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Corruption, anger, violence, people earning a living: Why the issue of clearing the sidewalks of vendors will never be easy.


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1 hour ago, Thian said:

What's wrong with that picture? Looks perfect to me, good floor, no soidogs/cats/rats...they all speak english, perfect.


Today i got scammed in Arno's steakhouse in EMquartier...i ordered a double burger 2x200 gram of meat but got 2x75 gram of meat...had to pay for the 200 gram burgers though...I hope Arno reads it, i've seen his pic and will ask him about it one day when i meet him.

If that's perfect for you, why did you ever come to Thailand? p.s. love soi dogs and always feed them.

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Fine, clear them all out - once you provide a real alternative way for them to make a living, not a suggested one. Until then, leave them be. The pooyais ought just to be grateful they don't have their throats cut, given the imbalance of wealth and the struggle of so many simply to survive.

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The vendors are Thailand and it's what foreigners want. The problem is there without a real government.The army is destroying the taste of Thailand and the people. You won't get 100.votes. Your the worst leaders recorded to date. Go to election and return the country. It belongs to the people not you period.

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7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

And it becomes a sterile soulless city. Let's face facts there is no way the owner operator of a Bangkok street stall could afford to rent a place in one of those food halls. The people working there would all be employees.

Singapore was equally undeveloped and poor when the Govt decided to take the hawkers off the streets. Govt rent controls established a fair price for the stalls. This worked in favour of the hawkers as they couldn't be targeted by gouging landlords or corrupt officials. Their business costs were stable and as long as they followed the food center rules and provided a product that sold well  their businesses prospered. Funny how hawkers in Singapore are often regarded as some of the most successful business people. Hard work, yes. But many are "famous" and make a very good living.

I've lived in Asia more than half my life and always loved the chaos and vivacity of street food markets and stalls. But food centers are a step forward and would be good for the vendors. 

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14 hours ago, Enzian said:

So someday I'm hit by a car stepping into the street to get around a restaurant set up on the sidewalk, all I can say is I'm glad I was helping someone make a living?

That happened a few years back in Soi 4 Nana. A fellow had to move onto the street to get past and was whacked on the head by a rear view mirror on a van ....and died. It was his fault they said.

The carts are still on the footpath. 

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1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

Singapore was equally undeveloped and poor when the Govt decided to take the hawkers off the streets. Govt rent controls established a fair price for the stalls. This worked in favour of the hawkers as they couldn't be targeted by gouging landlords or corrupt officials. Their business costs were stable and as long as they followed the food center rules and provided a product that sold well  their businesses prospered. Funny how hawkers in Singapore are often regarded as some of the most successful business people. Hard work, yes. But many are "famous" and make a very good living.

I've lived in Asia more than half my life and always loved the chaos and vivacity of street food markets and stalls. But food centers are a step forward and would be good for the vendors. 

While it's not on my list of places to live at least if you go and eat at a place like the photograph you are not sharing your meal with diesel and oil fumes and the noise of broken or altered exhaust systems on buses trucks and motorbikes. In the dry/hot season you are not eating while breathing in the blown up dust that has a fair percentage of powdered dried soi dog sh-t. As said before they have cleanliness checks etc and toilet areas where people can wash their hands etc.

Could go on but !

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Street food is not a problem in area's where they don't block traffic. The problem is they like to set up in area's where a lot of people come then blocking the footpath and making it inconvenient and dangerous. If they are in area's where they don't block traffic let them stay there give them a place and let them pay for it otherwise I agree with removing them in area's where they cause problems. 


In our village we recently removed them from the pavement too and brought them to some stalls made by the village and they now pay rent for those stalls and are no longer in the way. There might be a little less traffic to them as people have to walk 100 meters more but it cleared up congestion at the footpath. 

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20 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Singapore went through this years ago. The Thai Govt should follow their example and provide Govt administered open air food centers. Then they could do away with the ramshackle vendors and hawkers. Nobody would lose their living and it could help to prevent corruption and backhanders.

Rent and utilities at a set price and easy for hygiene inspections etc.



Who wants thailand to be like singapore?

Thai people selling street food sure dont.

I dont eat much street food but i really do think these street vendors are just surviving. This country treats its poor so badly. I see these people are more afraid of the government taking there food right from there mouth. Than they are of having to fight off a rabid soy dog.

I say she should have cut off a more than she did.

Let her be. Payed here fee now stop the bullying,extortion.

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13 hours ago, Thian said:

What's wrong with that picture? Looks perfect to me, good floor, no soidogs/cats/rats

Also no food on any of the tables as far as I can see and hardly anyone sitting down at the tables which would suggest it's not a very popular place to eat.

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On 10/7/2017 at 11:39 AM, rooster59 said:

But was he merely doing his job in clearing the sidewalk? Or was he extorting cash? Or both?

No, it can't be both. If he's in it just for the money, he doesn't understand the meaning of his job. This is also the problem with the police here.


I feel sorry for the street vendors, but sidewalks are for walking on. To get from A to be B. They often didn't help themselves by not being more considerate to people trying to get on with their lives too. A mindset of, "This is my area so I can do as I please".


Reminds me of the few times monks have done ceremonies on the sidewalk for a shop/business, etc. Taking up the whole sidewalk and people having to walk out onto the road to get past. People involved in the ceremony couldn't have cared less about the people they were endangering and inconveniencing. Just, "Look what a good person I am" while praying for money, etc. 


Things are much more easily solved though education. Without education you have to resort to force. 

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On 10/7/2017 at 2:26 PM, Moonmoon said:

Now we finally understand what the return happiness to the people plan is all about. To squeeze more money from these poor people. 


I have seen many places being cleared out for 1 month or 2, then the vendors return again..


Then when i ask the vendors how come they r allowed back again? The answer is just simply pay more... 


And the roadmap is to be corruption free in 20years. 


How much more jokes they want to crack while they are in power. 


The whole clearing up corruption thing is a farce and a complete illusion. No one knows what happens behind closed doors at the highest echelons of power but not only is there lots of corruption going on, it will never go away and can't be enforced either. Of course this is not unique to Thailand - corruption at the highest levels of the US government is massive yet many ordinary citizens mistakenly believe otherwise. Difference between Thailand and the USA is that in the USA you can't pay off a low level official to get to do what you want, but large corporations can pay off the government so it can pass laws to get what they want.

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On 10/7/2017 at 4:31 PM, fasteddie said:

OMG no, the last thing we need is another sterile city like Singers, Thailand is unique and that's why lots of people love it, just look at that picture, YIKES!

Quite! so much more pleasurable to be sat by the roadside, breathing the fumes and talking in breaks between the "roar" of unregulated exhaust noise from the cars, trucks & motorcycles, surrounded by discarded garbage :shock1:

For eating there is no better place in the world than Singapore & if your budget is up to it pretty good night life also.

The cost of housing is bloody ridiculous though!

Edited by CGW
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54 minutes ago, CGW said:

Quite! so much more pleasurable to be sat by the roadside, breathing the fumes and talking in breaks between the "roar" of unregulated exhaust noise from the cars, trucks & motorcycles, surrounded by discarded garbage :shock1:

For eating there is no better place in the world than Singapore & if your budget is up to it pretty good night life also.

The cost of housing is bloody ridiculous though!

Orft to Singers with you then my lad, bye bye :w00t:

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58 minutes ago, CGW said:

Quite! so much more pleasurable to be sat by the roadside, breathing the fumes and talking in breaks between the "roar" of unregulated exhaust noise from the cars, trucks & motorcycles, surrounded by discarded garbage :shock1:

For eating there is no better place in the world than Singapore & if your budget is up to it pretty good night life also.

The cost of housing is bloody ridiculous though!

Orft to Singers with you then my lad, bye bye :w00t:

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On 10/8/2017 at 12:02 AM, tryasimight said:

Apart from Gayling road the place is like a dentists waiting room

I totally agree...Singapore is a completely soulless place....I guess its some peoples utopian dream/nightmare is live in a place that ultra clean/sterile  and ultra devoid of personality or buzz... 

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