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A warning for those using Chaeng Watthana Immigration


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Yes this is in the right forum.


No it's not about the abysmally slow service received on Wednesday.


It IS about the "facilities".


OK, visiting immigration on Wednesday, got there early (7.30) to get photos, my office lady was already in the queue (she arrived at 7AM).


Anyway, my morning cuppa has filtered through so I have to visit the men's as you do. Using a cubicle I noted the new "Japanese style" loo seats complete with built in bum-squirter connected to the water supply, a small knob on the side appeared to operate the device.


Now for the warning. Do NOT operate the knob with no covering on the loo (either yourself or the lid) as there is no weight sensor. I should have connected the already wet inside of the cubicle door with something untoward, I didn't!


Upon operating the knob "to see what would happen" a small probe emerged and sprayed water at great pressure, the jet reached the top of the (already wet) cubicle door. With the cubicle door closed there was nowhere to run! Panic adjustment of the knob did little to stem the tropical downpour which was eventually halted by me closing the toilet lid and finally finding the "off" position.


Exiting the cubicle and surveying the damage revealed a large and very apparent "stain of shame" on the front of my (pale) chinos and the bottom of my shirt. There's no hot air dryer so panic drying with tissue ensued at which point the cleaning lady arrived with a knowing smile on her face, evidently I wasn't the first.


So off to see immigration looking like I had had a very bad night. Luckily(?) despite getting number 46 at 8.45 we didn't get seen until 11.15 by which time things had dried out to being significantly less obvious. We finally escaped at 3.30PM with my 30 day "under approval" stamp (business extension).


Be Warned!! Experimenting with unfamiliar mechanisms can be hazardous.


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Dear Crossy,


Just wondering whether you got a surprise the first you generated a personal sticky stream, did the spray have pressure way beyond expectations and go over the bed head and hit the wall?


Yes using equipment for the first time can produce unexpected results. 

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and here's tutsi in a hotel in south america with a bidet in the bathroom...tutsi is 15 y.o. and grew up in California where folks bathe regularly and there is no need for specialised equipment dedicated to personal hygiene...they use that stuff in europe where folks don't bathe...and tutsi's never been to europe, he goes surfin' instead...


'hmmm...don't look like yer supposed to use it to shit...it's got lotsa knobs...'...and then he activates one of the knobs and WHOOOAA NELLIE!!!....


later when tutsi has discovered the bum sprayer in SE Asia and the middle east he finds that the bidet is an acceptable substitute in the absence of the former...and then some clever japanese guy incorporates both in modern defecation design...


that dumb Trump now during his asian tour don't know what he's up against...



Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Sorry to laugh at your experience but I speak from similar experience. First time I stayed in Tokyo my flight was delayed. When I finally checked into the hotel first thing I did was hit the bathroom. I was given  an A4 sheet of paper with detailed instructions on both sides in English apparently when I checked in but couldn't be bothered to read it. I went into the tiny bathroom feeling on the wall for the light switch. Touched what I though were the lights and got a full blast of water in my face. If it had been in many countries other than Japan I would have been overly concerned that the water was not clean. The toilet controls were on the wall and the bathroom light switch was in the far corner near the bed-about as far as you could get from the restroom. The lights to the room were on the opposite wall...WHY??????


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Actually something very similar happened to me when I was living in Tokyo.  The first time I encountered a Japanese toilet was at a KFC in Tokyo.  My wife and I were out wondering around Tokyo and I stopped at a KFC to use the bathroom.  That was the first time I’d ever seen a Japanese toilet it has a bunch of buttons on it and I was trying to figure out which button would actually flush the toilet.  I didn’t know which one so I figured uhhh push that button see what this one does.  So I took a guess and pushed a button and I ended up getting hosed down.  I walked out of there fast and embarrassed because I was all wet.  One thing about the Japanese is that they WILL NOT laugh at you.  They don’t believe in humiliating others.  That KFC was crowded to and I was fully expecting to get laughed at because at the time I was new in Japan, but everyone in the KFC acted normal as if foreigners walk out of the bathroom soaking wet everyday.  


Actually Japan has laws against publicly humiliating anyone and I learned all about that because I worked with this total moron who emailed sexually explicit pictures of his ex-girlfriend to her friends and family EVEN HER PARENTS!  He was also accused of raping and assaulting her.  She was pregnant with his baby and supposedly he punched her in the stomach causing her to hemorrhage and have a miscarriage.  I already knew the guy was a scumbag just from seeing other things he did and from hearing the things he used to talk about.  Whenever I’d take my TDY trips to Seoul usually I went alone but sometimes he’d go with me and whenever he’d go with me I could never get any work done because all he wanted to do was party for the whole week on the taxpayers dime.  He would spend all his time at the Korean whore houses while we were there on government business.  It was like working with the devil himself because he would try to get me to do it to.  After what he did to his ex-girlfriend the Japanese police in coorporation with the local Army CID executed a search warrant on his home and they seized his computer.  He got of easy our headquarters recalled him back to DC and he was relieved of his Detachment Chief position in Japan.  Although they didn’t even fire him they just sent him to a different Field Office in the States.  At the time I was still military but he was an agency civilian I was working for what’s called a Special Mission Unit based in the Washington, D.C. area.  I spent the first half of my career in Special Forces (3rd SFG) on Bragg.  Then I was recruited to work on the “dark side” for the last half of my career.  When I worked for the SMU in the DC area we weren’t “door kickers” our mission was mostly Espionage Operations and other things.  I did my Iraq tour with that SMU.  I did all my Afghanistan tours in Special Forces.  Anyway after what he did to his ex Japanese girlfriend the Japanese Prosecutor made a deal with the United States government they wouldn’t prosecute him but he had to leave the country and was banned from ever coming back.  Like I said they didn’t fire him BUT when it came for his 5 year periodic review he ended up losing his TS/SCI security clearance and therefore could no longer work for them anymore.  So eventually he did end up losing his job because OPM pulled his security clearance and without a security clearance you can’t even get into the building without an escort let alone have access to classified information.  Basically without a security clearance you can’t do that kind of work because obviously you require a security clearance to have access to classified information.  So eventually his past caught up with him, he ended up losing his security clearance because of his exploits in Japan.  Now he can’t even get a job as a janitor in the Intelligence Community.  I heard he eventually got another government job outside the Intelligence Community.  If he would have done that in Okinawa he would have gone to Japanese prison for sure.  Lucky for him we were assigned to the Tokyo area.  Plus they couldn’t prove the rape charge the only thing they were able to prove was what’s called in Japan “Defamation of Character” which is a criminal offense in Japan because he emailed all the sexually explicit pictures of his ex Japanese girlfriend.  If I would have done something like that I would have been sent back to the regular Army and I probably would have ended up getting kicked out but he was an agency civilian in the “good ol’ boy” system so despite being kicked out of Japan he still managed to keep his job for a while anyway until OPM eventually pulled his security clearance.  Saving face is very important in petty much all the Asian cultures but I’ve seen that in Japan and Korea especially Japan they take that more seriously.  Here in Thailand I’m not aware of any Defamation of Character laws.  

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5 hours ago, serpent32 said:

... everyone in the KFC acted normal as if foreigners walk out of the bathroom soaking wet everyday.

They probably do if the instructions are anything like "Janglish" documents we get from our Japanese contractors :unsure:

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On 07/11/2017 at 5:06 AM, Crossy said:

They probably do if the instructions are anything like "Janglish" documents we get from our Japanese contractors :unsure:

Years ago I was reading the English instructions for some made in China gizmo I'd bought. All was going swimmingly until I got to point number 5 which just seemed to consist of random words, adjectives and articles. Sort of " randomizer a big " A" insert for operate obtain long screw close uncomfortable"

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