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Norwegian man assaulted after noise complaint at Pattaya bar

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5 minutes ago, nahkit said:

Point 1: If this guy moved in before the bar ever opened up

Point 2: If the bar opened after he moved in then he is in another predicament


Opposites? Can you run that by me again?

Sorry... figure it out by yourself. You oughtta be old enough.

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I have had countless experiences where I have very politely, and with a great deal of respect, asked Thai people to turn down their music, or quiet their dog, who had been barking for hours, or quiet down their child, who had been running around the movie theatre like a rabid monkey on amphetamines, screaming at the top of his lungs, and carrying on, during the movie! It has rarely gone well. Most Thai people do not handle what they perceive to be criticism well. Most Thai people, in my opinion have relatively low self esteem, for whatever reason. And most are not good communicators. In any language. Most cannot introspect, therefore it is very hard for them to admit they are the source of the problem.


I recently had a run in with a neighbor. I very politely asked them if there was anything they could do about their dog. A small yappy creature. It had been barking for hours on end, for many weeks. The only dog on the entire soi, that makes noise. The woman came out and told me off, in a very nasty manner. Ten minutes later she and her husband showed up at my house, and went on for 10 minutes. Incredibly nasty. Really low, really devoid of any sort of class, elegance, or manners. Just ranting and cursing. Finally my Thai wife, who was speaking to them patiently, told they to go home, and stay away from our house. Part of the problem is face. Many perceive the fact that you have asked them to do something, as a loss of face. It is nearly impossible for many of us to get into the mind of the average Thai, when it comes to face. It weakens this entire society, and tears at the very fabric of Thailand. It prevents the people, and the society from maturing, and moving forward. It is a boil on the face of the nation.


Now for my face rant- 


Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, and man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.

Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.



Instead of complaining, one needs to take action.  Upon moving in with my lovely wife, I soon realized I would not be able to live with her without taking immediate action.  I hired a contractor to build onto the bedroom creating a cozy man-cave using soundproof block, while at the same time lining the existing section with the same block. After some paint and such at a cost of around 16,000Bt., I now have a room where I can spend quality time without having to endure the blatant disregard for others going on around me.  My wife tells me constantly about the neighbor's complaints about all the things happening around us.  She doesn't gloat to the friends, but she does appreciate the life improvements doing so created for us.  Much better result than risking life and limb marching yourself into the unknown. Just saying.... Cheers!

3 minutes ago, LazySlipper said:

Sorry... figure it out by yourself. You oughtta be old enough.

I have.


If the guy moved in "before the bar ever opened up" then the bar must have " opened after he moved in".



44 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I have had countless experiences where I have very politely, and with a great deal of respect, asked Thai people to turn down their music, or quiet their dog, who had been barking for hours, or quiet down their child, who had been running around the movie theatre like a rabid monkey on amphetamines, screaming at the top of his lungs, and carrying on, during the movie! It has rarely gone well. Most Thai people do not handle what they perceive to be criticism well. Most Thai people, in my opinion have relatively low self esteem, for whatever reason. And most are not good communicators. In any language. Most cannot introspect, therefore it is very hard for them to admit they are the source of the problem.


I recently had a run in with a neighbor. I very politely asked them if there was anything they could do about their dog. A small yappy creature. It had been barking for hours on end, for many weeks. The only dog on the entire soi, that makes noise. The woman came out and told me off, in a very nasty manner. Ten minutes later she and her husband showed up at my house, and went on for 10 minutes. Incredibly nasty. Really low, really devoid of any sort of class, elegance, or manners. Just ranting and cursing. Finally my Thai wife, who was speaking to them patiently, told they to go home, and stay away from our house. Part of the problem is face. Many perceive the fact that you have asked them to do something, as a loss of face. It is nearly impossible for many of us to get into the mind of the average Thai, when it comes to face. It weakens this entire society, and tears at the very fabric of Thailand. It prevents the people, and the society from maturing, and moving forward. It is a boil on the face of the nation.


Now for my face rant- 


Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. To take responsibility for your actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social convention? 


Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, and man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.

Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.



Not much there I could argue with....  Well said!


Noise can be a pain in the backside. part of the reason one should rent, not buy is that you never know what will spring up next to you. 


Personal experience- one night outside our apartments a tuk tuk with the boom-boom music parked up hoping for a fare about 0200. I say boom-boom 'music' to the point the building was shaking. After about 20 minutesI went down and he asked me  where I wanted to go.


I replied that I didn't want to go anywhere, just wanted to know when my baby would be able to sleep (I do not have a baby, btw!). He immediately turned down the music.


If I had gone down there raging and screaming instead of in an amicable manner the outcome would no doubt have been different.


Some people are completely unaware of the effect their actions have on others. It's just an ingrained ignorance.


i dont think its fair to generalize and say "the thai's are like this.." there are also alot of farang a holes .. when you move into anyplace and your the only one complaining about something, then ..

4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

With his "companion" being Thai, maybe it would have been better had he gone over, and requested the music to be lowered ?

It looks like another cowardly attack by Thais in numbers. 

Being Thai, maybe too smart to go over?


Seems if police were doing their job (a huge "if", I know) they might have checked bar workers hands for a bit of damage. The owner wouldn't get into the enforcement end of the business. Maybe look for some blood splatter on crews clothes too.  Of course they may have used clubs, which would make detection a tad more difficult.


One of the problems with cranking the music up is people talk louder so it just gets worst. Yes best to rent to avoid the noise if it bothers you.


1 hour ago, chuang said:

Why are farangs prompt to complain about noises, soi dogs, barkings, loud music etc etc etc.....you know all these things happen in thailand and why still come here..:passifier:....there are many places besides thailand....

Wonder whether other foreigners did the same....i doubt so...

This is not a problem unique to Thailand. 


There are places - yes, even in the Pattaya metro-area - where one can live absent noisy soi-dogs and loud-bars.  They are not usually the cheapest dwellings, but due to the number of foreigners driven-out by immigration policy-changes, they are much lower-priced then when I arrived a few years ago.  


Some options are in gated-communities (if you need an actual "house").  Being far-up in a tall condo-building can also diminish volume-levels considerably.  Also, check the quality of the windows - can make a huge difference.


But, most importantly, go visit the place at midnight on Friday, before signing the lease.  I once checked a place at 10:30 only to discover, after move-in, that the loud-bar nearby didn't "get going" until 11PM - a mistake I will not repeat.

2 hours ago, chuang said:

Why are farangs prompt to complain about noises, soi dogs, barkings, loud music etc etc etc.....you know all these things happen in thailand and why still come here..:passifier:....there are many places besides thailand....

Wonder whether other foreigners did the same....i doubt so...

And to complain about anything in Pattaya is beyond reasoning. If you want peace and quiet do not move to a 24/7 party city. Maybe try Phichit....

49 minutes ago, nahkit said:

I have.


If the guy moved in "before the bar ever opened up" then the bar must have " opened after he moved in".



I thought the same as you.  Number 1 should read "after" instead of "before" to be opposite.

3 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas. 


If he didn t want the fast life, he would have been in Isaan with a wife.    



Different taste, he doesn't want a real woman don't you understand that. Just like the police officer in Cambodia asked the Australian police working with cambodian police to arrest pedophile, "There are lots of women here why they going for the kids?" See different taste.


What's the point of having a young ladyboyfriend if they can't kick ass for you once in a while? C'mon Sugar, get those heels off and start swingin'! 

2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Not sure that the outcome would have been different, but did he go in there all fired up yelling at them, or did he quietly request?

i doubt he meekly asked to lower the volume , yea i doubt that .... but he knew a bar was across the street when he moved in , no he does not deserve to be gang bitched slapped but .........


I take it most people would check the place out first before buying renting ect for noise 

if the bar  was built after you moved  in  

not much you can do about the noise as a Farang they could not care less a case of this is Thailand 

you can always ask them to turn down the noise but then again 


low self esteem, i was thinking today why most Thai woman that i try and initiate a conversation think instantly that i want to sleep with them.  very defensive.  most farang woman on the other hand are open to casual conversation when approached. sex is not seen as a motive.  i think this stems from the low self esteem cited previously felt through out Thai society and is just one manifestation of it.  maybe lack of English skills?

2 hours ago, spermwhale said:

The Norwegian, 57, was waiting inside his house with his Thai transvestite companion


Is this important or is The Nation trying to disparage this man? 

It's a strange thing to include. Doesn't make a difference to the story. The sex of his partner is irrelevant an entirely his business. 


I live 100 feet/30 meters from the French Garden Restaurant.


It is NOT a bar, it is a very good French restaurant run by a very nice French couple.  They do have alcohol to go their food but not once since they opened a couple of years ago have I ever heard loud music or heard or seen drunken customers.  Last night I slept with the windows open and I certainly didn't hear any unusual noises.


My understanding is that the Norwegian is the one who got drunk and eventually caused trouble.  I don't know who beat him up, and while nobody deserves to be beaten up, my guess is that he brought it on himself.


One silly case of poor quality reporting and a sensational headline is all it takes to ruin the reputation of a fine restaurant.


Ignore this crappy report and go try out the restaurant yourself, you won't be disappointed.  Here is the Google map showing the location.


Location of French Garden Restaurant

5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

With his "companion" being Thai, maybe it would have been better had he gone over, and requested the music to be lowered ?

It looks like another cowardly attack by Thais in numbers. 

I was thinking it was a gang of heterosexual white women who beat him up for preferring a Thai transvestite companion, but like YOU, I could be wrong.


Well now the Norwegian tabloids can inform his family he is dating a ladyboy. Try to stay out of trouble or your private life will go public in a matter of hours. TIT.


500 baht and a wei should be sufficient punishment.


And why did the sexuality of his  "partner " have anything to do with it? Is it just to embarrass him?


Maybe they should have mentioned whether he/she was pre-op or post-op, and whether he/she had a hard on.

23 minutes ago, smew said:

Why is it reported that he has a transvestite companion?: is it relevant to the story? 

Why was it reported he was Norwegian, or where the bar was, or that the bar had farang customers?

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