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Thaksin faces more agony


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4 hours ago, Becker said:

Yes, there should and there were. They're called elections.

Tell me, should there be mechanisms in place that prevent army chiefs from committing treason and take power through coups?

Convicted of committing treason? That would be according to you and the Reds presumably.

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31 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Didn't capture the State, because he didn't succeed. We can certainly agree that Thaksin's failure has been a plus.

Hmm, there is no evidence to suggest he did. Let's focus on the ones that did succeed. But I guess you are ok with that right ?


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31 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Fellow traveller or useful fool, it makes little difference.

Whatever, the notion that I am waiting for Thaksin to come back is ludicrous. Not everyone on here is a Thaksin fan, and pointing out that coups, human rights abuses and drafting your own little laws without an actual mandate is not the way to go about it, does not automatically mean approval for Thaksin. 


As said, let's have justice, where Thaksin, Yingluck, are going to prison, joined by the likes of Prayuth, Prawit, and whoever else is involved. If one side of the fence are "convicted" and the other side is not means by definition there is no justice. 


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32 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Convicted of committing treason? That would be according to you and the Reds presumably.

Someone actually quoted the relevant law. IT IS treason according to the law of the land. So it's not to him and the reds, it was the law of the land, you know the one you are screaming Thaksin broke, yet you turn a blind eye when other people break it. That's not the way things work. 

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5 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Whatever, the notion that I am waiting for Thaksin to come back is ludicrous. Not everyone on here is a Thaksin fan, and pointing out that coups, human rights abuses and drafting your own little laws without an actual mandate is not the way to go about it, does not automatically mean approval for Thaksin. 


As said, let's have justice, where Thaksin, Yingluck, are going to prison, joined by the likes of Prayuth, Prawit, and whoever else is involved. If one side of the fence are "convicted" and the other side is not means by definition there is no justice. 


The I am Not A Thaksin Cheerleader trope has been running for years now and pops up as just another leverage to get him back. Sorry. No sale on the 'I'm Not....' caper, however persistent.

Edited by SheungWan
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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

That's what most of the Thaksin team do: guess, speculate and pray for his return.

Well, if it makes you happy to label people "part of Thaksin's team" without even one little shred of evidence, so be it.


I cannot be bothered by people who refuse to read what is actually posted and scream Thaksin Thaksin, without any valid reason. As said before time to grow up, you are not in kindergarten. 

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4 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Someone actually quoted the relevant law. IT IS treason according to the law of the land. So it's not to him and the reds, it was the law of the land, you know the one you are screaming Thaksin broke, yet you turn a blind eye when other people break it. That's not the way things work. 

Someone this and someone that.

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4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The I am Not A Thaksin Cheerleader trope has been running for years now and pops up as just another leverage to get him back. Sorry. No sale on the 'I'm Not....' caper, however persistent.

As long as you are utterly incapable of pointing out why your accusation is actually valid, I shall refrain from responding to you any further, I have far better things to do then respond to childish remarks that have no bearing on what is actually written. 

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1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

Well, if it makes you happy to label people "part of Thaksin's team" without even one little shred of evidence, so be it.


I cannot be bothered by people who refuse to read what is actually posted and scream Thaksin Thaksin, without any valid reason. As said before time to grow up, you are not in kindergarten. 

If there is one thing the Thaksin team hate being reminded of it is Its All About Thaksin.

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On 10/8/2017 at 3:30 PM, scorecard said:

Interesting  comment - given the history of the paymasters political company; try amnesty at 3.00 am in the morning, reduce / destroy the effectiveness of the checks and balances, throw blood on opposition houses, burn government offices, repeatedly play doctored hate tapes,  etc etc., seems to me if they tried it again there's a good chance of another coup. 

The amnesty bill was not passed. There was a check and balance


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I read this thread with increasing depression. Thaksin is a mastermind, manipulator, puppeteer from Dubai, the one who has caused all of Thailand's problems. His sister and his allies are mere drones and puppets. His blood is stained and has some sort of original sin. Cognitive dissonance or what? If he was what he is claimed to be, how is it that he is not in power? It is amazing that he is not.

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7 hours ago, bangrak said:

What when it is as clear as the nose in the middle of the face that this election of yours will bring people to power which will put into practice the content of your first, second and fourth sentence? I would, choosing a bad instead of a worse, prefer authoritarian measures to be implemented in order to make that impossible, first, before that election, even when it has to bring more of your third sentence.

At least you are honest. You do not like elections when the results are not to your liking. That is a consistent and arguable position.

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7 hours ago, bangrak said:

Oh, and, it seems Mr Prayuth has set the clock for the next general election today on October 2018. Now that's something to pin him on, wouldn't you say

He has also set dates for 2015, 2017 and 2019. So there seems to be something to pin on him here. 

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30 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Yingluck already legally removed from office for abuse of power. Similar to when Thaksin did a runner. He was not overthrown. Not in office whatever the myths pushed out from the Red fans.


You obviously have no idea about the subject. That Yingluck as PM was "legally" removed from office, does not mean there suddenly is no government at all, she was legally replaced and her governement was still in care taker status with elections pending. Therefore the law quoted is indeed applicable. 


Maybe you should go back to school, you are quite clearly way out of your depth about this particular subject. What utter utter nonsense. 

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33 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Not true, bottom line he's a realist. 

No he is not, he screams Thaksin supporter, when I am quite clearly not. I have supported my position with relevant verifiable facts, and will now refrain from ever responding to this person again. Not surprised you think he is a realist. You also ignore the facts that you find inconvenient. Bottom line that is not the treats of a realist. More of a hypocrite.

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42 minutes ago, tomta said:

My point, Sheungwan, is that he could fail. The junta cannot. No checks, no balances


How could someone fail if they have the luxury to dictate their own laws without any accountability, or mandate. It's what Prayuth said: "I can do whatever"


Oh the irony of the people screaming accountability, I wonder if they even take themselves seriously !

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42 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Yingluck already legally removed from office for abuse of power. Similar to when Thaksin did a runner. He was not overthrown. Not in office whatever the myths pushed out from the Red fans.

But it is not all about Thaksin. Yes, Yingluck was legally removed from power. But the subsequent government - the Pheua Thai government - was illegally removed from power.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Convicted of committing treason? That would be according to you and the Reds presumably

It is quite clear that overthrowing a constitutionally elected government is treason. There is no question about the fact that Prayuth's regime committed a treasonous act. They gave themselves an amnesty for this act and there are so many precedents for this in Thai history that I suppose the amnesty would be accepted. But why would they have needed to declare an amnesty - for all past and future acts - if they had nothing to worry about. Under the laws of 2014, they committed treason and had the coup failed, they would have been liable for the death penalty.  They could have taken the honorable course and said this: "The country was in such a parlous state that we, as patriots, had no other choice but to commit what has been called a treasonous act.We argue that because of  the situation our acts were not treasonous but absolutely necessary. When we relinquish the government or when the government is taken from us, we will submit ourselves to the judgement of the court. We will accept that judgement". They could have said that. There was no force - apart from saving their own skins - that made an amnesty necessary.

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2 hours ago, tomta said:

But it is not all about Thaksin. Yes, Yingluck was legally removed from power. But the subsequent government - the Pheua Thai government - was illegally removed from power.

Subsequent government? Do talk us through that one.....

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