. I don't know too many Thais just say Bangkok going up to the North who speak favorable for them. Just like they say Indians smell. Tolerant only up to a point. 



OK for the Muslim, it's a religion and their God is perhaps Muhammad and his writings in the Koran?


However, I understood that Buddha said follow me, live like me but don't worship me, not raise statues and the like, live simply and take care of the planet and everyone on it. So not a religion then.


Things evolve and IMHO, Thia Buddhism is about Good Luck, Making Merit, still not a religion.


So what is this really all about?


Confused, as ever.....








This is a war of religion. Muslims cannot win conventional warfare so resort to terrorism.

They want the whole world to covert to Islam and if not, you are an infidel and must be eliminated, as

stated in their Koran.  Their plan is to have as many kids as possible and eventually form their own

political party and take over a country that way.  

Never hear of terrorist incidents in Japan as Japan won't let Muslims immigrate. The ones that are there

are not allowed to congregate or practice their religion publicly or they will be deported.  Canada is the opposite

as they only care if you are breathing so they can pay their onerous taxes and Canada is doomed as far as I am concerned. 

2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well, I know some people will groan, but in my view it is religious majorities in various countries that are more of a risk than religious minorities.

So it is more than OK to condemn oppression of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (or even Muslim oppression of other Muslims), genocide of Muslim Rohingya in mostly Buddhist Myanmar,  extremist Christian motivated right wing terrorism in the USA, the occupation of the west bank by the Jewish state of Israel, etc. 

But Muslims when they are a minority really do get an unfair bad rap. 

Moving against them too harshly only fuels more of them to get involved with radical violent dogmas.

It doesn't have to be that way in Thailand.

I suggest the Thai government get involved in an early educational requirement to teach peaceful coexistence and tolerance of different religions and races to very young children. That's a good start anyway. 



Muslims are taught in their holy book that it is their duty to spread their submissive beliefs by all means possible specifically including deception and deceit, driven by a lack of tolerance for non-believers, and not to stop until the whole of humanity is under its yoke. Peaceful coexistence and tolerance cannot exist as a status quo because it would be the duty of muslims to change it.


Phobia is an irrational fear. Being afraid of a religion whose holy book states you should be killed as an unbeliever is completely rational, especially as so many of it's followers take it so seriously.

12 minutes ago, Ketyo said:


Muslims are taught in their holy book that it is their duty to spread their submissive beliefs by all means possible specifically including deception and deceit, driven by a lack of tolerance for non-believers, and not to stop until the whole of humanity is under its yoke. Peaceful coexistence and tolerance cannot exist as a status quo because it would be the duty of muslims to change it.

Even if that's actually true (which I'm not personally interested or knowledgeable about in arguing and seems way beyond the scope of this topic anyway), you're forgetting a very important point. A  Muslim identified person would need to be believe the texts in a fundamentalist way and interpret it in the very toxic way you suggest is true and be so uninfluenced by his national culture or more secularist, common sense reasonable feelings as to become a real threat. I submit the real threat of such texts is wildly exaggerated. 

Speaking as a totally secular Jew, I often hear somewhat similar hate speech messages about ancient Jewish holy texts. Yet actual Jewish people that believe such texts in a fundamentalist way and act out in real life based on that interpretation are rare.

There are also Christian texts that when viewed in a fundamentalist way and interpreted in certain ways, and acted upon, are also extremely toxic. 

Let's not scapegoat Muslims only for having ancient texts that don't translate so well to modern life. 


2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well, I know some people will groan, but in my view it is religious majorities in various countries that are more of a risk than religious minorities.

So it is more than OK to condemn oppression of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (or even Muslim oppression of other Muslims), genocide of Muslim Rohingya in mostly Buddhist Myanmar,  extremist Christian motivated right wing terrorism in the USA, the occupation of the west bank by the Jewish state of Israel, etc. 

But Muslims when they are a minority really do get an unfair bad rap. 

Moving against them too harshly only fuels more of them to get involved with radical violent dogmas.

It doesn't have to be that way in Thailand.

I suggest the Thai government get involved in an early educational requirement to teach peaceful coexistence and tolerance of different religions and races to very young children. That's a good start anyway. 


Darn Jingting, I almost agreed to your post (that would have been unique).

But peaceful coexistence with islam is impossible. They (moslims) and only they stand in the way as they think they have the one and only religion and all heretics must repent/convert or else....The Koran says so and a good moslim obeys the Koran.

The 5th column everywhere so why not in Thailand.


This is a tough one. While we know it is not accurate nor fair to judge an entire race or religion on the actions of some of its members, let's not forget what has been the Thai experience with how islam expresses itself. Muslims in the south have been blowing up Thai Buddhist monks. Actively and specifically seeking out pacifist Buddhist monks and killing them! Also they have targeted school teachers and killed them! And the message the southern muslim population chose to put forth regarding this: a complaint that Thai soldiers don't smile around them (previous news article). Well, I ask, what is there to smile about? So What we have here is a Thai population recognizing a threat and since they don't live in an overly political correct world they can bring it up. What has the sane portion of the muslim community done to denounce/limit the actions of the violent members of their tribe???

1 minute ago, gandalf12 said:

I see the USA has had another attack today. These nutters have to be stopped, they cant be allowed to continue

It seems to be the act of a single man, nothing to do with any ideology, as far as i know.

3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

It seems to be the act of a single man, nothing to do with any ideology, as far as i know.

It is nothing to actually do with Islam but like so many nutters they use religion as their reason. Whatever they use it has to be stopped

3 hours ago, DM07 said:

You stand a x-times better chance to be mowed down by an incompetent driver, than die in a terrorist attack!

Anyone protesting drivers?

Thought so!

The difference there is that for the incompetent driver, it would be an accident, unintentional. For the terrorist attack, it would be intentional. Not really a valid comparison


Islam is not only a religion but an entire life controlling culture. They are taught by the koran to murder innocent people and it is happening weekly in Europe. Open your eyes. China has my respect for dealing with this menace early. Thailand should do the same. Don't bring your stupid liberal beliefs here. If you think that way, go back to Europe where you belong.

1 minute ago, gandalf12 said:

It is nothing to actually do with Islam but like so many nutters they use religion as their reason. Whatever they use it has to be stopped

well, i don't know if the American nutter did it in the name of religion, but i don't think banning religions would stop the nutters to act as such.




2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

It's a Muslim region...are you saying they should change centuries of tradition to suit you?

It's a Buddhist region...are you saying they should change centuries of tradition to suit Islam?

2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Leave it to China to take this to a whole new level.


I read that they are forcing muzzlims there to turn in their korans and prayer mats.


Was wondering if its fake news as I don't hear the usual uproar.


Guess no one wants to upset the Chinese for their great contribution to global commerce and economic progress.

One reason is if they don't do what they are told they execute them, no stuffing around, like the old wild west days you got till high noon to leave town, no joke

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