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Jealous Thai man attacks ex-wife with axe in the street on her way home


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5 hours ago, Enoon said:


Fragile male ego also rearing it's head in UK


The Femicide Census - Womens Aid



Victims (of males) :113


69% (n=78) of women were killed by a current or

former intimate partner.

77.4% (n=24) of women killed by their ex-partner

or ex-spouse were killed within the first year that

followed that separation.


31 (27.5%) killed by ex.


What is your equivalent figure for Thailand?





Where are the stats for USA, Russia South America,Spain, Italy. If you're going to blurt stats about other countries for comparison then do it properly then post it on an appropriate forum. We are discussing Thailand here.

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

Where are the stats for USA, Russia South America,Spain, Italy. If you're going to blurt stats about other countries for comparison then do it properly then post it on an appropriate forum. We are discussing Thailand here.

He was probably picking up on the fact that most of the Whining comes from the UK ex-pats...............Come on TKD.....where you from.......:wub:

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37 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Where are the stats for USA, Russia South America,Spain, Italy. If you're going to blurt stats about other countries for comparison then do it properly then post it on an appropriate forum. We are discussing Thailand here.

I suspect the Thai women would hold their own in the killing partners game.

Anyway him 25, her 37 makes me think pimp and .............

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

That is the bit that I was talking about

So what's your issue then? Even without that tiny bit of speculation it's still a perverse scenario.


4 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

My thoughts exactly.


He dumped her, but she wasn't allowed to find someone new because she had to still love him.


A very perverse view on life some people have.

See, still works.

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18 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

So what's your issue then? Even without that tiny bit of speculation it's still a perverse scenario.


See, still works.

I do feel that it was a terrible thing to do, and I do feel that theres no need for you  to make things up to add to the story

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18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I do feel that it was a terrible thing to do, and I do feel that theres no need for you  to make things up to add to the story

Well, while I respect your right to express your opinion, I did say "probably", making it clear that I was speculating and not "making something up". It's not an unusual thing to do in a conversation, and, given what he did, I have no guilt about speculating on him being a slightly bigger <deleted> than was specifically described in the article.

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23 hours ago, johncat1 said:

Another example of Thai cowardice from the attacker and the numerous onlookers. I bet they were not scared enough to take pics of the attack. One weak Thai man could easily be brought down be even the weakest person but " Not my business " is the way they think 

Oh c'mon. When is the last time you attempted to apprehend an axe waving madman? 

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19 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

He was probably picking up on the fact that most of the Whining comes from the UK ex-pats...............Come on TKD.....where you from.......:wub:

I'm British...no secret, I have mentioned it before on other threads. I was merely pointing out that we all know similar things in other countries, road accidents, murder, robberies etc etc. But if we all started quoting stats on every OP we'd be at the keyboard all day long doing nothing else. Stats may well be important but let's wait until they're called for.

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