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Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort surrenders to FBI - reports


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1 hour ago, greatwhitenorth said:

 something about a $500,000 speach her husband gave,  some contributions to the Clinton Foundation at the same time she gave your uranium away I think

There were 9 people from various agencies responsible for making the decision on the uranium. Not one of the other 8 was subordinate to Hillary Clinton.


what's more, those 9 people didn't actually have the power to stop the deal. That power rested with the president of the united states.



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This should serve as a warning to any who ride the Trump train. Manafort has been doing these dirty deals for years but only after hooking up with Trump did he get caught...Trump's high profile persona and in your face style means bad news for anyone who works for him. It looks like the beginnings of a response is 'hey these are pretty bad guys, but what do they have to do with me ?". He will give anyone up to cover himself...all day suckers....more to come...he has already poisoned the distinguished career of Gen. Kelly and others...who else is gonna get sucker punched by this scumbag ?

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The sad state of American politics and the rise of extreme of the left and right has created  a situation where both sides just scream at each other. There is no discourse in America. Only bitterness and hatred.  Good luck to you fellows, your republic is in the decline and power is slipping away.  

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Just now, greatwhitenorth said:

The sad state of American politics and the rise of extreme of the left and right has created  a situation where both sides just scream at each other. There is no discourse in America. Only bitterness and hatred.  Good luck to you fellows, your republic is in the decline and power is slipping away.  

Comments like blaming Hillary Clinton for the Uranium One deal certainly exemplify the lunacy and dishonesty in politics today.

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Keep trying. Trump isn't going anywhere.

You think I want Trump to go? Then your failure is now complete. With his approval down to around 35% - one of the lowest ever sine we’ve started tracking this metric - Trump is doing a fabulous job of embarrassing himself and setting fire to his own party in Congress. It’s been nine months and less than nothing has been accomplished. He can stay right where he is for all I care. I only wish his babysitters would take away his Twitter account and give him some crayons and coloring books to keep him busy for the next three years

Pence, on the other hand, would be a lapdog for congressional republicans and they’d be able to advance their hateful agenda.
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5 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

The sad state of American politics and the rise of extreme of the left and right has created  a situation where both sides just scream at each other. There is no discourse in America. Only bitterness and hatred.  Good luck to you fellows, your republic is in the decline and power is slipping away.  

And the old man has nothing else to do than to declare war to North Korea. But it was only a tweed....:post-4641-1156693976:


   Not long and people will have Bush back. Or perhaps Reagan, if he's still alive.Would it even matter who it is? I doubt it. The Carneval in the States has never ended. 

Edited by jenny2017
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9 minutes ago, tonray said:

This should serve as a warning to any who ride the Trump train. Manafort has been doing these dirty deals for years but only after hooking up with Trump did he get caught...Trump's high profile persona and in your face style means bad news for anyone who works for him. It looks like the beginnings of a response is 'hey these are pretty bad guys, but what do they have to do with me ?". He will give anyone up to cover himself...all day suckers....more to come...he has already poisoned the distinguished career of Gen. Kelly and others...who else is gonna get sucker punched by this scumbag ?

That's the tune that the mainstream media is singing: honorable soldiers corrupted by contact with Trump.  Those who have investigated find it's not true:


But it should not have been a surprise. Any examination of Kelly’s past public remarks makes clear he is not a sober professional, calculating that he must degrade himself in public so he can remain in place to rein in Trump’s worst instincts behind the scenes. Rather, Kelly honestly shares those instincts: He’s proudly ignorant, he’s a liar, and he’s a shameless bully and demagogue.





Edited by CaptHaddock
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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You think I want Trump to go? Then your failure is now complete. With his approval down to around 35% - one of the lowest ever sine we’ve started tracking this metric - Trump is doing a fabulous job of embarrassing himself and setting fire to his own party in Congress. It’s been nine months and less than nothing has been accomplished. He can stay right where he is for all I care. I only wish his babysitters would take away his Twitter account and give him some crayons and coloring books to keep him busy for the next three years

Pence, on the other hand, would be a lapdog for congressional republicans and they’d be able to advance their hateful agenda.

Quite right.  We want to keep Trump in place facing the rising outrage as his crimes are exposed paralyzing the Republican Congress.


Pence, on the other hand, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers, per Jane Mayer, the goto journalist for the rise of the billionaire donor class in America:



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Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti)

30/10/2017, 10:13 PM

Wow. Read this section of the Papadopoulos charge, including the footnote. Someone “low level” has to visit Russia as to not send a signal. pic.twitter.com/Qz2c1zNQ6Y



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Two ex-Trump aides charged in Russia probe, third pleads guilty

By Sarah N. Lynch and Karen Freifeld



Former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort leaves U.S. Federal Court, after being arraigned on twelve federal charges in the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in Washington, U.S. October 30, 2017. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election charged President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort and another aide, Rick Gates, with money laundering on Monday.


    Full story: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1009111-two-ex-trump-aides-charged-in-russia-probe-third-pleads-guilty/


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    9 hours ago, attrayant said:

    You think I want Trump to go? Then your failure is now complete. With his approval down to around 35% - one of the lowest ever sine we’ve started tracking this metric - Trump is doing a fabulous job of embarrassing himself and setting fire to his own party in Congress. It’s been nine months and less than nothing has been accomplished. He can stay right where he is for all I care. I only wish his babysitters would take away his Twitter account and give him some crayons and coloring books to keep him busy for the next three years.
    Pence, on the other hand, would be a lapdog for congressional republicans and they’d be able to advance their hateful agenda.


    You're responding to someone else, but I'll jump in.

    I agree with nearly all you say.  However, there is one primary reason I'd like to see Trump go.  He is likely to start one or more wars.


    The other thing: I like how he's tweets.  I abhor what he says, but I like the fact that he expresses himself so readily.  He shows to the world what an unhinged vindictive person he is.   It's better to know what a dangerous politically powerful person is thinking, rather than have that person scheming in dark recesses.


    And yes, it exposes the Republican party for what it is:  decrepit and harmful to America.

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    10 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    31/10/2017, 4:41 AM

    (THREAD) It's now almost certain Papadopoulos *wore a wire* during the last 90+ days. Here are the implications. Hope you'll read and share.




    The "proactive cooperator" language suggests that Papadopoulos wore a wire and/or took other steps to collect incriminating evidence.  The question is: did he have access to high level people during that time?


    What I think is that since Mueller knows that his getting closer to Trump and his family means that he is more likely to be fired each day, he probably has a number of indictments already issued by the court and sealed.  So, if he is indeed fired, those prosecutions along with the ones made public today will go forward regardless.

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    20 hours ago, johnefallis said:

    No, idiot, it is not. Has nothing to do with Trump. The best they could come up with was allegations against Manafort for activities years ago. 

    Learn to read. 

    Oh dear! Would you like another go?



    When the final history of the Trump campaign is written—if, that is, we avoid nuclear war with North Korea and there’s anyone left alive to write it—the Papadopoulos plea will likely be seen as the point of no return, the moment when a political story that had been kept alive for months with rumors and speculation, a story that the president himself had dismissed as a nothingburger as late as Monday morning, achieved an inescapable momentum.


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    43 minutes ago, Slip said:

    When the final history of the Trump campaign is written—if, that is, we avoid nuclear war with North Korea and there’s anyone left alive to write it—the Papadopoulos plea will likely be seen as the point of no return, the moment when a political story that had been kept alive for months with rumors and speculation, a story that the president himself had dismissed as a nothingburger as late as Monday morning, achieved an inescapable momentum.


    Indeed. This is huge. As Stephen Colbert said, “I’m so excited, I just popped a dopolous”

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    David Simon (@AoDespair)

    31/10/2017, 6:47 PM

    It's all there. What seemed at first improbable, then speculative is actually demonstrable. The American election of 2016 was illegitimate



    “But, as with previous disclosures concerning Carter Page, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, the Russians found that when it came to gaining access to top officials, they were often pushing on an open door” 

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    The other  shoe has dropped. 


    The most prominent Democratic lobbyist in Washington, whose brother served as campaign chairman to Hillary Clinton, has stepped down from the firm he created after being ensnared by the Russia-Trump investigation led by Robert Mueller.

    Tony Podesta, who has donated millions of dollars to the Democratic party and lawmakers on Capitol Hill and worked as a link between corporate America and the Democratic establishment, has reportedly stepped down from his lobbying firm after it emerged that the US special counsel was investigating his work for a Ukrainian not-for-profit group linked to Paul Manafort.


    What if when the swamp gets drained, there is no one left to govern America?  No wonder Jimmy Carter's star is raising.

    Edited by greatwhitenorth
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