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Pattaya announces new public enemy number one - smokers and their deadly cigarettes!

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15 minutes ago, The manic said:

no usually but i certainly never suck on the exhaust pipe!  Do you bend over and break wind from your ass directly into sttangers faces?  

Idiotic comment.  Air pollution is unavoidable and pervasive, and causes millions of deaths.

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Do all the news about Thailand that I receive on e-mail each day are real ??? Or are they the creations of the imagination of a crazy science fiction writer ???



The smoking ban on (some) beaches. is based on a statement from the Ministry of the Environment and is intended to reduce littering. Nothing else mentioned in the original. Suddenly, it is raised to a law without being clergy in the government, which is the only legislative power, and then a mayor decides that the "law" is a health claim. What's next?

9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Still waiting for the 'all out war' on drink drivers that take lives, and cause carnage on the roads !

The development and enforcement of a Road Safety Strategy is a Government Responsibility, not a city Mayor. The focus of the smoking campaign is the  City's appearance to Tourists & Visitors.

21 minutes ago, The manic said:

I find transport useful. Not so with smoke being blown in my face in the street. Yes of course harmful pollution issues should be addressed but there is nothing worse than smoking for lung, lip, tongue, throat cancer plus emphasmia and bronchitis etc. Workers in the entertainment industry have a right to breath inclean air and kids should be shielded from seeing adults smoking.  There is no freedom in debilitating sickness.  And other forms of pollution are no excuse not to fight the filthiest form of self destruction-tobacco smoking.  Just provide spaces for these people as they do in Airports and pubs in the UK. 

Yes, but you are mixing issues: smoking is supposed to be banned as described.


Also having smoke blown in your face outside is surely unusual?  Whereas pollution is all pervasive, if less immediately dangerous.


All in all, the arguments you present belong to the past, are well over-egged, and somewhat narrow.

3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Idiotic comment.  Air pollution is unavoidable and pervasive, and causes millions of deaths.

His comment is not "idiotic" it's bang on. As usual smokers are in complete denial of the damage they do to other people with their passive smoking.


"Priorities" is a word that obviously does not translate well.

Sewerage going straight into the sea,,, grease traps on all food outlet drains,,,,, roads that are passable to my home & do not ruin your shockees ... the road kill....... being accosted by ladyboys while having a stroll on the beach.......clean food with limited pesticides in the vegetables....... bi monthly brown envelopes paid to remain in business,,,,,,,sharks on land when you hire anything        & this is just a start 

1 minute ago, vogie said:

His comment is not "idiotic" it's bang on. As usual smokers are in complete denial of the damage they do to other people with their passive smoking.

But what about non smokers ride emissions....?

2 minutes ago, vogie said:

His comment is not "idiotic" it's bang on. As usual smokers are in complete denial of the damage they do to other people with their passive smoking.

Baseless rant.  The subject under discussion is smoking outside.  A non-smoker can not possibly be damaged by the whiff of distant smoke in the air when outside.  Smoking is already banned in many public places.


What is your real gripe?

1 minute ago, transam said:

But what about non smokers ride emissions....?

Its a long way to walk to Suvarnaphum airport from Pattaya or where ever, but I have never really considered smoking cigarettes an essential necessity.

3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Baseless rant.  The subject under discussion is smoking outside.  A non-smoker can not possibly be damaged by the whiff of distant smoke in the air when outside.  Smoking is already banned in many public places.


What is your real gripe?



I thought public enemy no 1 in Thailand were the bad drivers on the road who kill people But i am wrong Its cigarettes:cheesy::cheesy: Easy money getting money off farangs smoking that to get off Thai Drivers running red lights and just be bad drivers :clap2:


One year in jail and 100,000 baht fines await those disobeying the environmental ordinances that also include the dumping of rubbish that is damaging the local environment.


In America, uneducated people who litter are known as "White Trash".


Lock them up!  Lock them up!  Lock them up!




2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Well, at least it is honest.  And glad you can admit it!  But why all the other nonsense?

What other nonsense would that be then, just because someone doesn't agree with you, it does not make it nonsense, not in a rational thinking person anyway.

1 minute ago, SiSePuede419 said:

One year in jail and 100,000 baht fines await those disobeying the environmental ordinances that also include the dumping of rubbish that is damaging the local environment.


In America, uneducated people who litter are known as "White Trash".


Lock them up!  Lock them up!  Lock them up!




What are the educated folk who drop trash called...?

1 hour ago, lincolnshire poacher said:

Why e cigs are illegal is beyond me. One would have thought that they would be welcomed for reducing the risk of lung cancer.

Can't impose Govt tax?


Why e cigs are illegal is beyond me. One would have thought that they would be welcomed for reducing the risk of lung cancer.


The truth is that it turned out that e-cigarettes were more harmful than regular cigarettes. 

3 minutes ago, Parsve said:

Why e cigs are illegal is beyond me. One would have thought that they would be welcomed for reducing the risk of lung cancer.


The truth is that it turned out that e-cigarettes were more harmful than regular cigarettes. 


dont try applying logic or common sense to decisions made by the authorities here. apply the rule of how much i can scam or how much will a decision adversely effect the income of powers that be and you'll be close to understanding.


The prices of cigarettes in the US is between $6 and $14 a pack depending on the State - hasn't stopped people from smoking has it??  Raising taxes by triple in Thailand pbly won'y stop them either.  What the hell, live and let live........if possible, I just move away, a drinking buddy of mine has a pocket size bathroom aerosol he carries around and sprays it up in the air when people are smoking around him, they get the idea and move on as well........of course, he's 6'4' and goes about 240lbs and can press 350lbs.:post-4641-1156693976:


Why e cigs are illegal is beyond me. One would have thought that they would be welcomed for reducing the risk of lung cancer.


The truth is that it turned out that e-cigarettes were more harmful than regular cigarettes. 


dont try applying logic or common sense to decisions made by the authorities here. apply the rule of how much i can scam or how much will a decision adversely effect the income of powers that be and you'll be close to understanding.

That's true, but the fact is that e-cigarettes are banned in several countries for that reason. Then it may actually be that it all depends on lobbying from the tobacco industry.
3 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

The prices of cigarettes in the US is between $6 and $14 a pack depending on the State - hasn't stopped people from smoking has it??  Raising taxes by triple in Thailand pbly won'y stop them either.  What the hell, live and let live........if possible, I just move away, a drinking buddy of mine has a pocket size bathroom aerosol he carries around and sprays it up in the air when people are smoking around him, they get the idea and move on as well........of course, he's 6'4' and goes about 240lbs and can press 350lbs.:post-4641-1156693976:

Could be because he farts a lot...:stoner:

6 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

The problem of flooding has now been solved it was the fags !!

The problem with the rats has also been solved. They were all killed by the cigarette smoke!


One year in jail and 100,000 baht fines await those disobeying the environmental ordinances that also include the dumping of rubbish that is damaging the local environment.

Properly policed and enforced this could and should be a money spinner provided the money collected finds its way into City coffers. Funds that go towards the maintenance of the city for the benefit of the populace as a whole not just the few.

8 hours ago, trogers said:

I would have thought driving kills more. Does the mayor sees more carnage on the beaches than the roads?

"Does the mayor sees [sic] more carnage on the beaches than the roads?"  (my italics) No, but he sees some kudos on protecting his beaches.


Just another, look at me, "face saving", piecemeal, hyped up 'solution' when there are far greater concerns, which Thai authorities seem to have no idea what to do about them. 


But, a start I guess.

8 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Just a diversion from the usual police extortion, underage sex slaves, ladyboy street thefts, falling elevators...

Useless administrators in Thailand are everywhere

Have you ever been here?  your views are just sensationalism from headline. Where are you from? 

7 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Yeah.  'Held a gun to your head and forced you to start smoking, didn't they?  So tell us.  What WAS the reason you started smoking?  Be honest.  I've asked this question a lot, and by far the most common response is along the lines of "because the cool kids [or some such ill-chosen role-model] did".  


"I'm a victim.  Somebody else is responsible.  Not my fault."   Oh Boo-hoo.



When I started smoking, it was recommended by doctors Many benefits stated in the advertising and even used babies to advertise.  Yes, I was a victim.  However, anyone under 40 or 50 has no excuse.  They chose to smoke despite all the known hazards.

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