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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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5 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

maybe its  their 40-45% tax  rates


That would be a little shortsighted don t you think.


Norway's national debt per person is $23,335.  USA's is $60,470 per person.  


It would be like choosing a man that lives the high life and  put's it on his credit card vs a man that lives within his means and pays cash.


But the Trumpers are easily distracted by shiny things and promises of a whiter tomorrow. 

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52 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

You could  ask many Thai the same question for many countries in the world and get the same vacant  look.


Very true, fortunately none of them are President of the United States.  


If you feel smarter than a person with 8 years of formal education is the bar to be POTUS, you get what you deserve

19 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:
24 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

On the other hand, I guess some would view America as a gun mad shithole!


Except its not, and the fact that you choose to live in a country (Thailand) with a higher gun crime & murder rate than the US says a-lot more about you than it does the people you're trying to shit on. 


Uncle, You may notice I said some, not I, and you assume that I live in Thailand!

47 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:


That would be a little shortsighted don t you think.


Norway's national debt per person is $23,335.  USA's is $60,470 per person.  


It would be like choosing a man that lives the high life and  put's it on his credit card vs a man that lives within his means and pays cash.


But the Trumpers are easily distracted by shiny things and promises of a whiter tomorrow. 

The USA could easily reduce  that per person debt load by doing  two things;

- Freezing immigration from sh*thole countries who's people require  social assistance  and support to integrate for their first few years. (Education and state health care for their   large extended families is  one cost.) 2-3 years would allow the backlog to be cleaned up.

- Freeze all foreign aid to countries unwilling to support the USA. No more pakistani aid etc.

1 hour ago, missoura said:

Many of my American friends believe that anyone who is not a criminal, should be allowed in the states. Problem is, that these same people don't want any new neighbors. Hard to have both.


I live on the outskirts of a mostly peaceful farming village in Phitsanulok. And while I hope that living conditions in neighboring countries improve; I would not want a village of 1000 refugees relocated next door...<snip>

Trump has halved the refugee intake into the US. As Trump allegedly doesn't comprehend the country's current immigration / visa policies, whilst at the same time making decisions on immigration matters, he he is unfit to be the President of the USA.

1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

The USA could easily reduce  that per person debt load by doing  two things;

- Freezing immigration from sh*thole countries who's people require  social assistance  and support to integrate for their first few years. (Education and state health care for their   large extended families is  one cost.) 2-3 years would allow the backlog to be cleaned up.

- Freeze all foreign aid to countries unwilling to support the USA. No more pakistani aid etc.


Enjoy the Koolaid.   


60,000 per person debt because you are to good to Pakistanis and shithole people. 555

18 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The USA could easily reduce  that per person debt load by doing  two things;

- Freezing immigration from sh*thole countries who's people require  social assistance  and support to integrate for their first few years. (Education and state health care for their   large extended families is  one cost.) 2-3 years would allow the backlog to be cleaned up.

- Freeze all foreign aid to countries unwilling to support the USA. No more pakistani aid etc.

One presumes you would apply the policy to Christians who represented 44% of the refugee intake, in 2016, likely a lot higher percentage now due to the Trump Admin policies.




I am certainly no great fan of Trump, or particularly of any political leader. None seem to do what they say and often they forget they work for the people. But they do a great job of 'divide and conquer', leaving the people who give them their job, arguing over who is right, who is wrong, who is bad, or who is the best. Clever  tactic, borrowed from the Romans no less. Thankfully I will not fall into that trap. But I do read and do my own research. Hate him, love him, or be indifferent to him, but what I can not abide is whiners who complain about what a person does, but happily support and praise another, who did exactly the same, or worse. Seems like they are hypocrites, with no clear belief, or understanding. Trump speaks bluntly and can be rude. No doubt. He will do things that annoy some of us. He will make mistakes. He is not liked by certain parts of society and people around the world. But so are other leaders. He is not alone in that respect.  But please stop going on about his immigration policy if you praised or supported Obama. The facts are, undeniably, that during the Obama administration more people were deported from the USA then any other President in history. In total, Obama had deported more than 2.5 million undocumented people by 2015. Compare that to the two terms of his predecessor, President George W. Bush, when just over 2 million people were deported. So far under Trumps administration, in fact fewer people have been deported in the government's 2017 fiscal year than during the same period last year, the latest statistics show. He is lagging behind Obama's figures so far by a fair bit. I am not a supporter, nor do I have any particular bias, but lets be real and stop listening to nonsense scaremongering news and go by facts. At the end of his term everyone can compare and argue over it then. But as of now, Obama leads in the removal of non Americans from America. Obama also put an end to the 20-year-old "wet foot, dry foot" policy that allowed most Cuban migrants who reach U.S. soil to stay and become legal permanent residents after one year. Many having to return. But I did not hear those people who whine on now, whining then....where were they, when their beloved Obama was doing all these things, that they now so deplore and feel so angry about ? I even read that he had a joke name within government....'the deporter in chief'. Once again I have no feelings either way, towards Trump or Obama, but I try to be rational in my thoughts and make opinions based on facts, not prejudice. Time will tell and I guess people will still be whining and arguing, while completely missing the fact that most of the policies remain the same and the wars continue. Hmmmm does that me we are duped and it really does not matter who is in power....strange thing politics. I avoid the conversation with my good American friends, as often they sit on different sides of the fence. Better to have a laugh, smile and enjoy each others company.

2 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Probably because he didnt say that, and what you inferred from the article is called a straw man. 


AKA Liberal logic. 


People always have this kind of shit to say but would be the first to double deadbolt their doors if their street became a de-facto little Haiti. 

I wonder what Trump would say about an immigrant from Norway who's a Muslim.  Or an African from Sweden.  Of course it's about race. 

41 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Trump has halved the refugee intake into the US. As Trump allegedly doesn't comprehend the country's current immigration / visa policies, whilst at the same time making decisions on immigration matters, he he is unfit to be the President of the USA.

Right, maybe he could be president of Zimbabwe or Uganda, but for the USA he is unfit for sure... and unworthy too.

5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I wonder what Trump would say about an immigrant from Norway who's a Muslim.  Or an African from Sweden.  Of course it's about race. 


No, you want it to be about race. It’s the only way you can demonize what’s being said. 


More te and more straw man fallacies, over and over again.  

8 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


No, you want it to be about race. It’s the only way you can demonize what’s being said. 


More te and more straw man fallacies, over and over again.  

Give it a rest now. Your silly attempts at defending the indefensible makes you come across as desperate and rather sad.

53 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The USA could easily reduce  that per person debt load by doing  two things;

- Freezing immigration from sh*thole countries who's people require  social assistance  and support to integrate for their first few years. (Education and state health care for their   large extended families is  one cost.) 2-3 years would allow the backlog to be cleaned up.

- Freeze all foreign aid to countries unwilling to support the USA. No more pakistani aid etc.



Wow.  The Trump derangement syndrome continues unabated on Thaivisa.  Trump is clearly the most intelligent and caring US President in a long time.  A lot of people making comments here seem clueless and full of hatred. The venting here has reached almost an obscene level.  Certainly a high level of ridiculousness.


Isnt there a direct correlation between Americas boom/growth years (50s-60s) and unlimited immigrants from war torn shole countries ?

6 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Isnt there a direct correlation between Americas boom/growth years (50s-60s) and unlimited immigrants from war torn shole countries ?

I'm not sure. There IS a direct correlation between those growth years and a steeply progressive income tax rate. Also frontiers abounded. Now, the world is basically flat.


edit:  Here you go:




Just now, gunderhill said:

yeah shows  how out of touch they are putting Australia 2nd!

And I'm sure you will explain to us why that can't be so.

1 minute ago, Becker said:

And I'm sure you will explain to us why that can't be so.

All the  Ozzies on here  moaning about it so it must be bad, after all Ozzies never whinge  like Poms


Although I`m not an American, I stand by President Trump all the way. Like it or not, the richer countries are mostly made up of white populations, facts are facts. I am sure he did not include Japan and Korea in his S**thole countries list.


Trump is a businessman, he wants people`s that will bring wealth and be self sufficient into America, not charity cases that will expect a share in America`s prosperity. It`s a shame the UK does not follow Trump`s example. Even in Thailand, it is clear the Thais don`t want third world immigrants here.

You could  ask many Thai the same question for many countries in the world and get the same vacant  look.

First idiot of the the day forcing a non thai related thread into thai bashing
4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

47 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


No, you want it to be about race. It’s the only way you can demonize what’s being said. 


More te and more straw man fallacies, over and over again.  

You actually have chosen to live in what Trump considers is a " shithole country".




What made and makes America great is that being American isn't defined by a single ethnic or racial identity as is the case almost everywhere else in the world. This allows for better cultural assimilation and economic efficiency because its human resources are used more efficiently. It's outrageous that Trump and his supporters think they have the right to define what it means to be an American based on racial identity.


Making comparisons to Hitler and the Third Reich is verboten in some quarters, but there are parallels here to how the National Socialists tried to redefine what it meant to be German and who was welcome in Germany based on an Aryan heritage. Is what Trump AND his supporters/enablers doing any different???

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