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N KOREAN ENVOY: We want peace but ready for war with US


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11 hours ago, baboon said:

Well, change from without has led us to ISIS, a refugee crisis and the current lawless state of Libya. Do we expand the white man's burden into northeast Asia now?

Others are free to believe as they please but I say a firm 'No'. We can choose not to do business with distasteful states, but I think we should leave regional crises to the countries of the region. They are better orientated to handle disputes by themselves. 


None of what you list ass "change from without" is solely that. Pretty much all of the above have roots in domestic issues as well.

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2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Yes, Trump actually was the correction for the previous monumental 8-yr blunder that's true, and it's certainly true the NORKs are capable of nonesuch.  But if they've got their graves all dug I guess maybe they can reasonably say they're "ready".


It doesn't matter one bit if you want to make this into another partisan issue, misses the point though.

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1 hour ago, serpent32 said:

Hey I recognize the 2 bald North Korean guys in the picture I saw them meeting with an American CIA Case Officer at the Starbucks by the US Embassy in Bangkok yesterday WOW!   

No you didn't. 

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18 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Nukes aside being used how are those conventional weapons working out in Iraq and Afghanistan. Past time for Americans to learn the lesson taught the British many years ago. It is extremely difficult to defeat a dedicated, native population on its own territory. "When will they ever learn..."

I'm not sure the British have learned that lesson.  Haven't they been involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well?

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5 hours ago, Morch said:


North Koreans are not independent in any meaningful way. What you comment upon may apply to their Fearless Leader and his cronies. Not quite the same thing.

Gawd, I’m not talking about the average pleabian in NK. I’m talking about the State of NK having an independent policy from Washington - much like the other pharaohs that Washington loaths - Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and others that elect the wrong people. Empire doesn’t like independence!

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On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 4:25 AM, bobbymack said:

I would like to have a wager with that envoy against NK winning a war against the US. I wonder what odds he would give me?

Millions will be dead and world economy shattered. the money you win will not mean much. Remember, China, Japan, and SK and probably Russia will ally with North Korea if there is a war. That is the only way these countries can be protected from NK. These countries mentioned have nearly 8,000 nukes and USA cannot stop more than 25%...some say 0%. You can rest easy at night knowing there will never be a nuclear war. Why can you rest easy? If there is no war...then your ok. If there is a nuke war you will probably not wake up...so the worrying was meaningless.

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27 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

Millions will be dead and world economy shattered. the money you win will not mean much. Remember, China, Japan, and SK and probably Russia will ally with North Korea if there is a war. That is the only way these countries can be protected from NK. These countries mentioned have nearly 8,000 nukes and USA cannot stop more than 25%...some say 0%. You can rest easy at night knowing there will never be a nuclear war. Why can you rest easy? If there is no war...then your ok. If there is a nuke war you will probably not wake up...so the worrying was meaningless.

SK siding with NK? Seriously?  LOL

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2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

Millions will be dead and world economy shattered. the money you win will not mean much. Remember, China, Japan, and SK and probably Russia will ally with North Korea if there is a war. That is the only way these countries can be protected from NK. These countries mentioned have nearly 8,000 nukes and USA cannot stop more than 25%...some say 0%. You can rest easy at night knowing there will never be a nuclear war. Why can you rest easy? If there is no war...then your ok. If there is a nuke war you will probably not wake up...so the worrying was meaningless.

South Korea and Japan siding with north Korea...in what universe?  The US and South Korea have an integrated military alliance, the Combined Forces Command.  Japan, South Korea and US are also developing a Trilateral alliance based on the north Korean threat.

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On 11/20/2017 at 6:32 PM, wwest5829 said:

Nukes aside being used how are those conventional weapons working out in Iraq and Afghanistan. Past time for Americans to learn the lesson taught the British many years ago. It is extremely difficult to defeat a dedicated, native population on its own territory. "When will they ever learn..."

Agreed, the British should have learned this lesson in 1782!

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1 minute ago, Oziex1 said:

OK Kim are you serious about unleashing fire and fury upon the USA, I doubt it.

Are you enjoying baiting the nutter in the White House I bet you are. 


Who's losing this silly game right now.

The only loser would be the North Korean people if Trump started a war. Haven't they suffered enough??


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1 minute ago, Jools said:

The only loser would be the North Korean people if Trump started a war. Haven't they suffered enough??


Nah, I was referring to the pathetic war of words. 


However should the shit hit the fan the economic damage caused by collateral impact on the economic powerhouses of Japan and Sth Korea we will all suffer and badly. It is not going to happen.

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3 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

Nah, I was referring to the pathetic war of words. 


However should the shit hit the fan the economic damage caused by collateral impact on the economic powerhouses of Japan and Sth Korea we will all suffer and badly. It is not going to happen.

All that Kim is doing is blowing off steam. He is no threat to the USA. Trump is engaging in a pissing contest with a madman. That said, Trump is no paragon of mental health himself. War is big business.

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34 minutes ago, Jools said:

All that Kim is doing is blowing off steam. He is no threat to the USA. Trump is engaging in a pissing contest with a madman. That said, Trump is no paragon of mental health himself. War is big business.

Blowing off steam?  Seriously? Have you read about the mountain that's ready to collapse and potentially release radiation? Have seen what Japanese are doing now that missiles are flying over their territory?


Come on...

Edited by craigt3365
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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 9:26 AM, craigt3365 said:

SK siding with NK? Seriously?  LOL

We are beyond any war you can compare to. That is the problem of the ‘uneducated’ American plus many others in this world. North Koreas is talking nuclear. The world is uneducated about nuclear. Let me help with some education:

1. Their missiles are in the air before we can knock out the silo.
2. They may only get one missile out of the silo before ‘we’ hit.
3. Once a missiles is in the air there is no, no, no defense.
4. China and the rest of Asia has said...If USA bombs first, we will all ally with North Korea.
5. China has 500 nukes. Russia has 7,000 with 1,800 ready to go instantly. USA has 6,800 with 1,800 ready to go instantly.
6. No Asian country can stop a nuke. Again, no one can stop a nuke!!!!
7. After Trumps last visit and the support of Asian countries, all North Korea's nuke are pointed to USA.
8. Totally a lose-lose situation. Millions will be dead within a few hours. Health care will be huge. Rebuild nearly impossible.

9. Many years ago…probably 25+…The USA and Russia (maybe other nations joined in)  decided the best way to deter nuclear war is “NO DEFENSE’. No one is allowed to have a defense against nukes. And we do not have one.

What part of this war do you want? Hopefully, the first nuke hits just above my head. The devastation will be unbearable.

Please note the beginning!!!! Do not compare a nuke war with any other war. The first nukes will go towards a nation. That nation will response before those nukes get half way. That means both nations will suffer heavy loses. The nearby nations will be in total confuse. Today, Asia says they will ally against the non-aggressor…and they are not going to listen to fake news about WMD.

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9 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

We are beyond any war you can compare to. That is the problem of the ‘uneducated’ American plus many others in this world. North Koreas is talking nuclear. The world is uneducated about nuclear. Let me help with some education:

1. Their missiles are in the air before we can knock out the silo.
2. They may only get one missile out of the silo before ‘we’ hit.
3. Once a missiles is in the air there is no, no, no defense.
4. China and the rest of Asia has said...If USA bombs first, we will all ally with North Korea.
5. China has 500 nukes. Russia has 7,000 with 1,800 ready to go instantly. USA has 6,800 with 1,800 ready to go instantly.
6. No Asian country can stop a nuke. Again, no one can stop a nuke!!!!
7. After Trumps last visit and the support of Asian countries, all North Korea's nuke are pointed to USA.
8. Totally a lose-lose situation. Millions will be dead within a few hours. Health care will be huge. Rebuild nearly impossible.

9. Many years ago…probably 25+…The USA and Russia (maybe other nations joined in)  decided the best way to deter nuclear war is “NO DEFENSE’. No one is allowed to have a defense against nukes. And we do not have one.

What part of this war do you want? Hopefully, the first nuke hits just above my head. The devastation will be unbearable.

Please note the beginning!!!! Do not compare a nuke war with any other war. The first nukes will go towards a nation. That nation will response before those nukes get half way. That means both nations will suffer heavy loses. The nearby nations will be in total confuse. Today, Asia says they will ally against the non-aggressor…and they are not going to listen to fake news about WMD.

1.   You need to learn what the word "pre-emptive" means.

2.   See #1

3.   You also need to add words like "BMD" and "Aegis" and "THAAD" to your vocabulary.  'Imperfect and marginally reliable to be sure, but improving capability virtually by the day.  The one aspect of all this where time actually IS on our side.

4.   Time to stop letting N. Korea AND China intimidate the rest of the world with their bullying and their threats.  That said, 'no reason why the U.S. should or would "go nuclear" first, and THAT'S what China was talking about.

5.   'Get much past a few high-yield nukes from all the players, and the consequences for the planet & the human species are pretty much apocalyptic whether 100, 1000 or 10,000.   Your fixation on the numbers is charming & quaint, but not all that pertinent.

6.   See #3.

7.   The U.S. Navy has had a bad habit of bumping into other ships with its Aegis destroyers, which takes them offline until they're repaired, but that's being dealt with, and they can be parked in Japanese or S. Korean waters as easily as anywhere else.   But what you're REALLY MISSING is that fatboy's insanity is going to drive S. Korea & Japan to nuclear programs of their own.  'Not sure about S. Korea, but Japan's technology is such that they could develop theirs practically overnight.  And China is not so stupid that they don't realize that.   If they want to avoid that outcome (trust me, they do), then they'd better get busy muy pronto with N. Korea...

8.   Totally agree.  So we should prevent N. Korea from continuing to develop and deploy this capability at all costs rather than pretend we don't know where this is all heading.   Obviously.

9.   Incorrect.  They agreed to LIMIT defenses.   But BMD is the next chapter, which you apparently have yet to read.


I don't know about you, but I want the part of this war where N. Korea is PRECLUDED from having these weapons.   And if I can't have that, then I want the part of this war where they are successfully prevented from using them.   Both of these require some hard decisions,,,,   And thanks in no small part to boy statesman (2008-2016), they are required pretty much N-O-W!



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