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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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13 hours ago, heybruce said:

Your link is to an editorial that is slanderous.  Among its many deceptions and factual omissions is its failure to say why Hillary Clinton is responsible for the US involvement in the Libyan intervention that was largely a French and UK effort.


" Security Council Resolution 1973, passed less than 48 hours earlier with Russia, China, Brazil, India and Germany abstaining, was a triumph for French and British diplomacy. France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, had worked energetically to persuade Arab countries to make an appeal through the usually fairly useless Arab League for the UN to come to the aid of Libyan civilians. David Cameron, Britain's prime minister, had done his part by nudging the Americans to overcome their reservations about military intervention. "    https://www.economist.com/node/18442119



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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


I had pointed all that out to the poster you're replying to in the past, but the nature of social media is that everything resets every 24 hours and the bullshit one posted yesterday can be reborn the following day as the truth.



Edited by lannarebirth
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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

The 2011 intervention was a NATO led effort in support of a UNSC resolution. As already pointed out, the US contribution, "Operation Odyssey Dawn", was only one of a number NATO member countries military efforts.





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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

I am able to accommodate your rather unusual wish!!  Please present at the TV bar tomorrow evening at 7.00 pm.  I'll supply the glass rod and 3 lb sledge.

Having Trump as prez is already painful enough.  I don't want to exacerbate my pain. ha ha ha.


Re: the video below:  Rachel articulates how Kushner is being treasonous (secret meetings with China higher-ups, discussing K's personal business needs and how the US can kow-tow to China). Tillerson is echoing Kushner's and China's requirements.  China wants unfettered/unopposed movement in all directions where it wants to assert ownership and dominance.  Obama and Kerry and HRC put American and SE Asian/African interests (and rule of int'l law) to the fore.  Trump/Tillerson and Kushner are cutting the balls off US interests overseas, while gutting the State Dept.   The US still doesn't have ambassadors in S.Korea or S.Arabia.  If Trumpists were just asleep at the wheel, that would be bad.  But they're doing much worse.  



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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Having Trump as prez is already painful enough.  I don't want to exacerbate my pain. ha ha ha.


Re: the video below:  Rachel articulates how Kushner is being treasonous (secret meetings with China higher-ups, discussing K's personal business needs and how the US can kow-tow to China). Tillerson is echoing Kushner's and China's requirements.  China wants unfettered/unopposed movement in all directions where it wants to assert ownership and dominance.  Obama and Kerry and HRC put American and SE Asian/African interests (and rule of int'l law) to the fore.  Trump/Tillerson and Kushner are cutting the balls off US interests overseas, while gutting the State Dept.   The US still doesn't have ambassadors in S.Korea or S.Arabia.  If Trumpists were just asleep at the wheel, that would be bad.  But they're doing much worse.  



Where is Jarred anyway? 

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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I had pointed all that out to the poster you're replying to in the past, but the nature of social media is that everything resets every 24 hours and the bullshit one posted yesterday can be reborn the following day as the truth.



From your link:


" The U.S. initially had strategic command of the military intervention, coordinated missions between coalition members and set up Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn on USS Mount Whitney for the tactical command and control in the area of operations.[12][13] but passed complete military command of the operation to NATO and took up a support role on 31 March 2011.[18] Prior to that, an agreement to pass command of the arms embargo to NATO was reached on 23 March,[19] and a handover of enforcement of the no-fly zone to NATO was agreed to on 24 March and became effective the following day.[20]"




" France carried out about a third of all strike sorties, Britain 21 percent and the United States 19 percent, according to data from each nation."    https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/18/world/africa/scores-of-unintended-casualties-in-nato-war-in-libya.html "


In summary, the intervention was aggressively pushed by the UK and France, with Obama reluctantly going along.  The US, as the lead member of NATO, took the overall lead then handed responsibility to others as soon as possible.  The UK and France dropped over half the bombs, the US less than one fifth.


I know there are people desperate to pin crimes on Obama and the Clintons, and others who want to make the US responsible for all that is wrong with the world.  However these people are not allowed to invent facts and re-write history.


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9 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I am able to accommodate your rather unusual wish!!


Please present at the TV bar tomorrow evening at 7.00 pm.  I'll supply the glass rod and 3 lb sledge.

I think Ticket Master may be interested in making this an event.

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13 hours ago, Slip said:

As usual the trumpies' response is an attack on the poster with nothing to add

I'm not a Trumpie, I believe in a fair contest. but I agree he has nothing to add. 


Seems like you don't like freedom of speech. Why not block anyone who disagrees with you like him and report the posts that have something good to say about Trump.

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18 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

I'm not a Trumpie, I believe in a fair contest. but I agree he has nothing to add. 


Seems like you don't like freedom of speech. Why not block anyone who disagrees with you like him and report the posts that have something good to say about Trump.

Yeah right!  Why do SO many Trump supporters deny being such.  As for your rather obtuse comment, it was clearly you who added nothing.  I'm sorry the missing comma allowed you to deliberately misrepresent my words.


I have no problem with freedom of speech, but your comments about posters are against forum rules, and add nothing to the conversation.   Sigh- now you are dragging me down to your level.  Please don't feel the need to respond further.

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12 minutes ago, Slip said:

Yeah right!  Why do SO many Trump supporters deny being such.  As for your rather obtuse comment, it was clearly you who added nothing.  I'm sorry the missing comma allowed you to deliberately misrepresent my words.


I have no problem with freedom of speech, but your comments about posters are against forum rules, and add nothing to the conversation.   Sigh- now you are dragging me down to your level.  Please don't feel the need to respond further.

Also totally false charges. 

It is weird how many obvious "trump" fans are too ashamed to own up to it! Imagine later, after he's totally disgraced, it will be hard to find any American to admit that they EVER liked him.

Where have we seen that before in history? Hmm. 

In any case, the era of de-"trump"ifcation can't begin soon enough!

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10 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I had pointed all that out to the poster you're replying to in the past, but the nature of social media is that everything resets every 24 hours and the bullshit one posted yesterday can be reborn the following day as the truth.




Me too. And, I'm not sure why some people think an opinion piece in The Economist trumps the words 'straight from the horse's mouth'.

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Hey, look Ma! He SELF-destructs! No need for resistance. He does it all himself!




There is no one who can save Trump from himself


So I have come to conclude that the fault is not in our stars, but in my own personal misdiagnosis of what ails Donald Trump. Given his recent history of self-defeating statements, the president is clearly not suffering through the early stages of dementia , but is afflicted instead by the political equivalent of self-harm syndrome. What else could explain continued rants so personally destructive that no rational person — let alone a sitting president — would behave in such a way?




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This really would be very funny if this ridiculous buffoon wasn't president!



Grab onto something steady. Trump’s on the phone.


The president’s latest Fox News interview, as expected, left everyone dizzy.

...It was a Trumpian tour de force. The stammering anchors could scarcely get a word in edgewise as the president bounced from boast to boast, gripe to gripe, non sequitur to non sequitur in a stream of consciousness worthy of James Joyce.




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14 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

This thread has degenerated into trash. Nothing seems to be off topic, and I suppose when the thread title is considered, it's difficult to post off topic. It invites garbage posts.


The gross pettiness is astounding, immature....at best!!


Moderators please close this crap thread.


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I know right?


Some Folks will be complaining till the end of his term

I can only imagine if he gets a 2nd term :smile:


Many of them seem to live in Thailand which has a self appointed military government .

Yet no complaints they live there? I guess their bored


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Seems that the reality TV president's attacks on the press are working. 


U.S. drops to 45 in ranking of countries based on freedom of the press



The U.S. dropped two spots on this year’s list. The report specifically calls out new leadership under President Donald Trump as the driver behind the U.S.’s fall.


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

I had a dream:   Trump was slipped a truth-serum 20 minutes before a press conference.  Here's what he said:


"Ladies and gentlemen. I have always wanted publicity. Lots of it.  Even bad publicity is better than no publicity, because it's about me, great me.  I like Melania, but I really love porn stars and playboy bunnies.  Best of all are women married to rich men.  I don't tell that to Melania, because I lie to her almost as much as I lie to the American people.  I've got to go to a golf course to avoid doing my president act. Goodbye"

Completely fake! There is no truth serum known to man that can stop Donald Trump lying  for over 20 mins, even if 'Blue Whale" dosages are used. 

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