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Drink laws?


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So I'm locked up in the cells, I took my mate home and drank two small Leo's, I hadn't eaten anything and felt the stoppers where bent. Resisting the law I refused a alchohol breath and asked for a blood test due to my ahstma, they didn't do that and threw my in the cells, fine... what's likely to happen now? I'm going to keep refusing it as last time I blew one I had drank one small Leo and got illegally cash fined, maybe I should have just done it and taken the hit? Felt like I was innocent though and opted for the blood test to which I was told no can do book I'm in the slammer now, not sure when I'll get out assume tomorrow but be good to know my further rights having refused a breathalyser on the basis I have ahstma and the last breath test I took was corrupt, any help appreciated

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Considering research says ahstma attacks can be brought on BY alcohol you seem a bit dippy drinking alcohol in the first place! Just pay up. If i was the judge I'd actually fine you more if I could show you had blown positive before and shown your ability to do the breathalizer before and appeared to be making an ass of yourself. Put it down to a bad day, move on.

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A number of good point made.
I would like to know if you will drink drive again in future?
A dear friend of mine was under the influence, and pulled over to sleep it off. Too bad she had the keys still in the ignition. Second offense, she was deprived of her license for one year. Dad was a senior police officer, but that made no difference.
In the aftermath the walking and bicycling convinced her she might have a problem with the drink, and joined AA.
I am not judging you on that... just relating a cautionary tale. Been down that road a ways myself.
Good luck, man. I think you will just have to take your lumps in this episode.

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About 2 years ago,, I was riding my scooter to the Tesco on Soi 71 off of Sukhumvit Rd, there were NO lights, anything to indicate a legal stop, only 2 lanes, 1 blocked by cars, down to 1 lane,, So I slowed way down, almost a walking pace while proceeding thru, The cops literally jumped out from between 2 of the cars parked, blocking the far left lane, and grabbed my arm nearly pulling me off the scooter,, They immedietly shoved a, "breath machine" into my face, insisting I blow,, I'd had NOTHING to drink, but when I looked at it, it appeared to be something like a simple calculator with a plastic tube taped on the top, Honestly, (which means after blowing into it, they could've typed ANY number into it they wanted) I refused each time they insisted I blew into it,, saying,  "I will blow at the station",,  After several of these back and forth, they cuffed me, took me in, hung out in a cell, for about an hour,, I assumed waiting to blow into the "official" machine there,,,  I called my girlfriend, she spoke with them on the phone,, then told me they will let you go in the morning,, Shortly after, a friend I'd called came to pick me up, had already paid the BT10,000 fine they insisted on, (He thought he was helping me out of course),,, I told them "NO, I want to blow here!" They refused to allow me to blow, and would NOT refund the 10,000 Baht "fine",, they said I had to sign a receipt for the fine,, reading it I realized it was a computer print out, with my name at the top, and a breath alcohol level of .01,, The copper said with a smile, "You seem ok guy, so I only give you .01",,, So SOMEONE else there, had blown FOR me, I refused to sign it and demanded they return the fine if they wouldn't allow me to blow legally,,, They then claimed, "If you don't sign, you will stay here, and go to the court in the morning" So better you didn't blow, as they have NO evidence as to wether you'd been drinking or not,, But that doesn't mean they still won't stitch you up in court,, I'd wait them out, IF they're bent, they'll most likely get tired of screwing with you, and release you,, OR do what they did to me,, create a blow machine result with your name on it,, and want a "fine",,, 

Edited by Adeeos
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Is it? If he suspected the cops of being bent as on the last occasion it might have been a clever move to request a blood test. Personally, I probably would have backed down though.


The going rate for farang (in Pattaya) is 50,000 if paid directly to the cops so the op kind of has my sympathy for not just letting him get framed.

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Just now, wump said:

Is it? If he suspected the cops of being bent as on the last occasion it might have been a clever move to request a blood test. Personally, I probably would have backed down though.


The going rate for farang (in Pattaya) is 50,000 if paid directly to the cops so the op kind of has my sympathy for not just letting him get framed.

Wow, 50,000 is heaps.

A friend (UK guy) got done last month in Pattaya, spent the night in the cells and fronted the judge the next day, he was given a 8,000b fine.

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Yes, going to court is usually less than 10,000. But not many people want to spent the night or whole weekend in jail. Especially if they are innocent.


By the way, isn't a proper conviction for alleged drink driving technically a reason for deportation?

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29 minutes ago, wump said:

"Drink driving"... give the guy a break. He says he had two small Leos and this would put him nowhere near the limit.

i know someone who dose not drink got pulled and breath tested they said he failed, wanted 30k off him. your <deleted> if you get involved in any way with the police here. please let us know your out come good luck.

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Guys I had two small bottles of Leo, when I say I was done before I was stopped at the roadside and asked to pay silly money and I had literally drank not even a pint, I thought I would not take the test but yeah silly idea and I guess I'll have to pay for it now, having to pay 5000 to a lady who will let me out until court I think, yeah I do feel silly but didn't expect this tbh

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40 minutes ago, wump said:

"Drink driving"... give the guy a break. He says he had two small Leos and this would put him nowhere near the limit.

True, but it is only the OP that is stating he only had two small Leos......... how do you know what he drank - were you there?

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What does it matter? Might have had 20 beers, who knows. This topic is about police framing innocent people and thereby actually encouraging drink driving. Why should I limit myself to zero or 2 small ones when I have to cough up 10-50k anyway? Might as well get pissed properly. 


Bloody corrupt third world police force... drives me mad.

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38 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I was given a breath test about 4 months ago, and the machine was reading over the limit before I blew into it, probably from the last person tested. If it happened again I would insist that the machine was reading zero before the test, in which case, fair enough !

good point ! i bet most foreigners here properly would not check to see if the meter started on zero, maybe that why they charged the guy i knew with drink driving when he dose not drink. another money scam.

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6 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

Nobody is forcing you to stay.

What kind of reasoning is this? I have to accept all the bad and can't voice my opinion? You think it's cool people get charged with crimes they didn't commit? Your smart comments will stop once you innocently piss-test positive and have the choice between 1 month in jail or 200,000 in cash.

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10 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

True, but it is only the OP that is stating he only had two small Leos......... how do you know what he drank - were you there?

So for all your future topic posts do we all immediately assume you are lying? Or are you the only one on TVF who can be trusted to tell it how it is.


Ridiculous post.

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Just now, wump said:

What kind of reasoning is this? I have to accept all the bad and can't voice my opinion? You think it's cool people get charged with crimes they didn't commit. Your smart comments will stop once you innocently piss-test positive and have the choice between 1 month in jail and 200,000 cash.

Wow, much more expensive for a foreigner to piss positive.



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13 minutes ago, wump said:

What does it matter? Might have had 20 beers, who knows. This topic is about police framing innocent people and thereby actually encouraging drink driving. Why should I limit myself to zero or 2 small ones when I have to cough up 10-50k anyway? Might as well get pissed properly. 


Bloody corrupt third world police force... drives me mad.

The OP refused a test....and you claim police framing innocent people....you are a joke...:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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