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Breaking: Footage emerges of what happened before Aussie was floored in school parking lot

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Here we go again,speculating.

What happened earlier? Any footage?

As far as I'm concerned both at blame. 


To king hit someone in a school yard,unacceptable,the poor little girl she was begging. That will stay with her for the rest of her life and all the other students.

It's sad all round.

Two grown men, or should I say grow up men!!




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4 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Any initial feelings of sympathy for the old Aussie have just evaporated. This was not an act of self defence (as he claimed in the previous thread) but pure aggression.



There are clearly two offences: the first commited by the old  Aussie, and then later the equally serious assault. 


There should really be no sympathy for either party, and both should be charged.


The police were poor- downright poor in preventing the second offence.

5 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Any initial feelings of sympathy for the old Aussie have just evaporated. This was not an act of self defence (as he claimed in the previous thread) but pure aggression.



Stupid old tosser. If you attack someone with a machete you get what you deserve.. He should practice jai yen yen.

4 hours ago, BKKBrit said:

No chance! You should know the TVF commentator mentality...they're always right and this country and it's people are permanently flawed. Yet they continue to visit / live here but hold court from their bedsit or bar-beer stool.

Aren't you here making a liar of yourself at this moment?  Or do you consider yourself not a TVF commentator?  It seems like you have a bias against TVF commentators!  There are a few people who seem to defend Thailand, a few people that inexplicably keep hating on it, like they can't just get on a plane and leave, and I think most of us *try* to be somewhere in the middle.  Any incident like this is just gossip anyhow from my point of view.  

43 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


I think if someone had just attacked my car and damaged it, scared me to death with a machete, then run me over tossing me in the air with the strong likelihood or possibility of severe injury then I too would have felt justified in ' smashing him in the face with a fist ' regardless of his age. I would have kicked his bloody car too!


There was a car accident like occurs every day on roads and streets around the world. This was pure ' road rage ' It has nothing to do with Thailand, this can happen anywhere and is inexcusable bahaviour..


What was the old man doing with a weapon such as that in his car boot? He was also quick to think and go get it, which makes me think this was not his first ' rodeo '.


I am not a fan of these TVF law court armchair judges all recommending stupid 10 year bans ( as though they have any authority) and deportation, that is for the courts to decide and not bar stool barristers. However, his actions do warrant a court appearance and damages to the victim and compensation for his car.


Ok. Yes, of course one can see why the victim of the initial crime did what he did.  But in punching the old man with such ferocity he too committed a very serious crime.  It happened later too.


Both guilty as heck from the snippets we saw, but imo there is some mitigation for the Thai man when it comes to sentencing.


lot of old boys in Thailand who still think they're in their prime... sadly they don't do little blue pills that make you 40 years younger like they do for the john thomas!!!

4 hours ago, KittenKong said:




A geriatric Croc Dundee. Does he speak Thai? I'd guess No. Does he talk it over? No. He's a White man. Spends his money in Thailand, blah, blah. He's a guest until he speaks the language, knows the culture and acts like a Phuu Yai. He's acting like a Nak Leng ( a thug), so the Thai (and the cop) treat him like one. Seen too many, had to explain to angry Thais that these types are just stupid farang. Let it go.  

5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

This will have all the people defending the farang eating humble pie. Just goes to show there are 2 sides to every story.


Actually there are 3 sides, side 1 the Thai guy in this case, side 2 the farang , then side 3, the truth. 

A single camera only sees one angle. 

1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

As the farang was an Aussie I have been using Queensland statutes for reference. I was in error regarding five years, as :
"In Queensland, Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm (AOBH) carries a maximum penalty of 7 years imprisonment, though fines and other penalties can also be imposed for the offence." As the boyo was knocked unconscious and bloodied face I imagine that constitutes "Bodily Harm".
It is not easy to tease the information out of the Thai criminal code. I think the max POSSIBLE sentence is considerably more than six months. Given all of the circumstances I agree he would not "win" more than that, if indeed anything other than the oft cited "500 baht and a wai".

Oh yes, using Queensland law in Thailand is brilliant. And totally useless. Must you be reminded Thailand uses Thai law? Don't like it? Go back to Qld.

And forget this stupid "wai" nonsense for every little problem. Learn it or don't use it. Next you'll be wai-ing ice cream vendors.   เหนี่อยหน่ายกับฝรั่งมาก  and I'm being polite.


Thailand is the typical thirld world country where all the low lifes who dont fit in their own country go and reside... fighting with knifes foul language offensive primitive behavior alkoholism drug or sex abuse etc etc... the usual farang looser average here... it starts at the airplane look at the characters inside 70 + with 20 yo hooker wifes u know whats coming... 

2 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

Hmm.  Two wrongs at minimum.

But I'm curious about videos not showing all.


Aussie  says he was on defense.  

Perhaps not shown are actions prior to dashcam video which resulted in the Nissan NV's windscreen getting punched in directly in front of the driver.


So I see it this way.  Thai does a traffic mistake, gets a horn or wrinkle of his car.  Stops gets out goes back and bashes the Aussie's windscreen.  Aussie gets out, gets his knife and does a bash on the Honda.


Then as the videos show.


First wrong goes to Somchai for his drive style.

No points to Aussie because stupid.


A lot of credit goes to the Thai cop who prevents a major mass gang-up on the Aussie in the school yard after the initial knock down.


Be careful here.  Thai are never wrong and if caught out will never admit it.


Best not to drive.


As to those criticising the old Aussie having an 8 yo kid, f#** off !

I am 71, have an 8yo (at the same school).


Nah - I've driven hundreds of thousands of km in Thailand (and all neighboring countries) over the years without anything more than minor issues. Your reasoning to not drive is nonsense - how do you expect the guy to pick up his daughter from school every day? By bus? Come on...


On the other hand, if the guy has anger management issues then perhaps he shouldn't be out on the roads.


I agree with your other sentiments - but maybe the windscreen damage was caused by the guy falling on the Aussie's windscreen? It doesn't exactly appear that way on the video, but is plausible. BTW according to what I first read this whole incident was sparked by a collision, not simply a minor honking of the horn. It happens, but it would be absurd to think that a minor honking of a car horn escalates into such violence - a collision on the other hand, yes.

3 minutes ago, jimster said:


Nah - I've driven hundreds of thousands of km in Thailand (and all neighboring countries) over the years without anything more than minor issues. Your reasoning to not drive is nonsense - how do you expect the guy to pick up his daughter from school every day? By bus? Come on...


On the other hand, if the guy has anger management issues then perhaps he shouldn't be out on the roads.


I agree with your other sentiments - but maybe the windscreen damage was caused by the guy falling on the Aussie's windscreen? It doesn't exactly appear that way on the video, but is plausible. BTW according to what I first read this whole incident was sparked by a collision, not simply a minor honking of the horn. It happens, but it would be absurd to think that a minor honking of a car horn escalates into such violence - a collision on the other hand, yes.


I have been overtaken by a guy in a Mini-Van on a very narrow one way Soi in Bangkok. 

IMO - the Soi was narrow enough not to risk two car widths... Nevertheless a Minivan was extremely close to the back of my car, driving somewhat aggressively but I had no choice but to ignore him as I to was following the car in front in a line of slow moving traffic. 

The Mini-Van overtook me and barely avoided scratching my car, the wing mirrors didn't touch because they were at different heights... thats the only reason !...

I was pi$$ed off and papped my horn... Not a series of aggressive blasts, but a single Pap... 

This was too much for the Van driver who pulled up next to me, wound down his window and started shouting at me. I felt like getting out and kicking the living crap out of him, instead I ignored him and didn't allow the situation to escalate - these guys can be dangerous, they can have guns, they have anger issues... I'd love to have taught him a lesson, but thats no my job... my Job is not to get involved in incidents so I can get home to my family and enjoy my life... 


With such idiots on the roads its very easy to 'slip up' and allow yourself to become involved...  I'm not suggesting this happened in this incident.... But, it is not unfeasible to 'imagine' or 'hypothesise' that a stupid driving maneuver damaged the Australians car (and his ego) and he decided to take matters in to his own hands and attempt to teach the Thai guy a lesson - Stupid move !!! (if this armchair detective is correct and that is what actually happened !!!)... Just saying (for the purposes of discussion). 




1 hour ago, mommysboy said:


Ok. Yes, of course one can see why the victim of the initial crime did what he did.  But in punching the old man with such ferocity he too committed a very serious crime.  It happened later too.


Both guilty as heck from the snippets we saw, but imo there is some mitigation for the Thai man when it comes to sentencing.

how long do you think it would take you to cool off after your car being damaged, threatened with a machette, and hit by a car?????  I  consider myself pretty level headed but if a see the guy who did this to me calmly talking to a police officer claiming it was self-defense i would be hard pressed to get my anger under control and not do the exact same thing he did.


Well, that Australian certainly is an idiot in more ways than. Got this in on ABC News;

'Police believe too much sunshine could be contributing to the violent road rage incidents caught on camera in New South Wales this week.' @ linkhttp://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-26/nsw-police-blame-road-rage-on-weather-after-peak-hour-brawl/8744106. There are a couple of videos there. Maybe this Australian has had too much Sun (in Thailand, that is). As I have said on other similar threads, idiots like this one just make it that bit worse for the rest of us.


Who's going to look after his daughter if the Aussie gets deported? That's a stupid statements. Thais convicted of assault get a 500 baht fine, so should he. The Thai guy should also be fined for the blatant attack in front of the policeman. The policeman should be fined for dereliction of duty.


Let the insurance sort out the damage to the cars (and reclaim from those to blame) and everyone can get on with their lives in paradise, just a bit poorer.

18 minutes ago, speckio said:

how long do you think it would take you to cool off after your car being damaged, threatened with a machette, and hit by a car?????  I  consider myself pretty level headed but if a see the guy who did this to me calmly talking to a police officer claiming it was self-defense i would be hard pressed to get my anger under control and not do the exact same thing he did.

Self defence only comes in to it during an attack and provocation has to be immediate.  Of course, most of us sympathise.  But you know we can't take the law in to our own hands.


If he pleads guilty, mitigation will probably save him jail time.





6 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

Maybe one of those Farangs who actually think that this is their country.

I am a foreigner and this is my <deleted> country. I live here. I  work here. I have a Thai family here. So go eff yourself.  No, I wasn't born here, but you had better believe I contribute to this country, more so than so many somchai deadbeats.  I have a house, a condo, a good life.  So yeah, it's my country, too, you fool.

6 hours ago, tonray said:

He's an Aussie...they're both the same thing for him

Tonray Are you inferring all Australians are criminals? 


Still as my earlier comments. Having basically a senile 70 year old who can hardly use such a blade and I assume only have a blade thinking its protection, which was dumb I admit, As my father once said to me "do not pull a knife or gun  on anyone unless you actually intend to use it"


Still it remains the fact this young Thai slams the old bloke full force in front of a copper that could of killed him.


Send the young guy to jail/gaol as he should of left it up to Thai justice to solve. He can use that as a defence in court by saying" I do not trust Thai justice so I took the law into my own hands".. LOL

6 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Any initial feelings of sympathy for the old Aussie have just evaporated. This was not an act of self defence (as he claimed in the previous thread) but pure aggression.



Same, same. If someone done that to me, whoever they are, I too would want to smash their heads in. The Australian had better start watching over his shoulder from now on, I`ve no doubts the gold shop owner has powerful connections in Pattaya. Stupid W. Anchor.

2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

If someone tries to run you over and comes at you with a machete, you will stay calm?

The old fart should be deported asap. 


So you would have acted exactly like that Thai? Well you would have deserved jail time exactly like him and the Aussie do.

4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Your comments correctly blame 'some' ThaiVisa posters for jumping to conclusions. But these conclusions were not unreasonable given the initial video evidence and there will always be evidence we can not or do not see, should that prevent us from ever drawing an opinion ? Perhaps so, but discussion forums would be extremely boring places without such discussion and opinions whether correct or not.


That said, I would not go as far and defend the Thai Man and imply the fault is solely with the Australian Pensioner and that the Thai Man was the innocent party... would you agree Get Real ?


For I and many others can see both parties being at fault. 

Firstly the Australian who escalated a previously unknown incident into violence when brandishing a machete and attempting to drive over the Thai Man. 

Secondly the Thai Man for re-escalting the situation to violence in front of the Police, after the Police had theoretically controlled the situation.


I would also place part of the blame at the Police for allowing the Thai Man to re-escalate the situation in to Violence when he is clearly angry - IMO this is a clear failure of the Police to do their job properly and separate the aggrieved parties, the even fail to restrain and handcuff the Thai man after committing Assault under their noses. 


Both are clearly very much in the wrong and the Police acted poorly. 


It can be agreed that many posters let their foot of the clutch too early when solely blaming the Thai Man for his vicious assault - however, it was an incredibly Vicious Assault. The development to the story is that we now have evidence that this Assault was not unprovoked and the Australian is at fault for initially escalating the situation when threatening the Thai with a Deadly Weapon and Assaulting him with a Vehicle. 




You wrap your words very nicely sir. I don´t think you would do that if it would have been the other way around. Now we have to talk as nice as possible, and try to put as much blame away, as humanly possible, from the aussie. I am sorry, can´t do that! I give all the same medicin if they choose to be stupid.

As for me I really think he deserved to get punched. If it was up to me one or two more had been fine. I hope they get rid of <deleted> like this from Thailand. He can take his little knife and temper, to play bushman with the crocdiles in he´s homecontry. Deport the dork!

5 minutes ago, newcomer71 said:


So you would have acted exactly like that Thai? Well you would have deserved jail time exactly like him and the Aussie do.

Some madman tries to hack the Thai man`s arms off with a machete, attacks his car with a machete, then runs him over, then the madman tries to claim self defence, rubbing salt into the wounds,  and the victim floors him. Yes, totally unreasonable behavior on the gold shop owner`s part. 


The psycho ozzie deserved all that he got. And now if he doesn`t end up serving jail time he`ll probably have to leave the area for his own safety. Stupid plonker. I know who`s side I`m on.


The level of violence that is exhibited in these clips is astounding.  The Australian could be charged with attempted murder based upon the video evidence and the Thai charged with assault, Both are in the wrong. There is no excuse for this level of violence. What ever happened to calling the insurance company when there is an auto accident. 

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