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How do you maintain a healthy life ?

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5 hours ago, dapperdan said:

Orthotics would help with plantars fascitus. See a podiatrist. If not take gauze pads under the arch of your foot, raising it to take the pressure of that planters connection to the heel. Most important is to rest the foot and not walk too much. It's probably an inflammation that will go away. Taking a laxative every day doesn't seem like a good idea.

Metamucil is not really a laxative per se but is essentially just psyllium husks which are a natural product and provide fibre.

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The Giant Tortoises on the Galapagos Islands can easily get 150 years old.
Their secret:

-They don't smoke
-They don't drink
-They don't have sex very often
-They don't eat any fried foods
-They don't exercise (no bicycling), actually they walk only veeery slowly. Their live is no fun.
Ergo: Whatever is associated with fun/pleasure, will cut down on ones life-expectancy. There you have it!

10 hours ago, Gruff said:

I think to some extent that your lifestyle can be a little irrelevant when you reach 3 score years + 10. You can be healthy but suddenly have a nasty fall or accident and you will be worse than your similar age neighbour who hasn't cycled since he was a teenager and drinks 20 cans per night.

it sounds to me that u live a very healthy life style however you need to check many things at the hospital every year, then uve cracked it. good luck and well done


5 hours ago, sanmyn said:


Yeah, I guess I'm pretty healthy and lucky.


I'm retired from San Francisco, have lived here single (Naklua) for 22 years. Wow, that doesn't seem possible. 

I am 82 this year. No health complaints. I still drive my Honda, fast walk the treadmill slightly uphill 3 times a week, only make myself maybe one drink a week. I have never smoked. 

But I tire easily now,  generally feel a lack of energy, but never see any Thai doctors. I do try to have an exam once a year or so. 

My blood pressure is low, cholestral borderline low, blood sugar a little high but OK. 

I have enjoyed my life living alone in Thailand. Don't go back to the States much anymore, maybe every 3-4 years. 

I cook my own meals, eat out a couple of nights a week, and have a housekeeper who comes twice a week.


I enjoy several old movies (TCM), not much for the newer ones, and love the NFL Games. 

A good life, so far no aches or pains and no medication......






You Sir are my hero, this is what I aspire to be like 15 years from now...........wish me luck  -  I spent the first fifty years chasing women, drinking anything with alcohol everyday, fast food, take out, home delivery, gambling (was pretty good at it long ago) after leaving the Army (twenty three years ago) never exercised, just walked everywhere............I can spend 6 hours walking in a Mall and never buy anything.......so Thanx for the inspiration.  San Francisco??  You must have spent your entire life walking uphill   -   Thats how you lived so long    :post-4641-1156694083:

2 hours ago, catman20 said:

it sounds to me that u live a very healthy life style however you need to check many things at the hospital every year, then uve cracked it. good luck and well done


Why, if it ain't broke don't try and fix it. If you go searching for a problem you are sure to find it !


6 hours ago, Nicebus said:

Cant agree with you my friend.

Irrelevant lifestyle choices at 70 ??? 

I think you must worry about the "what if " , rather than the " how lucky I am to make it this far , now whats next " 

Sure it is a balance, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself, your days on this planet are limited now. 4 cans of beer isn't going to hurt you, have a couple more !


9 hours ago, dapperdan said:

Orthotics would help with plantars fascitus. See a podiatrist. If not take gauze pads under the arch of your foot, raising it to take the pressure of that planters connection to the heel. Most important is to rest the foot and not walk too much. It's probably an inflammation that will go away. Taking a laxative every day doesn't seem like a good idea.

you can buy a Futuro Therapeutic arch supports from Pharma Choice,i have also seen them in Watsons and Tescos...if u live in Chiang Mai theres a doctors clinic that takes a cast of your feet and makes inserts for your shoes




8 hours ago, Spaniel said:

Since you made it to 70 and in apparent good health it's hard to fault anything you are doing although    one thing I would suggest would be to cut out those 4 daily beers.       I'm 73 and consider myself in pretty good shape too.   I walk 2 hours per day, about 12 km,   eat lots of salad and fruit, no red meat and try to limit fried foods.     Exercise and diet are a big factor to good health.    

Have you even a tiny shred of evidence to support your recommendations for cutting out 4 cans of beer ? 


Party Pooper Alert! 4 beers per night =28 beers per week! 4-6 beers spread over the week has many health benefits! However 4 beers per evening is bordering on binge drinking (4 in Australia & 5 in America)! Other recommendations are  no more than 1 alcoholic drink for women daily and 2 for men! Since you asked and are interested in a healthy lifestyle-Carpe Vitam!

11 hours ago, Nicebus said:

Very good point 

Proud yes we all should be

Thank you for your positive reply 

Pride can be a wonderful motivator.. keep up your good health. 


Sounds like a pretty healthy lifestyle to me. Possibly modesty prevented you from explaining how many times a week you get it on with your Mrs.

As a small experiment, I recommend you try the following - abstain from alcohol during the weekdays, drink your normal quotient over the weekends.

You may also want to try Thai massage 2-3 times a week to improve flexibility. One hour only, start bow-bow.

You are fortunate to have avoided medication thus far. Doctors here are far too fond of throwing pills at patients.

Everything I like is either improper, illegal or fattening.



6 hours ago, Gruff said:

Why, if it ain't broke don't try and fix it. If you go searching for a problem you are sure to find it !


No.................... i think should have blood pressure , cholesterol and things of that nature checked to insure a longer life. try to be more sensible with your posts

6 hours ago, Gruff said:

Have you even a tiny shred of evidence to support your recommendations for cutting out 4 cans of beer ? 

Yes, common sense!

1 hour ago, sledpull said:

Party Pooper Alert! 4 beers per night =28 beers per week! 4-6 beers spread over the week has many health benefits! However 4 beers per evening is bordering on binge drinking (4 in Australia & 5 in America)! Other recommendations are  no more than 1 alcoholic drink for women daily and 2 for men! Since you asked and are interested in a healthy lifestyle-Carpe Vitam!

Well i guess we don't know the size of the cans but i would think 4 small cans would be about the recommended daily  limit in a lot of countries. However look into it and the recommended daily limit figures seem to be 'plucked out of the air'.

51 minutes ago, catman20 said:

No.................... i think should have blood pressure , cholesterol and things of that nature checked to insure a longer life. try to be more sensible with your posts


Yes i can see potential benefits of check ups but i also believe that our 'stress levels' have a majot impact on our health. Check ups could result in misdisagnosis, un-necessary medication, more stress etc. I am just expressing an alternative view. Not everyone is striving for a longer life!


7 hours ago, Gruff said:

Have you even a tiny shred of evidence to support your recommendations for cutting out 4 cans of beer ? 

Erectile dysfunction is also known as brewer's droop. I suppose it depends on which addiction is regarded as more important.

Prolonged alcohol intake will almost invariably result in cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is irreversible. Its health effects only appear gradually. It is particularly dangerous to combine alcohol with paracetamol, a common painkiller.

If the OP has been having 4 cans of beer, day in, day out for the last 20 years, IMHO he is borderline alcoholic.

On a personal level, I've found my general sense of well-being has improved by restricting my alcohol intake to weekends only.

15 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Erectile dysfunction is also known as brewer's droop. I suppose it depends on which addiction is regarded as more important.

Prolonged alcohol intake will almost invariably result in cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is irreversible. Its health effects only appear gradually. It is particularly dangerous to combine alcohol with paracetamol, a common painkiller.

If the OP has been having 4 cans of beer, day in, day out for the last 20 years, IMHO he is borderline alcoholic.

On a personal level, I've found my general sense of well-being has improved by restricting my alcohol intake to weekends only.


The UK Gov have recently lowered the recommended alcohol consumption for men to the same level as women, 14 Units (6 ish glasses of wine or pints of beer) per week. That puts the OP way over even if they are small cans. It is a bit difficult to get to the evidence behind the UK Gov thinking on the subject but it appears to be connected to the links between alcohol and cancer. However it goes on to say that only 4% of cancers in UK are alcohol linked. So 96% of cancers are not alchohol related ! That is quite a sobering thought in itself.

1 hour ago, Gruff said:


The UK Gov have recently lowered the recommended alcohol consumption for men to the same level as women, 14 Units (6 ish glasses of wine or pints of beer) per week. That puts the OP way over even if they are small cans. It is a bit difficult to get to the evidence behind the UK Gov thinking on the subject but it appears to be connected to the links between alcohol and cancer. However it goes on to say that only 4% of cancers in UK are alcohol linked. So 96% of cancers are not alchohol related ! That is quite a sobering thought in itself.

The most comprehensive publication on the subject is a yearly report put out by the WHO called "Food, Nutrition and Cancer". It dissects all the different types of cancer and statistical links to various factors.

Alcohol does appear as a factor in several cancers - predominantly liver, but also as a minor factor in esophageal and stomach cancers.

The  statistical evidence indicates fat intake and obesity are the major contributors to virtually all cancer types. That makes sense, because most of the environmental pollutants which are thought to initiate cancer

( e.g. aflatoxins, vinyl chloride, nitrosamines etc. etc. ) are all fat soluble. So the more fat you carry, the more of those pollutants are present in the body.

There are two schools of thought on this. One school says only one molecule of a carcinogen is necessary to start the cancer process. The other says the incidence of a cancer is dependent on its concentration.

The first school of thought is beloved by lawyers and trade unions. The second is IMHO more logical, and goes back to when Paracelsus said" The dose makes the poison".

4 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Sounds like a pretty healthy lifestyle to me. Possibly modesty prevented you from explaining how many times a week you get it on with your Mrs.

As a small experiment, I recommend you try the following - abstain from alcohol during the weekdays, drink your normal quotient over the weekends.

You may also want to try Thai massage 2-3 times a week to improve flexibility. One hour only, start bow-bow.

You are fortunate to have avoided medication thus far. Doctors here are far too fond of throwing pills at patients.

Everything I like is either improper, illegal or fattening.



Possibly modesty prevented you from explaining how many times a week you get it on with your Mrs.

Yes, possibly, but more likely, he being a decent and self respecting person would be a more accurate  explanation.

Not everyone who posts is necessarily tainted with the same vainglorious tendencies.

Kudos to the OP for not being the braggart, and also for his good health.



Each morning I take 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar in a glass of water.

Each evening i take 2 teaspoons of metamucil in a glass of water .


Why do YOU take cider vinegar every day?


IMO give up the Metamucil and eat more fresh vegetables. Dependence on any non natural substance is never a good idea, and probably costs more than vegetables, which are also good for you.


Sex is probably the best thing to do to keep fit. Assuming one lasts longer than 5 minutes.

On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 8:17 AM, bazza73 said:


As a small experiment, I recommend you try the following - abstain from alcohol during the weekdays, drink your normal quotient over the weekends.


You may also want to try Thai massage 2-3 times a week to improve flexibility. One hour only, start bow-bow.


Everything I like is either improper, illegal or fattening.



Why? He's 70 and enjoys it. I'm not that old yet, but if I wanted to drink every day I would.


Is his wife up for that? She may not be arsed doing that and paying for someone else to do so may cause unnecessary problems.


I only like to eat things that are unhealthy or fattening.

I have no desire or intention of living forever.

On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 8:26 AM, catman20 said:

No.................... i think should have blood pressure , cholesterol and things of that nature checked to insure a longer life. try to be more sensible with your posts

If anyone cares about their BP buy a machine. Getting it checked once a year is pointless.

If you have "high" cholesterol they will make you take pills and stop eating food you enjoy. I'll take my chances.

Who wants to live forever anyway? Life is a terminal disease.


Having suffered ill-health myself I found this helped:

"Think to yourself that every day is your last, the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise."

(Book 1, epistle IV, line 12, Horace).

"Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur hora."

Translated by John Conington and quoted by Anthony Hopkins as the character Hannibal Lecter in the film "Red Dragon".

43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why? He's 70 and enjoys it. I'm not that old yet, but if I wanted to drink every day I would.


Is his wife up for that? She may not be arsed doing that and paying for someone else to do so may cause unnecessary problems.


I only like to eat things that are unhealthy or fattening.

I have no desire or intention of living forever.

I enjoy a drink too, and I'm 74. I'm recommending it because I found there are benefits. Like any other drug, alcohol has more effect on the elderly.

My GF does massage , 10-15 minutes. It's a bit much to ask her to work on me for an hour. It's not as if 150 baht is going to break the bank. She doesn't mind, sometimes comes with me to have a massage herself.

None of us will live forever. However, we can extend our quality of life by being sensible.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I have no desire or intention of living forever.

If you had the intention to live forever, so what? Probably ain't gonna happen.

2 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

If you had the intention to live forever, so what? Probably ain't gonna happen.

I say that because some posters on TVF are determined to eke out life till the very last possible moment, no matter how awful and dire their life may be.

It's just a comment, not a big deal.

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