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Yingluck asylum request could spark uproar


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9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Many Thais are happy with the Military in charge, I believe they just want stability and be able to do their everyday chores without fighting.

Anyway,  there are some fantastic phots showing Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha talking to Trump.

Check them out on one of the topics.


That's your idea, not what most of Thais think, especially not the population outside Bangkok.

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4 hours ago, Mainhattencitizen said:

Sorry Steven but you do not realise what the International Community thinks about the Thai Military Junta. She is safe for the rest of her life.

I doubt Prayut cares much about what the International Community thinks. Neither do the 30-odd million visitors a year either. 

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12 minutes ago, steven100 said:

European governments know her flaws, but they have less time for those who topple elected governments.

Either you have this wrong...or Wikipedia has...I think I know where I would put my money.


On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister following months of political crisis. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power over the removal of national security chief Thawil Pliensri in 2011--Wikipedia



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12 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

Either you have this wrong...or Wikipedia has...I think I know where I would put my money.


On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister following months of political crisis. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power over the removal of national security chief Thawil Pliensri in 2011--Wikipedia




She was not PM any more but there was still an elected caretaker government in agreement with the constitution.

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16 minutes ago, PREM-R said:

POLITICAL ASYLUM:- Says More About Thailand Than TAT Ever Could.

While supposedly going to look at the 2008 Olympics he done a runner....can anyone stick to the facts here. If he was a political refugee the UK would have given him Asylum...they didn't and I unlike some blinkered Poms on here, I dont think they will give to his sister also.


Self-imposed exile---Wikipedia

The British Government Home Office, meanwhile, revoked Potjaman and Thaksin's visas due to their convictions, while the Bangkok British Embassy e-mailed airlines directing them to disallow either of them to board flights to Britain. In late 2008, Arabian Business reported after an exclusive interview that the UK froze $4.2 billion of his assets in the UK. However, the UK government has not confirmed or denied this claim.

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10 minutes ago, candide said:

She was not PM any more

Then why keep saying she was....


Candide..read his bio for gods sake, this was a failed business man who was in debt when he joined the Chaing Mai police force for about 80 million baht, see the over $4 million dollars (140,million Baht) the UK government froze, well that doesn't worry him at all...he still made the Forbs list for the riches men in the world that year...... yer and he made it all on a PMs wage....didn't steal a cent from the  Thai working people.


Candide dont let your distaste for a military unelected government (rightfully so )  make you think that the people they deposed were wonderful saviours of Thailand.

Edited by oxo1947
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26 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Many Thais are happy with the Military in charge, I believe they just want stability and be able to do their everyday chores without fighting.

Anyway,  there are some fantastic photos showing Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha talking to Trump.

Check them out on one of the topics.

You got that right.  Thailand has become a chore, a drag since 2014. 

It has been my great pleasure to work with many Thais in and outside of Thailand.  I can tell you, the junta is not loved by most.  Their buffoonery has been an embarrassment.  During their exchange with the Donald, they did, however, agree to buy some US coal.  This was a stroke of genius benefiting the government and the elites at the expense of the average Thai. 



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26 minutes ago, DavisH said:

I doubt it can buy a UK judge like it can here though....

And if the said judge needs info/advice from the Thai Ambassador in London she will get a favourable report, as i am led to believe is a dyed in the wool red-shirt ensconced in his present position by her big brother! 

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

She is definitely no martyr that's for sure.

She is however a convicted criminal who is wanted by the law.

There are a lot of criminals in the country who never go to court. Think about that

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

EVERY COUNTRY knows she is wanted & is a crim on the run ... lol


Every country and any intelligent person knows the criminals overthrew the government and the juntas object as stated was to remove the Shins from Thai politics. Besides yourself, who cant see through them. I mean its was only happening for 50 years before the Shins based on whatever was the excuse of the day. Ok, you dont like the Shins but at least have a level of reasoning and analytica skill above the average uneducated sheep who is taught what they are told believe. 

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7 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

The UK will never turn her back on political refugees and freedom fighters. The problem is she was 'convicted' by an unelected Military Junta and no 'red notices' will have the slightest effect. She will go down in Thai history as a form of martyr who stayed to the bitter end then had to go to avoid 'accidents' in a remote junta jail cell. 


Nonsense. The UK as modern country, will look at the case and make a judgement in accordance with it's own laws. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist - don't recall many IRA terrorists being given asylum! 

Yingluck of course is neither. She was a PM positioned by her brother through the political party he owns to manage in the family interests. Anyone who chooses not to see that and believes she was some kind of social reformer fighting for true democracy and equal rights must have been in a different country during her years as the nominal PM.


She was convicted by a court of law. Martyr - you really are having a laugh! A martyr who did a runner with all her billions safely hidden away! And was never personally inconvenienced throughout! 


Your imagination is running away with you again. More chance of being disappeared or having a nasty accident if you upset the Shins - even blowing a whistle at the wrong person can get your mum's house machine gunned!

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:


Anyway,  there are some fantastic phots showing Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha talking to Trump.

I could ask you what's fantastic about them but since you live on a planet more or less on your own your answer probably wouldn't make much sense.

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2 minutes ago, Reigntax said:


Every country and any intelligent person knows the criminals overthrew the government and the juntas object as stated was to remove the Shins from Thai politics. Besides yourself, who cant see through them. I mean its was only happening for 50 years before the Shins based on whatever was the excuse of the day. Ok, you dont like the Shins but at least have a level of reasoning and analytica skill above the average uneducated sheep who is taught what they are told believe. 


You seem to have the right sentiments regarding Juntas and coups and their frequency.


However, suggesting the Shins were anything much different, anything other than a self enriching Chinese style family clan, devoid of morals, ethics and willing to do anything to gain and keep power is as ludicrous as suggesting the Junta are also whiter than white.



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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Thailand doesn't have a dog in the East Sea fight with China.


Other issues?


20 years ago, nobody had a dog in that fight.


Look at an old enough map and you'll see that Bangkok was an important port for an ancient Chinese dynasty.  Those 9 lines may become 10 or 12...  Thailand's got a dog in the fight in the long term, which is where Asians live- the long game.


Other issues like high speed rail projects, a canal across the south, and a zillion other investment projects that look a lot like a New Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.  That last one didn't work out so well.


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25 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

However, suggesting the Shins were anything much different, anything other than a self enriching Chinese style family clan, devoid of morals, ethics and willing to do anything to gain and keep power is as ludicrous as suggesting the Junta are also whiter than white.



They were as crooked as the guys who took Taiwan, Korea and Singapore from backwaters to Asian Tigers. 


The upshot is that he (they?) let enough trickle down to be immensely popular with the masses, and immensely unpopular with the BKK elite who couldn't stand to share their ill gotten gains.  He also seemed to control access to the trough so that there was enough left over after the corruption to grow the economy a little bit- also much to the dismay of the 0.1% who control the economy here. 


Which is what's missing now.  After the 0.1% are done, there's not enough left over to grow the Thai economy or improve the infrastructure outside of shopping malls and the rail projects to feed them customers.


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Why do all you Shin lovers keep perpetuating the lie that she was deposed as PM


On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power.


Just the first of many charges against her and her corrupt PTP government

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40 minutes ago, Gunna said:

Why do all you Shin lovers keep perpetuating the lie that she was deposed as PM


On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power.


Just the first of many charges against her and her corrupt PTP government


And the Constitutional Court of Thailand is an impartial body?


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4 hours ago, Marc K said:

I guess a bigger question is how this whole cycle ends -- if/when elections are held, if they are fair, it is  highly likely the "red-shirts" will win again -- they are clearly beloved in Isaan and elsewhere in rural Thailand -- so another "red-shirt" PM will come into office and this whole cycle of retribution and counter-retribution will happen again and again. Let's face it the "red-shirts" have the sympathy and heart of the majority of the Thai people. A few people are happy with the current junta, sure, for creating some sense of peace and order, but the underlying problems still remain. Not sure how Thailand ever gets out of this pickle.

It is only a "pickle" because a small but powerful cabal is intent on denying the "Red Shirts"/ Pheu Thai a place in government, and in doing so will (and repeatedly have) happily overrule the will of the electorate.

They do this to maintain their own control of the wealth of the nation, through which they have become themselves very wealthy.

You "get out of this pickle" by allowing the elected government to govern, and rely upon the electorate to reject or confirm them at subsequent elections.

If you do this the pickle simply disappears.

Of course, there will be many issues. We all know that, but ousting the elected government by a coup or judicial activism will merely push Thailand further into the "pickle"

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

EVERY COUNTRY knows she is wanted & is a crim on the run ... lol


And her brother too!!!


Did one country lock him? Him travel around the world and welcome everywhere and she will do it too!!!


It's the same Germany brings Mama Merkel to court for damage the german country for give asylum to almost everyone and germany lost billions of EURs for it. In normal a stupid idea but the military regime in thailand do it with Jinluck.
And other countries will give a shit about it that she is a criminal in thailand.

Edited by snowgard
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2 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

And if the said judge needs info/advice from the Thai Ambassador in London she will get a favourable report, as i am led to believe is a dyed in the wool red-shirt ensconced in his present position by her big brother! 

I know little about the judicial processes involved in considering extradition, but I should imagine a British Judge would have many other sources of information to tap before going to the ambassador of the country requesting the extradition1

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1 hour ago, Gunna said:

Why do all you Shin lovers keep perpetuating the lie that she was deposed as PM


On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power.


Just the first of many charges against her and her corrupt PTP government

Here we go again ! The lunatics are out in the park once more.


Turning to The Nation editorial I am confused what it anticipates Thailand might do in the event Yingluck was permitted to reside in the UK.The Foreign Minister could certainly call in the Ambassador for a dressing down.But then what?


The editorial is interesting because although slipshod and not very intelligent, it betrays a marked degree of anger.Whether by accident or design (the former one suspects) it also makes it clear that the case against Yingluck is not very strong.The editorial is not talking about extradition.Even the most boneheaded reactionaries (with a few exceptions on this forum) realize that is out of the question.What it is objecting to is the very act of a foreign country giving Yingluck the right to live there in peace.The arrogance and lack of self awareness is almost stunning.There is apparently no comprehension that in the eyes of western democracies Yingluck is not guilty of a crime.


But underneath the bluster and the strangely angry tone, there is a deeper fear.In other words if a country like the UK ignores the hysteria in Bangkok and allows Yingluck to stay, the whole barrage of lies, military interference, directed judicial activism is revealed in its ugly shape for all the world to see.

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10 hours ago, steven100 said:

not from a convicted criminal who's wanted by the Thai government.

Not sure why you think this? Her scumbag elder bro was convicted and sentenced to 2 years and EVERY country wants everything to do with him. He should have been sentenced for much longer fot tax evasion, but his wife was thrown under the bus instead. He is a piece of crap, yet the nearly $2 BILLION USD he is worth goes a LONG way. The $100 mil Yingluck is worth will surely do the trick.

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4 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Then why keep saying she was....


Candide..read his bio for gods sake, this was a failed business man who was in debt when he joined the Chaing Mai police force for about 80 million baht, see the over $4 million dollars (140,million Baht) the UK government froze, well that doesn't worry him at all...he still made the Forbs list for the riches men in the world that year...... yer and he made it all on a PMs wage....didn't steal a cent from the  Thai working people.


Candide dont let your distaste for a military unelected government (rightfully so )  make you think that the people they deposed were wonderful saviours of Thailand.

Where did I state that I thought they were saviours of the nation?


My overall opinion on this matter is (in brief):

- this is not the real reason for the coup!

- coups are not a solution (and never were)

- the others are at least as crook (i.e. the others on the Forbs list who are also in the strategic committees, the military, Suthep, etc...)

(As concerns Thaksin, he actually built most of his fortune before being elected PM. Which does not mean he was not a crook)

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1 hour ago, candide said:

Where did I state that I thought they were saviours of the nation?


My overall opinion on this matter is (in brief):

- this is not the real reason for the coup!

- coups are not a solution (and never were)

- the others are at least as crook (i.e. the others on the Forbs list who are also in the strategic committees, the military, Suthep, etc...)

(As concerns Thaksin, he actually built most of his fortune before being elected PM. Which does not mean he was not a crook)

After 2 days little p grabbed control, most honourable people would have kept them talking until they reached a compromise, but with suthep there was never a compromise to reach as he had worked it out with p back in 2010 what was going to happen.




Even today suthep says this happened.


The attitude adjustment camps have worked wonders here with the under educated, sod it I am off fishing to get away from the streams of brownstuff that floats on the tongs of liars.

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17 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Nonsense. The UK as modern country, will look at the case and make a judgement in accordance with it's own laws. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist - don't recall many IRA terrorists being given asylum! 

Yingluck of course is neither. She was a PM positioned by her brother through the political party he owns to manage in the family interests. Anyone who chooses not to see that and believes she was some kind of social reformer fighting for true democracy and equal rights must have been in a different country during her years as the nominal PM.


She was convicted by a court of law. Martyr - you really are having a laugh! A martyr who did a runner with all her billions safely hidden away! And was never personally inconvenienced throughout! 


Your imagination is running away with you again. More chance of being disappeared or having a nasty accident if you upset the Shins - even blowing a whistle at the wrong person can get your mum's house machine gunned!

Methinks your 'thinking' a little 'muddled' again dear Baerboxer...


IRA were, mostly, not terrorists and their leaders are now elected to UK Parliament. 'IRA terrorists' could not ask for Amnesty as they were already British Citizens. As with Yingluck you need to do more research and clear that brain a bit.


As for your comments about Yingluck they just show total ignorance of what has happened in jails recently, either that, or a knowingly trolling comment. Maybe you think 'courts of law' are fair in all countries run by Military Juntas? 


Unbelievable world view but I observe your mind can't be changed nor any light enter therein.

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19 hours ago, steven100 said:

Many Thais are happy with the Military in charge, I believe they just want stability and be able to do their everyday chores without fighting.

Anyway,  there are some fantastic phots showing Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha talking to Trump.

Check them out on one of the topics.

Ah so we detect from your post:


  • 'Many Thais'  hmmm any evidence?  links?  elections?   stuff like that to support your claim?
  • "I believe"  wow so that's a certainty then  lol
  • "do their everyday chores"   yes those pesky peasants interrupting their chores  lol
  • "fantastic photos"  obviously a Trump supporter (who would have guessed?)

So the delusion continues

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