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Thai road safety: Green light given for police to spend half a billion baht on radar guns


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On 20/10/2017 at 8:42 AM, Cadbury said:

In every sense of the meaning.

I see them advertised in the US for around 25,000 THB and allegedly at police quality. Big difference between that and nearly 675,000 THB. And they have the audacity to claim to have removed the corruption factor. 


Actually , these figures are wrong. Latest news is that each unit is to cost 900,000 baht......A lot more than the original quote.


Mr Anupong who signed off on the deal is now coming under a lot of flack from the press for agreeing to the purchase.


He has countered that although the buck stops with him , as he authorised the purchase , he knows nothing about the whole thing as he is only the senior official and can't be expected to know the details of the deal.


Sounds familiar ? Luckily he and his friends have granted themselves immunity so he won't have to suffer being taken to court and given a 5 year sentence.

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