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SURVEY: Are you liberal or conservative?


SURVEY: Politically Liberal or Conservative?  

133 members have voted

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Which of the following best describes your political leanings.


Since most have varied opinions on topics, for the purpose of poll, please use the way in which you are most likely to vote in an election.


Please feel free to leave a comment.  

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Hugely vague question. Are you defining liberal as Democrat/Labour/Socialist? Or as someone who believes in individual freedom and liberty. Because they are two very different things. And by conservative, is that with a big or small C/c? Are you asking if people are "right" wing, capitalist or cautious/reserved. I answered, because it counts for nothing but if it were serious I would want a lot of clarification.

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2 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I have to agree with the poster above: this is a badly worded question.


I am a social liberal and an economic conservative.


How am I supposed to vote?

     You're not supposed to vote.  Us libertarians can't vote either.  

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Funny to think "liberal" used to mean somebody who supported free speech and personal freedoms. Nowadays it refers to cultural marxists that harangue anybody that don't agree with them. As somebody that wants everybody to be free to speak their mind, an end to prosecuting victimless crimes, and that just because somebody may be causcasian and male does not automatically make them evil, I had to choose the "very conservative" box, but in reality I am a libertarian.

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1 minute ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Funny to think "liberal" used to mean somebody who supported free speech and personal freedoms. Nowadays it refers to cultural marxists that harangue anybody that don't agree with them. As somebody that wants everybody to be free to speak their mind, an end to prosecuting victimless crimes, and that just because somebody may be causcasian and male does not automatically make them evil, I had to choose the "very conservative" box, but in reality I am a libertarian.

   Yes.... the Liberal means something totally different these days from what it used to mean many years ago..

   You can find terms like "Classic Liberal" and "Classic Conservative"  and Libertarian ...efforts to distinguish freedom loving people from people who love the state to control all our lives.

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3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Some social issues I'm progressive and others I'm more conservative. Some fiscal issues I'm more conservative but on others more progressive. It depends.

    From what I've seen, "progressive" is a code word for socialist.  Another one of those words whose meaning has changed over the years...  

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1 minute ago, Catoni said:

    From what I've seen, "progressive" is a code word for socialist.  Another one of those words whose meaning has changed over the years...  


I use progressive because I don't like the Left's hijacking of the word liberal, as if they were the only liberals.  From my Poli Sci 101 class I remember the distictions between center left and center right as being about the inclination to push for change as opposed to being more reluctant to change. Sometimes one is the correct course and sometimes the other is.

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Its not who you are voting for it is who you are voting against.


Equal rights doesn't  equal special rights.


Welfare programs should not be life long programs.


If someone has a different point of view that doesn't make them a racist.


Most of us on here grew up without the internet we socilized with people with different points of view.


With the internet you can socialize with people that only have the same point of view. This makes people more radical in their thinking.


Edited by Coconutman
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1 minute ago, Catoni said:

   Oh my Buddha.....  No...... You must be joking..  

   People die tying to escape that dreary communist prison state of no hope.  

And I paid to get in! Life's a funny old thing...

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I am more of a libertarian.  Less government intrusion into our lives.  Socially acceptable for individuals rights.  Conservative economically.  Pro-business and growth.  No free lunches for those capable of earning a living.  Everyone treated equally with no special privileges for specially designated groups.


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33 minutes ago, baboon said:

And I paid to get in! Life's a funny old thing...

    Why aren't you still there in North Korea if you like it?  It looks like now you're living only about an hour and a half  or two hour drive north of Surat Thani now. Not a bad area. 

      I wouldn't go to North Korea even if "Great General" "Dear Leader" comrade Kim Jong-un offered me an all expense paid month long trip there with the finest meals and finest North Korean hotels. You can have it.  

    One things for sure... I would never fly the flag of North Korea.  I do feel very sorry for the ordinary people trapped in that nightmarish system. 


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40 minutes ago, Guy360 said:

I am more of a libertarian.  Less government intrusion into our lives.  Socially acceptable for individuals rights.  Conservative economically.  Pro-business and growth.  No free lunches for those capable of earning a living.  Everyone treated equally with no special privileges for specially designated groups.


        Possibly the best way to be..... libertarian. As I am... But it also comes with moral obligaton for us, if we are able, to voluntarily help those unable to help themselves through no fault of their own. 

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1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I have to agree with the poster above: this is a badly worded question.


I am a social liberal and an economic conservative.


How am I supposed to vote?

Vote twice. Seems to happen quite a lot in some countries.

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Unfortunately there is no choice that denotes: Extremely Ultra-Hybridized Right-Wing, RedState, Christian Conservative, Pro-Life. 1st and 2nd Amendment Proud and All Around Good Guy.


That'd be me.


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The most interesting part of this thread has been the extensive use of dog whistles by self professed conservatives to explain their views.



Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The phrase is often used as a pejorative because of the inherently deceptive nature of the practice and because the dog-whistle messages are frequently distasteful to the general populace. The analogy is to a dog whistle, whose high-frequency whistle is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.


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12 minutes ago, thaihome said:

The most interesting part of this thread has been the extensive use of dog whistles by self professed conservatives to explain their views.



Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The phrase is often used as a pejorative because of the inherently deceptive nature of the practice and because the dog-whistle messages are frequently distasteful to the general populace. The analogy is to a dog whistle, whose high-frequency whistle is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.


    Oh... you mean like when socialists/communists use the word "progressive" in place of socialist/communist...  and when they use the word Nazi and Fascist, Racist,  to describe anyone (does not have to really be a Nazi, Fascist or Racist and almost always isn't),   who disagrees with them and goes against the socialist/communist agenda..    even if the person dislikes Nazis, Racists and Fascists as much as he dislikes Socialism and Communism. 


     Okay "thaihome".. I get it.     5555555  :) 

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