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Getting sozzled at seven NOT illegal! But no self service and no logo allowed!


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Getting sozzled at seven NOT illegal! But no self service and no logo allowed!



Picture: Manager Online


BANGKOK: -- Experts in the sale of food and beverages have investigated the case of automatic beer vending machines being set up in 7/11 stores.


A video of the machines dispensing a brand of beer that cannot be repeated here went viral on social media. On the Thaivisa Facebook page the video had been viewed more than 40,000 times.


The public were wondering if they were legal and there was concern that teens would be able to access the machines and get booze on their way home from school.


The experts went to a 7/11 in Yaowarat where it was revealed that the machines are not illegal. So long as staff receive the money and do the serving.


If you put the money in yourself that would be against the law.


And the logo on the side - featuring a leopard's head and words connected to a sign of the zodiac - must be covered up so that alcohol advertising laws are not contravened.


So long as these measures are in place you can go to get "sozzled at seven".


Though not today - there is an alcohol ban in Thailand for the Buddhist holiday.


Source: Manager Online

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-05
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2 hours ago, dodojero said:

By the way: It's NOT a lion's head on the logo, it's a leopard. The Lion stands for another beer brand. 

Dodo, have you been sampling too much out of that vending machine?:smile:


And the logo on the side - featuring a leopard's head and words connected to a sign of the zodiac - must be covered up so that alcohol advertising laws are not contravened.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The public were wondering if they were legal and there was concern that teens would be able to access the machines and get booze on their way home from school.

The public need to get a life. It's a beer machine, for Christ's sake. This stupid rule of not being allowed to buy alcohol from 2-5pm. Does anyone know why? Kids can go and buy alcohol at this time? Doesn't everyone have ID in this country? Ask for ID. Also, school uniforms are a good indicator of age. 


Another one I heard was it was to stop teachers from daytime drinking. How about not employing alcoholics to teach kids? And if you find out they're alcoholics after, fire them. Thailand really needs to grow up with stuff like this. 

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Doesn't everyone have ID in this country? Ask for ID.


Silly you. That's too simple for Thailand. Everything has to be made as complicated as possible so that someone can feel important explaining the rules. The fact that those rules might make them look stupid is Stage 2 thinking, and Thais only do Stage 1.

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12 minutes ago, bobnuts said:

I had heard, so this may not be fact but... The not selling beer between certain hours is not a law, it does not exist on any statute, it is only an RTP 'instruction'.


It's a law first introduced in the 1970s as a military order but it was one of those statutes that was ignored for many years. I can't remember exactly when it was revived and enforced, maybe early-mid 90s. I think since then there have been new acts that have superseded the original order but retained these laws. 

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41 minutes ago, dodojero said:

By the way: It's NOT a lion's head on the logo, it's a leopard. The Lion stands for another beer brand. 

Can't see any mention of a Lion in the story ?

"And the logo on the side - featuring a leopard's head"


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The law regarding hours of drinking was promulgated during the regime of Thanom Kittikachorn- a Field Marshall who took over in a coup in the early 70s.  The actual law bans all serving of alcohol  until 5 PM even in bars.  When it first came out bars opened  at 11 Am and closed down from 2-5 PM or served 'drinks' in coffee mugs. The police used to actually check.


Since the law is still on the books- the BIB collect a brown envelope from every bar that stays open during the prohibited hours


The whole concept of keeping underage drinkers from bars is sound- but closing down makes no sense- they should be checking ID cards- every Thai has one.

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The law regarding hours of drinking was promulgated during the regime of Thanom Kittikachorn- a Field Marshall who took over in a coup in the early 70s.  The actual law bans all serving of alcohol  until 5 PM even in bars.  When it first came out bars opened  at 11 Am and closed down from 2-5 PM or served 'drinks' in coffee mugs. The police used to actually check.


Since the law is still on the books- the BIB collect a brown envelope from every bar that stays open during the prohibited hours


The whole concept of keeping underage drinkers from bars is sound- but closing down makes no sense- they should be checking ID cards- every Thai has one.


Those same hours are exactly what used to happen in the UK, introduced so that workers who were helping the WW2 effort were not drunk in the afternoon. Around the turn of the century Parliament decided to treat adults like adults, and allowed businesses (pubs) to operate at whatever hours were profitable to them instead of dictating to them when and when not they could operate their business.

The similar law in Thailand was enforced by a puritan member of Thaksin Shinawatra's government, who wanted to close bars at 10pm. Seriously. But only the biggest businesses such as supermarkets/7-11s actually enforce the law and don't allow sales in the afternoon. I mean, who would want to buy a cold beer in the heat of a tropical afternoon anyway. Whatever next!!!

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On 05/10/2017 at 7:27 AM, dodojero said:

By the way: It's NOT a lion's head on the logo, it's a leopard. The Lion stands for another beer brand. 

So is it Leo the Lion, Leo the Leopard,Tony the Tiger or Nellie the Elephants?!

Edited by wgdanson
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