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Kiosk Frame Design using Scaffolding Swivel Couplers + Horizontal & Vertical Galv. Pipe ONLY

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Dear Fellow Thaivisa.com Posters,



My lovely woman wants a Retail Kiosk.



With view to this, I bought Scaffolding "Swivel Couplers" [ e.g. http://www.tp-scaffold.com/Pressed-Swivel-Coupler-for-Scaffolding-of-British-Style-pd6649834.html ] with view that frame be made that is :



of vertical, & horizontal, pipes [ hot-dipped galvanised / zinc plated steel ] ONLY @ :


"front" [  obviously ]


rear [ understandably ],


 the other 2 vertical planes [ if safe ].



easily made to whatever are the particular bespoke requirements of the particular prospective variable retail enterprise at any given time



easily transported



easily assembled



easily disassembled




In assembling a miniature "proof-of-concept" with 50 cm lengths of 4 cm diameter blue PVC pipe instead of the galv. steel pipe, I have encountered a seeming "red flag" ;


The box frame is not rigid ;

Because the swivel joint of the couplers do not lock up.


Admittedly,  I did not have enough lengths of PVC pipe to construct a full cube ;

I had only :


bottom level secured some 8 cm approx from end of 4 vertical pipes


upper level consisting of only 2 opposite pipes.


I was hoping that the 3D frame will lend itself to self-locking.

But, without completing the upper level, I gather that this system will not be rigid even with all the pipes.




Having searched around the internet, I have not yet found a frame, let alone a retail kiosk, made using swivel couplers as the only connections.


Thanking yee in advance for all yer helpful replies.


Our Man in the Tropics




You want the non-swiveling type http://www.tp-scaffold.com/En74-BS1139-Standard-Scaffolidng-Pressed-British-Type-Double-Coupler-pd6532834.html for your corners to ensure 90o angles.


Use the swivellers for diagonal braces, although you may not need them on a small structure as the walls should provide rigidity if they are attached to the frame at regular intervals. Steel tabs welded to the tubing would provide attachment points for plywood walls and give them rigidity.


I'm assuming you are going to use actual scaffolding tubes for the final beast.


With the ready availability and relatively low cost of square section steel tubing I would be looking at a simple welded structure. Square tubing would be easier to attach walls to.


How big do you anticipate the final structure to be?


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

11 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

We just use bamboo scaffold, cheap, easy to erect, easy to take down. :thumbsup:

Hi Kwasaki,


Galvanised Steel Round Tubing is decided over any other material ;



Because :


it works with its standard Couplings for Round Tube Scaffolding


it looks neat & strong

Important for visual appearances values of Thai lady even though eventually it will be clad


the frame can be adjusted to optimum, & then become the standard for extra units that she may wish to :





it will not encourage as would bamboo unless it very specially treated successfully against


wet rot





Our Man in the Tropics


Have you visited your local aluminium window/door shop to see what sections they have?. Steel seems heavy and overkill? Especially for transport. 

5 hours ago, Crossy said:

You want the non-swiveling type http://www.tp-scaffold.com/En74-BS1139-Standard-Scaffolidng-Pressed-British-Type-Double-Coupler-pd6532834.html for your corners to ensure 90o angles.


Use the swivellers for diagonal braces, although you may not need them on a small structure as the walls should provide rigidity if they are attached to the frame at regular intervals. Steel tabs welded to the tubing would provide attachment points for plywood walls and give them rigidity.


I'm assuming you are going to use actual scaffolding tubes for the final beast.


With the ready availability and relatively low cost of square section steel tubing I would be looking at a simple welded structure. Square tubing would be easier to attach walls to.


How big do you anticipate the final structure to be?


Hi Crossy,


Much thanks for ur authoritative info. that there is an appropriate Coupler for the 90 degree corners, & the url given as example.


I have no design devised yet.

Neither have I come across any detailed design on internet for similar framed kiosk.

Hopefully, I will find such.

But, as often with searches on internet,- I am fruitless with finding exactly what I want.


I am hoping to avoid welding ;

Because :


fear that her parents' electrics might blow, & the ensuing grief directed at Falang myself


hoping to arrive at design that allows her to build similar without my presence & using only basic hand tools.


Also, I hope to avoid drilling.


Perhaps, brackets secured simply by tension & the paneling then attached serving to make the whole kiosk even more rigid.


But, I did not even rattle my head as to the door system nor the window system nor to how they attach.


Perhaps, a lobby area with inner door by way as system to prevent entry of pests [ incl. rodents ] can be incorporated + without it being unduly awkward or looking "funny" for Thai.


Note ;

I intend that the kiosk stands raised from the ground by 40 cm approx perhaps ;

Necessitating steps & permanent or temporary slip-way

Serving to prevent :

incursion by pests

damage from flooding ; At least until swift arrival


And, the stanchions / pillars resting on screw + ring-nut adjustable footings ;

The final parts of the footings being 4 wheels that are lockable ;

Perhaps I may have to include extra support footings in the middle.


Size ;

Width ;

Perhaps 3 m or 4 m

Depth ;

Not decided yet



Another Note ;

I am not getting co-operation on this whole project.

But, to be only expected 8-)


Herself instead wishes that I pay saucy price for :


some "Fancy-Dan" Hi-So existing kiosk type


some typical Thai brick+mortar type





Our Man in the Tropics


29 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

Have you visited your local aluminium window/door shop to see what sections they have?. Steel seems heavy and overkill? Especially for transport. 


Hi VocalNeal,


I am out in "the sticks" ;

So, my options are very limited.


Also, my customary approach to peruse through the available materials before returning with ideas & designs for their use is most unwelcome by the other-1/2 ;

She says that it embarrasses her tremendously ;

Because, she says, that nobody does this but me + shop expects that such a viewing of the goods should merit flashy purchases by even Thai.

So, I permeditatedly purchased :



regular scaffolding couplings ;

Swivellers in this case



galvanised steel tubing


& with option of


standard accessories ;


screw + ring nut adjustable footings

braked wheels


Further to my rejection of Aluminium ;


In the event that welding is truly needed, I would be snookered.

Yes, I can "facilitate" manual arc welding of steel ;

But, not TIG welding of aluminium.




Our Man in the Tropics


The problem when taking on any project in sunny Thailand is that as soon as you get outside the comfort zone of the local labour you are in trouble. I'm assuming you're not going to do this all by yourself.


Anything "alternative" is likely to be more expensive than the "local" solution and may be problematic to build. The fact that you (and I) have failed to find any plans for kiosks built from standard scaffolding suggests that it's been deemed impractical by those more skilled than ourselves, others must have thought of it and discounted the idea.


If I was building a similar booth I'd probably be going on the same lines as we used for our chook house. Concrete pad (100mm), four 3" square steel verticals bolted to the pad, simple welded steel roof structure with the cheapest tiles available then the walls filled in with cheap concrete blocks and rendered. Once the concrete was down two chaps put the steel and roof up in a day. Another day to build the walls (nothing to stop you using plywood walls), then render and paint. Several people have commented that it's better built than some of the local homes.


Looks like this, you'd want to replace the mesh with something more human compatible of course.


chook house.jpg


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


To add to the above, nothing to stop you using individual footings for the legs and having a suspended floor (more steel framework and plywood).


Despite it being welded and "permanent" additions are reasonably easy, we added an extra bay to the Chicken Palace where the mower and other gardening kit lives.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

1 hour ago, Our Man in the Tropics said:

Also, I hope to avoid drilling.

Just thought to help to make it easy in Thailand personally with a project like yours I'd make a frame up using box steel from a local supplier or someone like Global House and erect with self-drilling screws, the screws will not cease up like scaffold-clips would, less expense too. :thumbsup:

2 hours ago, Our Man in the Tropics said:

Yes, I can "facilitate" manual arc welding of steel ;

Then has been said use steel tubing say 3/4 or 20x20 square tube or 40x20 tube. The frame doesn't need to take all the forces as the "cladding" will take some of it. Skin on frame like aircraft.


I also use your "customary" approach.



Would it not be easier to use "Keyclamp" fittings with the steel tubing

All galvanized and quick to fit and remove

lots of different fitting so v]can make bespoke shapes if needed

Used to use loads of these for handrails, cages and stands

Not cheap, but last for ever and fully re usable, just need an Allen key to fit

Look at YouTube for ideas


Sorry for delay in responding to latest posts ;

I had no internet top--up until now.


I soaking up all the posts ;

Because there is very useful relevant info. within each.




I think that I am not alone in experiencing certain steadfast intransigence for new ideas from Land of Smilers [ LOS-ers 8-) ] in general.

Yet, progress in my zone is made even more very slowly.




I have parked actively pursuing this project awhile ;

Useful for me to get draftsman who would fine-tune the design with Auto-Cad or the like ;

Perhaps a professional scaffolding supplies company will supply drawing even free-of-charge.

Most of the designing [ concept anyway ] will come from me though.


The other 1/2 may be more persuaded with a final good drawing having measurements ;

And, thus, I gain her co-operation  8-)


By the way ;


Google Images has no kiosk of scaffold-coupler type.




Our Man in the Tropics

6 minutes ago, Our Man in the Tropics said:

Google Images has no kiosk of scaffold-coupler type.


Yeah, from my earlier post:-


On 12/18/2017 at 10:52 AM, Crossy said:

The fact that you (and I) have failed to find any plans for kiosks built from standard scaffolding suggests that it's been deemed impractical by those more skilled than ourselves, others must have thought of it and discounted the idea.


Surely if it was a viable idea someone would have built one (or many).


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

5 minutes ago, Crossy said:


Yeah, from my earlier post:-



Surely if it was a viable idea someone would have built one (or many).


A little problem emanating from me solely is that I have not fleshed out my concept with drawings.

Were I to do so + show them to constructive knowledgeable criticism ;

==> I very sure that my concept will be proved to be a very smart way to go ;

Even if it novel.




The Kee Klamp products that u kindly informed me of with URL may indeed be the superior smart way to go.


Apologies to u, Crossy, for neglecting to mention Kee Klamp as still in my consideration when I sent my previous post.

I was at pains to return, as soon as possible, to all contributers & would-be contributers that I will re-activate my pursuit of this project but presently have to park it.

And, I actually started to look at Kee Klamp website after sending that post too ;

I know, not the proper sequence from me.


I about to compose an opening post on another topic which is part of a scheme of tasks preoccupying me immediately.




Our Man in the Tropics

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