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Russian Warships Arrive in Thailand Amid ASEAN Drills


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Russian Warships Arrive in Thailand Amid ASEAN Drills

Two Pacific Fleet ships set to remain for commemorative activities this week.

By Prashanth Parameswaran


On November 13, Russia’s defense ministry confirmed that two Pacific Fleet ships had arrived on an unofficial visit to Thailand. The visit, which follows a stop by the vessels in Cambodia, also comes just as Bangkok is set to host a series of commemorative military activities in conjunction with ASEAN’s 50th anniversary.


As I have noted before in these pages, Russia under Vladimir Putin – ambitious abroad and increasingly isolated from the West — has been looking to boost its presence in the Asia-Pacific, including in Southeast Asia, over the past few years. Though there are clear limits to what Moscow can accomplish and some Southeast Asian states have been more receptive than others, the trend itself is unmistakable 


Full story: https://thediplomat.com/2017/11/russian-warships-arrive-in-thailand-amid-asean-drills/


-- THE DIPLOMAT 2017-11-14

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The free worlds old nemesis is riding back to challenge our Democracies. It can change it's spots but is still our enemy.


The once mighty USSR now Russia is up to it's old tricks but, as it seems to me, has much more palatable and fatal poisons in its political medicine bag.


A good friend of mine hails from the US and is a firm conspiracist. He constantly commented back in July, August, September 2016 what a great Country Russia was and how well it looked after its citizens, even giving them free land, He told me Russians are treated far better than the US looks after it's own, he also stands firm with the idea that Russia just wants to be friends. 


I have to tip my hat to the great job the Russians have done building a strong and totally servile "fifth column" in The United States even gaining control of the worlds most powerful man, Trump.


I'm not swearing when I say, "God help us all" when we begin to see our enemies as friends and our friends as people to be banished to nether land.

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The Russian warships are only there to "spy" on the others. To pick up clues, such as reactions to set scenarios during the exercises. That way they can have the heads up on possible military responses during a wartime situation.


(Ex military.)

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28 minutes ago, PeCeDe said:

The free worlds old nemesis is riding back to challenge our Democracies. It can change it's spots but is still our enemy.


The once mighty USSR now Russia is up to it's old tricks but, as it seems to me, has much more palatable and fatal poisons in its political medicine bag.


A good friend of mine hails from the US and is a firm conspiracist. He constantly commented back in July, August, September 2016 what a great Country Russia was and how well it looked after its citizens, even giving them free land, He told me Russians are treated far better than the US looks after it's own, he also stands firm with the idea that Russia just wants to be friends. 


I have to tip my hat to the great job the Russians have done building a strong and totally servile "fifth column" in The United States even gaining control of the worlds most powerful man, Trump.


I'm not swearing when I say, "God help us all" when we begin to see our enemies as friends and our friends as people to be banished to nether land.

So Russia is still the US enemy, why, because the media says so? I notice that you didn't offer one single provable incident to back up that claim. Is it because they stopped the Crimea being a US naval base, because they foiled the destruction of Syria, because they supposedly interfered in US elections despite there being no evidence, or because everyone knows they are just evil Commies at heart? One doesn't have to love Russians but isn't enemy a little strong?


It is interesting to note that prior the US entering WW1 it was an economically stable, genuine democracy with no debt and minimal inflation, in fact an actual beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. Do some research, its been the Fed printing money to finance wars that has bankrupted the US (and most of the rest of the western world).


And what has the US citizen gained? An oligarchy, crime, debt and body bags. And those that instigate the wars...unimaginable wealth. Almost every war and enemy is manufactured for someones financial gain. Read what your most highly decorated Marine General Butler had to say. The current meme with Russia is no different to last time, the war on terror is running out of steam, a new (or recycled) boogieman is needed to justify the parasitic "defense" budget.


By the way a definition of a conspiracist is someone that doubts the "official" story.  The term was coined by the CIA in the 60s, what might Huxley or Orwell have to say about that?

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51 minutes ago, Rancid said:

So Russia is still the US enemy, why, because the media says so? I notice that you didn't offer one single provable incident to back up that claim. Is it because they stopped the Crimea being a US naval base, because they foiled the destruction of Syria, because they supposedly interfered in US elections despite there being no evidence, or because everyone knows they are just evil Commies at heart? One doesn't have to love Russians but isn't enemy a little strong?


It is interesting to note that prior the US entering WW1 it was an economically stable, genuine democracy with no debt and minimal inflation, in fact an actual beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. Do some research, its been the Fed printing money to finance wars that has bankrupted the US (and most of the rest of the western world).


And what has the US citizen gained? An oligarchy, crime, debt and body bags. And those that instigate the wars...unimaginable wealth. Almost every war and enemy is manufactured for someones financial gain. Read what your most highly decorated Marine General Butler had to say. The current meme with Russia is no different to last time, the war on terror is running out of steam, a new (or recycled) boogieman is needed to justify the parasitic "defense" budget.


By the way a definition of a conspiracist is someone that doubts the "official" story.  The term was coined by the CIA in the 60s, what might Huxley or Orwell have to say about that?

I couldn't have said it better . Thanks !

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Thanks for your reply, it's good to get an intelligent reply to a topic that has attracted so much nonsense. 


I assume you would agree then with the statements that, Obama is a Muslim, or was born in Kenya and not Hawaii, or Obama started ISIS. or that it's Ok to jail or even kill reporters for reporting the news as they see it? How about it's Ok to jail or kill any serious contender for leadership, or perhaps it's alright to quietly whisper anti Semitic sentiments behind peoples backs. Maybe it's justified to go after news agencies that don't agree with you calling them "Fake News."  Or There are areas in Birmingham England, Toronto, Canada amongst many that are No Go even to the police because of Muslims, Russia did not buy thousands of Ad's on Facebook etc. Russia did not try to incite hatred between US blacks and whites with "Heart of Texas" and other fictions.


Yes, you are right, the United States still has terrible things wrong with it but I'd much rather have what we have now and still have the chance to change it for the good than be born into a Country that determines my every move through ruthless suppression.


Don't know who said it but for me it's true and it should be for you.  "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Now, please tell me that can happen in Russia, no it can't.  


Courtesy of a free Country we need to be thankful for our right to express what we want, when we want, that is the difference between the US and Russia, I'd hate to see the privilege disappear.


Make no mistake Russia is our enemy.




13 minutes ago, Rancid said:

So Russia is still the US enemy, why, because the media says so? I notice that you didn't offer one single


By the way a definition of a conspiracist is someone that doubts the "official" story.  The term was coined by the CIA in the 60s, what might Huxley or Orwell have to say about that?


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2 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Aren't Thais promoting soapy massages this month? The fleet is just in time.

The sweaty, obnoxious boys are due for a break. Same as the US Navy or any of the rest of us...they're just younger mo' and han'sum than me :=(



The few Ruskie's I've spoken with are decent enough folks.


Some are butt-wipes, but one can say that about any nationality.


At least they don't need a tour guide with a flag and a bus to take them from point A to Point B.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Given Russia's actions in the last U.S. election, yes, I do consider Russia an enemy of the U.S.  

That's not the same thing as supporting that we go to a literal war. 




Would that make the US the enemy of the many countries whose elections and/or governments the CIA has interfered with?


Still sore because Hilary lost? Gotta blame those pesky Russians?


Firm credible evidence yet?

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42 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Would that make the US the enemy of the many countries whose elections and/or governments the CIA has interfered with?


Still sore because Hilary lost? Gotta blame those pesky Russians?


Firm credible evidence yet?

There is a ton of evidence about Russian interference. If you don't know about it, you're in a weird bubble. 

Other nations will have to decide for themselves about how they feel about he USA.

I was talking about current Russia - USA relations.

I'm quite aware that Putin has been promoting the USA as an enemy of Russia for many years now for his domestic political rise in power which is now almost total ... so we know how Russians feel. I feel the same way about Russia. Seems rational to me. 

Not going to be baited on what about Hillary. She's a private citizen now. 

Edited by Jingthing
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19 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Would that make the US the enemy of the many countries whose elections and/or governments the CIA has interfered with?


Still sore because Hilary lost? Gotta blame those pesky Russians?


Firm credible evidence yet?

What's with this Hilary nonsense, you'll find many, maybe even a majority of Dems wish she would go away and the reason so many of them turned against their own party in 2016.


Trump for all his failings has some good ideas, lowering taxes, improving health care, support for the military being a few.


Pity he's a proven bare faced liar in the first degree, and a Russian footstool. Hope I'm wrong but it would seem you have fallen into his and your Russian friends trap. I should be horrified at Americas gullibility and willingness to accept that which is patently untrue but no I just shake my head and continue exercising my right to free speech, while I still have it of course, and until Trump figures out a way to suppress it. I hold to Winston Churchill's words, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've tried everything else," I hope he was right.


Highest taxed nation on earth eh? Let's control what the DOJ does and says, let's eliminate the first amendment, it's so inconvenient... huh? Please pass me another martini, at least that keeps me sane.

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1 minute ago, PeCeDe said:

What's with this Hilary nonsense, you'll find many, maybe even a majority of Dems wish she would go away and the reason so many of them turned against their own party in 2016.


Trump for all his failings has some good ideas, lowering taxes, improving health care, support for the military being a few.


Pity he's a proven bare faced liar in the first degree, and a Russian footstool. Hope I'm wrong but it would seem you have fallen into his and your Russian friends trap. I should be horrified at Americas gullibility and willingness to accept that which is patently untrue but no I just shake my head and continue exercising my right to free speech, while I still have it of course, and until Trump figures out a way to suppress it. I hold to Winston Churchill's words, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've tried everything else," I hope he was right.


Highest taxed nation on earth eh? Let's control what the DOJ does and says, let's eliminate the first amendment, it's so inconvenient... huh? Please pass me another martini, at least that keeps me sane.


My post was in response to a note Hilary fan and supporter. Not addressed to you.  Like many Hilary supporters they refuse to accept she lost for any other reason but a Russian conspiracy.


Trump does have some good ideas, and plenty of faults. Show me a politician who doesn't have faults? But many don't have any good ideas either. His character seems to be well known before he was elected.


Not sure what your rest rants incoherently about. Perhaps less martini would help. Unless of course you deny the facts of American interventions, and not always peaceful or welcome ones since WW11 as America sort more world influence.


America has paid the price for being the World's policeman, as Britain did before it.  But like all countries that take that roll, what starts out with good honest intentions often morphs into something else as the complexities and reactions overwhelm.


We live in an information age which is providing the detail so many governments suppressed in the past. 


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4 minutes ago, chainarong said:

I wouldn't worry about a few Russian war ships floating around Thai waters, the Yanks and their Allies know more about them than their crew do,  anyway they don't have any H/S Trains on offer ...................................... :coffee1:

Terrible post.

You never mentioned Trump or Hillary and Reds under the Beds or even home grown Pinkoes.

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3 minutes ago, chainarong said:

I wouldn't worry about a few Russian war ships floating around Thai waters, the Yanks and their Allies know more about them than their crew do,  anyway they don't have any H/S Trains on offer ...................................... :coffee1:

So true.

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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


My post was in response to a note Hilary fan and supporter. Not addressed to you.  Like many Hilary supporters they refuse to accept she lost for any other reason but a Russian conspiracy.


Trump does have some good ideas, and plenty of faults. Show me a politician who doesn't have faults? But many don't have any good ideas either. His character seems to be well known before he was elected.



I fully agree with your comments, I suffer from sarcasm thus sometimes say things that can be mis-understood. Unfortunately it's not due to Ethyl Alcohol due to my dangerous liking for the stuff but that's for a different forum.


I sometimes think we set the bar too high for our politicians, we honestly cannot expect them to be so much more honest and trustworthy than most of us (voters) are. At this point in time the only person I can think of who has the morals and behaviours we are demanding of our politicians is God and I don't believe he wants the job.  That having been said we as voters do deserve and demand to be told the truth and have someone who defends the Constitution however inconvenient that may be. Neither Trump or Hilary can rise to that level or even come close.



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