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After Las Vegas massacre, Democrats urge gun laws; Republicans silent


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15 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:


When some one kills 59 people and wounds over 500 with  screwdrivers I will consider that you have a point. Until that point you are an inane troll.


Are you a other one who can't handle the Truth? you poor souls it must be sooooo bad that you can't handle the TRUTH

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14 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Yes everybody should get active shooter training. America is a dangerous country that is under multiple threats from within. Unfortunate, but we need to be prepared. This would have not happened in Israel for example, but there is no history of bag checks for hotel guests. They will be coming but there are 4th ammendment issues that would also be challenged. I'm American I don't live there, probably will not again and don't need a gun. If I did live there I would be well armed. If you want to change the Constitution of the United States and curtail a right the "founding fathers" made number two I suggest we let that up to the democratic process of the American people who vote there, not gun grabbing Liberal demagogues.


As for your assertion in your next post that I do not care about the victims that is just a ridiculous insult, no other comment necessary. 

About that 2nd Amendment 



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19 minutes ago, pegman said:

You think they don't want debate on sane gun control laws? How about those after market devices that create full autos being outlawed? Would that have made a difference? 

The debate has been ongoing. The Peoples representatives in the congress has not banned guns.

Why is that? Anybody with basic metal machining skills can turn an AR-15 into a full auto M-16.

Many Americans have wood and metal shops in there garages and spend a lifetime accumulating large selections of tools. Should that all be banned too?

Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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Oh, those awful Democrats.   How dare they bring up gun control and politicize this situation.   Maybe they should wait a reasonable amount of time, like until most everyone has forgotten about this....or should they wait for the next one?    Perhaps they could wait for a lull between mass shootings, except there really isn't much time between them.


No person outside a war zone needs anything that is capable of shooting close to 600 people in 9 minutes without even really aiming.   I don't think a Country and Western concert qualifies as a war zone.  

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5 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Anybody with a lathe, basi

The debate has been ongoing. The Peoples representatives in the congress has not banned guns.

Why is that? Anybody with basic metal machining skills can turn an AR-15 into a full auto M-16.

Many Americans have wood and metal shops in there garages and spend a lifetime accumulating large selections of tools. Should that all be banned too?


Yes! Stop those guys trawling the aisles of at Home Depot and Loewe's every weekend, stocking up on electric and pneumatic staple guns and multiple, discounted, 2-for-1 packets of lethal half-inch stainless steel staples that they will never use with a true, home-improvement intent.


Stop the tools!!!


...or just the ones that graduate to buying machine guns.

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Gun huggers are proposing WHAT COULD/SHOULD have been done - after the fact. 

Hindsight is 20-20.   After Pearl Harbor in 1941, plenty of 'experts' came out and said what should/could have been done to avoid the attack.  As for Sandy Hook, perhaps all kindergardeners should be fitted with bullet proof vests, and combat-grade helmets.  Even then, their little arms and legs could get blown off by a gunman.


We, the sensible Americans, don't want to be compelled to be more combat trained, armed, and protected, as if we're Eric Trump visiting Damascus.  We want to live our lives relatively unrestrained.  ...to be able to go on a picnic in the park with friends without having to wear bullet proof vests, and having to hire a cadre of certified armed guards stationed all around.  Gun-lovers (who, by definition, are always fearful and paranoid) are pushing Americans-in-general closer to being constantly paranoid and ever-fearful.  That's due to Republicans, NRA, rednecks, white-supremacists, neo-Nazis, Trumpsters and Fox News Fans allowing the US to become ever-more armed with military-grade weapons.   We don't like it. 


Message to gun lovers: Go find an uninhabited island somewhere far away, where you can have 600 guns per person, shoot 'em day and night, get drunk, dance around bonfires and shout Nazi slogans - but leave the rest of us to live our lives in relative peace.   We don't want armed crazies in our midst, and we're doing all we can to lessen the incidence of mass murders.   Gun lovers, on the other hand, are doing all they can to maintain the insane pattern of mass murders.



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From ABC News. John Cohen, a former counterterrorism coordinator for the Department of Homeland Security and consultant for ABC News, said that the country "has experienced an increase in mass casualty attacks" wrought by mentally troubled individuals "who commit mass murder in furtherance of some perceived grievance or ideological cause."


There's no country in the world that is bereft of "mentally troubled individuals." In two instances of such persons wreaking murder and mayhem in the UK and once in Australia, all 3 instances resulted in firm and precise legislation which resulted in the elimination of the avenues that provided 'crazies' easy access to war weapons and ultimately stopped the availability of them for the sane ones as well.


For decades, US citizens have been offered all sorts of viable, practical gun control and some decent, workable laws have been passed but in a similar vein to law enforcement in Thailand, there seems to be a local dissonance with actually enforcing these decent, workable laws.  Whether it be it by law enforcement on the street or local government bodies tasked with inspecting, checking and licensing and then not following up on inspecting and licensing. A good example is Chicago which is always touted by the gun lobby as a shining example of strong gun controls that don't work and their argument that if it doesn't work in Chicago, then it's all unworkable. Why, after all these events are certain states allowed to host 'gun shows' which are simply venues to circumvent gun ownership and registration standards and anyone can buy anything they want?


There appears to be absolutely no will to change anything.

Edited by NanLaew
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2 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

You have a vivid imagination or selective memory forgetting the many terror attacks recently in Europe involving guns.


Many attacks recently in Europe involving guns?  No, I only remember a few, perhaps you could make a list of them, then follow that up with a list of US mass shootings for the same period and you can then make a comparison of what happens when guns are legal compared to illegal.  In 2016 there were 134 killed by terrorists, 35 by the bombs in Brussels, 87 killed by the truck in Nice and 12 killed in Berlin, 11 by the truck and 1 with a handgun.  In 2017 there were 23 killed by the bomb in Manchester, 11 killed by knife in London and 14 killed by truck in Barcelona.  We haven't had one mass shooting in Europe since 2015, how many in the US?

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46 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Many attacks recently in Europe involving guns?  No, I only remember a few, perhaps you could make a list of them, then follow that up with a list of US mass shootings for the same period and you can then make a comparison of what happens when guns are legal compared to illegal.  In 2016 there were 134 killed by terrorists, 35 by the bombs in Brussels, 87 killed by the truck in Nice and 12 killed in Berlin, 11 by the truck and 1 with a handgun.  In 2017 there were 23 killed by the bomb in Manchester, 11 killed by knife in London and 14 killed by truck in Barcelona.  We haven't had one mass shooting in Europe since 2015, how many in the US?

The fact that there has not been a mass shooting in Europe, since all of 2015 proves nothing more than Europe"s near complete gun control is ineffective. If the law abiding population in America is disarmed  it would be worse. Gun control It is a failure in every US jurisdiction it is implemented. How is gun control working out in Mexico? By the way I never said there were more less shootings in America then Europe you did. The next time a so-called immigrant or "refugee" decides to shoot up a train (or an office or a theatre) hopefully again there will be off-duty military or a Gendarme around to neutralize the dog. The population left helpless and disarmed by bureaucrats.

Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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16 hours ago, jaywalker said:


Answer is less crazy people that listen to CNN & take it as Gospel.

I can't recall when cnn orchestrated or was involved in mass shooting...anyway you show a lack of  understanding or simply bury your head in the sand..silencer and other "bump" stuff are/will be still legal because of republicans... And are partly responsible of the deaths. You can twist it the way you want, it is fact...enjoy your magnum...

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3 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

The fact that there has not been a mass shooting in Europe, since all of 2015 proves nothing more than Europe"s near complete gun control is ineffective

The absence of mass shooting show thr ineffective gun control? Hahahaha

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19 hours ago, jaywalker said:



More "LAWS" will do nothing to prevent this!


Blame the Liberal Media if anything. They divide the USA and stir up hate...It's all they do, then some psycho decides to go on a rampage due to too much Rachel Maddow.

According to all information I have read, he was completely legal with his weaponery.

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3 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

The fact that there has not been a mass shooting in Europe, since all of 2015 proves nothing more than Europe"s near complete gun control is ineffective.


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5 minutes ago, Golgota said:

I can't recall when cnn orchestrated or was involved in mass shooting...anyway you show a lack of  understanding or simply bury your head in the sand..silencer and other "bump" stuff are/will be still legal because of republicans... And are partly responsible of the deaths. You can twist it the way you want, it is fact...enjoy your magnum...

One of the biggest problems today.  Those who shun MSM in favor of fringe websites who vet information very poorly.  And believe what they read to be true!  Breitbart is an excellent example.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

One of the biggest problems today.  Those who shun MSM in favor of fringe websites who vet information very poorly.  And believe what they read to be true!  Breitbart is an excellent example.

As well as infowars. John Oliver was perfect about this piece of garbage. 

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20 hours ago, jaywalker said:



More "LAWS" will do nothing to prevent this!

You've said that more than once, but it's not true, is it? Police have confirmed that at lease twelve of his guns found in the room were legal and had "bump stock" attachments fitted to them to convert them to automatic firing. The sale of these conversions is also legal in Nevada. Would you care to retract?

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4 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

The next time a so-called immigrant or "refugee" decides to shoot up a train (or an office or a theatre) hopefully again there will be off-duty military or a Gendarme around to neutralize the dog. The population left helpless and disarmed by bureaucrats.


Nevada has some of the loosest gun control laws in the world. How exactly did the heavily armed population of Nevada help in this case?

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15 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:


Nevada has some of the loosest gun control laws in the world. How exactly did the heavily armed population of Nevada help in this case?

Especially as Police in US and other countries have  said countless times that people with weapons during such events are not helping but confuse the police and slow them down...

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2 hours ago, Golgota said:

I can't recall when cnn orchestrated or was involved in mass shooting...anyway you show a lack of  understanding or simply bury your head in the sand..silencer and other "bump" stuff are/will be still legal because of republicans... And are partly responsible of the deaths. You can twist it the way you want, it is fact...enjoy your magnum...

Support the fact with "credible sources"

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7 minutes ago, riclag said:

Support the fact with "credible sources"


There is overwhelming evidence as I'm sure you are fully aware. As you have chosen to ignore it all it is absolutely futile for you to ask for more, which, again you must be perfectly aware of.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

One of the biggest problems today.  Those who shun MSM in favor of fringe websites who vet information very poorly.  And believe what they read to be true!  Breitbart is an excellent example.  

If only that were true! Can you give me your google results to back up that statement that the MSM is perfect 100% of the time in their vetting ?Did it ever occur to you why people go to other sources of news?

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3 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:


There is overwhelming evidence as I'm sure you are fully aware. As you have chosen to ignore it all it is absolutely futile for you to ask for more, which, again you must be perfectly aware of.

 Maybe I'm reading the original comment wrong.Please give sources to that fact that was stated by Golgota that Republican's are responsible for the death's.Gun's don't commit murder,people do. A disturbed individual pulled the trigger ,a real sick puppy that murdered those people.

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21 hours ago, jaywalker said:


It's about a $10,000 USD process, and 6 to 8 months to get a fully automatic machine gun license in the USA, and you had better be squeaky clean to get approved.


More laws will do nothing to stop crazy people from being crazy people.




Not sure if its been dealt with in the topic later, but according to CNN the machine guns he had were legally owned, the conversion kits he had were also legal, but it would only become illegal when put together. Surely selling conversion kits legally and then trying to tell people they can only look at them etc..


Surely there is something wrong there.


If its not the guns, why does the US have such a high proportion of crazy people compared to the rest of the World? And if for some weird reason you are an anomaly and do have a higher percent of crazies, surely it would be necessary to take action in preventing those crazy people getting guns.

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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Maybe I'm reading the original comment wrong.Please give sources to that fact that was stated by Golgota that Republican's are responsible for the death's.Gun's don't commit murder,people do. A disturbed individual pulled the trigger ,a real sick puppy that murdered those people.

Nuclear weapons don't kill people. People do.

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

 Maybe I'm reading the original comment wrong.Please give sources to that fact that was stated by Golgota that Republican's are responsible for the death's.Gun's don't commit murder,people do. A disturbed individual pulled the trigger ,a real sick puppy that murdered those people.


That soundbite "guns don't kill, people do" is way past its sell by date. People kill. With guns. Nobody has ever committed mass murder with a broom handle (yes, somebody did liken broom handle availability when supporting gun availability here on this thread). Republicans clearly have blood on their hands when it comes to mass shootings in the US, as it is their responsibility to stop their citizens from being routinely slaughtered, in the full knowledge that it will just keep happening unless and until the arms race on your streets is stopped. They have a duty of care and they are failing, they are conspiring with the arms manufacturers to keep witnessing more of the same, thereby recklessly endangering peoples lives with tragic but predictable results.

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58 minutes ago, Golgota said:

Especially as Police in US and other countries have  said countless times that people with weapons during such events are not helping but confuse the police and slow them down...


It's highly unlikely you would see weapons being allowed during such events in concealed or open carry states. Therefore no confusion

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Just now, riclag said:


It's highly unlikely you would see weapons being allowed during such events in concealed or open carry states. Therefore no confusion


Clearly there is confusion. I took Golgota's reference to "those events" to mean mass shooting events, not the concert.

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8 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


Not sure if its been dealt with in the topic later, but according to CNN the machine guns he had were legally owned, the conversion kits he had were also legal, but it would only become illegal when put together. Surely selling conversion kits legally and then trying to tell people they can only look at them etc..


Surely there is something wrong there.


If its not the guns, why does the US have such a high proportion of crazy people compared to the rest of the World? And if for some weird reason you are an anomaly and do have a higher percent of crazies, surely it would be necessary to take action in preventing those crazy people getting guns.

Those crazy people shouldn't get acid either .

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Those crazy people shouldn't get acid either .

How people can make a comparison like that is beyond me. But at least you didn't mention broomsticks or screwdrivers like another poster did.

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2 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:


Clearly there is confusion. I took Golgota's reference to "those events" to mean mass shooting events, not the concert.

No confusion, those events  that he stated earlier were meant as a concert. Your claim is a mass shooting event took place in a event. In this case (Vegas) ,no concert(event) equals no mass shooting event.

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