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Video: Millions view shocking school violence as teacher appears to attack student


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Next thing is "phones will be banned in classes"?


Clearly a teacher cannot act like this no matter what.


But, let's not kid ourselves. I believe that emotional abuse is far worse for a child, but is probably more acceptable. They say: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me"! How untrue! Words caused the incident to occur in the first place. 


Still, we do hear the occasional times where parents can influence how a child is graded like money can influence a police or a judge's decision. I wonder how supportive is/was the administration in that school? Were there other incidents? How new is the teacher? Is he a substitute teacher? Sometimes a child needs a place to cool off and be "disciplined" in a measured way outside the classroom's environment. Is/was that available?


Those who write that they would lose it, while showing outrage at the teacher losing it, are confusing me.





Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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Come on lads, this guy is crazy and a bully, needs locking up....pure and simple. Used to have the birch in my country for cowards like this, a bit of their own medicine, before jail. Brand him a child abuser, he won't last long in jail.

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4 hours ago, edwinchester said:

If that was one of my kids getting the beating that particular teacher would have a hard job walking today.

Yes, and he would be unable to reproduce, because his equipment would have been crushed by a knee, and probably a very crooked nose

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4 hours ago, edwinchester said:

If that was one of my kids getting the beating that particular teacher would have a hard job walking today.

If it were me dishing out the justice to a teacher who displayed this kind of moronic and senseless behaviour to my child he would never teach again ...read into that what you will

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It's already on my Facebook page and I hope that many will see it. Spread the word, please, such a rat shouldn't be in a classroom. 


   How does that fit with not touching someone's head? Sad, but true. And he's not the only one. 



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2 hours ago, djayz said:

What are you on about?! "Oh that was fast". 

Were you in the classroom when this happened? 


There are ALWAYS two sides to every story - unlike a lot of people here, I like to keep an open mind on these matters. 


No, the teacher shouldn't have laid a single hand on the student, but it's important to find out and understand "why" he did what he did. 

This isn't the first time we've seen or read about this happening in schools here. The question is, why is it happening? What can be done to reduce/prevent it from happening before some child is seriously injured or worse... 

Are the teachers here so stressed and if so, what's causing that stress? In order to be able to solve a problem, you must first understand what it is and what's causing it. 

As I wrote in my initial response, "Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society."


wise up 

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Reminds of the road rage with the old Brit dude with his machete;  victim to Perp in the space of a few minutes.   Just begs the question: What the hell did the guy do to provoke such a vicious reaction?  Any 'before' video out there?

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4 hours ago, djayz said:

It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic.


Maybe the teacher in question lacks the necessary skills to teach the youth of today? Or maybe the student on the receiving end of the beating is simply disruptive and rebellious by nature and the teacher simply had enough? We'll never really know.


Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society. 


We don't know if this student was persistently disobedient, disruptive and riotous in class. It is not acceptable for a student or a small number of students to disrupt classes to an extent that it has an adverse affect on the other well disciplined students' learning and class time. 


Some form of punishment is necessary to teach people where the boundries are. 

come on, are you defending beating up children that are almost trapped in a school bench?
if a teacher has had enough, he sends the kid to the head master, and if the head master cannot cope, send the kid to a special school for mentally challenged kids.

Or maybe this teacher had a bad morning and is used to take it out on the kids... hence the video that was obviously made by hands trembling with fear.
Teachers are supposed to be mentally superior to children, aren't they. 
Words are arguments, but fists are a sign of lack of arguments and thus stupidity and going to the same level as the maybe obnoxious child.
The Beating up of a student, including stomach punches for someone that aims to defuse the situation, makes me want to puke.
preferable on the teacher involved.

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There is absolutely no excuse no matter the circumstances for any teacher to resort to this extreme act of violence. 


Unfortunately this type of reaction by teachers is all too common but mostly unreported.


What a poor example this supposed adult has shown to his young students.  

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4 hours ago, DM07 said:

Waiting for the first comment, that "the brat probably deserved it" and "teachers used to beat us to a pulp regularly and it didn't harm me...back in the days, when men were still men..."


no-one on TV that I know of was born in the 17th century, so stop waiting

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4 minutes ago, KKr said:

come on, are you defending beating up children that are almost trapped in a school bench?
if a teacher has had enough, he sends the kid to the head master, and if the head master cannot cope, send the kid to a special school for mentally challenged kids.

Or maybe this teacher had a bad morning and is used to take it out on the kids... hence the video that was obviously made by hands trembling with fear.
Teachers are supposed to be mentally superior to children, aren't they. 
Words are arguments, but fists are a sign of lack of arguments and thus stupidity and going to the same level as the maybe obnoxious child.
The Beating up of a student, including stomach punches for someone that aims to defuse the situation, makes me want to puke.
preferable on the teacher involved.

Please go back amd read my initial post on the subject. I did not nor will I ever condone that kind of violence, as I've already stated in my first posting. 

I'm not defending the teacher (nor the student for that matter). 

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At times there are students who`s disobedience can push teachers nerves to the limit and every so often a teacher will crack under the strain. Not trying to justify the teacher`s actions, but teaching kids and young people is a strenuous job and there are those who simply can`t handle it.

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4 hours ago, DM07 said:

...oh...that was fast!

"Or maybe the student on the receiving end of the beating is simply disruptive and rebellious by nature and the teacher simply had enough? We'll never really know."

And we don't need to!

If a teacher is not able to control himself and starts beating a kid like that, all we need to know, is that he will never be allowed near any kid again!

There are plenty of ways to discipline children- beating the #@$% out of them is not one of it!

+ 1. Unbelieveable !!  Some form of punishment is necessary to teach people where the boundries are. 


And that seems to be from somebody who's a teacher?


   Please stop your punishment and learn how to deal with bored students. 

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2 hours ago, HooHaa said:

there is one story here not 2 sides.

a teacher beat the crap out of 2 students, in full view of the class, in school.

there are no extenuating circumstances.

but for the fact one child was actually bold enough to video it, he would be free to continue this kind of behavior at will.


As for your rehashing your last remark, the ambivalence there is clear - personally i cant think of any society, today's or yesterday's or tomorrow's, where such outright violence is "simply" acceptable.

i would love to hear your take on domestic violence or child abuse, which this almost certainly is.

As I've said a few times already on this thread, violence isn't acceptable. That's my take on all forms of violence - domestic, child, women, etc. The teacher is 100% in the wrong - no ifs or buts, but we will continue to see and hear about other cases of teachers beating students until something is done to tackle the problem. The only real way to solve the problem is to get to the root of it. What's causing these "professionals" to go into meltdown? Over crowded classes? Over worked? Untrained to cope in today's teaching environment? Unmanagable students? What's causing these outbursts? How can they be prevented? How many other cases of abuse go unrecorded and unreported? 

This is a serious situation and calls for drastic measures before some student ends up paralised or beated to death. 

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5 hours ago, edwinchester said:

If that was one of my kids getting the beating that particular teacher would have a hard job walking today.

Same here.  I would devour him, attacking a child with such brute force is... well, I have no words for it.  Being beaten myself when I was a child on a regular basis, this brings it all back and I would have to be careful not to rip this f***'s head off

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We don't know details. Under some circumstances, I could act the same way this teacher did. Maybe this "innocent" student just raped the teacher's daughter? So many hypocritic comments I want to vomit.

Edited by Zikomat
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