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"True love overcomes gender issues" as stunning lady boy marries her soldier boy!


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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

"Stunning" you can't be serious even if he was a woman it wouldn't be stunning.  He might look ok to the gay community.  Anyway good luck to these guys in marriage.

Oh look - it only took 3 comments down for some bitter old expat who can't get it up to make a homophobic comment. You're slipping Thaivisa! :)

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8 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

you should read what some of the poster think about Nigerians. I fail to see the point of celebrating deviant behaviour,  what the do in privacy is up to them. To have total strangers expressing happiness at their union seems a little gay

Oh dear, people celebrating others happiness is wrong now is it? 


Or even, PC gone mad, eh. 


Gender identity is not deviant. 


I have read the bigotry directed at Nigerians on threads on tv over the years and have often engaged with those expressing such hate, to expose it for what it is. 


Just as I do here. 


“A little gay”... Jesus H!

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4 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

Nothing stunning at all about gay or lesbian unions. It is just not natural.


And both of those people where born to straight parents. Why do straight people keep on having gay babies ?

The problem lies with the straight people.

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10 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

Nothing stunning at all about gay or lesbian unions. It is just not natural.


Neither is obesity, but there are plenty of fat people around. I used to be homophobic but now i realise that their life doesnt affect me and if they are happy then there are two less problems in the world.

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26 minutes ago, Zack61 said:

Not in Australia. Talk about living in the dark ages. 

Hope all goes well for these two. 

And that the YES vote comes through on the 15th of this month, which will no doubt bring about a huge fist fight in parliament as some pollies try to knock it back after investing in a $122,000,000 plebiscite thinking it wont pass, watch this space, and personally I hope the churches go broke...lol.


Can't understand why there is so much ignorance on this forum about two people who want to wed, personally I don't give a rats arsssse, as long as their happy, who the farrrrk are we to inflict who can and cannot marry, I say; If a bloke wants to marry a sheila, then that's fine with me, and if a bloke wants to marry another bloke, that's not skin of my nose, and if a sheila wants to be marrying another sheila, then as far as I am concerned, I know pronounce you Husband & ? & Wife & ?


And if they want to adopt kids, that's fine with me too, to think some people might stop a married couple (male & female) from adopting an Asian or coloured child because they were not of the same nationality would be criminal, would it not.

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25 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

Nothing stunning at all about gay or lesbian unions. It is just not natural.


As natural as breathing in the air, you should really try and get out more often, the world is changing, or so they say, because as I recall with history, gays have been around since we Greeks invented it, but have kept it in the closet because people like yourself just can't accept it and get your head around it, suffice to say that the time has come, and you can embrace it or keep your head up your... as the saying goes 555


Oh, and in case if your wondering, I am married to the opposite sex, and have never felt threatened about two people of the same gender being together. Love is love, and it beats the crap out of wars which are usually starts when people can't accept things. Make what you want of that.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

It’s a story that shows how much progress has taken place in society and how the hatred and bigotry of the past towards those with different gender identities is being challenged by those with the courage to be who they are. 


Does seem to scare those who refuse to accept accept that the world of gender/sexual identity is far more complex than boys and girls. 


As Taylor said


”haters going to hate”. 

Just because liberal societies want to normalize abnormal behavior does not make it moral. It is sad that these people have serious psychological deep routed issues. And normal people shouldn't be so quick to accept these people into society. It is not normal. And they are dangerous, and mentally unstable.

It is sh!t like this where they had a Gay Day at my kid's middle school. Gay Day aimed at 9-12 year olds. Is that normal?  

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14 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Just because liberal societies want to normalize abnormal behavior does not make it moral. It is sad that these people have serious psychological deep routed issues. And normal people shouldn't be so quick to accept these people into society. It is not normal. And they are dangerous, and mentally unstable.

It is sh!t like this where they had a Gay Day at my kid's middle school. Gay Day aimed at 9-12 year olds. Is that normal?  

What is not normal is the hate directed towards this couple and others who have the courage to be who they are. 


As to who has the deep psychological issues...I have a different perspective on that. 


“Gay Day”?  


That’s what the school called the event you seem strangely disturbed by?

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9 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Just because liberal societies want to normalize abnormal behavior does not make it moral. It is sad that these people have serious psychological deep routed issues. And normal people shouldn't be so quick to accept these people into society. It is not normal. And they are dangerous, and mentally unstable.

It is sh!t like this where they had a Gay Day at my kid's middle school. Gay Day aimed at 9-12 year olds. Is that normal?  

It is probably very normal, people do not become gay if they go to a gay day school day. People are born gay. Well done to the teachers at your kids school for including any gay kids that go there. Because kids of that age need to know there are gay people in the world. Who knows your child might be gay. Don't tell me, if your kid is gay you will kill him. And if he comes home with an African boy whos mum works at Nana you will kill him twice.

Lets hope he is.

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11 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Just because liberal societies want to normalize abnormal behavior does not make it moral. It is sad that these people have serious psychological deep routed issues. And normal people shouldn't be so quick to accept these people into society. It is not normal. And they are dangerous, and mentally unstable.

It is sh!t like this where they had a Gay Day at my kid's middle school. Gay Day aimed at 9-12 year olds. Is that normal?  

YOU are the one with deep rooted issues, SO  you are NORMAL  ??.....Dangerous   ha ha ha.   Everyone is therefore obliged to accept your SHI#...........I wonder if everything you do in bed is NORMAL-----get a life--engage brain.

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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

What is not normal is the hate directed towards this couple and others who have the courage to be who they are. 


As to who has the deep psychological issues...I have a different perspective on that. 


“Gay Day”?  


That’s what the school called the event you seem strangely disturbed by?

Gay Day. That was the actual name of the event. Giving prepubescent children sexual ideas that they normally wouldn't have is morally wrong. People have been gay since people have been people. They usually figure it out without help. Young children don't need to be talked to about alternative sexual  lifestyles.

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5 minutes ago, berybert said:

It is probably very normal, people do not become gay if they go to a gay day school day. People are born gay. Well done to the teachers at your kids school for including any gay kids that go there. Because kids of that age need to know there are gay people in the world. Who knows your child might be gay. Don't tell me, if your kid is gay you will kill him. And if he comes home with an African boy whos mum works at Nana you will kill him twice.

Lets hope he is.

You just outed yourself. 

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5 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Gay Day. That was the actual name of the event. Giving prepubescent children sexual ideas that they normally wouldn't have is morally wrong. People have been gay since people have been people. They usually figure it out without help. Young children don't need to be talked to about alternative sexual  lifestyles.

While I 100% support the school holding such an event, we need more events that promote understanding, tolerance  and acceptance, I do wonder about the title of this excellent initiative. 


What is moraly wrong is not teaching that there is more than one sexual identity. 

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Did I ? Because I'm not a bigot like yourself when it comes to who wants to be with who ?

What will you do if your child turns out to be gay. Try and bash it out of him, get him to take some tablets, maybe a witch doctor. Or let him be happy and live his life they way he wants.

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2 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Gay Day. That was the actual name of the event. Giving prepubescent children sexual ideas that they normally wouldn't have is morally wrong. People have been gay since people have been people. They usually figure it out without help. Young children don't need to be talked to about alternative sexual  lifestyles.

Your'e initial post is a little different,    quote  They usually figure it out  ???     well you certainly have not.

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