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Republican Moore embraces Trump message on eve of Alabama election

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11 minutes ago, farcanell said:

R word... redneck?


i always thought that term came from wood choppers who tied a leather strop around the tree and behind the neck to stop from falling off that plank thing, whilst still having a free axe swing.


red neck from the chaffing

Originally it was a term used to describe less educated farmers who spent much of their time doing labor in the hot sun. It was a derogatory term not unlike how some Bangkokians look down on rural farmers who have darker skin, calling them "baan nork". The term has evolved to include such descriptions as low educated, ignorant, bigots, nativist, simpletons. It's a little like calling a black person a "nigger", but because it applies to whites it is acceptable.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Otiginally it was a term used to describeless educated farmers who spent much of their time doing labor in the hot sun. It was derogatory term not unlike how some Bangkokians look down on rural farmers who have darker skin. The term has evolved to include such descriptions as low educated, ignorant, bigots, nativist, simpletons. It's a little like calling a black person a "nigger", but because it applies to whites it is acceptable.

Ah... that makes sense then, as a derogatory term.... I really don’t know how I came to my version.... probably from someone I deemed credible, and it got stuck in my brain box


live and learn... not to old for that... cheers

15 hours ago, webfact said:

But Trump has endorsed Moore and taped a "robo-call" that the campaign has rolled out urging voters to back the Republican candidate in order to help support the president's agenda.

  He is in trouble himself and "endorsed" another who is in the same trouble. You guys better look for solution for your common problem together before endorsing each other. ?

I feel we are back to 1930s.


1 hour ago, bedouin1990 said:

My, the Leftards and gays are really braying today. Sounds much like what the street hippies have been screaming ever since the election. They just cannot accept the interruption of the progressive march to socialism. I did not vote for either the Pompadour or the Hag. Wouldn't vote for Moore either. BOTH parties should stop throwing rocks over sexual abuse, for they are equally guilty. Remember Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, Franken, Jessie Jackson, Conyors.


I think we would be better served to focus on men who abuse women instead of making it a political party issue. Like it or not, Trump won and we must live with that a while. Ad hominem arguments solve nothing but only pour gasoline on the fire.

Apparently irony just flew between your ears.  Not surprising I suppose.

35 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Originally it was a term used to describe less educated farmers who spent much of their time doing labor in the hot sun. It was a derogatory term not unlike how some Bangkokians look down on rural farmers who have darker skin, calling them "baan nork". The term has evolved to include such descriptions as low educated, ignorant, bigots, nativist, simpletons. It's a little like calling a black person a "nigger", but because it applies to whites it is acceptable.

Not so-  it is a term that describes "white" people of low socioeconomic status, and is predominantly based on indigenous cultural norms.  Rednecks term all black people as n******, black people don't term all white people as rednecks (unless they are bigots.)  Your petticoat is showing again.

23 minutes ago, Slip said:

Not so-  it is a term that describes "white" people of low socioeconomic status, and is predominantly based on indigenous cultural norms.  Rednecks term all black people as n******, black people don't term all white people as rednecks (unless they are bigots.)  Your petticoat is showing again.


You'd do better to take these things on a case by case basis rather than all white people of lower socioeconomic status or indigenous cultural norms. That's the very definition of prejudice.


This video makes quite a sad and annoying viewing. 'Ignorance is bliss for some' should be its title, I guess. I couldn't watch it all the way to the end.



52 minutes ago, JemJem said:

This video makes quite a sad and annoying viewing. 'Ignorance is bliss for some' should be its title, I guess. I couldn't watch it all the way to the end.



These Moore supporters are totally disconnected from the "modern" world, brainwashed by Fox news every weekday , reassure themselves at the church on Sunday.

And actually, they lead the " Free world" 

17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It would indeed be a historically AMAZING upset if Jones can pull it out as the election system is totally rigged there by the white racists that dominate Alabama politics.


How is that you may ask?

Racially motivated strict voter I.D. laws and then the republican controlled state closed the DMV offices in heavily black areas of the state so that it would be much harder for black voters to even get the I.D. that they need to vote.



You are remarkably ill informed...you appear to simply hate Whites simply because they are Whites...there's nothing wrong will voter id laws...indeed, it's stupid not to have them...as for the horrible Whites, would you please offer your amazing insight into the crime disparity across races? or rates in child abuse? or poverty? please please please help me understand how white people in 2017 are systematically keeping blacks oppressed?  I want to be a good white guy...so please offer your reasoned insight into this issue...please explain to me how i contribute to a system that forces 80% of blacks to be born out of wedlock...or how i force blacks to spend more annually, on the average, on hair care than they do on education...or how my asian wife is 20 times more likely to be raped by a black man than a white/asian/hispanic man...or how 90% of murders in chicago are committed by blacks? btw...i didn't conjure any of those stats...they are easily available from the us department of justice website, so please forgive me if i rely on data...please illuminate me and all the other whites who are racists simply because they are white...we want to be enlightened in this modern world...i feel so bad for being born white...perhaps that is a good start?

2 hours ago, hdkane said:

You are remarkably ill informed...you appear to simply hate Whites simply because they are Whites...there's nothing wrong will voter id laws...indeed, it's stupid not to have them...as for the horrible Whites, would you please offer your amazing insight into the crime disparity across races? or rates in child abuse? or poverty? please please please help me understand how white people in 2017 are systematically keeping blacks oppressed?  I want to be a good white guy...so please offer your reasoned insight into this issue...please explain to me how i contribute to a system that forces 80% of blacks to be born out of wedlock...or how i force blacks to spend more annually, on the average, on hair care than they do on education...or how my asian wife is 20 times more likely to be raped by a black man than a white/asian/hispanic man...or how 90% of murders in chicago are committed by blacks? btw...i didn't conjure any of those stats...they are easily available from the us department of justice website, so please forgive me if i rely on data...please illuminate me and all the other whites who are racists simply because they are white...we want to be enlightened in this modern world...i feel so bad for being born white...perhaps that is a good start?

I am certainly not anti-white people.

I'm anti white RACISTS.

I won't fall for your offensive baiting effort. Try that garbage out on someone else.

You weren't even responding to the content of my post. It's not only strict voter ID laws but the white racist policy of deliberately CLOSING offices in heavily black areas to make it harder to get the needed ideas.

That's the racist icing on the cake.

Even with that racist policy in effect, the good people of ALABAMA beat all the odds and did a great thing today and pulled off a HISTORIC upset.

Congratulations DOUG JONES!


First Christie, now Moore.  Let's hope Trump publicly endorses even more republican congressmen in their reelection bids.


This makes 15 seats that Democrats have been able to flip in special elections. I don't think Republicans have flipped any. And some of these are in solid red districts that Trump won by large margins.


Trump won Alabama with 62% of the vote.  Doug Jones' win represents a double-digit swing away from Trump.


The only scary thing that happened today is that Roy Moore almost won.   Alabama almost elected a child predator who thinks muslims should not be allowed to serve in congress, slavery wasn't all that bad and women shouldn't have the right to vote. That's got to be seriously troubling for the people of Alabama.

18 minutes ago, attrayant said:

First Christie, now Moore.  Let's hope Trump publicly endorses even more republican congressmen in their reelection bids.


This makes 15 seats that Democrats have been able to flip in special elections. I don't think Republicans have flipped any. And some of these are in solid red districts that Trump won by large margins.


Trump won Alabama with 62% of the vote.  Doug Jones' win represents a double-digit swing away from Trump.


The only scary thing that happened today is that Roy Moore almost won.   Alabama almost elected a child predator who thinks muslims should not be allowed to serve in congress, slavery wasn't all that bad and women shouldn't have the right to vote. That's got to be seriously troubling for the people of Alabama.


Exit polls indicate Jones led Moore by 17 points among women voters. I'm guessing the Republicans run a woman in the next election in 2020.


Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probably serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. 


Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was moore the molester. 

40 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Jones wins, Moore loses and refuses to admit defeat.


Perhaps the swamp got drained a little Moore.




Of course this absolute heathen refuses to admit defeat. He does not have a single gracious bone in his frail little body, and his tiny black heart does not permit him to ever, ever do the right thing. That is simply who the man is. Sort of takes after his headman, the deflector in chief. 

1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Exit polls indicate Jones led Moore by 17 points among women voters. I'm guessing the Republicans run a woman in the next election in 2020.

Kim Kardashian would be a shoe in....:smile:


And now, Moore is showing what a truly tiny man he is, by refusing to concede. He will not call Jones to offer him the concession. And he claims to be a man of prayer, and contemplation? Religion in word only. No understanding of spirit. No understanding of universal laws. A true heathen, on all levels. A multiple serial statutory rapist. Hopefully, he will disappear into the oblivion. The planet is better off without this worm.


Yup, the people of Alabama have spoken.Many people will adhere to that!Have the people spoken in 2016 Nov.08,yup! But you wouldn't know it.

27 minutes ago, riclag said:

Yup, the people of Alabama have spoken.Many people will adhere to that!Have the people spoken in 2016 Nov.08,yup! But you wouldn't know it.


26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

True. The majority spoke for Hillary Clinton. Facts can be painful to some.

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I think it reflects how flimsy Trump's 2016 victory actually was.

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