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Stricter controls over firearms, fireworks and explosives


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20 hours ago, StevieAus said:

According to the post by “ozzydom” your so called Aussie idiot is a Brit

Look forward to your retraction 

Consider it retracted - he was a British idiot hat used to be an Australian - neither he or the media can make up their mind about that, I called it as I knew it at the time.:sorry:

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22 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Legally he could have owned a gun.

Aussie road rager didn't threaten anyone with gun, therefore law must be changed.? 


Your argument makes no sense. By the law he could have legally owned a gun. Whether he did or not, yet still he did not threaten anyone with a firearm so what's that got to do with laws allowing foreigners to legally own firearms? 

Try to use a little bit of thinking before posting meaningless hypotheticals. 

your right, I'll try not to e so hypothetical in the future  :coffee1::coffee1::coffee1:  I have since been corrected that he was a Brit - so I am 2 for 2 in the negative today, not my day.

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On 10/13/2017 at 10:27 AM, soalbundy said:

I have worked and traveled in many countries of the world, some risky some safe and at 69 years old I have never needed a gun, what one does need is a minimum of common sense, guns don't make you safe, just the opposite, look at the low number of gun deaths in central Europe where gun ownership is heavily restricted and look at the large numbers of gun killings in the USA, they all think they are Wyatt Earp on steroids.

You are comparing the size of a European country to that of the U.S.  No comparison.  Like I said, there is no such thing as gun control or banning of guns. The human race is not just going to forget they exist.  Personally, I would love a world without such things as guns, but until utopia happens, I will keep my guns. I am licensed to carry in the United States as well as Thailand. But, don't worry. I will not infringe on your rights. If you are being attacked, I will respect your wishes and not intrude.

gun control.jpg

Edited by habanero
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3 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Consider it retracted - he was a British idiot hat used to be an Australian - neither he or the media can make up their mind about that, I called it as I knew it at the time.:sorry:

No problem, there is no shortage of idiots in Australia and they keep importing more!!

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20 hours ago, farcanell said:

Lol.... did you bother to read the info contained in the link... basically all a non resident requires to possess a firearm, is a pulse.


several years ago, I was pulled over in Bakersfield... the cop wanted to see our guns ( a group of five travelers), but refused to believe we had none..... after searching our car, and finding no firearms, he gave us directions to a gun shop, and advised that we should drop past and arm ourselves

Hence the origin of your avatar name?  :thumbsup:

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9 hours ago, habanero said:

You are comparing the size of a European country to that of the U.S.  No comparison.  Like I said, there is no such thing as gun control or banning of guns. The human race is not just going to forget they exist.  Personally, I would love a world without such things as guns, but until utopia happens, I will keep my guns. I am licensed to carry in the United States as well as Thailand. But, don't worry. I will not infringe on your rights. If you are being attacked, I will respect your wishes and not intrude.

gun control.jpg

I remember that US advertising clip, probably from the NRA or such a group, so quite biased, but still. In my home country (in Europe) we had had not long before a gang attacking a serie of supermarkets, killing over 20, with a general insecurity for years in the country as a consequence (they were never caught). 

In the spot, you see a couple of guys pulling masks over their faces, taking their weapons out and entering a supermarket in a rush to the cash registers, shouting for the money. Huge silence in the shop (outside of the musak), then a baddy cocks his gun in front of a cashier, 'click'... The sound of is instantly answered by 100 'clicks' from all the customers, all pointing their guns they have pulled out at the guys, even a grandmother in her wheelchair... I don't remember the slogan at the end, but it made a point, also for me, though thousands of miles away from Arkansas... 'Cartoonesk', but...

Edited by bangrak
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A couple (or tens?) of millions of macho guys with a very high 'self-esteem' and on a short fuse, carrying guns (some registered for possession at their main residence only, many plain illegal black market) and other weapons (illegal to carry) such as knives of all shapes and lengths, crowbars, clubs, sharpened screwdrivers, etc. in their pick-up trucks and cars, or, concealed under their clothes.

Mad Max redux? No, Thailand today!

Anything going to be done about that? Erm, I guess not...

But: stricter control on firearms, new law, blah-blah-blah, as if nothing will ever (be) change(d) in depth here, deep sigh!

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On 10/13/2017 at 7:41 AM, coconuthead said:

it's a good move keeping guns out of the hands of foreigners after what we saw with the old rabid aussie yesterday

Guns don't kill people
People kill People with whatever means 4 whatever Reasons
Their is evil in the world
& if evil has gun, I want one too

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3 hours ago, bangrak said:

I remember that US advertising clip, probably from the NRA or such a group, so quite biased, but still. In my home country (in Europe) we had had not long before a gang attacking a serie of supermarkets, killing over 20, with a general insecurity for years in the country as a consequence (they were never caught). 

In the spot, you see a couple of guys pulling masks over their faces, taking their weapons out and entering a supermarket in a rush to the cash registers, shouting for the money. Huge silence in the shop (outside of the musak), then a baddy cocks his gun in front of a cashier, 'click'... The sound of is instantly answered by 100 'clicks' from all the customers, all pointing their guns they have pulled out at the guys, even a grandmother in her wheelchair... I don't remember the slogan at the end, but it made a point, also for me, though thousands of miles away from Arkansas... 'Cartoonesk', but...

Guns don't kill people
People kill People with whatever means 4 whatever Reasons
Their is evil in the world
& if evil has gun,I want one too

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On 10/13/2017 at 7:14 AM, jaiyen said:

No problem, my wife can still legally buy a gun. Foreigners can still easily buy a stolen gun, so the new rule will change nothing, except on paper.

Not necessary to buy a stolen gun, soon there will be plenty of slightly used pistols available from the BIB for sale one they get their shipments of new Sig Sauers  - Just see your local BIB guy on the corner.

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20 hours ago, Meljames said:

^How come you gun boys are always on the defensive? It's in your legal right to own guns same as owning a house or a car, you feel the need to go online and boast about your rights to own these. I sure don't.

I don't think they're boasting about it. There's a large vocal anti-gun group that seek to ban firearms and villify law abiding gun owners as violent backward-thinking nutters.  For whatever reason - maybe some  anti-gun groups are fascists, some are probably just feeling afraid of guns.

 For the most part these pro-gun people are attempting to give their own point of view or argument for gun rights. 


I myself used to be against firearms, but after considering the deeper implications of what it meant (ie. 2 classes of people - certain people  allowed to protect their lives with firearm rights, and other groups of people not) , I became pro gun rights. 


It's the height of hypocrosy when the elites - themselves protected by armed security -  decide that other people don't deserve the same rights of self protection.



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2 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

I myself used to be against firearms, but after considering the deeper implications of what it meant (ie. 2 classes of people - certain people  allowed to protect their lives with firearm rights, and other groups of people not) , I became pro gun rights. 


So you're arming yourself against the powerful elite. Bit paranoid isn't it.


I've had guns most of my life. No ones ever tried to take them away from me nor been threatened by the gov't to think I needed to build an arsenal of assault weapons in my home. Right now in the US there are people who are unable or unwilling to be responsible around guns. It's because of these people that gun control laws have become necessary. It's a matter of public health and safety not a gov't trying to rob folks of their rights.


The paranoiacs have bought into the NRA's fear-mongering/marketing efforts, the only people benefiting from this is the NRA itself and the gun makers et al. 


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On 10/13/2017 at 12:07 PM, Arkady said:

During the second reading of the bill in March this year it was reported in a Thai language business news website that NLA member Pornsak Chianyai questioned the bill's prohibition on issuing permits to foreigners, saying this would have an impact on foreigners who had a legitimate need to own and use firearms for sport or their work.  The report did not give examples of the work for which foreigners might need gun permits.  However, I am aware that some foreign embassy officials have or have had Por 4 permits issued by the Bangkok licensing authority. I don't know if any have been issued with Por 12 concealed carry permits but I recall a former Saudi charge d'affairs showing off the .357 magnum revolver he always carried in his car to reporters. There was no official response to this at the time.  Perhaps diplomats from the countries that have no problem with their foreign service staff carrying guns around on foreign postings will just hold on to their guns, relying on their diplomatic immunity.


It is certainly true that US DEA agents have had Por 4 permits issued by the Bangkok registrar and plus Por 12 concealed carry permits valid for the entire Kingdom, issued by the national police chief.  I remember hearing about this from a Thai-American local police officer, a former deputy sheriff in Colorado, who had been assigned to the old Bangkok registrar in Lard Phrao, when it was still under the police, to liaise on the case.   There was some reluctance to issue the permits for fear of a public outcry in case one of the agents might actually have killed someone.  But the US refused to post the agents, who were expected to do dangerous fieldwork with their Thai counterparts, to Thailand, if they could not carry guns to protect themselves.  The permits were issued, since Thailand obviously valued the DEA presence at that time.  However, I don't know if the US still has DEA agents operating in Thailand, or if they do, whether they are still armed.      

Regarding the Saudi and other diplomats, Diplomatic Immunity probably equals a Por 12.  Just wondering, but how many diplomats worldwide pack?  I've got my own guess.  
Thanks for the information by the way.  :thumbsup:

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On 10/13/2017 at 2:20 PM, smudger1951 said:

I'd prefer to see a ban on farangs walking around with baseball bats and golf clubs which I have seen farangs with in Pattaya who think its a dangerous place but are themselves making it so.

I have golf clubs in the rear of my car; I go to the driving range.  

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On 10/13/2017 at 3:13 PM, Arkady said:


All air guns capable of firing metal projectiles require permits under the existing law.  (Naturally .22 rimfire rifles do as well.)  So foreigners will be banned from owning air guns under the new law.  You should be aware that there are a lot of cheap, Chinese made, unregistered air guns in Thailand that are smuggled in.  Sellers will blythely tell you no permit is required and it is easy to buy the pellets.  However, possession of these items is an offence under the Firearms Act and will be subject to the new stiffer penalties.  It is impossible to register these air guns because they are illegally imported without import licences.      


You can find a nice selection of butterfly knifes at the Night Market.  
But, I'd have to question the wisdom of purchasing one with the intent to carry. Or for that matter, even own.  My gut level feeling tells me they are illegal, well, except for the seller who is paying ngen cha.

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On 10/13/2017 at 4:49 PM, Arkady said:

Technically you are entitled to use reasonable force to defend yourelf under Section 68 of the Penal Code.


Section 68. Self Defense


Whoever commits any act for the defense of his own right or other person's right in order to except from a danger arising out of violence contrary to the law and such danger to be imminent, if reasonably  committed under the circumstance, such act is a lawful defense, and such person shall not have guilt.


You are also entitled to use a gun registered in someone else's name, if you have a good reason, e.g. to defend yourself against an intruder who appears to be armed and intent on malice.

Other than that you are right.  The right to self defence is somewhat anemically worded and there is no Castle Defence doctrine or stand your ground law.  But at least it is not as bad as the UK and some other European countries where you are expected to sit and watch politely while intruders rape and murder your wife and children and ransack your home prior to torturing you and finishing you off.  Even if you have a gun for sport in those countries, you are not entilted to use it for self defence and it and the ammo must be securely locked up separately.   Thais are allowed to have guns for protection of life and property which is what it says on the permits for guns of calibers up to .38 or 9mm.  Even larger calibers, such as .45, 40, .44 and .357 with permits issued for sport I am told can be used for self defence in emergency.  Unlike the US the Thai courts have never been known to take issue with what type of ammo you used, e.g. hollow points. In the US people are scared of using hollow points in case some clever lawyer convinces a jury that they obviously had the intent to kill. 

At the end of the day it would come down to a matter of your money and connections and whether the intruder(s) had a criminal records or whether they (perish the thought) had connections, e.g. Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj.'s blue eyed son who loved his Mum, respected his elders and had never done a thing wrong until you lured him into your house.  It is also hard to say what come back there might be in terms of reprisals, if you killed or injured an intruder, even if you were acquitted.  That is the same in the UK where people who injured intruders defending their homes have been warned by police to move away from the area, since the intruders will be back to get their revenge and you won't be so lucky the next time.

Thanks much for the info.  Saves me a PM!  You were reading my mind.:thumbsup:

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On 10/13/2017 at 5:15 PM, Arkady said:

Another thing I noticed, which may be extremely distressing for some, is that the fee for a permit to manufacture gun powder for personal use has been increased 60 fold from 5 to 300 baht. 


Fees for regular Por 4 licences have also gone up 10 fold from 100 to 5,000 baht but I think the fees were last revised in 1979 and probably won't be revised again for a good few years. I am also told that they want increase from 100 to 5,000 baht all in one go  but will probably increase it to 1,000 baht first and leave the rest till later. 

Sort of a moot point when you're paying 5x the US price for a handgun and 3x the US price for a rifle or shotgun.  Then ammo - ouch!  Especially if you're using imported FMJ match rounds instead of local brands with a limited number of headstamps.

But sort of interesting.  Thais making their own powder?  Really?  For those 2 meter + long rifles that look like they are imported from Afghanistan.  I thought handloading was illegal for the average Somchai which I'd infer would mean manufacturing powder also.  Maybe not.  

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On 10/13/2017 at 5:49 PM, off road pat said:

Except if you are caught with a gun in you're possession... Big trouble awaits....and a whole lot of money will be parted of you....

Anyone, farang or Thai, carrying an illegal firearm is truly a moron.  The laws here are no joke.

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On 10/13/2017 at 5:55 PM, grollies said:

Why on earth would you take a gun with you away from the house? Ours is kept for a specific reason, we don't carry it round in the car :blink:.

You practice shooting it in your backyard?  I'm not being facetious.  Even those who have years of experience need to stay current with practice.  Why leave the home?  -  to take it to a legal shooting range.  
In the US, when I knew the local laws and the terrain and could safely shoot outdoors it wasn't a problem.  Here in Thailand.  The gun is only in the car if going to the range or the gunsmith.  And it's locked in a case along with our Por 4, which I'm now going to get high quality color copies of.  Thank you Arkady for that advice.

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19 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

I don't think they're boasting about it. There's a large vocal anti-gun group that seek to ban firearms and villify law abiding gun owners as violent backward-thinking nutters.  For whatever reason - maybe some  anti-gun groups are fascists, some are probably just feeling afraid of guns.

 For the most part these pro-gun people are attempting to give their own point of view or argument for gun rights. 


I myself used to be against firearms, but after considering the deeper implications of what it meant (ie. 2 classes of people - certain people  allowed to protect their lives with firearm rights, and other groups of people not) , I became pro gun rights. 


It's the height of hypocrosy when the elites - themselves protected by armed security -  decide that other people don't deserve the same rights of self protection.



Those who are protected by armed security are protected for other reasons. They have incredible influence over society and every decision they make has potential to effect millions of people in their own country and overseas. They are a constant target. 


Your everyday Joe is exactly that, an everyday Joe. It is next level paranoia or self obsession if he thinks his life speaks out to the world so he is in some sort of danger. 

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On 10/14/2017 at 3:58 AM, soalbundy said:

A not very intelligent but emotional response, perhaps you should meditate and practice some self enquiry as to the reason for this emotional discharge. 

I don't need to argue about it on an intellectual level because anti-gun nitwits are immovable from their position. Therefore it would be more beneficial for them to follow my initial advise. 

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2 hours ago, Aviatorhi said:

I don't need to argue about it on an intellectual level because anti-gun nitwits are immovable from their position. Therefore it would be more beneficial for them to follow my initial advise. 

 The pro-gun nitwits are on an intellectual level way above the anti-gun nitwits, and are flexible. Yeah right.

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On 10/13/2017 at 8:00 AM, bander said:

Can I keep my baseball bat to protect myself against burglars? (sarcasm) 

Have you ever been burgled ? I have been here 13 years, I have never been robbed,threatened,beaten or scammed, I doubt that I am unique in this respect but there are always those who cry out for it.

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