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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

And the amazing thing is that you seem to think that Trump has anything to do with what is happening in North Korea. Calling someone fatso and Rocket Man is not what gets people to disarm. The reason North Korea will disarm is because President Xi has taken hold of Kim Jongs balls very tightly and told him he will rip them off if Kim Jong continues to disrupt his plans for territory grabbing in the South China Sea. China have issued a fait accompli to Kim Jong, nobody else. If anyone were to get the Nobel Peace Prize it should be Xi of China and that would be just as insane as giving it to Trump.


Can people start thinking beyond their geographically preferred boundaries and actually look what is happening in the world, instead of seeing what you want to see and getting someone you like to be given credit. President Xi is another SOB but it is what it is, he is responsible for the breaking of the ice, nobody else.

Pure speculation/guessing.   What is fact is that the South Korean Foreign minister said that Trump played a big part.  Yes, yes, I know, she's a politician, and all politicians lie, etc., etc., etc.  Been covered earlier.  But she didn't have to say it, yet she did.


I think some of that 'part' may have come via Xi, i.e.' Trump telling Xi that life will be more difficult for him if he doesn't reign the vertically challenged NK leader in, but that's pure speculation, just as your post is.


Even the South Korean President is saying Trump should get the Nobel....




but I suppose he's lying too??

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24 minutes ago, Becker said:

555555555! A pathetic lying draft dodger with balls of stainless steel???

Again; 5555555!

Did Trump draft dodge?


I suppose you'll quote this....  pay attention to the highlighted part.


It’s not fake news that Trump legally avoided military service the same way millions of young American men did during the Vietnam War.

Trump, who’s about my age, was granted four college deferments. Ultimately, he received a 1-Y exemption for heel bone spurs, an affliction that evidently did not impede his love of sports.


Didn't Bill Clinton draft dodge.....a democrat?   No, couldn't have happened, a man of integrity, a democrat!!

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Hell YES!!! Then another 4 years. The US needs a President like Trump, a guy with balls of stainless steel, not some politically correct c*** sucker who tries to be everything to everybody.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Nobel Peace Prize given to PT would solidify more GOP to come join his base ,but most importantly it would win over those fence sitting independents voters again, that helped him in 2016 . The public opinion polls bump, could be a double digit increase. The bump could inspire those same voters in the mid-terms .

Despite this NYT article below that I used as a source,that portrayed the typical hysterical left demonizing of him ,there where some good examples of what he could use to bolster his perception as a successful peace negotiator,which in turn helps his and the GOP chances of a strong showing in the future .   

 The article :   * "If he won, President Trump would be within his rights when he claimed it as a personal victory since he decimated the State Department to the point that we wondered if interns in Foggy Bottom were crafting North Korea policy".

   * " If he could pull off denuclearizing North Korea, he would deserve it more than Barack Obama did when he had that bouquet thrown at him seconds into his presidency".

I think the Dem's have no message for the key independent vote ,except for the deranged hatred and resistance that they portray to the multi front liberal left and their base.   MAGA 2020




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On 1/28/2018 at 2:05 AM, heybruce said:

To give just one of many examples of his stupidity; he showed highly classified foreign intelligence to Russian ambassadors, just to show off.  Pretty stupid in my book  However it is his stupidity in cutting aid to Pakistan that will have very real consequences to our troops in Afghanistan.


He has obstructed justice, and is looking for ways to do more of the same.  He has also employed people in high positions charged with criminal activity contrary to the interests and security of the US.  However it is when his financial affairs are examined that I expect to see really impeachable offenses.


Eight years of Republican rule gave us two unfinished wars, a financial meltdown, a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, and many other bad things.  How could any patriotic American want twelve years of that?


Yeah, the stock market.  The Obama recovery hasn't been derailed, yet.


Edit:  Considering the overall cluelessness of Trump regarding military affairs in general and nuclear deterrence in general, what makes you so confident he won't start a nuclear war?  He's such an insecure egotist he might do it just so people will remember his name.

ohh    you mean pakistan that was protecting osama bin laden? ..about the only good thing happened when obama was in office was him getting osama..the ONLY thing....GO TRUMP  

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

Even the South Korean President is saying Trump should get the Nobel....




but I suppose he's lying too??

You mean another "unnamed official" said that Moon said that? Are you not one of the brigade that says any news from unnamed  sources in the White House should not be believed? Yet here you are wanting us to believe this tripe from an unnamed 'official' in South Korea.


God give us strength.

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President Trump's weekly approval rating has hit an 11-month high, according to polling data released by Gallup on Monday. 

The rating is the highest weekly rating for the president since May 7, when his approval rating also hit 42 percent. 



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1 hour ago, riclag said:



President Trump's weekly approval rating has hit an 11-month high, according to polling data released by Gallup on Monday. 

The rating is the highest weekly rating for the president since May 7, when his approval rating also hit 42 percent. 



Cherry picking much? It's one poll. If you want to get a sense of what the polls in general show head over to five thirty eight which offers an aggregate poll.


Trump's approval ratings have been essentially steady for the last 2 months. And given that he's about to remove Kelly from the White House and remove the last constraint on his impulsiveness, it seems likely that things are going to get a lot worse for him.


And you seem to be ignoring the fact that  Democrats have been massively overperforming in most of the elections held since Trump became President, including one held just a week ago.

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7 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:



I can't believe how the RWNJs are going off at a roast where the comedian was just doing the job she was specifically employed to do, and yet ignore or applaud the disgusting actions and words of Trump and his GOP acolytes.

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8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

It's funny that you guys criticize the use of "anonymous sources."  Yet, when a real person comes forward, what happens?  Like Stormy Daniels, James Comey, Karen McDougal, Trump Tower meeting, etc.  More denials.  What's becoming apparent to everyone who's objective about this is that just about every allegation against Trump turns out to be true.  And then we have Robert Mueller.   

I'm not denying anything and I'm not one of "you guys'. I'm not against the Mueller investigation and I think courts were created to seek truth and remedies. I am opposed to trial by press however. Especially when accusers may accuse anonymously. Anything else?

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6 hours ago, caligula123 said:

ohh    you mean pakistan that was protecting osama bin laden? ..about the only good thing happened when obama was in office was him getting osama..the ONLY thing....GO TRUMP  

Yes, the double-dealing Pakistan that plays both sides in the war on terror.  I don't like the government there, but I understand that dealing with it and problems of south Asia and the Middle East requires someone smart enough to understand the complexities of the regions.  Trump doesn't come close to being that smart.


Also, if you think getting Bin Laden was the only thing Obama accomplished, you must have been in a coma during his eight years.

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8 hours ago, stud858 said:

Interesting to see the public vote here on Thai visa.  52% winner winner chicken dinner. Trump stays then. Case closed. 


Yes. And many supporters are very quiet. Finally, they'll go out and vote for Trump and the democrats are surprised - once again.


Why are people quiet? People loosing their job because they support Trump. Others get beaten up by liberals for wearing a MAGA hat. Twitter loves to 'shadow banning' and censoring. That are fascist tactics. Like it or not, it's the reality of 2018.


Too many liberals suffer from cognitive dissonance. That's why they are so easy triggered. It will backlash in midterm and 2020 elections.  :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Yes, the double-dealing Pakistan that plays both sides in the war on terror.  I don't like the government there, but I understand that dealing with it and problems of south Asia and the Middle East requires someone smart enough to understand the complexities of the regions.  Trump doesn't come close to being that smart.


Also, if you think getting Bin Laden was the only thing Obama accomplished, you must have been in a coma during his eight years.

oh yes..you are correct..I forgot about the deterioration of race relations under obama..the anti police attitude.daca.open borders.his "RED"line in Syria.the crappy iran deal--gave em like 1.7 billion in CASH....im sure there might be few more things 

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1 hour ago, caligula123 said:

oh yes..you are correct..I forgot about the deterioration of race relations under obama..the anti police attitude.daca.open borders.his "RED"line in Syria.the crappy iran deal--gave em like 1.7 billion in CASH....im sure there might be few more things 

You watch too much Fox and alt-right websites.  Show some quantifiable evidence there was a deterioration of race relations under Obama.  Show where the public turned against any police other than those who shot unarmed black men.  Show evidence that the majority don't support DACA.  Show a better alternative to the Iran deal (BTW, the $1.7 billion was Iran's money). 


Show me another President who took office when the economy was in an economic free-fall, people seriously fearing a great depression, and an inherited federal budget leading to the far greatest budget deficit in US history who turned the situation around and left office with low unemployment, years of good economic growth, and a much improved budget deficit.

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2 hours ago, alocacoc said:


Yes. And many supporters are very quiet. Finally, they'll go out and vote for Trump and the democrats are surprised - once again.


Why are people quiet? People loosing their job because they support Trump. Others get beaten up by liberals for wearing a MAGA hat. Twitter loves to 'shadow banning' and censoring. That are fascist tactics. Like it or not, it's the reality of 2018.


Too many liberals suffer from cognitive dissonance. That's why they are so easy triggered. It will backlash in midterm and 2020 elections.  :thumbsup:

"People loosing their job because they support Trump. Others get beaten up by liberals for wearing a MAGA hat."


Why don't you give some evidence to support these claims? 

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9 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You mean another "unnamed official" said that Moon said that? Are you not one of the brigade that says any news from unnamed  sources in the White House should not be believed? Yet here you are wanting us to believe this tripe from an unnamed 'official' in South Korea.


God give us strength.


I can't just give you strength Al.   Sorry.  I'm not God.....well maybe.


And a joke to explain.....what's the difference between God and a pilot?    God doesn't think he's a pilot!!

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14 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


No, Obama degraded the prestige being awarded it when the nominations closed 11 days after he took office!!


Please read my post regarding the way the lefties address anybody who has even a favorable word for Trump.

Never ending hypocrisy, about time for Trump supporters / those from the Right to stop whining.


Numerous times clearly stated criticism of Trump not necessarily driven by subscribing by left wing politics, but by Trump's truly awful behaviour.

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10 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You mean another "unnamed official" said that Moon said that? Are you not one of the brigade that says any news from unnamed  sources in the White House should not be believed? Yet here you are wanting us to believe this tripe from an unnamed 'official' in South Korea.


God give us strength.


No, I'm that guy.  I give it the same weight as I give all improperly sourced articles, of whatever persuasion. That is to say, not much.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


No, I'm that guy.  I give it the same weight as I give all improperly sourced articles, of whatever persuasion. That is to say, not much.

That's fortunate as the reply was neither to you or aimed at you.  :cool:

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Never ending hypocrisy, about time for Trump supporters / those from the Right to stop whining.


Numerous times clearly stated criticism of Trump not necessarily driven by subscribing by left wing politics, but by Trump's truly awful behaviour.

The right is whining????


The left haven't stopped whining since the democrats lost the election.


RFeminds me of a joke from mhy previous life.....What's the difference between a flight attendant (democrat) and a jet engine?


The jet engine stops whining when the aircraft is parked at the aerobridge!!

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Then there's that tiny, tiny minority of us that find that manner of speech both unfunny and hateful, no matter which side is delivering it.

Are we talking about how Sarah Sanders conducts herself at the White House press briefings? That would be a majority of people that find that manner of speech hateful.

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4 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

The right is whining????


The left haven't stopped whining since the democrats lost the election.


RFeminds me of a joke from mhy previous life.....What's the difference between a flight attendant (democrat) and a jet engine?


The jet engine stops whining when the aircraft is parked at the aerobridge!!

Proven my point - never ending whining

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42 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


I can't just give you strength Al.   Sorry.  I'm not God.....well maybe.


And a joke to explain.....what's the difference between God and a pilot?    God doesn't think he's a pilot!!

No need to explain as I played that game myself. We never thought we were God, but the aircraft we flew, the tasks we did and the missions we flew we often thought a few people in our midst had the hands of God.

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