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Tourists warned to respect Thai culture - two who showed their butts at Wat Arun arrested


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Great job Thailand!  As you can see they are from the PC correct state of California where everyone can do everything except obey the laws.  Hope Thailand stands up to the whiners in California calling for their release.  A month or so in a Thai jail should get their attention......

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21 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

it is not trivial

a women was gaoled in Burma for not removing her shoes in a temple

"a women was gaoled in Burma for not removing her shoes in a temple"


Just goes to show how bloody silly people can be.

Yes it is trivial. Up there with nicking a can of Coke from a shop if that. Some folks really need to get a little perspective. 

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

"a women was gaoled in Burma for not removing her shoes in a temple"


Just goes to show how bloody silly people can be.

Yes it is trivial. Up there with nicking a can of Coke from a shop. Some folks really need to get a little perspective. 

not sure a Thai Judge will agree with you

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I like the headline: Tourists Warned to Respect Thai Culture. 


Of course when it's Thai tourists who are the ones out trashing or in other ways disrespecting World Heritage Sites, or other country's National Parks, like, say, Yellowstone; then they are just "Thais being Thais," or "kids being kids," etc. 


At any rate, here is a funny yet somehow related sign from near the Idaho/Wyoming border in the USA--where we live half the year when not here in Thailand.  

Don't Laugh at Tourists.jpg

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6 hours ago, chrisinth said:

IMO they should arrest the photographer as well in that case.


That said, is it anything to do with disrespecting culture? They are using landmarks to document their little gay global photo-journal that's all.

Maybe it was selfie..? :smile:

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16 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


OK, So why are you asking people here why their sexual orientation is mentioned, the Thai Visa members

didn't write the article and your guess is as good as anyone else. The only answer to your question is don't

know as nobody here wrote the original article. I suspect you already have your own opinion, which fits in with

some kind of agenda, based on you exposing some perceived intolerance.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The two were handed over to the Bangkok Yai police station for further action. The spokesman said the charge would not be a normal public indecency charge. Instead, they would be charged with committing indecency in a place of worship, which carries a long jail term.


....maybe they now have learned respect for others religion and culture. Well done!!!  

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1 minute ago, slippery snake said:

They have no respect for anything or anyone else.. 

And apart from other gays. Nobody is interested in seeing their butts. . Show to each other in the privacy of your room..  or in a jail cell for a month...  no, lock them up separately !!


I agree SS, a pair of losers who gain some perverse satisfaction from aggravating others, attention seekers who have nothing to offer, other than offensive berhaviour to be noticed.   


They remind me of the vegan cyclist who pi$$ed the authorities off by riding up Doi Suthep partly on the wrong side of the road, scattering other road users.    Idiots!!

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

Hmmm, seems some countries let odd balls out of their country unsupervised...:sad:

Indeed. Then they move over here and start screeching for 10 year prison sentences and rape for the most trifling of offences...

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7 hours ago, Get Real said:

Hope they put them in for about 10 years. Must be the price for such stupidity and ignorance believing that their butts are more important than a countries history and religion.

In the spirit of proportionality then what punishment would you suggest for dangerous and aggressive driving which often ends in the death of tourists? Or does that not come so high up the list as history and religion?

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7 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

 I attach a copy of the article from the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News.


Local married gay couple arrested in Bangkok for exposing buttocks at a temple


Travis Ti and his husband are arrested for exposing their buttocks at a Bangkok temple. Photo credit: Bangkok Post

Authorities are trying to figure out how to get them home.

  • TI.jpg?itok=szcuDzs2

A local Hillcrest married couple were arrested at Don Mueang airport in Bangkok on Tuesday night.

Travis Dasilva, nee Ti, and Joseph Dasilva had warrants that charged them with showing their naked buttocks at Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn) in Bangkok according to Bangkok Times.

Both men are United States citizens and were taken into custody by immigration police.

The 38-year-olds were taken into custody at the airport at approximately 8 pm local time while trying to leave the country said Pol Col Choenron Rimpadee, deputy spokesman of immigration police.

Both Travis and Joseph admitted to bending over and posing for the picture at the temple and were taken to the police station for legal action.

They were charged with getting naked in public which violates criminal law and could carry a fine of up to 5,000 baht.



And no don 't start judging me for perusing the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News,  I am planning a vacation and thinking about going to SoCal and was just wondering what the weather was like there

2 disgus

Edited by alwaysrainsinUK
spelling mistake
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6 hours ago, samsensam said:


so many levels;


the atrocious 'reporting' of this incident; aged about 38 the writer (i wont call them a journalist) couldn't even be bother to do minimum research and find out a couple of simple facts.


38 year olds behaving in this incredibly childish way, really, grow up.


the 'obsession with self' culture  is bizarre, i mean who commits an crime and then posts photographs of themselves on the internet committing the crime; the small mindedness is pathetic and stupidity stunning.

...and to know they came from the USA, is mind blasting!

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