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NFL weighs protesting players' passion against Trump rebukes


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NFL weighs protesting players' passion against Trump rebukes

By Jonathan Allen




NEW YORK (Reuters) - National Football League officials will weigh the fervor of players who protest racism by kneeling for the national anthem against the anger of U.S. President Donald Trump at their two-day autumn meeting beginning on Tuesday in New York City.


Trump's unflagging criticism of the symbolic gesture as unpatriotic, which he repeated as recently as Monday, has only made the practice more widespread. His calls for fans to boycott games if players persist is an unwelcome prospect even for the world's highest-grossing sports league and have forced the topic high up the regularly scheduled meeting's agenda.


An NFL spokesman said ahead of the meeting that the president may not see an outright ban on the act soon, if ever.


"I anticipate a very productive presentation of things we can do to work together," Joe Lockhart, the spokesman, told reporters ahead of the gathering of team owners, players and their union's leaders at a Manhattan hotel. "Beyond that I don't anticipate anything else."


Trump wants the league to punish players with suspension if they kneel during the pre-game renditions of "The Star-Spangled Banner," saying on Monday the players were disrespecting the country. His vice president, Mike Pence, walked out of the stadium in Indianapolis earlier this month as players began kneeling, which Trump said he had instructed Pence to do. [L2N1MJ0EX]


Some team owners, including Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, sympathize with the president. Jones said he would punish players who kneel by keeping them off the field.


The league was more inclined to seek a compromise that allowed an outlet for the players' political activism rather than to compel them to stand during the anthem, Lockhart said.


The small but growing number of players who have taken to kneeling say they are protesting against the police killings of unarmed black men and boys across the United States and racial disparities in the criminal justice system. More than half of all NFL players are black.


Players, along with their union the NFL Players Association, have bristled at Trump's assertion they are unpatriotic. Though still a minority, more players have begun kneeling since the new season began, and some sympathetic teammates have linked arms with the kneelers while standing themselves.


Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who first popularized the gesture last year, said he settled on kneeling as a form of protest because it is widely seen as a gesture of respect.


(Reporting by Jonathan Allen; Additional reporting by Frank Pingue in Toronto; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-10-17
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7 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Vote with your feet like any sensible Brit, don,t watch their games ! These aehlseors are being paid ridiculous amounts of money and biting the hand that feeds them. Off with their heads !

What hand is feeding them.   They don't work for gov't, they aren't in the military.   They are citizens and as long as they are and on US soil, they have the right to express their opinion.   

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8 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Vote with your feet like any sensible Brit, don,t watch their games ! These aehlseors are being paid ridiculous amounts of money and biting the hand that feeds them. Off with their heads !

Brits watch real football? :stoner:

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What protests? CBS, FOX, and NBC went to commercial breaks during the national anthem. We didn't see any 'kneeling salutes' or crowd reactions. What's TV writing about, anyway. That's all you need to know. Selling beer, trucks, and ED Meds are more important to the NFL and sponsors than the players grievances. 

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Kaepernick took a knee to show respect for the vets and men/women that served (it was suggested by an army veteran as an alternative protest method), yet it was a protest towards police brutality, and it was better than him sitting down in the beginning. Perhaps many folks don't know this part o the story.


Read more about it here http://www.snopes.com/veteran-kaepernick-take-a-knee-anthem/

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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Colin Kaepernick is being discriminated against purely for POLITICAL reasons. That is wrong and even right wingers should get that. Is he better than some current working QBs? Definitely yes. 


Isn't that the right of an employer though? 


Not to discriminate against him because of his political views as such, but to not wish employ someone who wants to impose his views and persuade others and in doing so disrupt the team and possible irritate a large section of the teams fan base, sponsors and revenue generation?


I wonder if some players were supporting Trump and were also being discriminated against for their views if you'd be so generous with your comment?


I enjoy watching NFL, and would've loved to play American Football when younger given the chance, but am no expert. But it seems he's an adequate rather than super star QB?



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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Isn't that the right of an employer though? 


Not to discriminate against him because of his political views as such, but to not wish employ someone who wants to impose his views and persuade others and in doing so disrupt the team and possible irritate a large section of the teams fan base, sponsors and revenue generation?


I wonder if some players were supporting Trump and were also being discriminated against for their views if you'd be so generous with your comment?


I enjoy watching NFL, and would've loved to play American Football when younger given the chance, but am no expert. But it seems he's an adequate rather than super star QB?



Dude, I would definitely be against discrimination based on political views regardless. It should be about skill level and of course how the player fits on the team. There is no doubt he has been BLACKBALLED and that's simply NOT OK. 

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"Americans can “take a knee” during the national anthem thanks to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Being able to protest is actually a long-established right, and it’s a right that was established in the most American of circumstances: by a religious group, before the Supreme Court."




Hertha Berlin players ‘take a knee’ in solidarity with NFL protests – 


german football take a knee

Edited by Opl
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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, I would definitely be against discrimination based on political views regardless. It should be about skill level and of course how the player fits on the team. There is no doubt he has been BLACKBALLED and that's simply NOT OK. 

So, welcome to the free market. There would be employers who would Jungthing you, if you looked for employment with them. Bewilders me, how some don't see the irony in their own world view,

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25 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

So, welcome to the free market. There would be employers who would Jungthing you, if you looked for employment with them. Bewilders me, how some don't see the irony in their own world view,

 Don't bother with your moronic ad hominem attacks. 


This is a real issue.





Trump’s Big Mouth May Have Given Colin Kaepernick a Case Against the NFL

Colin Kaepernick’s accusation that NFL owners have colluded to keep him out of the league feels true. As more starting NFL quarterbacks get hurt and more obviously inferior quarterbacks get jobs that might have gone to the former San Francisco 49ers QB, the evidence seems clearer and clearer that he is being blackballed. But to win the grievance he filed against the league on Sunday, Kaepernick must prove collusion has taken place.



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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, BLM are terrorists whose cause is to bring down the establishment.

The long held trope that black people are routinely shot by white officers in a patriarchal establishment redolent with systemic racism is false and statistics prove this.

More black men are killed by other black men often in gang related crime

More white people are shot by cops and although black people are overrepresented relative to their numbers in the population they are also overrepresented in criminal statistics. Not because they are picked on whist white criminals are allowed to roam free but because more cops are needed to police areas where most black crime takes place; ghettos like Compton.

Although I have absolutely no doubt that racism exists in the police force it is not systemic. Logically, if this were the case, the problem could be eradicated by employing only black cops in the areas where most black crime occurs but this is already the case in cities like Baltimore, Chicago etc where there is often a black police chief and mayor as well as black cops on the beat. 

Essentially, Kaepernick's cause is a false narrative.

Second, these athletes have the money, fame and opportunity to make their feelings known on network news, talk shows, anywhere they wish so they are not oppressed or unable to voice their opinions however faulty and one dimensional.

They chose to disrespect the one symbol that should bind a diverse country together and the men and women who died for their freedom from Communism, Fascism or Islamic terror. 

Protest by all means but don't spit on soldiers, sailors and airmen and women of all ethnicities who serve them.


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I guess it depends on whether you BELIEVE there is institutionalised racism.  Another point of view is that violent crime, single parenthood and welfare contribute more or at least as much to the problems experienced in black advancement.

Statistics demonstrate that MORE black people are killed in gang confrontations over drug territories than are killed by white cops. There is no argument.

Logically, eradicating that kind of crime is the most vital action needed. 

Sadly, the Left are not logical and seem to cynically exploit black poverty and crime to blame republicans and garner the black vote.

Real change needs to happen not silly protests.

Just my opinion, of course.



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  • 6 months later...

"Nicolle Wallace Crushes Trump’s Ego By Showing More NFL Players At The White House For Obama

Obama never politicized non-partisan feel good events like championship teams coming to the White House. That is what Trump doesn’t get. "





President Trump made a big show of holding a ‘celebration of America’ after he is disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House, and with all eyes on him, the President Of The United States got the words to the national anthem wrong."



Edited by Opl
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I read much (or most?) of the fake "large" crowd that he mustered up were white house interns looking for a break from work and free food. Happily, people are getting what an intentionally divisive TROLL "trump" is (aside from his hard core base, they're with him till the end) and there will be a large political backlash against his party in Pennsylvania, a hugely important state in the upcoming hopefully BLUE WAVE in Novermber 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I read much (or most?) of the fake "large" crowd that he mustered up were white house interns looking for a break from work and free food. Happily, people are getting what an intentionally divisive TROLL "trump" is (aside from his hard core base, they're with him till the end) and there will be a large political backlash against his party in Pennsylvania, a hugely important state in the upcoming hopefully BLUE WAVE in Novermber 


5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I read much (or most?) of the fake "large" crowd that he mustered up were white house interns looking for a break from work and free food. Happily, people are getting what an intentionally divisive TROLL "trump" is (aside from his hard core base, they're with him till the end) and there will be a large political backlash against his party in Pennsylvania, a hugely important state in the upcoming hopefully BLUE WAVE in Novermber 

Oh, the irony of it all. Turned out that there were more, one, kneeling during the anthem at Trump's White House event than Eagle players, zero, during the entire season. 



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6 hours ago, pegman said:


Oh, the irony of it all. Turned out that there were more, one, kneeling during the anthem at Trump's White House event than Eagle players, zero, during the entire season. 



So true.  This whole episode was yet another huge Trump lie.  The only reason he cancelled the Eagles visit was because only a handful of players were going to show.  He couldn't handle the humiliation, so he created this whole lie about the Eagles disagreeing with his stance on the anthem as being the reason.  Trump is such a small, petty man. 

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"By a 58 percent to 35 percent margin, those surveyed in a Quinnipiac University poll voiced disagreement with the notion that players who, during games, protest police shootings of unarmed black men are disrespectful of America. A majority of voters, 53 percent, also offered support for athletes’ right to protest on their playing fields and courts, while 43 percent expressed opposition. "


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