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Prayut defers questions to his cutout twin


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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He also told students to take case studies from foreign countries, where there are “more rapid and violent changes” than in Thailand.

Yep, no doubt other countries - and governments - are somewhat swifter in getting their acts together. But to which particular violent changes is he referring?

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Proof, if it were ever needed, that this twerp's powers of judgement and sense of responsibility, the ability to differentiate right from wrong simply do not exist. He's heading for the knacker's yard . . . at high-speed, too.


I hope Trump has seen this display from the man to whom he accorded statesmanlike qualities, last October. Better make that 2 tickets for the knacker's yard, methinks.

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“Laws are meant to keep society at peace, not to destroy anyone. I don’t use laws to harm anyone,” Prayut said yesterday. “Everyone has to be cautious with their practices already because everything is conducted by laws.”

So he got rid of all the bad red seeds, by using laws. Once he wins a election, section 44 stops and he becomes fair game with the use of his laws.

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

This piece of news was reported on few oversea TV channels and was unflattering. It makes Thailand looks like a banana state like those we often see in Africa. The news include his other shenanigans like shooting reporters that criticize him. If I was Thai, I cringed and ask myself how I deserved such a low intelligence and mental unstable leader.

Yep reported the ear pulling, banana skin throwing and the threats to execute reporters and now this cardbord cut out on Australian news.  He was being laughed at and ridiculed but he brings it on himself.

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I've only just watched the video, showing Prayut waiting for the cardboard dummy to be brought 'on-stage'. As he is made to wait longer than planned - looking first to his left, then right, then left again - the pained-cum-angry-cum-cry-baby-cum-I'm gonna kill someone expressions on his face are priceless.

This man is sick and the good thing about it, he's doing the self-destruct job everyone's been praying for. And he's scheduled to visit his fortune teller-cum-shrink, tonight . . . oh, to be a fly on the wall for that one.

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5 hours ago, Pilotman said:

I will say this for the man.  he is on the TV each night, talking to the people and engaging with them.  What he says  is often true and sensible and at least he is there  every day to put his point of view. Actions speak louder than words and he and his government have achieved more since the coup than the previous governments ever did.  How many UK PMs would do the same, none is the answer. 

Do steve and jamie have a third TV- account?

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6 hours ago, Pilotman said:

I will say this for the man.  he is on the TV each night, talking to the people and engaging with them.  What he says  is often true and sensible and at least he is there  every day to put his point of view. Actions speak louder than words and he and his government have achieved more since the coup than the previous governments ever did.  How many UK PMs would do the same, none is the answer. 

Yes of course he is able to put his point of view whenever he wishes, but nobody else is allowed to.  As a supposed EX-army man and "new" politician, he can appear regularly on TV and travel around the country meeting hundreds of potential voters, making speeches and delivering gifts, whereas his potential competitors are not allowed to meet in groups of more than five, without breaking his law.  One day, they might even be allowed to form a political party in time for the much-heralded but non-appearing election.


As for your comparison with the UK PM, her Government was in fact ELECTED and she is obliged to appear once a week in Parliament to answer questions put to her by any of the 600 or so ELECTED Members of Parliament, all of which can then be seen on television by the ELECTORS.   The UK media (TV and Newspapers) can also be as brutal as they like in asking questions and in investigating any possible wrong-doing, without any of the nonsense of being "invited" in for attitude adjustment, so your attempted comparison with the UK system is absolutely ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Yes of course he is able to put his point of view whenever he wishes, but nobody else is allowed to.  As a supposed EX-army man and "new" politician, he can appear regularly on TV and travel around the country meeting hundreds of potential voters, making speeches and delivering gifts, whereas his potential competitors are not allowed to meet in groups of more than five, without breaking his law.  One day, they might even be allowed to form a political party in time for the much-heralded but non-appearing election.


As for your comparison with the UK PM, her Government was in fact ELECTED and she is obliged to appear once a week in Parliament to answer questions put to her by any of the 600 or so ELECTED Members of Parliament, all of which can then be seen on television by the ELECTORS.   The UK media (TV and Newspapers) can also be as brutal as they like in asking questions and in investigating any possible wrong-doing, without any of the nonsense of being "invited" in for attitude adjustment, so your attempted comparison with the UK system is absolutely ridiculous.

I wasn't comparing, I was contrasting.  Democracy, as practised in the west, doesn't work in Thailand, it never has.  there is just too much disparity between the lives of the rural poor and the urban elite.   No  so called  'elected' politician  has ever tackled corruption, they were always part of the problem. The UK has a  discredited,  ineffective democracy that breads inactivity and stagnation., or worse, as the recent BREXIT referendum has shown us, discord and division.    A strong central government  is Thailand's  only hope of progress.  The PM, whatever else his faults may be, is providing just that.  As a final comment, elected democracy produced Trump, so that worked  out well didn't it?  Its horses for courses in ruling, and Thailand has what it needs. 

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