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Britain 'prepares for war with North Korea' while 'new carrier could be rushed into service'

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Will Blighty ever grow a pair????  Quit following the USA around the globe. Let them go bankrupt but don't follow them into it. North Korea will implode sooner or later. Let the Kim family bluster and blather and threaten, but don't take them seriously. Paper tiger.

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2 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

Frankly I don't think the good old UK has the option of "keep well away".  If NK decides to send one (or more) of their Nuclear Missiles UK bound, you won't need to worry about Brexit as it will be "EXIT" for many in the UK.  Not being prepared would be criminally stupid of the Government.

Kim is not remotely interested in the UK ,UNLESS THEY STUPIDLY GET INVOLVED LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO .

1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm not sure what the Soviets and WWII has to do with the N. Korean's invasion of the South and the resulting war some 5 or 6 years later. 


Whatever the case, I just think we need to go in and clean-up the mess on the Korean peninsula once and for all.


Being that the USA and its citizens aren't in range to bear the brunt of any shenanigans North Korea may pull, I think we should let the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese sort it out.   They're the ones who will lose millions of their people if it hits the fan. 


And be ready to render whatever assistance they may need, while staying in the background during the war of words and bluster. 


Tongue in cheek, I think they should draw an east-west line halfway up North Korea and China gets to keep everything above the line, and (the newly) United Korean Republic gets everything south of the line.


Note to self:  Get ready to be ridiculed because I refuse to buy stock in Boeing, Lockheed, or any other defense contractor.  



Weapons of Mass destruction Weapons of Mass destruction Weapons of Mass destruction Weapons of Mass destruction ...........

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Unbelievable. Are they planning to ask the British people whether they want to go to war just because a thick, egotistical joke of a US President can't keep his nuclear-tipped pecker in his pants?




Some of you people better start reading up on the actual History of US-British relationships as well as how Nato works.


The UK is no lapdog for America and the co-operation between the US and Britain during WWII was excellent.  The war could not have been won without the expertise of  British intelligence and the will to survive constant bombardment until America entered the War. Most Americans have a great deal of respect for the British, Unfortunately, the British on this board seem to be devoid of any respect for much of  anything are constantly trying to make America responsible for everything that is wrong in the World. One poster in another threat actually wishes for an attack on America.


Regarding NKorea, should NK attack America or is Allies- Nato is triggered- an attack on one is an attack on all. If you don't like this you might want to write to your MP and advocate Britain's withdrawal from Nato.


Interesting how people on this  board appear to favor NKorea, a country that puts listening devices in its citizens homes so it can hear any dissent; a country that sends its people to concentration camps and works them until death; a country that has violated the Korean Armistice thousands of times (which was also signed by the UK as a major participant); and also a country that  kills its opposition abroad as well as using its diplomatic cover to sell drugs and counterfeit currency.  Shall the UK allow NKorea to sell its nuclear technology to radical islamic terrorists so they can set off a nuclear explosion in London- there are plenty of radicals in the Uk and it appears there are plenty of no go zones where British citizens are not allowed in their own country. America didn't issue them Visa to enter the UK but apparently a succession of British Governments did.


Instead of making the argument about why America is always at fault in the World- I again suggest you think through the consequences of allowing a rogue country like NKorea to possess nuclear weapons and continue to threaten the World with them.

10 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

Frankly I don't think the good old UK has the option of "keep well away".  If NK decides to send one (or more) of their Nuclear Missiles UK bound, you won't need to worry about Brexit as it will be "EXIT" for many in the UK.  Not being prepared would be criminally stupid of the Government.

There is speculation that they have the capability to just be able to reach Guam, a mere 3,400 miles from NK. The UK, on the other hand, is a further 5,000 miles away - I am willing to be educated about the need only to tweak the rockets slightly to achieve such significant improvements in range, but my engineering experience tells me that they are still a long way off hitting the UK. But if they could hit the UK, they could also hit mainland USA - I think that would be a far bigger prize for NK. 

26 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

Frankly I don't think the good old UK has the option of "keep well away".  If NK decides to send one (or more) of their Nuclear Missiles UK bound, you won't need to worry about Brexit as it will be "EXIT" for many in the UK.  Not being prepared would be criminally stupid of the Government.

Not that it is going to happen, but why would we be the ones targeted and not Spain or Croatia, for example?

5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

There is speculation that they have the capability to just be able to reach Guam, a mere 3,400 miles from NK. The UK, on the other hand, is a further 5,000 miles away - I am willing to be educated about the need only to tweak the rockets slightly to achieve such significant improvements in range, but my engineering experience tells me that they are still a long way off hitting the UK. But if they could hit the UK, they could also hit mainland USA - I think that would be a far bigger prize for NK. 


For years, billions and billions have been spent by the US and the UK in developing systems that can take missiles out en route. Do none of them work? Have we all been ripped off?


2 hours ago, Grouse said:

You do realise that the Americans INVITED the soviets to push the Japanese out of Korea at the end of WW2?

To be fair the Soviet attack on the Japanese in northern Korea was planned per agreement between the USSR, UK and USA (aka "Allies") at the Tehran Conference in November 1943 and the Yalta Conference  in February 1945. (Google) The attack started on August 9, 1945 - same day US dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. I'm sure no coincidence with the second atomic bomb drop and Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945.


The UK could well be targeted simply because the UK was a major contributor of troops to the Korean War under the United Nations Command and to this day maintains military attached to the Command. Only an armistice was signed- there is no peace treaty. In addition, the UK is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and has supported N Korea sanctions. The Uk has the 5th largest economy in the World and has a large military structure and therefore has a responsibility to the World not just its own country.

Just now, mrfill said:

For years, billions and billions have been spent by the US and the UK in developing systems that can take missiles out en route. Do none of them work? Have we all been ripped off?


Given that millions of containers go back and forth every month between all the countries involved (overtly and covertly), do you really think they even need a missile?  Or just a button and a dial up connection to trigger something that's already in place?


Getting ready to defend against a missile attack is preparing to fight the last war...


4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

My view is we should finish what we left unfinished 70 years ago...and the sooner the better.

Like you did in Vietnam 50 years ago? That didn't end well but has been almost erased from the memory.

The UK told Johnson to bugger off then when he said we should join him. And quite correctly. But then we had a PM with some guts, not some rightist nutter.

4 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

To be fair the Soviet attack on the Japanese in northern Korea was planned per agreement between the USSR, UK and USA (aka "Allies") at the Tehran Conference in November 1943 and the Yalta Conference  in February 1945. (Google) The attack started on August 9, 1945 - same day US dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. I'm sure no coincidence with the second atomic bomb drop and Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945.


And I'm pretty sure the 2 bombs dropped on Japan were the reason Stalin stopped where they did.  In Asia and Europe.



Not long to kick-off I think. I would dearly hope Dim Kim will think about what he's going to get if he continues his provocations. He won't survive and nor will dear old NK as we know it (and that's probably a good thing).

25 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The UK could well be targeted simply because the UK was a major contributor of troops to the Korean War under the United Nations Command and to this day maintains military attached to the Command. Only an armistice was signed- there is no peace treaty. In addition, the UK is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and has supported N Korea sanctions. The Uk has the 5th largest economy in the World and has a large military structure and therefore has a responsibility to the World not just its own country.

You could say the same about France, who were also involved. Funny how they don't seem to be bricking it at the prospect of an attack on themselves.

We are being manipulated. Again. However fortunately fewer and fewer people are buying into it.


Oh- I can guarantee you that Vietnam is in the mind of myself and millions of others- We were there in the jungle and most of us knew it was a bunch of crap.  I was also in Korea and know well how NKorea operates and thinks.Do not compare the Vietnam War with Korea- completely different set of circumstances. When  NK had only conventional weapons- their threats meant little.

However, now we have a country that has literally starved its population to acquire nuclear weapons and is threatening anyone and everyone who opposes them.  The threat is real and there is also the threat of them selling these weapons to rogue terrorist groups such as ISIS or radical islamic groups in Europe 


The majority of Americans to include the Us Military Command are not advocating a first strike on NKorea but are seriously concerned about how to stop NKorea from being able to either launch its nuclear arsenal or sell them off. In my mind, the UK is smart to draw up plans for possible action against NK before one of their nukes ends up in central London in the hands of the radicals or Paris or Moscow or New York.

9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Oh- I can guarantee you that Vietnam is in the mind of myself and millions of others- We were there in the jungle and most of us knew it was a bunch of crap.  I was also in Korea and know well how NKorea operates and thinks.Do not compare the Vietnam War with Korea- completely different set of circumstances. When  NK had only conventional weapons- their threats meant little.

However, now we have a country that has literally starved its population to acquire nuclear weapons and is threatening anyone and everyone who opposes them.  The threat is real and there is also the threat of them selling these weapons to rogue terrorist groups such as ISIS or radical islamic groups in Europe 


The majority of Americans to include the Us Military Command are not advocating a first strike on NKorea but are seriously concerned about how to stop NKorea from being able to either launch its nuclear arsenal or sell them off. In my mind, the UK is smart to draw up plans for possible action against NK before one of their nukes ends up in central London in the hands of the radicals or Paris or Moscow or New York.

Your playing right into the War agenda .

3 hours ago, Grouse said:

You do realise that the Americans INVITED the soviets to push the Japanese out of Korea at the end of WW2? The Soviets got as far south as the 38th parallel. The Koreans wanted rid of imperialists. (Just like Vietnam?)


If not the Russians then who was going to push the Japanese out?


Send an aircraft carrier with no operational planes !   I don't think so.  A nuclear armed submarine is a totally different matter.

31 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

In my mind, the UK is smart to draw up plans for possible action against NK before one of their nukes ends up in central London in the hands of the radicals or Paris or Moscow or New York.


Every military in the world has contingency plans for a war with every other country, or alliance of countries.  The fact that the UK has plans in case of a war with NK is hardly news.

2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm not sure what the Soviets and WWII has to do with the N. Korean's invasion of the South and the resulting war some 5 or 6 years later. 


Whatever the case, I just think we need to go in and clean-up the mess on the Korean peninsula once and for all.

Well I'm not going to write the history here.


But, in an effort to force the Japanese to capitulate at the end of WW2, the Americans invited the Soviets to drive down Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula as far as the 38th parallel. At the end of the war a communist sympathising North Korea was the result. Their aim was always to reunite the country, free from imperialist oppression. The Korean War leads on from that. Similar to Vietnam situation IMHO. Watch out for Korcong infiltration, and make sure the American Embassy has a helipad on the roof!


Please, read some history ?

8 minutes ago, mrfill said:

Best to sit back and watch a relaxing film.


Perhaps Doctor Strangelove....


I'm going with Failsafe, or maybe War Games.  Though he was better as Ferris Bueller.  Hey, there's a better idea.  Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

6 hours ago, baboon said:

Jesus. We have no money, can't afford to sustain our own emergency services and continually cut down the welfare budget, but we can go to war against a small country on the other side of the world. Or rather we couldn't even do that if we weren't toadying to a more powerful country. It's pathetic..

Good post!

I just question "We have no money". The UK is awash with money. We pay 55 Billion a year into a private club called the Bank of England. We do get around 7 Billion back in tax it's true.


Trump is creating a coda to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Threatening the insane is never a wise course of action. In the case of the Russians, the average American had no idea that the Ruskis were far less crazy than we thought they were. Khrushchev blinked.


And do tell- what is that agenda.  While in Korea in the US military I actually saw the intelligence reports on a daily basis. I am well aware of the NKorea military capability and its use of human targets to test entry in the South along the neutral zone.  I am also  aware that NKorea has agents in SKorea and other places in the World doing the bidding of a rogue state.

Was everything I saw manufactured and if so by whom.


I was dead set against the Vietnam War; America's entry into Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria.

However, I believe what I see with my own eyes. NKorea has nuclear weapons and could well have the ability to deliver these weapons to both the mainland US and Europe.  They certainly have the wherewithal to sell off the technology to whomever has the money.


Is it possible that Donald Trump would welcome a strike by NKorea so he can strike back and destroy the country.  It is possible- but I seriously doubt that the US military Command would ever advocate or encourage such thinking. They above everyone else know full well the cost in lives and treasure such a war would generate.


Regarding the UK- I will never understand why Tony Blair entered the Iraq war unless he was fooled by poor intelligence supplied by America. There is a lot of unanswered questions behind the whole 9/11 situation and  its aftermath to include years of war. Americans are generally tired of war and not having universal healthcare and other necessities  because the budget is so slanted towards the military, That would be the subject of another thread.


However, unless someone can show me evidence that the whole NKorea situation is a smokescreen for some other agenda- I have to believe that NKorea is a clear and present danger to the World. Prove me wrong.






BTW, does Trump know that Russia extends from N Korea to the EU? Bite the bear at one end and there maybe HUGE repercussions at the other ( or they may call in some embarrassing loans?)

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