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British expat who doused girlfriend in petrol and set her on fire reportedly arrested in Thailand


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8 minutes ago, seminomadic said:

No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.

Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


Shame on you. 


          All of you so quick to judge? Have you got a sister, a daughter, a wife, or anybody you like? What would you think if somebody would set this person on fire just because she had enough of a guy who must have been insane. Are you really trying to tell us that it was her fault that she's in a coma now with 70 % of her flesh burned? 



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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, Brit Ben Evans who lives in the same apartment block as Iredale told MailOnline he had known Iredale for 18 months and described him as a “normal guy”.


Mr Evans said a friend of his witnessed Iredale taking ecstasy and LSD on the night before the attack.


Right. A "normal guy" who has LSD and ecstasy in his luggage ...

I wonder what else Mr Evans considers normal.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

The guy only echoed what is constantly said about Thais when such an attack happens here. Kind of a mirror to all those expats who see themselves above the Thais. Now one of their own a Brit in this case could have been an other nationality too does it and nobody says anything about failing ego or small dick syndrome. Just shows how hypocrite the forum can be at times. 


I am quite sure that he does not mean it as an attack on the Brits but as a mirror pointing out what the response would have been had the guy been Thai.

The difference is it won't be swept under the rug when a farang does it....

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2 hours ago, robblok said:


You still don't get it Trans... but I don't care different people different idea's. You still think that everyone that pops a pil is a junky, if that was so why is not everyone who drinks alcohol an alcoholic ? Get it ? Both are drugs.. and guess what from alchohol we know that not everyone becomes an alcoholic (junkie). Its the same for other drugs. 

I am sorry robblok, no offence but I'm afraid you are wrong comparing the two, at least IMHO. Because alcohol is a current product, with a role socially speaking I dare say, every birthday, every wedding, every celebration of anything people will find alcohol so logically they will drink a glass or two, sometimes only out of curiosity for this champagne this wine or whatever.

Drugs, on the contrary, are illegal so how one could one try it for the first time? While hiding himself to buy the substance.Taking care not to be seen by the police. It emanates from the drugs consumption a perfume of sulphur, of sin, of everything forbidden. So the consumer cannot be compared to the grandmother who loves her little glass of wine with a biscuit every evening.  Even if,  yes the two product are dugs it's a mistake to compare them as you do. And a worst mistake to compare the users. But once again no offence :smile:

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10 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I am sorry robblok, no offence but I'm afraid you are wrong comparing the two, at least IMHO. Because alcohol is a current product, with a role socially speaking I dare say, every birthday, every wedding, every celebration of anything people will find alcohol so logically they will drink a glass or two, sometimes only out of curiosity for this champagne this wine or whatever.

Drugs, on the contrary, are illegal so how one could one try it for the first time? While hiding himself to buy the substance.Taking care not to be seen by the police. It emanates from the drugs consumption a perfume of sulphur, of sin, of everything forbidden. So the consumer cannot be compared to the grandmother who loves her little glass of wine with a biscuit every evening.  Even if,  yes the two product are dugs it's a mistake to compare them as you do. And a worst mistake to compare the users. But once again no offence :smile:

Oh my holly god!! What are you talking about?


I know bankers, teachers, doctors and other people with a higher education who smoke a joint from time to time, perhaps to the same events that you have mentioned here.


  And guess what? Nobody has lost his money through a too stoned banker, nobody has died, or experienced any harm from a doctor who smokes weed from time to time.


   I can back this up, because I know these people and they are my friends. Please don't call them druggies, see the reality. 


    But I know and have known people who were alcoholics who destroyed marriages, childhoods, were involved in deadly accidents under the influence of alcohol and so on. One of them was my daddy who died when he was only 50 years old.


Please read TVF what happens on daily basis in Thailand just because people drink too much alcohol. 

Edited by jenny2017
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They just changed over from firing squad to lethal injection a few years ago . Thats a much more comfortable way to go than in agony of 70% burns . He will probably get a lengthy prison sentence and deported later  i guess .Its hard to believe a human could do that to another person . Such a cruel and inhuman act but we dont have to look far to see what humans are capable of . Just depressing and sick .  

Edited by sklmeeera
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Did the Thai cops really arrest him? 


       Other sources tell that he fled to the Philippines?


Shocking from this article:



Since the attack, a Facebook user called Alan A Nicholls, the husband and father of the mother and child involved, is appealing for help to track down the culprit.

He wrote: “If you see this low life skum please contact me or your local police he douced his x girl friend in petrol and set her on fire also tried to kill my wife and 2 year old baby his girl friend has 3 degree burns to 60% of her body help us find this <deleted> He fled to to the Pillipines on monday please help get him.”



Shocking photo.png

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36 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Oh my holly god!! What are you talking about?


I know bankers, teachers, doctors and other people with a higher education who smoke a joint from time to time, perhaps to the same events that you have mentioned here.


  And guess what? Nobody has lost his money through a too stoned banker, nobody has died, or experienced any harm from a doctor who smokes weed from time to time.


   I can back this up, because I know these people and they are my friends. Please don't call them druggies, see the reality. 


    But I know and have known people who were alcoholics who destroyed marriages, childhoods, were involved in deadly accidents under the influence of alcohol and so on. One of them was my daddy who died when he was only 50 years old.


Please read TVF what happens on daily basis in Thailand just because people drink too much alcohol. 

I also know people who have died because of drug affected drivers and also elderly people who have been bashed so that the druggie can steal their money for more drugs

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43 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I am sorry robblok, no offence but I'm afraid you are wrong comparing the two, at least IMHO. Because alcohol is a current product, with a role socially speaking I dare say, every birthday, every wedding, every celebration of anything people will find alcohol so logically they will drink a glass or two, sometimes only out of curiosity for this champagne this wine or whatever.

Drugs, on the contrary, are illegal so how one could one try it for the first time? While hiding himself to buy the substance.Taking care not to be seen by the police. It emanates from the drugs consumption a perfume of sulphur, of sin, of everything forbidden. So the consumer cannot be compared to the grandmother who loves her little glass of wine with a biscuit every evening.  Even if,  yes the two product are dugs it's a mistake to compare them as you do. And a worst mistake to compare the users. But once again no offence :smile:

Many drugs that are consumed are not illegal,  what about the millions and millions and millions of grandmas and grandpas who take opioids every single day of their life?? Is it okay since their "nice Doctor " prescribed it?  Therefore it's "legal " and ok right??  

Then they also have their little glass of wine like you mentioned to wash them down!!  Are they  living in sin too? Your post is OTT! 

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6 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Many drugs that are consumed are not illegal,  what about the millions and millions and millions of grandmas and grandpas who take opioids every single day of their life?? Is it okay since their "nice Doctor " prescribed it?  Therefore it's "legal " and ok right??  

Then they also have their little glass of wine like you mentioned to wash them down!!  Are they  living in sin too? Your post is OTT! 

This is not about drugs or alcohol it is about a scumbag there burn a lady

Come on wake up guys 

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I've seen this kind of thing in a horrible video of a young woman set on fire by a mob in El Salvador and she died on the spot screaming. Apparently she'd been some Cartel moll but ...my God it was awful, worse than you can imagine if you've never seen the like. Especially hard to see it happen to a girl or woman.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

I thought this was a Muslim thing.. or a Thai thing (when people start commenting on the frail Thai ego). But it seems foreigners can do it too. When rejected some people react totally crazy at times. 


Hope he goes to jail for real long time.

sadly not chum.... we now have acid attacks on women in the UK... and not by Muslims. The world is getting so sad.

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People don't realise that they are too stuck in their modern righteous comfort zone (safe zone) and perpetually looking into their smart phones to realise that there is conflict and discourse coming on a large scale everywhere in the next 25 years....going to be messy.

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2 hours ago, Benroon said:

Bizarre - you appear to disapprove of Hitler then advocate ‘slow execution’ - you know how the gas chambers worked right ? 



OK, you called me out so I must confess.


There are actually several reasons why I disapprove of capital punishment and in fact advocate an actual lifetime of imprisonment for crimes such as  what this creature did.


My post was a take off from Jeff Bridges' character  Rooster  Cogburn in "True Grit"   where he told  Mattie she could pour sand in Tom's eyes and fillet his skin.    "That otta be worth your fifty dollar gold piece."

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17 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Many drugs that are consumed are not illegal,  what about the millions and millions and millions of grandmas and grandpas who take opioids every single day of their life?? Is it okay since their "nice Doctor " prescribed it?  Therefore it's "legal " and ok right??  

Then they also have their little glass of wine like you mentioned to wash them down!!  Are they  living in sin too? Your post is OTT! 

Sorry I did not understand robblock was talking about those drugs, sometimes I'm really stupid:whistling:Pfffff

More seriously your answer is off topic.

But on another topic I would have totally follow you.

I am no young man and divorced totally with allopathic medecine + - 20 years ago for exactly what you gave as an example. I take care of myself with plants, herbs supplements and refused totally to take any medecine at all, they are all drugs, and not only opoids, diabete can be cured naturelly, inflamations and its pains by plants  innofensive.  The statin drugs are an absolute shame...So when you told me Is it okay since their "nice Doctor " prescribed it?  Therefore it's "legal " and ok right??  You knock on the wrong door!

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

Oh my holly god!! What are you talking about?


I know bankers, teachers, doctors and other people with a higher education who smoke a joint from time to time, perhaps to the same events that you have mentioned here.


  And guess what? Nobody has lost his money through a too stoned banker, nobody has died, or experienced any harm from a doctor who smokes weed from time to time.


   I can back this up, because I know these people and they are my friends. Please don't call them druggies, see the reality. 


    But I know and have known people who were alcoholics who destroyed marriages, childhoods, were involved in deadly accidents under the influence of alcohol and so on. One of them was my daddy who died when he was only 50 years old.


Please read TVF what happens on daily basis in Thailand just because people drink too much alcohol. 

You forgot to mention that alcohol was illegal during prohibition and look at how many people were killed at that time.

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20 minutes ago, car720 said:

I am waiting for someone to tell me that I shouldn't wish for an animal like this to be butchered because he might be mentally ill and therefore we should pity him.

He might be mentally ill and therefore YOU should pity him but the rest of us would like to see the scum bag rot in hell

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1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

He might be mentally ill and therefore YOU should pity him but the rest of us would like to see the scum bag rot in hell

If you read his post he is not saying that, he said he is waiting for someone to say that.

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2 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Oh my holly god!! What are you talking about?


I know bankers, teachers, doctors and other people with a higher education who smoke a joint from time to time, perhaps to the same events that you have mentioned here.


  And guess what? Nobody has lost his money through a too stoned banker, nobody has died, or experienced any harm from a doctor who smokes weed from time to time.


   I can back this up, because I know these people and they are my friends. Please don't call them druggies, see the reality. 


    But I know and have known people who were alcoholics who destroyed marriages, childhoods, were involved in deadly accidents under the influence of alcohol and so on. One of them was my daddy who died when he was only 50 years old.


Please read TVF what happens on daily basis in Thailand just because people drink too much alcohol. 

How do you know that people have not lost money because of bad financial advise from a bank manager who was high on hash (look at the bad decisions that caused the GFC, was that because of drugged up bank managers) or a patient who has died because of a doctor is not fit to practice medicine because he is high on hash.

These people are your friends, then you must have a lot of friends because there are a lot of doctors, teachers and bank managers in the world and you are vouching for all of them. I will call them druggies because that is what they are. They have a problem the same as the alcoholics. The reality is that the doctors should not be seeing patients and making diagnoses and issuing prescription drugs to people when they themselves are using illegal drugs, they should have their license revoked and banned from practicing medicine. Is this the reason that there are many misdiagnoses that have cost people their lives. You cannot guarantee that jenny2017.

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