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Thanks for the memories - tearful sacked tourism minister goes online after PM boots her out


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18 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

And the "great love of sports" for many Thais is actually restricted to betting on it; or maybe an occasional evening round of takraw. That's about it. 

Thai love racing though, on motocycles in busy traffic without helmet or lights or licenseplate....

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17 hours ago, watcharacters said:



I personally can't hold back my tears.

oh stop ....ahhahaha haha ....it hurts ...ha haha ha ....please stop ....hha haha haha cant take it  anymore , haha haha haha , gunna pee my pants hahaha 

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Actually during her tenure: Thailand beaches got dirtier, more garbage all around, more Chinese high end tourists who spend zero (0) baht other than cheap prearranged meals, crime against tourists increased dramatically.

So,  again, what did she really do in her 3 years ?

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1 minute ago, smew said:

Actually during her tenure: Thailand beaches got dirtier, more garbage all around, more Chinese high end tourists who spend zero (0) baht other than cheap prearranged meals, crime against tourists increased dramatically.

So,  again, what did she really do in her 3 years ?

A lot of talk but no action.

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The higher a man rises, the greater the tendency of those around him to express respect for the position of office, but not always for the person in that position.  As a person becomes accustomed to high status, often the tendency is to become haughty and arrogant.  When this happens, people may continue to pay lip service, but they will gradually lose respect for the person and cease to admire him.  When this happens to a leader, he becomes unable to motivate people or to exert strong leadership.

However high the position, a leader must not lose a sense of humility.  Indeed, the higher he rises, the more vital it is that a leader retains humility.  A humble leader earns genuine respect in those he encounters, rather than demanding respect based on rank alone.  People are grateful for a lack of pomposity and appreciate courtesy from above.  A humble leader also listens to what people say, and so is able to gather information from many sources.

This is the message behind the Japanese proverb "The heaviest ears of rice bow the lowest".

KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA - Founder of Panasonic

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1 hour ago, Orac said:


It is a well established family with a history of supporting the military do her mother was in an ideal situation to negotiate a deal with Toshiba since they needed a Thai partner.


Her grandparents were Mah and Boonkrong whose initails are used to get to the name of the shopping centre MBK built by her uncle. The name Mahboonkrong is still used for their original rice business centred around Pathum Thani Rice Mills Ltd. Other family businesses where they have major influence or control  include Thailands 6th largest bank, Thanachart, and Dusit Thani hotels. Another offshoot of the family is the Chokchai's as in the farm.


The family name is Bulakul which was adopted by the chinese grandparents and is made up from 'bul' taken from the name of  previous dictator Phibul Songkram and 'kul' meaning clan.


One of her uncles was 'special advisor' to the Constitional Court who have obviously been responsible for significant decisions  regarding previous political events in Thailand.


The carefully cultivated image of her as strong, independent business woman is only a small part of why she got the job in the first place and ignores the huge amount of hidden influence behind her which could be getting caught up by a new brush doing a  bit of cleaning.




Your knowledge is superior to mine, which is more or less limited to understanding how the mafia works. Thailand is structured in the same way as a mafia - if you want to do business in Thailand you buy a concession and you are guaranteed protection and limited competition. That seems to be the way it works.


What you say is little surprise however, the broad strokes could have been painted on the canvas, it's the way things have been done - which have become the new traditional and which have resulted in many things profitable and beneficial.


It isn't going to change overnight but it is going to change. Thailand must drag itself into the modern era. The medieval fantasy days immortalised in some of the more outrageous lakorn these days will have to go. An emergence. eyes blinking, into the daylight will be the price of renewed acceptance into the community of nations. Forget Thai being the lingua franca, forget Thailand leading ASEAN, Thailand will be very lucky not to be thrown out of the sandpit altogether, and that is not at all sure at the moment.


My opinion.

Edited by Sid Celery
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How could everyone condemn her, you not even know her or can evaluate her work (or not) she did? It’s very simple to judge her from the newspaper or from hearing....or is it just because she is a woman? I think it’s the easiest way to be negative !

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in order to keep up with public 'demand ' for change...she got booted.

Look if you raise the arrival from 20+ to 30 + million visitors in 3 years time you' have done a good job.

She was less risky to make way.

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5 minutes ago, Brayka said:

How could everyone condemn her, you not even know her or can evaluate her work (or not) she did? It’s very simple to judge her from the newspaper or from hearing....or is it just because she is a woman? I think it’s the easiest way to be negative !

See # 77

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Directives come from the leader. The problem is this country is without a competent one. 

Do not feel bad you won't be the last. He believes his smart and everyone else failed. LOL his day will come. It will be good when a real PM abolished defamation and we can also really torch him.

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Commerce and Tourism have been the two successes of the junta. Getting rid of these two ministers while keeping several others (who just happen to be military) makes it look more like clearing out the civilians.

Perhaps the chairman of the board of investment should be axed. Oh, but wait, that's under the PMs office. He would have to seppuku

<snip>However, total FDI in 2016, in addition to the current two quarters of 2017, has dropped to levels last seen in the wake of the Asian financial crisis.Record high figures in 2013 of Bt513 billion ($15.1 billion) dropped to Bt374 billion ($112 billion) as of the second quarter of 2017, largely due to a pulling back of investment by Japan.From Bt310 billion ($9.1 billion) in 2013, Japanese investment in Thailand fell to Bt125 billion ($3.8 billion) in 2017.<snip>

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20 minutes ago, Brayka said:

How could everyone condemn her, you not even know her or can evaluate her work (or not) she did? It’s very simple to judge her from the newspaper or from hearing....or is it just because she is a woman? I think it’s the easiest way to be negative !

The numbers speak for themselves my dear.  Amazing is that she was able to bs her way through 3 years.

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