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Muskieto screens in condo?

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I think the general rule is that mosquitoes don't fly upwards more than seven floors.  BUT, if a community of mosquitoes sets up residence on, say, the 4th floor where a neighbor has abundant potted plants and a water feature, then they can expand up to the 11th floor, etc.  Also, they can travel up in elevators, so there is no guarantee you won't get mosquitoes on any floor, but I think the common rule of thumb is that above the 7th floor, you are relatively safe.


Regardless the height of my unit, I install window screens/screen doors to keep out all sorts of wildlife, but that's just me.  Flying insects, birds, wandering tree snakes, enormous spiders, and other critters stay out on the outdoor balcony, it I have any say in it.  (Have you ever had a panicked bird get trapped in your room?  Bird sh*t and feathers *everywhere*!)

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