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How to deal with an antagonistic guy in my


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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What part of 'encourage the kids to be especially rowdy 'when they see him', to use it loudly 'when they see him' and 'whenever he's in earshot' did you gloss over? Unless of course it is one of those special Thai village pools where all the residents are always using the pool all of the time... like some sort of Copacabana Beach?


Thanks for the sarcasm acknowledgment. Yes, it's a frequent feature in my TV fusillades but funnily enough, not in the post you refer to.

You seem to have left several things out of your own posting. You called his kid a " rowdy assed kid" even though he just posted before you he is not, you told him he should have his kid make up a Thai nick name for him and yell it out whenever they " see" him so that could be 75 meters away or more so it's yelling and it will also be heard by many other neighbors.  You only told the poster  to use that nick name when he was in ear shot of him.  Also in your lovely previous posts you told him to light crap on fire in front of the bully's doorstep and to practice a Glasgow kick ( whatever that is) so he could use it on  him. Did you forget some exact things in your own posts when you replied to mine????


In a nut shell you are telling the poster to be a bully and most importantly for him to raise his child as a bully 

You, Mr. Can keep your crappy advise all to yourself.  

Edited by alex8912
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38 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

You seem to have left several things out of your own posting. You called his kid a " rowdy assed kid" even though he just posted before you he is not, you told him he should have his kid make up a Thai nick name for him and yell it out whenever they " see" him so that could be 75 meters away or more so it's yelling and it will also be heard by many other neighbors.  You only told the poster  to use that nick name when he was in ear shot of him.  Also in your lovely previous posts you told him to light crap on fire in front of the bully's doorstep and to practice a Glasgow kick ( whatever that is) so he could use it on  him. Did you forget some exact things in your own posts when you replied to mine????


In a nut shell you are telling the poster to be a bully and most importantly for him to raise his child as a bully 

You, Mr. Can keep your crappy advise all to yourself.  

Mr Laew is something of an institution around here, but as good as his form has been today, you should not take him too* seriously.


(A Glasgow kiss* is doing the nut on a geezer.)

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The OP has two options. Fight or flight.

Flight is easy. He is renting, so move somewhere else. Plenty of other moo baans to go to.

Fight is harder. Know the enemy. Find out everything about him. If he has a history of pushing people around, recruit allies. If he steps over the line to assault, make sure it is filmed. Do not initiate anything physical.

If he continues with verbal intimidation, see a solicitor and have said solicitor write a letter informing the bully if he persists, he will be sued for harassment, or whatever Thai statute there is that covers such conduct.

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16 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

The OP has two options. Fight or flight.



There is a third option... Defuse the situation by refusing to be intimidated by the man.

This means not letting his ranting and raving get under your skin. This mean thanking him with a smile on your face when he calls you names. This means not getting upset when he screams and shouts at you, but instead, say 'thanks for that information.' And say it with a smile, just as you would when anyone gives you information. Refuse to buy into his game. Refuse to let him bully you. If you allow his behavior to get you upset, he wins. If you get angry, he wins. If you argue, he wins. If you don't play, he can't win.


But above all, have someone video the encounter, for if he even bumps you with his chest, it's over for him. That is Assault. If he uses his hands to push you, that is Battery. And if you have it on video, the police WILL get involved if you file a complaint.

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Maybe the kid was the reason his real father did a runner.  There is a disturbing trend for people to let their kids scream at the top of their lungs in public.  Listened to it for my last flight ever on TG, Wednesday.  Yes, kids can make a lot of noise and kids cry..but this is a whole different level, and the parents need to at least try and teach their kids how to behave (if they know, themselves).  The situation could be a good learning experience.  Tell the kid he was wrong and why, but also tell him many aren't used to being around loud kids.  Take the kid over to the complainers house, give him a handshake, an apology and a promise of improvement.  If the guy has any heart at all, he will show some respect.  All the comments encouraging the kids to be noisy are indicative if the mindsets of many parents.  Personally, I would be more concerned about the guys who claim to "love children.". Also, most pools require children to be accompanied by adults.  BTW, the complainer doesn't own, and you might have better luck talking to the property owner, if he doesn't act more sensible.  The police just love to meet foreigners, who claim to own their houses.  Heard of a couple having to pay 200k after complaining about a school being built across from " their house.". Something about setting up a company for the purpose of owning land.

Edited by BuddyDean
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2 hours ago, Slip said:

Mr Laew is something of an institution around here, but as good as his form has been today, you should not take him too* seriously.


(A Glasgow kiss* is doing the nut on a geezer.)

In my other interaction with the institution ( lol)  I asked him if he was being sarcastic and he specifically said in this case he was not.,I don't really know or think of anyone on this forum as an institution and I don't post that much and skip days reading it. 

But I do think it's too bad when newer blood ( not me) come on here for advise and some ( not most or all) habitual posters are a holes to them. I'm not being too serious either but some truth is in what I am saying. Thanks for your post and your info about Glasgow, sometimes I'm too lazy to google! 

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Difficult this as in a small way I can see myself as the grumpy man.. although I am less confrontational and mostly keep my annoyance to myself, I would never threaten, that sounds like a bully.


Neighbours kids, like neighbours dogs can be very disturbing, and there really isn't such a thing as a little bit noisy, they are likely either noisy or quiet. I imagine more of the former around a pool.


It is wrong you can not use the communal areas, you have as much right to them as he does.


Does he have a schedule there, ie could you arrange to be there when he is not?


Choices are limited but you may have to either stand up to him or enrol another member of the moo bahn to be with you, safety in numbers. It doesn't sound like you will be able to befriend him! He has already crossed the line by being aggressive directly to  your kids, one day he may lay a finger on them and force your hand. At the moment he appears to think he owns the place.  Take a video recording of his aggressive behaviour. Yes, register a complaint with any juraisic person and the owner of your house, and with the police too.  He has already crossed the line. Last option is move away.


My neighbour's son, an alcoholic, became belligerent and I even bought a baseball bat for the inevitable day I saw coming! Fortunately he moved away before it came to that.



Edited by jacko45k
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As is always the case in Thailand pick your battles carefully.  What is the price you are willing to pay, what will the consequences be?.  In your situation if you wish to continue living there use all the available means open to you, Jurististic Office, the actual owner of your unit and the police.  You have a family to consider and their protection should be paramount to anything you might consider.  If I were in your shoes and I am single I can assure that the situation would not have gotten this bent out of shape.  I have a ready supply of stink bombs, small deadly capsules of the most obnoxious foul smelling liquid that break apart easily when they hit an object.  I have on occassion used them late at night on my neighbors property, particulary his front door or backyard.  Message received in a most foul manner.  Another favorite of mine is to buy some limburger cheese and wait until it nightime or safe to do so and using some latex gloves spread the cheese on the muffler of the car or motorbike.  When the arse...hole has started his vechicle and the muffler is heated up the smell from the heated limburger cheese will be overpowering and before he realizes what has happened the cheese will have burnt off, no evidence.  Anyhow, good luck in solving your situation with this di..ck head.

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12 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:

I would also throw the guy in the pool with his bike.

But it seems that the OP just get what he deserves for being a guy with nuts !




Wow... there are some frightfully tough people on this forum !!!... 



Are some of you guys really so unhinged that you would so easily and so readily resort to violence over such simple matters ?....  a reaction which ultimately could have significant impact your ability to remain in country. 

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14 hours ago, bazza73 said:

The OP has two options. Fight or flight.

Flight is easy. He is renting, so move somewhere else. Plenty of other moo baans to go to.

Fight is harder. Know the enemy. Find out everything about him. If he has a history of pushing people around, recruit allies. If he steps over the line to assault, make sure it is filmed. Do not initiate anything physical.

If he continues with verbal intimidation, see a solicitor and have said solicitor write a letter informing the bully if he persists, he will be sued for harassment, or whatever Thai statute there is that covers such conduct.

I disagree re only two options >> fight or flight..Have you ever heard about dialogue and intervention by a 3rd party possibility?

I spent a long time looking before selecting this particular Moo baan , which ticks all boxes and also have lease etc to consider, so moving is not really an option.

Fight? as i said i'm not a fighter,IMO tit for tat also achieves nothing, so, no i will not physically fight.

Are you one of these retired SAS guys i hear about? Just going on your terminology>>know your enemy??..recruit allies  ?? find out everything about him?? having someone filming??Man,all that's a wee bit over the top i think.I'm not in a Jason Bourne type movie scenario you know.

My ongoing plan is to make a few more enquiries within the area and see if this can lead to some sort of amicable solution .

As for getting a solicitor involved, suing for harassment etc, no, not really likely, but thanks for the suggestion.


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8 minutes ago, MISTEEIED said:

I disagree re only two options >> fight or flight..Have you ever heard about dialogue and intervention by a 3rd party possibility?

I spent a long time looking before selecting this particular Moo baan , which ticks all boxes and also have lease etc to consider, so moving is not really an option.

Fight? as i said i'm not a fighter,IMO tit for tat also achieves nothing, so, no i will not physically fight.

Are you one of these retired SAS guys i hear about? Just going on your terminology>>know your enemy??..recruit allies  ?? find out everything about him?? having someone filming??Man,all that's a wee bit over the top i think.I'm not in a Jason Bourne type movie scenario you know.

My ongoing plan is to make a few more enquiries within the area and see if this can lead to some sort of amicable solution .

As for getting a solicitor involved, suing for harassment etc, no, not really likely, but thanks for the suggestion.


Yep, use your loaf....:stoner:

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11 minutes ago, MISTEEIED said:

I disagree re only two options >> fight or flight..Have you ever heard about dialogue and intervention by a 3rd party possibility?

I spent a long time looking before selecting this particular Moo baan , which ticks all boxes and also have lease etc to consider, so moving is not really an option.

Fight? as i said i'm not a fighter,IMO tit for tat also achieves nothing, so, no i will not physically fight.

Are you one of these retired SAS guys i hear about? Just going on your terminology>>know your enemy??..recruit allies  ?? find out everything about him?? having someone filming??Man,all that's a wee bit over the top i think.I'm not in a Jason Bourne type movie scenario you know.

My ongoing plan is to make a few more enquiries within the area and see if this can lead to some sort of amicable solution .

As for getting a solicitor involved, suing for harassment etc, no, not really likely, but thanks for the suggestion.


Fighting does not necessarily mean fisticuffs. There are many  ways to skin a cat.

For example, if he is doing something illegal that can be used as a counter-threat. What kind of visa is he here with?

I think you've already said he has intimidated other residents. As a group, they will be more powerful than an individual.

Telling you not to use "his" pool and saying you should move I would regard as unacceptable. In your shoes, I would be meeting those threats with overwhelming force of whatever kind it took. Bullies don't understand anything else.


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21 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Fighting does not necessarily mean fisticuffs. There are many  ways to skin a cat.

For example, if he is doing something illegal that can be used as a counter-threat. What kind of visa is he here with?

I think you've already said he has intimidated other residents. As a group, they will be more powerful than an individual.

Telling you not to use "his" pool and saying you should move I would regard as unacceptable. In your shoes, I would be meeting those threats with overwhelming force of whatever kind it took. Bullies don't understand anything else.


Counter threats??? Checking on his visa?? come on man .. Overwhelming force??  do you watch too many action movies or something? 

To be honest your way over the top suggestions  appear to make my nuisance guy look like an angel and i believe would only worsen the situation..sorry, but tit for tat is not my way.

I have explained what i am doing, so will wait and see.


I asked in my OP if anyone had been in a similar situation and how did they handle it.

Have you been in the situation and is this how you went about it?

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2 minutes ago, MISTEEIED said:

Counter threats??? Checking on his visa?? come on man .. Overwhelming force??  do you watch too many action movies or something? 

To be honest your way over the top suggestions  appear to make my nuisance guy look like an angel and i believe would only worsen the situation..sorry, but tit for tat is not my way.

I have explained what i am doing, so will wait and see.


I asked in my OP if anyone had been in a similar situation and how did they handle it.

Have you been in the situation and is this how you went about it?

You asked for my advice. I've given it. If it doesn't suit your mindset, so be it.

When I was in a managerial position, I was told several times I could be intimidating. That was more a mental than physical projection, although I am a fair size. Funny thing was, I wasn't trying to intimidate. Just ascertain facts.

Yes, I've been in that situation with a guy who threatened me. I now ignore him. However, I do have fallback strategies if he tries it again.

Good luck with your problem.


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4 hours ago, bazza73 said:

You asked for my advice. I've given it. If it doesn't suit your mindset, so be it.

When I was in a managerial position, I was told several times I could be intimidating. That was more a mental than physical projection, although I am a fair size. Funny thing was, I wasn't trying to intimidate. Just ascertain facts.

Yes, I've been in that situation with a guy who threatened me. I now ignore him. However, I do have fallback strategies if he tries it again.

Good luck with your problem.


 No sir, i never asked for your advice.
here is exactly what I said .
So..i'm pondering on the best course of action
Any one been in a similar predicament, and if so, how did you resolve it please?
 Your advice as you see fit to share is very flawed in real life, and definitely more Jason Bourne or James Bond make believe stuff, but hey if you personally believe in this course of action,so be it.
You have little credibility as you don't even practice as you preach. You told me that in the situation there were only had two choices >>fight or flight, but in your story you did neither.
I am a very tolerant guy, and will not respond in the same fashion that , in reality is the only way  to respond to some of the nonsense you and a lot of others have posted in response to my words You/they are actually far more  taxing on me than the 'enemy' as you called the guy.
Sorry,I do not find you intimidating at all, more like a keyboard warrior Walter Mitty type,just going on your own words.
I really regret following my colleagues advice to ask on here.
I had no idea of what nonsense was to follow.
Lesson learnt.
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3 minutes ago, MISTEEIED said:
 No sir, i never asked for your advice.
here is exactly what I said .
So..i'm pondering on the best course of action
Any one been in a similar predicament, and if so, how did you resolve it please?
 Your advice as you see fit to share is very flawed in real life, and definitely more Jason Bourne or James Bond make believe stuff, but hey if you personally believe in this course of action,so be it.
You have little credibility as you don't even practice as you preach. You told me that in the situation there were only had two choices >>fight or flight, but in your story you did neither.
I am a very tolerant guy, and will not respond in the same fashion that , in reality is the only way  to respond to some of the nonsense you and a lot of others have posted in response to my words You/they are actually far more  taxing on me than the 'enemy' as you called the guy.
Sorry,I do not find you intimidating at all, more like a keyboard warrior Walter Mitty type,just going on your own words.
I really regret following my colleagues advice to ask on here.
I had no idea of what nonsense was to follow.
Lesson learnt.

Any topic will get many different comments, just sift through them and hope for a key comment...:stoner:

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1 minute ago, MISTEEIED said:
 No sir, i never asked for your advice.
here is exactly what I said .
So..i'm pondering on the best course of action
Any one been in a similar predicament, and if so, how did you resolve it please?
 Your advice as you see fit to share is very flawed in real life, and definitely more Jason Bourne or James Bond make believe stuff, but hey if you personally believe in this course of action,so be it.
You have little credibility as you don't even practice as you preach. You told me that in the situation there were only had two choices >>fight or flight, but in your story you did neither.
I am a very tolerant guy, and will not respond in the same fashion that , in reality is the only way  to respond to some of the nonsense you and a lot of others have posted in response to my words You/they are actually far more  taxing on me than the 'enemy' as you called the guy.
Sorry,I do not find you intimidating at all, more like a keyboard warrior Walter Mitty type,just going on your own words.
I really regret following my colleagues advice to ask on here.
I had no idea of what nonsense was to follow.
Lesson learnt.

Amazing. You ask for advice, then criticize me for giving it. Troll is the first noun that comes to mind.

Congratulations, you've made it on to my ignore list.

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Amazing. You ask for advice, then criticize me for giving it. Troll is the first noun that comes to mind.
Congratulations, you've made it on to my ignore list.

And you have just joined my list of those who have no tolerance for others.
The Op has asked for advice for a problem in his CM Moo Baan, not downtown NY or Glasgow solutions!
He obviously does not like the Cr*p you are spouting out as so called advice!
Why keep posting it?

Sent from my MotoG3 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

And you have just joined my list of those who have no tolerance for others.
The Op has asked for advice for a problem in his CM Moo Baan, not downtown NY or Glasgow solutions!
He obviously does not like the Cr*p you are spouting out as so called advice!
Why keep posting it?

Sent from my MotoG3 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

True. I don't suffer fools gladly.

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Those who value their safety in LOS regarding the BiB and immigration do NOT get involved with giving someone a slap or other naughty stuff....You use your head and win by aggressors using your head...Aggressors do NOT have that quality......:stoner:

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Just now, Dante99 said:

please explain this further, thanks

Aggressors use the "fear/tough guy" thingy, they do not have the brains to tackle "their" problem with words...Most walk away from aggressors, which is a good idea but aggressors know that and usually get away with it...Because most do walk away..

If one uses their head these shits can be put back in their kennel...

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On 11/2/2017 at 9:10 PM, alex8912 said:

You seem to have left several things out of your own posting. You called his kid a " rowdy assed kid" even though he just posted before you he is not, you told him he should have his kid make up a Thai nick name for him and yell it out whenever they " see" him so that could be 75 meters away or more so it's yelling and it will also be heard by many other neighbors.  You only told the poster  to use that nick name when he was in ear shot of him.  Also in your lovely previous posts you told him to light crap on fire in front of the bully's doorstep and to practice a Glasgow kick ( whatever that is) so he could use it on  him. Did you forget some exact things in your own posts when you replied to mine????


In a nut shell you are telling the poster to be a bully and most importantly for him to raise his child as a bully 

You, Mr. Can keep your crappy advise all to yourself.  

I guess you didn't read many of the subsequent posts in your rush to admonish me and missed my last contribution.


Up to you if you can't take discern when one's chain is being jerked without the crutch of emoticons and the like.

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On 11/2/2017 at 9:51 PM, Slip said:

Mr Laew is something of an institution around here, but as good as his form has been today, you should not take him too* seriously.


(A Glasgow kiss* is doing the nut on a geezer.)

Thanks for the acknowledgement and enlightenment regarding "stickin' the heid in" Mr Slip. Much appreciated.


You almost had me going when you said 'institution' though.

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