Happened to me a few years ago - girl on the check-in counter asked why my return flight date was longer than my TR visa allowed . I had to argue with her for a while . She finally called a supervisor over who allowed me to check in .
Neither of them seemed to know much about how the system worked in Thailand , yet they were trying to stop me boarding WTF !
Every EVA flight I've been on for many years is sold out without fail. Every time. There's still plenty of money floating around in the UK tbh and I live there most of the year - for the time being at least. Unemployment is still near a record low level. I totally agree with you on the cost of living but most backpackers have barely started working, or are on career breaks/sabbaticals and they are the meat and potatoes of KSR's tourist trade. Also, the UK is only one component of it. So I think your points are more applicable to tourist trade elsewhere - whether in other parts of Thailand or other countries.
High executive pay is hardly a new thing and I don't think has much to do with whether backpackers are coming to KSR. The price of oil also determines BP profits, executive pay is a small element in it. Oil prices have dropped right back lately, as has the BP share price.
Not saying I agree with excessive pay at all btw - a lot of execs are unjustifiably rewarded for poor performance - but by Western standards the UK is actually relatively moderate.
A small correction on this. For ATM withdrawals, purchases and cash advances on debit and credit cards, the actual foreign exchange rate is set by Visa and MasterCard, not the issuing banks. They do the exchange and then bill your home country bank in its own currency.
The rates Visa and Mastercard use can be found at:
To get the correct rate remember to convert from the currency you withdrew from the ATM to your home currency.... not vice versa.
You may also have to adjust the fee percentage per your card's terms and conditions.
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