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Your Reaction To Snakes, Scorpions, Centipedes...

Jet Gorgon

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When you meet a snake, scorpion, centipede, cockroach, spider, or other such creature, what is your reaction?

Do you squish it or hack it with a machete?

Scream and run for it, hoping the critter will selfcombust or that the special forces will send a team to deal with it?

Gently nudge it out of the way so you don't harm it and continue with your task at hand?

Show us your mettle, TV addicts. :o

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When you meet a snake, scorpion, centipede, cockroach, spider, or other such creature, what is your reaction?

Do you squish it or hack it with a machete?

Scream and run for it, hoping the critter will selfcombust or that the special forces will send a team to deal with it?

Gently nudge it out of the way so you don't harm it and continue with your task at hand?

Show us your mettle, TV addicts. :o

I grab my camera and chase it!

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When you meet a snake, scorpion, centipede, cockroach, spider, or other such creature, what is your reaction?

Do you squish it or hack it with a machete?

Scream and run for it, hoping the critter will selfcombust or that the special forces will send a team to deal with it?

Gently nudge it out of the way so you don't harm it and continue with your task at hand?

Show us your mettle, TV addicts. :D

Snakes and centipedes get killed. :o

With cockroaches i jump on the next chair and let the wife deal with it - they are disgusting. :D

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When you meet a snake, scorpion, centipede, cockroach, spider, or other such creature, what is your reaction?

Do you squish it or hack it with a machete?

Scream and run for it, hoping the critter will selfcombust or that the special forces will send a team to deal with it?

Gently nudge it out of the way so you don't harm it and continue with your task at hand?

Show us your mettle, TV addicts. :D

Snakes and centipedes get killed. :D

With cockroaches i jump on the next chair and let the wife deal with it - they are disgusting. :D

I don't like to kill the snakes as they're keen enough to get away from me anyway, the centipedes I've come across have been a different story though, they almost seem like they're actively seeking me out! Especially the big ones I've come across, I used to live on Koh Chang and we frequently had centipedes chasing us all out of the bar - these had to die :o they were enormous! and once they hide away there was not much chance of finding them so they had to get spaded/axed before they could hide - terrible mess :D

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I will certainly chase after them, then ....Think like the chinese, nothing should be wasted, everything should be pickled!

Then sell them off as high value traditional medicine along side tiger penises :o

Edited by teacup
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Early last year i was having a shower/shave in my hut on bottle beach,koh phangyan when i noticed a little yellow skorpian coming towards my feet rather to hastily for my liking.I just got the old gillette mac3 and killed the little bastard! Close call thought,it was only like a foot away when i noticed it. :o

Other than that,i really hate centipedes.Theres nothing wrong with the big purple millipedes,their harmless but those biting centipedes are killed on sight!

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depends if it's inside or out

Outside no problem I go around.

Inside it's personal ! i'll try to get rid of it unharmed whatever the critter........ apart from the centipides they are killed on sight and the mozzies which are hunted down relentlessly. thats if I get in before the wife otherwise whatever it is is squashed.

Oh and theres no point squishing roaches as they release lots of eggs when splatted!

The only creatures I actively encourage are gheko's .... the wife on the other hand is scared stiff of them .... :o go figure !

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Right on, Englishoak! More geckos and toukays (sp). They do good work cleaning up vermin. I heard you can also train them to drop poo in one spot, even into an Asian-style toilet.

Jonson83, those little scorpions are monsters. But, a pity you had to decapitate it. I usually secured the hut before I moved in (bug spray). Did it once up near Bottle Beach and an army of those little stingers marched out of the room. :o

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Scorpions, centipedes, millipedes and roaches. If they are indoors I try and get them out alive (squishing them just makes a mess :D ), if they are outdoors I leave them alone.

Snakes. Never had a snake inside my house but a mate of mine had a nest of them in the roof space. Outdoors again I just let them be, unless they are a threat then I'd attempt to chase them off but I've never had this problem.

Geckos I encourage, not sure about the toilet training tho, tokays I'm more wary of and try to get them to depart the premises. :o

However the best thing to do with centipedes is catch them (heavy duty industrial leather gloves mandatory) and drown them in a bottle of lao khaw. They do this in the little shop up the road from my house and they say that the venom seeps out into the liquor and gives you power. To me it just tastes like lao khaw and makes me ill. :D

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If outdoors, I just let them go about their business...if at home, no mercy is shown. :o

One of the reasons I much prefer apartments to houses (especially in tropical regions) is the constant vermin you have to deal with if you have a yard.

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Aha ! Miss Gorgon ... trying to gauge the reaction you'll get to that mat of writhing serpents on your head ....? :D

Maybe you're a hydrid with scorpions sprouting from your elbows ... big red and yellow centipedes from your knuckles ... :D

Well you're safe with me you naughty hydra, as I don't kill any of the above and just let them be on their way ... :D

However, if cockroaches are involved they first get shocked with the electric tennis racquet (you know, the one for the mozzies) ... and once they are stunned they then get scooped up and flushed down the loo .... :D

There's only one good roach .... :o

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Aha ! Miss Gorgon ... trying to gauge the reaction you'll get to that mat of writhing serpents on your head ....? :D

Maybe you're a hydrid with scorpions sprouting from your elbows ... big red and yellow centipedes from your knuckles ... :D

Well you're safe with me you naughty hydra, as I don't kill any of the above and just let them be on their way ... :D

However, if cockroaches are involved they first get shocked with the electric tennis racquet (you know, the one for the mozzies) ... and once they are stunned they then get scooped up and flushed down the loo .... :D

There's only one good roach .... :o

Ummm, so, balancing out your two reactions (don't kill any (dalai lama), and shock and flush (rambo)), Sir David, I place you in the nancy category.


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Aha ! Miss Gorgon ... trying to gauge the reaction you'll get to that mat of writhing serpents on your head ....? :bah:

Maybe you're a hydrid with scorpions sprouting from your elbows ... big red and yellow centipedes from your knuckles ... :D

Well you're safe with me you naughty hydra, as I don't kill any of the above and just let them be on their way ... :D

However, if cockroaches are involved they first get shocked with the electric tennis racquet (you know, the one for the mozzies) ... and once they are stunned they then get scooped up and flushed down the loo .... :D

There's only one good roach .... :o

Ummm, so, balancing out your two reactions (don't kill any (dalai lama), and shock and flush (rambo)), Sir David, I place you in the nancy category.


I think, after looking at the avenues and options available, you are probably pretty accurate in your assumption on this occasion Miss Jet :D


Edited by davidjtayler
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Well,I stay in chiangdao....There are lots of everything everywhere......

For the snakes,no mercy,I will run them and kill them ,just a pvc will do,slam them on the head ,after you crush the heads.

I don,t know if people notice the small holes in the ground....there are tarantula's in it ....yeah big heay ones,I found them pretty harmless,but scary looking.Saw my mother in law just taking them,takes their legs together like it's nothing.Just gave him a run for his freedom after everybody had a look at it,but outside the door.I noticed there are many of those holes...in many places....

Once a big 3 meters cobra,that one I called our neighbour in.......the ratsnakes if i could take them I would let them go,if not I let them stay,the unsure ones(poison) I do kill,indeed for the safety of all the family.

I notice them when you here kwee kwee,it's a 'kiat" screaming getting eaten,the snake will not be far,when full they will move pretty slow,when the frog runs,i did make a lifesaving good karma as well.

Scorpions are mostly not harmfull,got eaten several times wile working in the garden,but I got them squashed as well,sorry......It's just a learning process of life in Thailand,they teached me the way of life,birds are more then welcome,or squirrels(krarok) lots of them,so wonderful nature over here,eagles as well.......

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Kill em all

Oh, your name is on our barbeque guest list. Sir Hannibal said we shall have you for dinner. Welcome!

I am best served with a nice bottle of chianti :o

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Reminds me of the other day. I was heading to the shop and I decided it would be a nice time for me and my millipede to take a walk and catch up on things. So I asked him if he wanted to come, "Yeah sure" he says, after ten minutes of standing by the door waiting for him I got fed up and left on my own. 10mins later I get home and walk in the house, the centipede says "where the hel_l have you been?" "I went to the shop because I got bored of waiting for you" I replied, and he said "Give me a chance! I'm still putting my bloody shoes on!"

Thank you very much, I'll be here all evening. :o

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When you meet a snake, scorpion, centipede, cockroach, spider, or other such creature, what is your reaction?

Do you squish it or hack it with a machete?

Scream and run for it, hoping the critter will selfcombust or that the special forces will send a team to deal with it?

Gently nudge it out of the way so you don't harm it and continue with your task at hand?

Show us your mettle, TV addicts. :o

If it's a cobra waiting to strike, I move fast in the opposite way!!!(true story)

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Right on, Englishoak! More geckos and toukays (sp). They do good work cleaning up vermin. I heard you can also train them to drop poo in one spot, even into an Asian-style toilet.

Jonson83, those little scorpions are monsters. But, a pity you had to decapitate it. I usually secured the hut before I moved in (bug spray). Did it once up near Bottle Beach and an army of those little stingers marched out of the room. :o

The shower was to weak to flush it down the plug,had to kill it quick!

Billfo,truly awful m8! hahaha

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