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Mystery Disappearance


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I live in a fairly high end Moo Bahn about 12 kilometres out of the city.  About 3 months ago, the house opposite mine was rented by a somewhat unusual tenant(s)....unusual for a Moo Bahn, that is. This was a group of 3 or 4 young Spanish guys,  perfectly pleasant, always said hello, didnt seem to be having a crazy dissolute life or anything like that, quite quiet in fact. Each had a motor cycle, no car in sight, seemed to keep the house fine and tidy.


However. Heres where it gets curious. Every night round about 10pm, they all went out, returning in the early hours, maybe around 5am,  but not looking like they were out partying, went out , came home, no "girls" in tow or anything like that. I know when they went out and came home not through nosiness, but beccause the collective noise of their honda clicks all leaving together then returning home together would wake us up. I have no idea what they were up to, none of my business, but it just seemed unusual and not quite normal.


Then it gets even more curious. Last Sunday Morning, about 5am, we were woken by the bikes, and a car this time, leaving this time, not arriving home as before. When they left, the doors to the house were left wide open, the gate was left wide open, and according to Moo Bahn security ( who have alerted the owner), the house is full of things like laptops, wide screen TVs, etc etc, all belonging to them. It looks like they ve "done a runner", as the saying goes, but I m, yes, a bit nosy, but intrigued to know what they might have been up to, and why they ve suddenly disappeared leaving their possessions behind. You hear stories about things like "boiler rooms", and people running unlicensed language schools online without work permits....    but for me, thats all they are, rumours.


All very intriguing, and yes, no need to call me a "nosy bugger"......I guess I am, because whatevers gone on has gone on right next door to where I live my peaceful and quiet life! Anyone want to throw anything into this mix?! Thoughts?

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