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Western Women vs Thai Women


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Western women marry you to get a juicy divorce

And make you pay for their early retirement

For as long as you can stand on your feet!


Thai women marry you to get your juicy retirement pension

But only as long as you are six feet under!


Western women make you think about becoming gay

Crossing the line and getting hit by a truck...driver!


Thai women put you in a gay mood

Going to the bathroom and getting hit by a cold...shower!


Looking at a Thai woman will get you...a smile!


Looking at a Western woman will get you...into trouble!


Flirting with a Thai woman will cost you 20...bucks!


Flirting with a Western woman will cost you 20...months in the bucket!


To sum it up:


Western women are out to cut your...balls!


Thai women are out to cut you...a deal!


Disclaimer: the lines above are laced with a healthy dose of humor and do not reflect my personal situation.

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A colleague recently talked about "never having been with a prostitute or paid for sex", I asked him how many times he had sex in his 7 years of marriage and 135 000 GBP divorce settlement ?


He is off to Thailand next year

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4 hours ago, samsensam said:


please, please, please. stop.



Why would anyone go to the trouble of reading a thread one is not interested in, and take the time to write a post just to confirm one's disinterest?


Wouldn't it be easier to skip the thread entirely and move on to the next one?

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9 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Why would anyone go to the trouble of reading a thread one is not interested in, and take the time to write a post just to confirm one's disinterest?


Wouldn't it be easier to skip the thread entirely and move on to the next one?

What would be the fun in that ?

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Yeah, yeah, yeah

Same silly old complaints from the same silly old men that usually go:


Western women are "fat/masculine/rude/uncouth blah blah blah"

Thai women are "beautiful, sexy, never say "no" and let the man be the "boss blaha blah blah"


Well, I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again,

"Why do farang men only have this "revelation" about Thai women being the ultimate in womanhood right about the time the attractive and sexy Western women they've been chasing all their lives stop giving them the time of day??"


Sour grapes at their bitterest!



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On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:18 AM, InMyShadow said:

really? not the ones I seen married to farang, most are plain <deleted>

the red hot one's are at baccara soi cowboy

Have to agree about the women that some farangs marry. Makes one wonder if they used a magic potion that only worked on him.

However, I'm sure that when they met the future missus she probably did look rather more attractive.

OR perhaps they are just amazing in bed :smile:.

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11 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Same silly old complaints from the same silly old men that usually go:


Western women are "fat/masculine/rude/uncouth blah blah blah"

Thai women are "beautiful, sexy, never say "no" and let the man be the "boss blaha blah blah"


Well, I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again,

"Why do farang men only have this "revelation" about Thai women being the ultimate in womanhood right about the time the attractive and sexy Western women they've been chasing all their lives stop giving them the time of day??"


Sour grapes at their bitterest!




Most farang men marry western women because they hadn't been to Thailand first.

Then, western women do what western women do and it ends in divorce. After that is usually when said farangs turn up in LOS and discover what they had been missing out on with a home grown version.

They probably only had enough money to go swanning off to LOS because they got divorced and had half the money from sale of the house to allow them to. I certainly never earned enough money to have overseas holidays when I was working back home.

However, I'd given up any desire to get romantic with a western woman again years before I arrived here for the first time.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why are you even on farang pub with that attitude? That "crap" is what this subforum is for.

Yeah, lord forbid i shoukd have an opinion that goes against the general butt hurt seen here daily.


Perhaps i sohould accept it all or go home?

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have to agree about the women that some farangs marry. Makes one wonder if they used a magic potion that only worked on him.

However, I'm sure that when they met the future missus she probably did look rather more attractive.

OR perhaps they are just amazing in bed :smile:.

I think it just shows that these guys are here to find a woman, rather than some sex toy.


In my area, one can see many farangs (90% +) married to rather unattractive women...it seems strange for the Pattaya or Phuket crowds, but then again these guys are not living in Pattaya or Phuket.


There are people who go after flashy and fancy cars and people who just want a good and reliable car...

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Most farang men marry western women because they hadn't been to Thailand first.

Then, western women do what western women do and it ends in divorce. After that is usually when said farangs turn up in LOS and discover what they had been missing out on with a home grown version.

They probably only had enough money to go swanning off to LOS because they got divorced and had half the money from sale of the house to allow them to. I certainly never earned enough money to have overseas holidays when I was working back home.

However, I'd given up any desire to get romantic with a western woman again years before I arrived here for the first time.

I love it how it's always Western women "doing what they do" while the presumably innocent Western men who've "only ever done right" by their combative wives look on in bewilderment.


Maybe long haul flights and package holidays hadn't been invented when you were young :tongue: but they've been perfectly affordable for the last 15-20 years.

I'm seeing a hell of a lot of younger Western guys on holiday in Bangkok, most of whom still head home to marry their Western girlfriends despite having been in the presence of these "Holy Grail" Thai women you seem to rate so highly.


As far as I'm concerned, it's no coincidence that old, retired Western men should gush so enthusiastically about the only women that will actually have anything to do with them.


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17 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Same silly old complaints from the same silly old men that usually go:


Western women are "fat/masculine/rude/uncouth blah blah blah"

Thai women are "beautiful, sexy, never say "no" and let the man be the "boss blaha blah blah"


Well, I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again,

"Why do farang men only have this "revelation" about Thai women being the ultimate in womanhood right about the time the attractive and sexy Western women they've been chasing all their lives stop giving them the time of day??"


Sour grapes at their bitterest!



Well, I don't know how handsome you are, or were, but for the vast majority of Western men, there never was a chase, because getting an attractive and sexy Western woman is in the same league as getting a Ferrari, or at least a Porsche...they don't even think about it!


Now, these guys left on the side of the road...the 99%...don't discover the amazing Thai women because they reach retirement age, but because they couldn't afford to do it before!


Like most, they were enslaved by the system, working their ass off, paying heavy taxes, a mortgage and so on, only to be freed when there was no juice left to be extracted from the lemon, so to speak.


Personally, I wouldn't say that Thai women are more pretty than Western women, or any other women for that matter.


Each country has its share of pretty and ugly women...even Qatar if you can believe that...but it happens that Thai women are much more friendly and accessible than their Western counterparts.


Leaving aside the bar crowds, a man can talk to a Thai woman that he meets for the first time, say a bank teller, offer to buy her a drink after work, and guess what...she won't raise hell, call her lawyer and press charges for sexual harassment!


Even if she happened to be married, she will smile or laugh, and say sorry but I can't.


In the West, women have instaured a reign of terror ! Just look at what is going on in crazy America, with some guys having to defend themselves because they pinched the ass of some girl 30 years ago!!!


Now, if you like that and are comfortable with it, well, be my guest...enjoy yourself!

Like Obama would say "if you like your Western women, you can keep your Western women!".

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3 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

I love it how it's always Western women "doing what they do" while the presumably innocent Western men who've "only ever done right" by their combative wives look on in bewilderment.


Maybe long haul flights and package holidays hadn't been invented when you were young :tongue: but they've been perfectly affordable for the last 15-20 years.

I'm seeing a hell of a lot of younger Western guys on holiday in Bangkok, most of whom still head home to marry their Western girlfriends despite having been in the presence of these "Holy Grail" Thai women you seem to rate so highly.


As far as I'm concerned, it's no coincidence that old, retired Western men should gush so enthusiastically about the only women that will actually have anything to do with them.


As I just wrote in a previous post, paraphrasing Obama: "if you like your Western women, you can keep your Western women!".


No hard feelings...


And by the way, why not meet these young Westerners in 5 years, right after their costly divorce (remember that more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce within 5 years in the West).


Young guys have to be a bit shaken by the system before opening their eyes and falling back on Earth...


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13 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

As I just wrote in a previous post, paraphrasing Obama: "if you like your Western women, you can keep your Western women!".


No hard feelings...


And by the way, why not meet these young Westerners in 5 years, right after their costly divorce (remember that more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce within 5 years in the West).


Young guys have to be a bit shaken by the system before opening their eyes and falling back on Earth...


You're assuming that, once a Western guy gets a divorce, he's stupid enough to reason that it must be Western women - as a group - that's at fault.

So what's he gonna do?

Hop on a plane , hit Isaan and find a childish, poorly-educated woman he can't communicate with to share life on her pig farm with her extended "family"?


Don't make me laugh.

What happens if the marriage to the Thai fails?

Do, say, Latino women suddenly become the new Holy Grail?


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6 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

You're assuming that, once a Western guy gets a divorce, he's stupid enough to reason that it must be Western women - as a group - that's at fault.

So what's he gonna do?

Hop on a plane , hit Isaan and find a childish, poorly-educated woman he can't communicate with to share life on her pig farm with her extended "family"?


Don't make me laugh.

What happens if the marriage to the Thai fails?

Do, say, Latino women suddenly become the new Holy Grail?


I imagine you must be quite a young person, the way you react and jump from A to Z while skipping the rest of the alphabet.


Things happen at a much slower pace than you describe.


Take my case, for example...I have known Thai women since the late 70s...yet, as the young guys you describe, I nevertheless married my Western girlfriend. After a few years, as for my brother and more than 75% of the guys I know, came the time of divorce.


From then on was a long period of "penitence" because finding Western women it is a bit like finding jobs...you get old, or are considered old, very quickly.


Thus you find yourself on a "market" where the only readily available women, are divorced women with, more often than not, children in tow!


Sorry, but I'll pass...and the years go on...and you are getting older...and lonely...


Then, it's not a wake-up call such as "why not go and get a Thai girlfriend!".

It just happens that the guys who are writing in this forum chose Thailand, but many have made a different choice.

You could have exactly the same debate in a forum set in the Philippines, or in Brasil, or in Colombia, or in many other places, depending on everyone's tastes, not only for women but also for the general environment.


So, to recap, there is nothing special about farangs and Thai women in general, it is just that, seen through the lens of this specific forum, the issue is blown out of proportion...

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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

From then on was a long period of "penitence" because finding Western women it is a bit like finding jobs...you get old, or are considered old, very quickly.


Thus you find yourself on a "market" where the only readily available women, are divorced women with, more often than not, children in tow!

You're only considered old if you're trying to pull the same women you were chasing when you were 25 now you're 50+

Why would any young Western woman want a man old enough to be her father?

If you're looking for women round about your age minus 5 or 10, there's no reason you can't meet someone attractive.

Chances are the man will have kids of his own - why is there this need for women to be unencumbered by baggage from previous relationships when blokes have plenty of their own?

It's not like most men come out of marriages all pristine and shiny like they haven't aged a day ....


If more men took a long, hard look in the mirror, they'd realise that they're not much cop themselves.

2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Then, it's not a wake-up call such as "why not go and get a Thai girlfriend!".

It just happens that the guys who are writing in this forum chose Thailand, but many have made a different choice.

You could have exactly the same debate in a forum set in the Philippines, or in Brasil, or in Colombia, or in many other places, depending on everyone's tastes, not only for women but also for the general environment.


So, to recap, there is nothing special about farangs and Thai women in general, it is just that, seen through the lens of this specific forum, the issue is blown out of proportion...

OK, fair enough


Edited by Thai Ron
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17 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Personally, I wouldn't say that Thai women are more pretty than Western women, or any other women for that matter.


Not prettier individually, but I would say percentage wise, there are more really pretty Thai women than Westerners and the exceptional ones are much more likely to give an average Western guy a whirl than a really beautiful Western woman. :smile:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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