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Trump releases some JFK files, blocks others under pressure


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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Trump may chnage his mind and release all after all.


Probably wont change much though, doubters will be there.

Not Trump.  President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992,

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Nonsense. Trump can block or release, and has decided to release all.

Trump does not make the decision to release that has been made by law.  He can only stop certain parts from being released. 

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6 minutes ago, amvet said:

Trump does not make the decision to release that has been made by law.  He can only stop certain parts from being released. 

Which is what I said and what we're discussing here, look at the title of the thread.

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

Trump does not make the decision to release that has been made by law.  He can only stop certain parts from being released. 

Sorry I understood you thought Trump made a decision to release the documents. 

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5 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Some sources , that we can't mention here say :

Trump Confirms "All JFK Files Are Released" After Latest Clash With Spy Agencies

yeah, all are released, except many will be redacted.


It's not really that difficult to piece together what happened.

Oswald was a leftist pro-communist nutter, became increasingly violent against "imperialists / enemies of the people", probably also had contacts with Cubans, both sympathizers and agents, and maybe was informed about the dozens (hundreds?) of assassination attempts by the CIA on Castro. So some day Oswald decided  - probably on his own, maybe together with Marina - that violence was the right way to advance his political agendato start a career as a leftist hitman to "hunt fascists" as he himself put it.


Before the JFK assassination, he had already attempted to murder an anticommunist and white supremacist US general, and then 2 days prior to the JFK assassination, Oswald learned in the papers about JFK's visit to dallas and especially about the route the motorcade would take, i.e. right in front of the building where he was working. It was pure luck for him as he saw an opportunity to strike from an almost ideal angle that made the shot relatively easy.


From my point of view, the theory of a leftist pro-castrist loose cannon fits quite well, alternative stories require quite a stretch to believe.

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Interesting take on the release of the assassination documents and Trump's ongoing attack on the rule of law.




The pretense last week was that, in releasing the files, Trump took action on behalf of the American people, in the pursuit of openness. But Trump acts in his own interest, and his pursuit of apparent openness has as its real end the undermining of public institutions and practices which depend on professionalism, independence, and trust. 



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On 10/29/2017 at 6:56 PM, manarak said:

yeah, all are released, except many will be redacted.


It's not really that difficult to piece together what happened.

Oswald was a leftist pro-communist nutter, became increasingly violent against "imperialists / enemies of the people", probably also had contacts with Cubans, both sympathizers and agents, and maybe was informed about the dozens (hundreds?) of assassination attempts by the CIA on Castro. So some day Oswald decided  - probably on his own, maybe together with Marina - that violence was the right way to advance his political agendato start a career as a leftist hitman to "hunt fascists" as he himself put it.


Before the JFK assassination, he had already attempted to murder an anticommunist and white supremacist US general, and then 2 days prior to the JFK assassination, Oswald learned in the papers about JFK's visit to dallas and especially about the route the motorcade would take, i.e. right in front of the building where he was working. It was pure luck for him as he saw an opportunity to strike from an almost ideal angle that made the shot relatively easy.


From my point of view, the theory of a leftist pro-castrist loose cannon fits quite well, alternative stories require quite a stretch to believe.





I  honestly wonder how closely you've followed the JFk assassination and it's investigation?

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16 hours ago, manarak said:

I think I read most if not all theories about it.

What about you?



Sorry,  I did reply  but my liquid damaged lap managed to lose  my  pensive reply.   


I promise to reply as soon as I can  and will post and edit so as to not lose what I write.


I am not gone.

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Newly released government documents regarding President Kennedy's assassination say allegations that Lee Harvey Oswald was connected to the CIA were "totally unfounded."

A 1975 CIA memo says a thorough search of agency records in and outside the United States was conducted to determine whether Oswald had been used by the agency or connected with it in “any conceivable way.”

The memo said the search came up empty. The memo also said there was NO indication that any other U.S. agency used Oswald as a source or for recruitment.

Read more at http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-oswald-cia-20171104-story.html

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