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after all the sexual harassment suits over, will anyone be left standing?

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I think  all  the sexuall  harrassment charges began with Bill Cosby but they have  sure mushroomed since then.


I wonder  how many men in America can remain uncharged when this is all over?    Or will it ever be over?


Over the years I've read very little about similar charges in other countries but I do recall the Italian PM  Silvio Berlusconi case.       I just looked it up;


"Despite him inviting the 17-year-old to sex parties and paying her huge amounts of money, the Milan appeals court decided Mr Berlusconi was not guilty of participating in underage prostitution because it had not been proved the tycoon knew she was under age."


I certainly can't criticize his taste in the fine looks of women.







I read today the owner of an American professional football  team is selling his team because the team he owns is conducting an internal investigation into charges the owner  has committed sexual harassment offenses.    It's his own team!



I wonder where all this will end?


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59 minutes ago, OJAS said:

An interesting comparison between the USA and UK:-






Nice  link.    Thanks.     I found the information fairly unbiased.



"Which system is better - the UK or the US - depends on your point of view.

If you've been wrongly accused, you may yearn for the British system - where publishing is riskier.

If you're a victim, you may prefer the US system - where the constitution protects freedom of speech.

Either way, the effect is clear.

The US has a flood of cases. In the UK, it remains drip-drip."



What do you think?

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The way it is going you will one day need permission in writing 24 hours beforehand.  I read of a case some time ago where the defence was 'seduction' - the man said he seduced the woman through encouragement and praise and buying her expensive presents and taking her out for food and wine in a fancy restaurant. He was found innocent eventually as the woman's behavior was deemed to have been 'encouraging' his attempts to get her into bed, as she knew that was why he was doing that. The uproar and complaints from the women's liberation feminazis was unbelievable - it was as if any man should take a woman out and give her expensive gifts and dinner - so that he could ........ talk to her ??!!   The way the feminazis are going it wont be long before they win their 'war against men' and all men will need written permission (or marriage) in advance (or equivalent).  I read that a bloke who made a 'suggestive remark' to a female co-worker was recently sacked for 'sexual harassment' and was possibly facing charges - he asked her out on a date - once - and she was offended as he was not an ideal 'candidate' (allegedly).  

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On 12/19/2017 at 2:22 AM, i claudius said:

Just waiting for the first girl i had sex with to come after me she was only 15 and a half.Mind you i was only 16 .does that mean i am a pedo? It really has got out of hand

These days it would. Some young guys have to be on a sex offender list for the rest of their lives for sleeping with a slightly underage girlfriend. socal.gif

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Talk about men getting their panties in a twist :laugh:!


As far as I know, it's only the v. wealthy that need to worry about accusations of sexual harassment.


The ordinary female accepts it as part of life and can easily distinguish between the stupidly, uncomprehending male (genuinely oblivious that the endless sexual, creepy comments are unappreciated....) and the odd idiot flasher/groper that deserves immediate action.


My favourite story was a flasher on a train when the woman put her fag out on his penis - but this was my ex-husband's story about a previous gf, so no idea whether it is true.


I can personally attest that when travelling on the 'tube' - shouting to ask 'who is feeling my bum', -  results in everyone looking and the offender leaving the train red-faced at the next stop :laugh:.

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Better keep clear of the mistletoe at office and other parties. That traditional peck on the cheek under that famous sprig of temptation could cost you your job. 


I wonder if the "no objectifying women" mantra applies to go-go dancers and a hefty chunk of worldwide advertising.

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I think we need to be a bit careful here.

I would totally agree, probably at this point asking a gal at work for a date could be construed as sexual harassment, but that's always how the pendulum swings.

That being said, I think for a lot of men, we're totally blind to what women actually do experience on a day to day basis. I had a somewhat 'Road to Damascus' moment when talking to one of my daughters after the Weinstein story broke, and her stories were shocking.

She worked in retail when she was at college , then in multiple high tech companies after graduation and all the stories were remarkably similar to what you read in the press from the high profile guys.

Most shocking for me was she worked in the video gaming industry for a few years in Northern California (you can work out the company) and there it was endemic .

So, the pendulum will swing back from overreaction, but as men, fathers, I think we need to be more aware, and probably more vocal in calling it out when we see it

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I am pleased I am coming to the end of my working career, because what I see is plenty of banter at work between females, the men being a little isolated and left out.

It is easy to note, the vocabulary that is used and accepted in banter between women, could, so easily, be turned into a harassment case if used by a man. Hence the exclusion.




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I recall some friends working as apprentices in a factory where they were expected to fix and service machinery on floors full of women. On more than one occasion I was told of 'comments' made by the women to try and embarrass the young apprentices. One left, another moved to an alternative position. Both however calmly accepted the banter went with the job, and they were not best suited for that position.

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Yes nobody cares , only famous celebs you can sue for millions will worry . 


2 people drunk , go to bed and have sex .They wake up and say shxxx did I have sex with that monster ?  A big mistake because of alcohol , t happens every day, learn from your mistakes .

Some people actually want to call it sexual harassment . 






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15 minutes ago, balo said:

Yes nobody cares , only famous celebs you can sue for millions will worry . 


2 people drunk , go to bed and have sex .They wake up and say shxxx did I have sex with that monster ?  A big mistake because of alcohol , t happens every day, learn from your mistakes .

Some people actually want to call it sexual harassment . 






Is sexual harassment not now seen as offering to buy that first drink!! because your intention MAY be for the drink to lead to the conclusion you state!! and women find this offensive!!

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18 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Is sexual harassment not now seen as offering to buy that first drink!! because your intention MAY be for the drink to lead to the conclusion you state!! and women find this offensive!!

So it is simple make them buy their own drinks. Or require women who use the arquement they were drunk and would not have done it other wise to be registered and made to attend AA and attend classes about alcoholism,and how it affects them.

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If a pendulum swings close of is pre-determined range, the pendulum knows that this is as far as it can go.
The female "pendulum-swingers", going overboard, will realise that if something like a "counter-revolution" sets in, they are likely to lose most of their achievements they have fought for, for the last 120 years.
At some point, (males), mostly providing for the well being for wife and family will declare: Enough is enough.

In the news lately: Married Swedish couples need a 2-way consent, before having sex. It doesn't specify, what "sex" includes. If different "sex-practicies" should be involved, a 3-page contract must probably be sighned and agreed upon, before the swedish husband is allowed to take off his trousers.
Enough is enough? What does it take for modern day "Vikings" to say "Enough is Enough"?
- The fact, that a modern-day "Viking" can still afford to vacation 3x per year in Pattaya, not having to sighn any 3-page contracts, before engaging in a "contractless" relationship with a Thai-national. = Nirvana!
Under these circumstances, I would not be surprised, that more and more Vikings make Pattaya their home. (avoiding sex-paperwork beforehand.) Them probably wondering when the "enough is enough" factor sets in in their home country. Them sitting in Pattaya, where there is no "enough is enough", leaving it up to countrymen remaining in Sweden to stem the tide.
Sweden has been a shining light as far as "liberalism, equality and a free-market-economy" is concerned. A fine balanced mixture of Socialism, Communism and allowing for controlled capitalism. A recipe for success, only comparable to Switzerland, applying exactly the same constellations as Sweden has.

In the end, Bioloigically, a man's only purpose in life is to entice females to have sex with them. Simply applying the concept "in war and love (= reproduction)", everything is allowed. If men are not allowed to apply their proven "hunting-tactics" anymore,  spending their reproductive years in prison, humanity may go extinct.
Perhaps not such a bad idea, after all.


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Well I feel the aim is to push the pendulum to the extent of the range and not allow it to return.


I'm just pleased I have lived through the times I have, very fortunate indeed!


Perhaps the time has come for a real male prenuptial agreement stipulating how frequently sex will occur including a waiver that it is acceptable sex outside the marriage can be sought to make up any imbalance


Maybe the Thai guys with the mia noi set up have had it right all along :smile:





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This nonsense will pass in due time.


The issue is about  Feminism And Their Feminazi Counterparts.

World War F: The Written And Oral History Of Feminism And Their Feminazi Counterparts
Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Another interesting viewpoint ,,,


Seems to mostly apply to western countries.



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