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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

So you don't agree with the President telling the truth then, fair enough most have not until now.

Well you do not like us or the media stating the truth about Trump, yet when Trump is a boorish SOB (presidentially used term...interestingly can we now use the term shithole as it is a Presidentially used term - if the answer is no what does that say about the role model being set by the Presidents Office) you complain, but aren't we just being like your Donny? Telling the truth as it really is? You don't like being straight up and truthful after all do you?

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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

Trump has halved the refugee intake into the US. As Trump allegedly doesn't comprehend the country's current immigration / visa policies, whilst at the same time making decisions on immigration matters, he he is unfit to be the President of the USA.

The total number of deportations in the 2017 fiscal year — 226,119 — is lower than the number of removals during the Bush and Obama years. 


The Trump administration has implemented more stringent vetting procedures for refugees from 11 countries — a list believed to include Iraq, Somalia, and Syria, countries with some of the highest numbers of refugees — but has also added layers of security screening for refugees from all over.



6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

I wonder what Trump would say about an immigrant from Norway who's a Muslim.  Or an African from Sweden.  Of course it's about race. 

I think he wants Norway and Sweden to take all the immigrants from shithole countries so the US does not have to.

1 hour ago, The manic said:

These people from corrupt third world  dictatorships bring corruption and crime with them. In the UK we have Kurdish, Turkish and Albanian murder and trafficking  gangs. At a political we have local councils mired in corruption peddling influence between countries like Pakistan and the UK. Trump is telling it like it is. Those countries are unreformable  shit holes which is why people want to leave them. In Europe we asked the same question: why should we take care of corrupt, misongynistic, patriarchal, anti freedom, anti democracy disruptive groups by the millions? We should not and we can not.

Not that simple to get off the hook I am afraid.  What you are saying is that the UK is not enforcing the law. If YOU know that "local councils are mired in corruption peddling influence between countries like Pakistan and the UK", then others know. Have you sent a file or details of information you are aware of to the fraud department at New Scotland Yard.........Let me guess........nope. You are complicit in the UK's problem. If we don't want litter in the street we clean it up, if you see a piece then pick it up! Same same, if you know a crime is being committed then report it, or share in the crime without the criminals reward.


You say "Trump is telling it like it is" - yahoo!!!!!!, but when we "tell it like it is about Trump"........Boooooo  bummer libtard  freaks.


You are all like Trump, you want ALL the cake and eat ALL of it yourself.

There is no more politically correct left wing bunch of stooges in the world than the ABC. You won't hear anything as it really is from the ABC. They're Australia's CNN and Washington Post.
You'll need to pick a better example.

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

You do know the Trump Admin dismissed a report from one of his own Departments which identified current migrant policy adds net economic value to the US.


Thailand imports millions of low paid workers from surrounding Third World countries. Who will replace the working poor in the US should Trump be successful with deporting the millions of foreign low paid workers currently in the US?

Since Trump is deporting less than Obama it hard to see how your comment makes any sense.

14 minutes ago, amvet said:

The total number of deportations in the 2017 fiscal year — 226,119 — is lower than the number of removals during the Bush and Obama years. 


The Trump administration has implemented more stringent vetting procedures for refugees from 11 countries — a list believed to include Iraq, Somalia, and Syria, countries with some of the highest numbers of refugees — but has also added layers of security screening for refugees from all over.



I have a suspicion you didn't read the complete article

1 minute ago, amvet said:

Since Trump is deporting less than Obama it hard to see how your comment makes any sense.

Try again

9 hours ago, gunderhill said:

Yeah. it needs  re-writing for  this century, times have changed since then.

The whole point of those words was about supporting the building costs of the statue. That it became a beacon for legal immigrants who came to live and join the America society and were vetted and selected, seems to have been missed by Liberals. And there was no illegal immigration who then got amnesty and social welfare support for years and years, at the cost to the US taxpayer, also seems to have been missed by Liberals.


What Trump said was what the majority think - stop all these illegals coming from sh** countries and never returning, and stop giving them our tax money. 


3 hours ago, thaihome said:

Just for a bit of historical perspective,  some 100+ years ago Norway was a shithole country with severe economic and political issues. Over 800,000 (almost a third of the population) immigrated,  mostly to the US from 1825 to 1925. The obvious conclusion is that immigration was good for both Norway and the US. Why is it different today? The only thing I can think of is many of the new immigrants aren't white people.


The people from Norway were farmers and fit into the American agricultural and early industrial system quite well.  During that time period  87% of permits to immigrate went to immigrants from Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia.


The shithole countries are hunters and gatherers and welfare recipients and or primitive farmers with no education who still practice stone age religions that involve cutting up chickens and genital mutilation and honor killing.   

3 minutes ago, malibukid said:

why would someone from Norway want to immigrate to shithole country like the U.S?

It was the potato famine that caused the large immigration.

8 minutes ago, amvet said:

The people from Norway were farmers and fit into the American agricultural and early industrial system quite well.  During that time period  87% of permits to immigrate went to immigrants from Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia.


The shithole countries are hunters and gatherers and welfare recipients and or primitive farmers with no education who still practice stone age religions that involve cutting up chickens and genital mutilation and honor killing.   

44% of refugees are Christians - does that fit your racist narrative. Nigerian migrants in the US are among the most highly educated - does that fit with your racist narrative

5 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

He just said something many of us in the US think but are afraid to say out loud.  I dreaded going to the Emergency Room at LA Country USC Hospital on Friday or Saturday night.  It felt like I was in a 3rd world country(this was in the 1980's and 1990's).  County USC is the largest public hospital in Los Angeles.  Before we arrived I turned to my partner and I said more than  a few times "Here we are again at the Shit".  Using the term "Shit Hole" country is wrong but honestly how many us have thought that in our travels.  When I landed at Kabul Airport the first thing I thought was "Shit Hole".  When I landed in Puerto Prince Haitii, I thought "Shit Hole". It was wrong for the President to use this offensive term but he is not alone in thinking that way.  

They know that their country is a sh!thole, that is why they what to come to America. But once they are in America, they never want to go back to there sh!thole country!  Liberals will make a big thing about what Trump said, and cry and cry...but that is what they do! Trump just said the truth, liberals just can not handle the truth.

6 hours ago, gunderhill said:

All the  Ozzies on here  moaning about it so it must be bad, after all Ozzies never whinge  like Poms

Well done, you've managed to fit a Brit bash, when the article has nothing to do with them!

2 minutes ago, malibukid said:

why would someone from Norway want to immigrate to a shit hole country like the U.S?

Less tax and more pay in some occupations like doctor.

4 hours ago, farcanell said:

People naturally want to change their position for the better, not the worse.

“America first”, is a catchy slogan, and a nice ideal for a patriot, but that doesn’t automatically make it so. ( except in trumps happy space)



why would someone from Norway want to immigrate to a  country like the U.S?  

3 minutes ago, malibukid said:

why would someone from Norway want to immigrate to a shit hole country like the U.S?


Take a good look at Norway's refugee crisis, and you will see why Trump does not want them in our country.

Norway wanted them...so deal with it and stop crying. Soon they will make Norway there new sh!thole country!

24 minutes ago, malibukid said:

why would someone from Norway want to immigrate to a  country like the U.S?  

That’s right... the post you responded to is a direct answer to this same question ( as in... this is why not)

hope that helps ?

5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Thailand has in excess of 3 million migrant workers from surrounding countries. New laws put in force last year require proper government documentation to be employed. Employers face severe fines for non compliance (in theory).



And  the whole plan is seriously  flawed with ridiculous rules

11 hours ago, Silurian said:

Why not just break it down into two simple categories?


Anglo-Saxon countries: Okay for immigration into the USA.

Non-Anglo-Saxon countries (shitholes): Barred from immigration into the USA.


That would probably work just fine for Donny John and the "MAGA" crowd.

thats the way it was before the 1965 immigration act which was forced through by the controllers because divide and rule makes the country easier to rule..take a look at Europe now allowing in millions of mostly unassimilatble 3rd world immigrants and theres nothing the voters can do about it

11 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The world just can't handle people saying what's really on their mind.

Precisely - invite boat loads more Haitians, El-Salvadorians in. Open the door to Liberia, Somalia, DRC, etc.


What could possibly go wrong?:blink:




Europeans country could learn a lot from trump. But they won't. Maybe some people will wake up when civil war starts. But even then, I doubt it.


Europe goes straight downhill and nobody cares. What a shame.


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2 hours ago, The manic said:

Sure the SWP style rent a mob and various other vociferous minority groups would have demonstrated against him. They don't have jobs don't pay taxes and don't know we would be speaking German or Russian and would not have the freedom to demonstrate if it were not for the USA. These activists and SJW are disgrace and do not represent people.

Really?  Well I must live in another Britain because in mine the vast majority of people with a brain do not want Trump in the UK.  1,800,000 signed a petition for Trump to be un-invited.  He said himself that he would not come unless he got all the bells and whistles and he certainly won't get that.  But it's up to him and he clearly hasn't got the balls to face his many critics.

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