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"Please, please...arrest my lazy, drugged up son" - we can take no more, says mum


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Most people do drink beer, and alot smoke cigarettes ....  but they are not scum on society like drug addicts are.

I say anyone who pushers, traffics and users of drugs should be eliminated,  then as I said,  others would think twice before taking drugs.

And the effects from alcohol addiction:




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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

Most people do drink beer, and alot smoke cigarettes ....  but they are not scum on society like drug addicts are.

I say anyone who pushers, traffics and users of drugs should be eliminated,  then as I said,  others would think twice before taking drugs.


Tell that to people who have lost loved one's to alcoholism, or have had awful childhoods at the hands of drunken parents, or those that have been killed by drunks at the wheel ... and if you legalise drugs you regulate the behaviour of those who become addicted ... that lowers muggings, thefts and young women ruining their lives through prostitution. The US has had the death penalty, it doesn't work ... it doesn't work anywhere.

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

It's not a failure .....  from what I've heard there are alot of users in the Philippines who are shit scared at this time.

I say get rid of the drug takers.


Shit scared but still on drugs? And in the Philippines many people are being shot for no reason, extra judicial murder by Duterte. If you want to live in a world where a vigilante murders you because a neighbour you've fallen out with lies to a hit squad about your drug use, you're welcome to it. 



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7 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Shit scared but still on drugs? And in the Philippines many people are being shot for no reason, extra judicial murder by Duterte. If you want to live in a world where a vigilante murders you because a neighbour you've fallen out with lies to a hit squad about your drug use, you're welcome to it. 



So, are you a regular drug user? Is it with 1st hand experience you are stating these 'facts'?

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14 minutes ago, ravip said:

So, are you a regular drug user? Is it with 1st hand experience you are stating these 'facts'?

I take co codamol when I have a headache, works a treat.


More people on drugs in the US than ever ... so how’s that war doing? It’s lost ... criminalising someone for smoking weed is pointless.




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On 12/9/2017 at 7:44 PM, faraday said:

You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about.


"a few can't handle it" shows your childlike comprehension of the vast numbers of people with drug issues/problems & addiction.

And please enlighten me how many of them was helped by the war on drugs?


Also, please tell me the number of people that take drugs sometimes and does not end up with drug issues / problems & addiction? It's way waster then the people that do.

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On 12/9/2017 at 7:33 PM, Bundooman said:

Another drip feed moronic drug peddler condoner. Please shut up. Your stupid and dangerous pro-drug views are irritating! I'm OK if you want to die from an overdose - don't peddle it to others!

I'm not telling people what they should or should not do,, exactly the opposite actually. Please let me know when you have won your war on drugs. I'm still waiting. Maybe you need more money to fight the war on drugs? I can donate some, this way maybe you can leave some money to fight actual real crime.

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On 12/10/2017 at 9:51 AM, lvr181 said:

NO. Decriminalised yes but not legalised (always the easy way out)! In other words "help" the addicted to break the habit but draconian (perhaps death penalty) for the pushers! :coffee1:

Wouldn't it make more sense if the state gave licenses to companies to sell drugs,, making sure the drugs are clean and have consistent quality,, this reduces deaths in overdoses,,, most overdoses happens because of the drug user not knowing how strong the drug is,,, one week they get some weak shit, next week they get pure shit and die. 

Also this way the drugs could be taxed and the tax money could go towards treatment and drug education.

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On 12/10/2017 at 4:43 AM, steven100 said:

what a silly statement.  Drugs should never be legalised,  in fact if the authorities had of imposed harsher penalties for drug users, pushers, peddlers etc ...  then there would be alot less of the scum around today.

I say build more jails to house offenders .... and death to more severe users.

That might make them think twice about what way they choose to go in society.

You have not studied history at all it seems, during the crack epedemic they made penalties for crack insanely high, and despite this crack flows freely in every poor neighborhood in the US. 
I know tons of people ruin their lives because of drugs. But the war on drugs does not work. It just does not work. Get it? It does not work! We tried, it didn't work! Ok? Try something else now and also I have met hundreds of people who enjoy taking drugs occasionally, I dont see why they should not be allowed to get good quality drugs legally instead of having to deal with shady people and shady quality drugs. 


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On 12/10/2017 at 8:32 PM, faraday said:

Oh what rubbish. I won't expand on it but take a little time to think about Pharmaceutical companies...or Alcohol companies...or prohibition.

What is I think society needs, is to understand why people become addicted to a substance.


Legalisation doesn't somehow magically cure this, does it.


Have you considered what a 'Drug Of Choice' is...or what it actually means?







Legalisation does not cure it, but neither does the war on drugs. 

There is no perfect world, there is no perfect answer. But currently we are sticking with the WORST answer, the war on drugs. There is a better option, decriminalization or legalization. I think we should be adults and look at the evidence and history and pick the best (although not perfect) choice of legalization or decriminalization.


And yes, to eliminate drug problems you need to go to the root and see why people are feeling bad,, make a google search for "rat park" 


Edited by hobz
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On 12/11/2017 at 6:28 AM, steven100 said:

Most people do drink beer, and alot smoke cigarettes ....  but they are not scum on society like drug addicts are.

I say anyone who pushers, traffics and users of drugs should be eliminated,  then as I said,  others would think twice before taking drugs.





Using you argument can you explain why over half the population of prisons are incarcerated for drug offenses?


Where does your "others would think twice before taking drugs" come into play?

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The "rubbish" that's being talked here comes from yourself. The so-called "war on drugs" is an abject failure, as was prohibition in the 1930s. You jail one drug dealer and another takes there place. Better to legalise it, tax it and spend money on educating people and helping them overcome addiction. Legalisation will reduce the impact of drugs on society and the amount of tax payers money wasted on criminalising it ... the "drug of choice" comment is nonsensical, not surprising as you have no idea what you are talking about.

Your last few words would make more sense if you took notice of them yourself.
Have you ever experienced this situation in your family life ?

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

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5 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

Your last few words would make more sense if you took notice of them yourself.
Have you ever experienced this situation in your family life ?

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

Tell me, did that family live in a country that was fighting a war on drugs? Did it help the family or no? 

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4 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

Yes and no, and still going through it although started long after the so called war on drugs you talk about.

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

My point is that war on drugs did not prevent this family from the horrors of dealing with addiction. If they took the money they spend on the war on drugs and spent it on helping families that deal with addiction that would benefit everyone more.

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7 hours ago, Ron19 said:

The only way I can see that any progress can be made is to concentrate on the producers and dealers.
Current users is another story.

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

the war on drugs has been about going after the producers and dealers. but it doesn't work. its too difficult and expensive and u catch one cartel and it results in nothing but more misery as the body count and blood bath that ensues in the power vacuum and finally one or two new cartels replace the previous one.

sad but true.

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On 12/10/2017 at 4:43 AM, steven100 said:

what a silly statement.  Drugs should never be legalised,  in fact if the authorities had of imposed harsher penalties for drug users, pushers, peddlers etc ...  then there would be alot less of the scum around today.

I say build more jails to house offenders .... and death to more severe users.

That might make them think twice about what way they choose to go in society.

Exactly true . If you have ever been to Singapore or Malaysia there is very little drug peddling openly there . Some places in the west can buy hard drugs everywhere . Lock the scum up and throw away the key or better still a bullet in the head . Maybe you should go and join Lance in Bang Kwan .

Edited by sklmeeera
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15 minutes ago, sklmeeera said:

Exactly true . If you have ever been to Singapore or Malaysia there is very little drug peddling openly there . Some places in the west can buy hard drugs everywhere . Lock the scum up and throw away the key or better still a bullet in the head . Maybe you should go and join Lance in Bang Kwan .

don't know about your last statement on Lance ... 

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On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 11:30 AM, hobz said:

the war on drugs has been about going after the producers and dealers. but it doesn't work. its too difficult and expensive and u catch one cartel and it results in nothing but more misery as the body count and blood bath that ensues in the power vacuum and finally one or two new cartels replace the previous one.

sad but true.

The problem is actually one of corruption in Mexico.  It's simply (and obviously) already a failed state, and THAT's why the situation with the cartels is what it is.  In many parts of the country no one dares lay a finger on them, and they buy whatever and whoever they want.  And who they can't buy, they simply kill.  And then Latino gangs like MS-13 bring all this into the U.S...   There's a neighborhood in Washington, D.C., less than 7 miles from the White House, under the thumb of MS-13.  Homeowners there actually paying protection money.


The ONLY way to get a handle on this is to start with and get very tough on the users.  It's DEMAND that keeps all this going.  I wouldn't build any more jails for them: I'd build work camps instead, and I'm talking hard labor!  (Building the border wall, for example...)  And the death penalty needs to be applied to the chiefs and traffickers, not just those on whom police might be able to pin a murder wrap.  Those chiefs and higher-ups go to prison and end up controlling their gangs and ordering hits from THERE, so it does little good to just incarcerate them.  Even less good to deport them - 'almost nothing (until a wall gets built, that is...) to stop them from coming back.  And they do precisely that.  And members of city councils in cities declaring themselves "sanctuary cities" need to be indicted on conspiracy charges; they're using public office to openly aid and abet illegal activity and known criminals by refusing to cooperate with federal authorities.  Get a few of them behind bars where they belong, along with members of the judiciary playing along with this, and the tide will turn.


Snowflakes have convinced their drones that all this is impractical, inhumane, racist and politically incorrect (OMG! - the worst cut of all!).  With the exception of the PC-part (which is after all whatever they say it is...) , it's none of that.  It just takes the public will to solve the problem at hand with the means at hand. 


Edited by hawker9000
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