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Trump refers to a 'Pocahontas' in Congress at meeting with veterans


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"Trump himself for years followed in his father’s footsteps by lying about his heritage in order to advance his career, saying his family came from Sweden rather than Germany. “Our country was at war with Germany,” he told The Boston Globe last year. “So being from Germany didn’t necessarily play so well for a period of time.”



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7 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Trump himself for years followed in his father’s footsteps by lying about his heritage in order to advance his career, saying his family came from Sweden rather than Germany. “Our country was at war with Germany,” he told The Boston Globe last year. “So being from Germany didn’t necessarily play so well for a period of time.”



Actually, his father had a point. There was a lot of crazy anti-German sentiment during WW1. Can't say that I blame him for that.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The mockery is well-justified.  She obtained a no-show $200 K USD per year job on the basis of a lie.

That she was of Native American extraction.

Listen how the liberals howl when they are ought out, eh? :sleep:

We might actually make a comment if we could understand what you are talking about. Not everyone of us on the forum is a news junky specializing in American party wars and so will have no idea what job you are talking about (the last time I looked, the Republicans were unhappy that she showed up too often to vote in her job as representative and therefore it cannot be that job that is no-show!)


I know that Oscar Wilde commented that the Americans and British were two nations separated by a common language but what does "ought out" mean? By the way, I am not British but one of the many millions who speak English as a first language.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The mockery is well-justified.  She obtained a no-show $200 K USD per year job on the basis of a lie.

That she was of Native American extraction.

Listen how the liberals howl when they are ought out, eh? :sleep:

"The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Please get your facts straight. Stop reading fake news sites like zerohedge and Breitbart!

Did you look at the snopes Video before posting craig3365 ?

All she has to do --as repeatedly asked in the Video, is to release her  personnel records from Harvard , she has repeatedly refused to do this, and also has not allowed Harvard to release them.

The records show how much she earned --re how many classes she taught, and more importantly Did she claim (tick the box ) that she was a Native American, a person of color when applying to Harvard.

Seems simple doesn't it---instead all we get in that Video is this blond blue eyed lady saying how much she loves her family....etc.


I can not post the video here--its 3.1mb

But do use Craig link to go and look --the Sopes video is called -- Scott Brown to Liz Warren - Release the Records!.3gp

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Honoring Native Americans under/in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson was probably a lot more insensitive than being unable to control oneself by invoking a personal insult unrelated to the event?


Press Secretary Sanders defended the insult by calling Sen. Warren "a liar", which in and of itself seems unprofessional, at best.

The entire regime is far worse than unprofessional. I hope some see jail time.

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2 hours ago, retarius said:

Personally I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I'm not aware that Pocahontas is a derogatory term for Native Americans.....if it is, then he obviously should not be using it....but even if it not derogatory, to mock another senator is a bit juvenile. What I don't get is why he would say it in front of Native American Vets.

I think giving a "nick name" to this pathetic excuse of a human is long overdue. Why doesn't anybody call him a "name of three"?  Oh boy he'd cry bloody murder if that happened. Like all bullies he can dish it out but can not take it. What a small man.


45 the crybaby.jpg

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“And another thing...your great grandfathers knew NOTHING about real estate; how could they be so dumb as to sell Manhattan for the price of a horse? While I have you here, why do your chiefs wear that ridiculous headgear from that gay Australian pop group, The Village People? Are all Navajos gay? How do you guys make babies?”

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

“And another thing...your great grandfathers knew NOTHING about real estate; how could they be so dumb as to sell Manhattan for the price of a horse? While I have you here, why do your chiefs wear that ridiculous headgear from that gay Australian pop group, The Village People? Are all Navajos gay? How do you guys make babies?”

The Village People were American and only two of them were gay.

A common misconception was that Village People were an all-gay troupe. Only cowboy Dave Forrest and indian Felipe Rose were gay; the rest were straight, but they all played gay stereotype roles because the group was marketed to the GLBT community associated with disco at the time. Looking back, it's kind of ridiculous to think that discos were "a gay thing" (nobody was having suspicions of, say, John Travolta), but people didn't think very hard about these things in 1978


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54 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Did you look at the snopes Video before posting craig3365 ?

All she has to do --as repeatedly asked in the Video, is to release her  personnel records from Harvard , she has repeatedly refused to do this, and also has not allowed Harvard to release them.

The records show how much she earned --re how many classes she taught, and more importantly Did she claim (tick the box ) that she was a Native American, a person of color when applying to Harvard.

Seems simple doesn't it---instead all we get in that Video is this blond blue eyed lady saying how much she loves her family....etc.


I can not post the video here--its 3.1mb

But do use Craig link to go and look --the Sopes video is called -- Scott Brown to Liz Warren - Release the Records!.3gp

She addressed this a long time ago. Just BS politics. I was told by my father to tick that box because it helped minorities. Didn't help get a job, but was good for statistics.


My family had a super hard time figuring out our heritage. Indians arriving from the Trail of Tears had no papers. Many died along the way. In Oklahoma, they'd ask what tribe they were from. My grandfather lied and picked the one with the best benefits. But never got my father registered as there was massive bias towards Indians. They called my grandfather breed.


My uncle spent years in Oklahoma trying to trace our heritage. Not an easy task. Like black slaves, many were mixed blood having been "involved " with whites. He finally got enough info to get us registered.


Screw Trump. He's an embarrassment to the human race.

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3 hours ago, retarius said:

Personally I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I'm not aware that Pocahontas is a derogatory term for Native Americans.....if it is, then he obviously should not be using it....but even if it not derogatory, to mock another senator is a bit juvenile. What I don't get is why he would say it in front of Native American Vets.

You are spot on in your first remark  "Personally I'm not sure what all the fuss is about".



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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Screw Trump. He's an embarrassment to the human race.

I am not saying he isn't craig...but if the shoe was on his foot. I am sure a lot of people would be screaming why doesn't he show the papers (Records) whats he got to hide...etc

8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

She addressed this a long time ago. Just BS politics.

How can she have addressed it when she is refusing to let Harvard release the papers. If its BS politics then Trumps is BS politics.


Could you tell me how she did address it ?? Would like to View it


Your situation is obviously worlds apart--if you go back you can easily show you are  a Native American, a person of colour---she can not.

Which doesn't matter in the least---unless she claimed she was to enter Harvard.

But the records can clear that up...... Oh that's right for some unknown reason she wont let them be released.



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Warren is the smartest woman in Washington. She should be the first female President. She is like a debating computer. Amazing recall of facts and figures and the impressive ability to rise above petty anger. She has been baited and abused and never once lost her cool.

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30 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

I am not saying he isn't craig...but if the shoe was on his foot. I am sure a lot of people would be screaming why doesn't he show the papers (Records) whats he got to hide...etc

How can she have addressed it when she is refusing to let Harvard release the papers. If its BS politics then Trumps is BS politics.


Could you tell me how she did address it ?? Would like to View it


Your situation is obviously worlds apart--if you go back you can easily show you are  a Native American, a person of colour---she can not.

Which doesn't matter in the least---unless she claimed she was to enter Harvard.

But the records can clear that up...... Oh that's right for some unknown reason she wont let them be released.



I'm not going to waste my time with that. What this is about is the POTUS showing disrespect to native American Indians.


Focus on that, don't deflect.

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trump is a disgusting, racist dog whistling super TROLL as usual. That's the new normal out the presidency which he has dragged into the gutter.  Many Americans refuse to accept this as normal which means he will never gain more than his core base of about 35 percent. Anyway, the Pocohantas thing is clearly about BRANDING Warren because she will likely be running for president in 2020. Personally I'm not sure if she'll be the best choice for that. Plenty of time for that to be worked out. 

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6 hours ago, Credo said:

You might actually want to read the history of Pocahontas.   It is not Warren who is being besmirched, it is an amazing Native American woman by a not very amazing president.   

Disagree. I think he is the most amazingly bad leader of any Western country I have ever come across.

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3 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:

The Village People were American and only two of them were gay.

A common misconception was that Village People were an all-gay troupe. Only cowboy Dave Forrest and indian Felipe Rose were gay; the rest were straight, but they all played gay stereotype roles because the group was marketed to the GLBT community associated with disco at the time. Looking back, it's kind of ridiculous to think that discos were "a gay thing" (nobody was having suspicions of, say, John Travolta), but people didn't think very hard about these things in 1978


The members changed a lot over time and who cares if all of them were gay or not? Not going to get into the history of disco with you. You've twisted it bizarrely and not worth the effort. But hey look, they've been downsized --



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Typical comment from a Trump supporter. Extremely sad.

Actually,I'm a supporter of the message not the messenger . Putting a end of political correctness,tax cuts, bringing company's back to America , having limitations on politician terms in office,less government, anti globalism,immigration restrictions,stopping Obamacare mandatory tax  .American's had two choices her or change.


It's disappointing that the left hasn't accepted the election. Perhaps another non politician with a similar agenda will run .I could see myself voting for them just to bring some resemblance of harmony but that will never happen,no matter who the lefts opponent is.   

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

Actually,I'm a supporter of the message not the messenger . Putting a end of political correctness,tax cuts, bringing company's back to America , having limitations on politician terms in office,less government, anti globalism,immigration restrictions,stopping Obamacare mandatory tax  .American's had two choices her or change.


It's disappointing that the left hasn't accepted the election. Perhaps another non politician with a similar agenda will run .I could see myself voting for them just to bring some resemblance of harmony but that will never happen,no matter who the lefts opponent is.   

I was just reading about another example of the change he's bring. His replacement for Tom Price, a guy by the name of Azar was head of Lilly when it tripled the price of insulin over a decade.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

Actually,I'm a supporter of the message not the messenger . Putting a end of political correctness,tax cuts, bringing company's back to America , having limitations on politician terms in office,less government, anti globalism,immigration restrictions,stopping Obamacare mandatory tax  .American's had two choices her or change.


It's disappointing that the left hasn't accepted the election. Perhaps another non politician with a similar agenda will run .I could see myself voting for them just to bring some resemblance of harmony but that will never happen,no matter who the lefts opponent is.   

100% agree! I love the message. Sadly, it's not happened. Trump has achieved nothing. Except cause the US to lose it's global respect and top ranking.  MAGA. :bah:


I don't think we can survive another POTUS like Trump. He's tearing the US apart.


Don't fall for his lies. Make him deliver or kick him out.

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"100% agree! I love the message. Sadly, it's not happened. Trump has achieved nothing. Except cause the US to lose it's global respect and top ranking.  MAGA. :bah:


I don't think we can survive another POTUS like Trump. He's tearing the US apart.


Don't fall for his lies. Make him deliver or kick him out"


I disagree with "Trump has achieved nothing" You should fact check it.

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riclag is absolutely correct- In short order Trump has caused a boat load of damage.  I feel genuinely sorry for US citizens.  (Except the Trump voters obviously)


35 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

100% agree! I love the message. Sadly, it's not happened. Trump has achieved nothing. Except cause the US to lose it's global respect and top ranking.  MAGA. :bah:


I don't think we can survive another POTUS like Trump. He's tearing the US apart.


Don't fall for his lies. Make him deliver or kick him out.


15 minutes ago, riclag said:

"100% agree! I love the message. Sadly, it's not happened. Trump has achieved nothing. Except cause the US to lose it's global respect and top ranking.  MAGA. :bah:


I don't think we can survive another POTUS like Trump. He's tearing the US apart.


Don't fall for his lies. Make him deliver or kick him out"


I disagree with "Trump has achieved nothing" You should fact check it.


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