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N KOREAN ENVOY: We want peace but ready for war with US


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N KOREAN ENVOY: We want peace but ready for war with US




North Korean Ambassador to Thailand Mun Songmo, left, and Suthichai Yoon, cofounder of The Nation.


NORTH KOREAN Ambassador to Thailand Mun Song-mo says his country will “definitely win” any war with the United States if Washington does not drop its “plan to destroy us”.


Calling US President Donald Trump a “mad man”, the envoy from Pyongyang told The Nation in an exclusive interview last Friday:

“We now have the hydrogen bomb. If a war breaks out, we are ready to fight and we will surely win the war against the United States.”


In the rare interview, the North Korean envoy, however, stressed: “We don’t want to start a war. We want peace. But if we are attacked, we will certainly fight and we have no doubts that we will win.”


Mun attributed his confidence to three factors: “First, we have a great leader, the great Kim Jong-un. Second, the Korean people and the military work closely together under the top leadership and third, we now have nuclear power.”


Asked about the possibility of negotiations to prevent war, Mun said: “How can we negotiate with a leader [Trump] who declared in his UN speech that he would totally destroy North Korea? That means he also wanted to kill all the 25 million North Koreans.”


Negotiations, the envoy said, could only take place when Washington agrees to drop its plan of aggression against North Korea.

The ambassador insisted that despite the UN sanctions engineered by the US, North Korea has been able to stand on its own. 


He cited the “Juche” self-reliance political ideology as well as the military-first “Songun” national development policy as the two pillars that have helped his country withstand the continuing pressure from the United States.


“During the Korean War [1950-53], we beat the United States although we only had ordinary weapons. Now we have the hydrogen bomb, there is no doubt that we will beat the United States if they threaten us with war,” the ambassador said.


He insisted that Pyongyang would use its nuclear power only for defensive purposes. “We don’t intend to use our nuclear capability in any aggression against other countries. We just want to defend ourselves,” he said.


The ambassador cited the recent major naval exercise near the Korean peninsula to which the US dispatched three aircraft carriers as a “direct threat against North Korea”.


He also blamed the United Nations for ignoring “illegal acts” that go against international law by the US in pushing for sanctions against North Korea.


“Isn’t it strange that the UN has said nothing about the fact that many countries including the US, China, Russia, India and Israel have also tested their missiles, but it has chosen to target North Korea over the same activity?” the North Korean envoy asked.


He added: “We would like the world to understand that we want peace. We don’t want a war that will destroy everything and kill a large number of people. But if the enemy attacks us, we have no choice but to put up a fight to defend ourselves.”


Mun, 70, was assigned to several diplomatic missions, including in Ethiopia, India and Bangladesh, before being named to head the North Korean Embassy in Thailand four years ago.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30332020

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-11-20
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44 minutes ago, webfact said:

“We now have the hydrogen bomb. If a war breaks out, we are ready to fight and we will surely win the war against the United States.”

They actually believe this stuff which is scary.  I guess they believe their own sh!t smells like perfume too.

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3 minutes ago, lujanit said:


They actually believe this stuff which is scary.  I guess they believe their own sh!t smells like perfume too.

Yes it's total propaganda for sure.

What are the real goals of the NK regime? 

Regime survival first and foremost of course, but ultimately something many people don't realize --


  • Quote

    The unwavering goal of the three generations of North Korean leaders has been and remains persuading the Americans to sign a peace treaty and remove both troops and weapons from South Korea. Only after that happens, at some future time when Washington is otherwise occupied and prevented from responding quickly, can the North move ahead with Southern conquest.


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the funny thing is .........................when was the last time anyone attacked mainland USA


Has it actually ever happened


well some would say the attack on Pearl Harbour was it, but honestly, does N Korea have the ability to wage war on anyone apart from South Korea........................you need stuff to do stuff like that and very few countries in the world have the ability to take it offshore


I do wish DT would stop the childish rhetoric - it is not fitting for the office he holds

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51 minutes ago, quadperfect said:

He talks about the usa as evil empire and yet if war breaks out he  will try to destroy every nation near him first and then no doubt die like the idiot he is.

I dont want to see nuclear war but its looking like its headed that way.



Nuclear war would be devastating to not just to Asia but to world trade and finacial markets. If the sh*t hits the fan life as all of us know it will be changed permanently. It is truly scary that two crazies are the ones that will determine our collective future. 

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Asked about the possibility of negotiations to prevent war, Mun said: “How can we negotiate with a leader [Trump] who declared in his UN speech that he would totally destroy North Korea? That means he also wanted to kill all the 25 million North Koreans.”

I do believe Trump's statement was AFTER NK published a video showing them nuking American cities.  Provocations were started by NK.  Nice propaganda for the masses though. LOL


3 hours ago, webfact said:

“During the Korean War [1950-53], we beat the United States although we only had ordinary weapons. Now we have the hydrogen bomb, there is no doubt that we will beat the United States if they threaten us with war,” the ambassador said.

NK beat the allied forces?  Talk about propaganda. LOL.  I do believe the USSR and China helped them from being wiped out.

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I think many in the USA are not taking this seriously enough and think they have nothing to worry about with NK's missiles.


Now read this article:


No, We Cannot Shoot Down North Korea’s Missiles


"The number one reason we don’t shoot down North Korea’s missiles is that we cannot."






We need to accept that US-based missile defense won’t protect us if North Korea launches a nuke at America

  • President Donald Trump has said th US has a 97% chance of shooting down a North Korean missile.
  • While American ground-based interceptors are better than they once were, they're not good enough to definitively prevent a North Korean strike.


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Having just returned from Korea, it was interesting to learn that just before Trump's visit, the South paid over a large amount of money to the North for 'essentials', just in case Kim Jong Un was actually foolish enough to rain any missiles down on Seoul while DT was there!!  Mercifully the plan worked and DT managed to move on to China unharmed.  It is also interesting to note that every single South Korean I talked to, was sure that reunification would come at some stage, and a magnificent new station has been built close to the DMZ, which will act as the railhead for the new proposed Eurasian rail network, which the Chinese are ready to back, as well as trying to re-etablish the original Silk Road.  A united Korea is apparently essential for the rail link to go ahead.  The 4 tunnels so far discovered under the DMZ, and many more are believed to be lurking there, are evidence enough that the North will only be content when they have overpowered and absorbed the South, but relying on the U.S being off their guard when that might happen, is IMHO pie in the sky!

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

“During the Korean War [1950-53], we beat the United States although we only had ordinary weapons. Now we have the hydrogen bomb, there is no doubt that we will beat the United States if they threaten us with war,” the ambassador said.

His most excellent excellency has possibly forgotten the well trained Chinese "volunteers" who stopped UN from taking the entire country.  Perhaps history is not his strong suit.  

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2 minutes ago, flyingdoc said:

Having just returned from Korea, it was interesting to learn that just before Trump's visit, the South paid over a large amount of money to the North for 'essentials', just in case Kim Jong Un was actually foolish enough to rain any missiles down on Seoul while DT was there!!  Mercifully the plan worked and DT managed to move on to China unharmed.  It is also interesting to note that every single South Korean I talked to, was sure that reunification would come at some stage, and a magnificent new station has been built close to the DMZ, which will act as the railhead for the new proposed Eurasian rail network, which the Chinese are ready to back, as well as trying to re-etablish the original Silk Road.  A united Korea is apparently essential for the rail link to go ahead.  The 4 tunnels so far discovered under the DMZ, and many more are believed to be lurking there, are evidence enough that the North will only be content when they have overpowered and absorbed the South, but relying on the U.S being off their guard when that might happen, is IMHO pie in the sky!

North Korea have a lot more problems than just the USA. There is a recent story about a N Korean soldier doing a successful escape across the border. He ended up in a  S Korean hospital suffering gunshot wounds but on examination they found him full of parasitic worms.

Apparently a large portion of the population suffer the same way not counting malnutrition. Because of embargos they cannot get fertilizer for their crops so they use human excrement. This naturally spreads all sorts of diseases including these worms.


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2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

He talks about the usa as evil empire and yet if war breaks out he  will try to destroy every nation near him first and then no doubt die like the idiot he is.

I dont want to see nuclear war but its looking like its headed that way.



The whole issue is the wish of the Kim-clan to hold on to power.

For that reason alone those mad idiots will, if necessary, destroy anything in their reach.

Including their own population.

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2 minutes ago, hansnl said:

The whole issue is the wish of the Kim-clan to hold on to power.

For that reason alone those mad idiots will, if necessary, destroy anything in their reach.

Including their own population.

Just like Mugabe.  Horrible dictators who'll brutalize their people just to be in power and live a lavish lifestyle.  Time for them to go.

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1 hour ago, greatwhitenorth said:

Nuclear war would be devastating to not just to Asia but to world trade and finacial markets. If the sh*t hits the fan life as all of us know it will be changed permanently. It is truly scary that two crazies are the ones that will determine our collective future. 

It isn't going to happen. This is just the media and their right wing stooges hyping it up to sell copies and frighten people.

Edited by baboon
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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

It isn't going to happen. This is just the media hyping it up to sell copies and frighten people.

The media is just reporting what the NK envoy said.  So, yes, NK hyping it up to help contain the masses and give them a bogey man.  As they've been doing for years.

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3 hours ago, lujanit said:


They actually believe this stuff which is scary.  I guess they believe their own sh!t smells like perfume too.

They do not believe what they are spewing They have status  and live well To protect that status  they will do and say anything

to make the Fat Boy look good To say otherwise will put them in jail

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

I do believe Trump's statement was AFTER NK published a video showing them nuking American cities.  Provocations were started by NK.  Nice propaganda for the masses though. LOL


NK beat the allied forces?  Talk about propaganda. LOL.  I do believe the USSR and China helped them from being wiped out.


Look at this envoy's previous postings. Hardly a high flyer!


But what's scary is how three generations of one family leadership and it's party regime hierarchy have totally brainwashed almost an entire nation. There are dissenters and defectors, but not many. Maybe some are deterred by the threat of murdering three family generations if you defect, and all relatives. But I suspect many now truly believe what has been programmed into them for generations. 


Yep. They needed the Russians and the Chinese, very large amounts of Chinese ground troops to help them out last time. They don't fit into Putin's model anymore and the Chinese are changing but NK refuses to change. China doesn't want a nuclear war on it's doorstep though. An "Arab spring" regime change is out of the question as the vast majority actually support the leadership.


Scary stuff.



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19 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

They do not believe what they are spewing They have status  and live well To protect that status  they will do and say anything

to make the Fat Boy look good To say otherwise will put them in jail


Diplomats and party hierarchy officials might not really believe the propaganda they help create. But the masses due.


After 3 generations of brainwashing, total control of the media and education, not surprising. Watch the films and see how the masses behave. 

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Diplomats and party hierarchy officials might not really believe the propaganda they help create. But the masses due.


After 3 generations of brainwashing, total control of the media and education, not surprising. Watch the films and see how the masses behave. 

One reason I'm such a big supporter of a free press.  No nation can say they are democratic without it.

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I sure hope America doesn't fight another 1950's type war in Korea. Air war doesn't win. Only nuclear weapons will stop North Korea and then only if one of them gets the leader. It isn't worth it unless NK really can nuc California; then kill em all.

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35 minutes ago, baboon said:

It isn't going to happen. This is just the media and their right wing stooges hyping it up to sell copies and frighten people.


Keeping on hoping.


Nev Chamberlain thought the same about Hitler invading Poland. Never happen as long as we him Czechoslovakia.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

One reason I'm such a big supporter of a free press.  No nation can say they are democratic without it.


Indeed. Totally agree.


I do think we have a problem in the UK with so much press controlled by too few "media barons".  The proliferation of media channels now - free press, press, TV, internet, means there is a massive amount of information easily available.


The truth is out there somewhere!



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Don't recall any time since the Korean War that the ROK or the US has attempted an invasion of the DPRK or the overthrow of the Kim dynasty.  Numerous attempts have been made by the ROK to enter into economic, trade, and people to people agreements and all have failed.  The Kim regime is so afraid of its population learning about how people live in the outside world they have to insure that anyone who works for the government and travels outside the DPRK has family members who can be held hostage during their absence.  Only be keeping it's people living in fear of attack can they sustain the regime and the status quo.  Opening up the DPRK and doing business which might improve the welfare of the people is too risky, thus the constant preparation and propaganda about needing the hydrogen bomb for protection.  

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Diplomats and party hierarchy officials might not really believe the propaganda they help create. But the masses due.


After 3 generations of brainwashing, total control of the media and education, not surprising. Watch the films and see how the masses behave. 

Bear in mind that the footage one sees is mainly to always in Pyongyang, the seat of the regime's power, where only those with excellent 'songbun' are allowed to live. Control is and had been lessening since the appalling famine of the 90s and the breakdown of the public distribution system. More and more information is getting in all the time and the country is changing from within, just the way any country should.

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Just now, baboon said:

Bear in mind that the footage one sees is mainly to always in Pyongyang, the seat of the regime's power, where only those with excellent 'songbun' are allowed to live. Control is and had been lessening since the appalling famine of the 90s and the breakdown of the public distribution system. More and more information is getting in all the time and the country is changing from within, just the way any country should.


It will be interesting to see the footage from the Winter Games. Reminiscent of Goebbel's Olympic offerings perhaps?


How do you know that control is lessening and that change is happening from within? 

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


It will be interesting to see the footage from the Winter Games. Reminiscent of Goebbel's Olympic offerings perhaps?


How do you know that control is lessening and that change is happening from within? 

Read the testimonies of defectors. Then there is the likes of the now deceased Hwang Jang Yop who also defected. Another great read is 'North Korea Confidential', available on Amazon, plus certain websites where it can be torrented, not that I would advocate that, dearie me, no...

Also there are channels such as 'The Korea Society' on YouTube where there are some interesting talks.

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Totally bizzare that a respected journalist like Suttichai is seen smiling friendly with North Korean state actors and spreading their propaganda. 

Did he even ask him about the North Korean diplomats in Malaysia involvement with the assasination of Kim Jong Un's brother ?


The only thing to make of this is never trust a Thai journalist. All Thai news is fake in order to spread an agenda. Sadly the Thais now latch onto any anti-American sentiment that even the craziest dictators spit out

Edited by Time Traveller
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It's difficult to be sympathetic to the N Korean regime as they are so vile. However suggest some here exercise their thoughts and have a look at the real history of the Korean war, things aren't what they seem, particularly in how the government was installed after WW2 by the US. Many correlations with Vietnam actually, and just as ugly a response when the puppet government was rejected by a large percentage of the population.


That aside even their idiot leader knows attacking the US with a nuke would result in N Korea being a radioactive wasteland for the next thousand years.

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25 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Diplomats and party hierarchy officials might not really believe the propaganda they help create. But the masses due.


After 3 generations of brainwashing, total control of the media and education, not surprising. Watch the films and see how the masses behave. 

Your dead wrong about this comment Read the article about N Korean defectors and you will see most believe Kim is full of it They are not brainwashed they know he is a dictator



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