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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


OK, you're starting to convince me about The Obama Recovery™. If it holds up until interest rates and the Fed's balance sheet normalize then I will admit I was wrong. But that's at least 3 years away so we'll have to wait and see. If the economy can't hold up under normal conditions then it won't really have been a recovery at all but simply growth from borrowed money which of course hampers future growth.

And if the economy holds up temporarily by Trump's trillion dollar a year deficit spending, what will that be?

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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

And if the economy holds up temporarily by Trump's trillion dollar a year deficit spending, what will that be?

Well, that would be similar to what Obama did, fake growth. If it creates growth and deficits decrease, while interest rates increase then it probably won't matter (Low Probability IMO). If it doesn't then it will mean future growth will be hampered into the foreseeable future. Debt robs from the possibility of future growth, no matter which president signs off on it. It looks like a magical solution under ZIRP but sooner or later there is a reversion to the mean.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Well, that would be similar to what Obama did, fake growth. If it creates growth and deficits decrease, while interest rates increase then it probably won't matter (Low Probability IMO). If it doesn't then it will mean future growth will be hampered into the foreseeable future. Debt robs from the possibility of future growth, no matter which president signs off on it. It looks like a magical solution under ZIRP but sooner or later there is a reversion to the mean.

Don't equate Obama's deficits to Trump's.  Obama inherited a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit and brought it down to about a third of that, while pulling the US economy out of free-fall. 


Trump inherited an economy in good shape and a $440 billion dollar deficit (still too high, no argument) and ran the deficit up to a projected $880 billion this FY and trillion dollar plus deficits after that.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-09/u-s-budget-deficit-to-balloon-to-1-trillion-by-2020-cbo-says


Republicans put on a show of being deficit hawks when they aren't in the White House then show themselves to be hypocrites when they hold the Presidency.  However even by Republican standards, Trump takes hypocrisy to new levels.

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Goodbye Trump



Trump hits Canada, Mexico, EU with steel and aluminum tariffs



President Trump is imposing steep tariffs on steel and aluminum from three of America's biggest trading partners — Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

The trade penalties, 25% on imported steel and 10% on imported aluminum, take effect at midnight, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told reporters Thursday

Well I guess he has done this to take the heat off him with the investigation. I hope Europe trounce the USA now. I hope Mexico start selling its agricultural produce to the other South American countries that want it and Canada stick the middle finger up to him.


When the US kick off their war in Iran and it wants other coalition military personnel to fill some of the body bags, I hope any country previously described as an ally tell the USA to frakk themselves.


Putin will be cracking open an ice cold bottle of Vodka right now and laughing his tits off.

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8 hours ago, heybruce said:

Don't equate Obama's deficits to Trump's.  Obama inherited a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit and brought it down to about a third of that, while pulling the US economy out of free-fall. 


Trump inherited an economy in good shape and a $440 billion dollar deficit (still too high, no argument) and ran the deficit up to a projected $880 billion this FY and trillion dollar plus deficits after that.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-09/u-s-budget-deficit-to-balloon-to-1-trillion-by-2020-cbo-says


Republicans put on a show of being deficit hawks when they aren't in the White House then show themselves to be hypocrites when they hold the Presidency.  However even by Republican standards, Trump takes hypocrisy to new levels.


There is not even one deficit hawk , from any party, in Congress anymore.

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This is a really good article that explains Trump and his constant, relentless, mind-numbing lying.  This excerpt--last sentence in particular--explains it all:


[Billy Bush apparently has a story of one particular show in which Trump said falsely for the umpteenth time that The Apprentice was the #1 rated show. Billy Bush had heard this repeatedly from Trump even though he knew it wasn’t true and he had gotten a bit fed up with it. He noted to Trump that the show hadn’t been #1 for something like 5 years — not in any category and not in any demo. Trump made up some ridiculous stat on camera to defend the statement, but then off camera told Billy Bush something like, “Billy, look, look — you just tell them, and they believe it. That’s it. You just tell them, and they believe it.”]




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59 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Thanks to Trumps racist, nationalist talks you got guys like this to vote for:




How can a country go down the drain so fast?


I'm grateful people like that identify themselves.

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3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Thanks to Trumps racist, nationalist talks you got guys like this to vote for:




How can a country go down the drain so fast?

I am not often shocked these days, but that shocked me! 


One of the comments at the bottom of the article was funny, it said "Why is he running as an independent he is perfect Republican Material"   Relax Republicans it was a joke by one of the contributors on the page.

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An interesting database which tracks Trump's lies and misinformation by topic since he took the Oath of Office. e.g. last month, on average, Trump related eight lies or misleading info eight times a day.



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17 hours ago, Berkshire said:

This is a really good article that explains Trump and his constant, relentless, mind-numbing lying.  This excerpt--last sentence in particular--explains it all:


[Billy Bush apparently has a story of one particular show in which Trump said falsely for the umpteenth time that The Apprentice was the #1 rated show. Billy Bush had heard this repeatedly from Trump even though he knew it wasn’t true and he had gotten a bit fed up with it. He noted to Trump that the show hadn’t been #1 for something like 5 years — not in any category and not in any demo. Trump made up some ridiculous stat on camera to defend the statement, but then off camera told Billy Bush something like, “Billy, look, look — you just tell them, and they believe it. That’s it. You just tell them, and they believe it.”]





5 hours ago, simple1 said:

An interesting database which tracks Trump's lies and misinformation by topic since he took the Oath of Office. e.g. last month, on average, Trump related eight lies or misleading info eight times a day.



I think these two posts go together very well--Trump lies and assumes people will believe him.  Unfortunately he is correct, at least with his base.

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9 minutes ago, riclag said:

Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

More exaggeration I suppose.You know the left never wants to give credit  to P T


Yes it is absolutely extraordinary, particularly as when Trump campaigned he stated that under Obama the rates of unemployment amongst Blacks were 40%. How amazing the Trump administration is.  ?

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5 hours ago, riclag said:

Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972

More exaggeration I suppose.You know the left never wants to give credit  to P T


What did Trump do to specifically  focus on black unemployment?

What did Trump to specifically narrow the gap between White / Asian / and Black unemployment?  


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"Fiat Chrysler announced it is moving an auto factory to Michigan with 2,500 jobs. After decades of outsourcing jobs from America, companies are creating jobs here. We’ve had similar announcements of worker bonuses or new hiring from Disney, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase and FedEx.

"These stats are probably news to most, but that’s no surprise — there’s a conspiracy of silence to ensure no one gives President Donald Trump credit for the economic climb".



William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via [email protected].



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22 minutes ago, riclag said:


"Fiat Chrysler announced it is moving an auto factory to Michigan with 2,500 jobs. After decades of outsourcing jobs from America, companies are creating jobs here. We’ve had similar announcements of worker bonuses or new hiring from Disney, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase and FedEx.

"These stats are probably news to most, but that’s no surprise — there’s a conspiracy of silence to ensure no one gives President Donald Trump credit for the economic climb".



William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via [email protected].



More good news, China is moving production from China into the US:    https://www.yahoo.com/news/manufacturing-moving-china-us-survey-065217238--finance.html


Of course this was in 2014, two years before Trump was electoral college elected.  The reality is that businesses are constantly moving production to wherever it seems secure and profitable.

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3 hours ago, riclag said:


"Fiat Chrysler announced it is moving an auto factory to Michigan with 2,500 jobs. After decades of outsourcing jobs from America, companies are creating jobs here. We’ve had similar announcements of worker bonuses or new hiring from Disney, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase and FedEx.

"These stats are probably news to most, but that’s no surprise — there’s a conspiracy of silence to ensure no one gives President Donald Trump credit for the economic climb".



William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via [email protected].



Swings and roundabouts, just as Trump gloats before long term trends or actual decisions are confirmed, as do his supporters.


 2016 – 2026 Career Outlook Report, the BLS predicts manufacturing will loose 700,000 jobs by 2026, citing international competition and the adoption of new productivity-enhancing technologies as the reason.

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I do want him to complete his first term in office and then romp to another election victory and carry on all the great work he is doing for the US.


- it's OK for China to artificially devalue the Yuan but if Trump puts tariffs on goods that's not the same and he's a terrible man for doing so.


- it's OK for China not to have to do anything for 20 years but if the US doesn't tie its hands down with the G20 climate treaty (and utterly destroy its already battered industry), then they are suddenly guilty of destroying the planet (have you seen how much neon lighting China pours in to the night sky?).


- It's OK to make bum deals with absolutely everyone and become the laughing stock of the world that even the Iranians fire shells at in the surrounding waters), but it's not OK to cancel them and impose yourself for a better deal.


- protectionism is bad but globalism is good (give it all to 'them' policy).


You know the funniest thing of all - seeing the same people who hound Trump everyday and RESIST his protectionism being the same ones who throw bricks through Mcdonalds on anti-capitalism marches. Don't these people understand they are doing the dirty work for the globalists?


And no amount of mainstream (globalist owned and controlled ) media bile nor Alinski mechanism is going to convince me otherwise - though if you repeat the same thing over and over to the sheeple they will believe it eventually.


6 more years!!!

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15 minutes ago, Alan Whickerbasket said:



I do want him to complete his first term in office and then romp to another election victory and carry on all the great work he is doing for the US.


- it's OK for China to artificially devalue the Yuan but if Trump puts tariffs on goods that's not the same and he's a terrible man for doing so.


- it's OK for China not to have to do anything for 20 years but if the US doesn't tie its hands down with the G20 climate treaty (and utterly destroy its already battered industry), then they are suddenly guilty of destroying the planet (have you seen how much neon lighting China pours in to the night sky?).


- It's OK to make bum deals with absolutely everyone and become the laughing stock of the world that even the Iranians fire shells at in the surrounding waters), but it's not OK to cancel them and impose yourself for a better deal.


- protectionism is bad but globalism is good (give it all to 'them' policy).


You know the funniest thing of all - seeing the same people who hound Trump everyday and RESIST his protectionism being the same ones who throw bricks through Mcdonalds on anti-capitalism marches. Don't these people understand they are doing the dirty work for the globalists?


And no amount of mainstream (globalist owned and controlled ) media bile nor Alinski mechanism is going to convince me otherwise - though if you repeat the same thing over and over to the sheeple they will believe it eventually.


6 more years!!!

How long is your main account on holiday for then?

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Swings and roundabouts, just as Trump gloats before long term trends or actual decisions are confirmed, as do his supporters.


 2016 – 2026 Career Outlook Report, the BLS predicts manufacturing will loose 700,000 jobs by 2026, citing international competition and the adoption of new productivity-enhancing technologies as the reason.

Well their projection was wrong wasn't it!

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13 minutes ago, riclag said:
6 hours ago, simple1 said:

Swings and roundabouts, just as Trump gloats before long term trends or actual decisions are confirmed, as do his supporters.


 2016 – 2026 Career Outlook Report, the BLS predicts manufacturing will loose 700,000 jobs by 2026, citing international competition and the adoption of new productivity-enhancing technologies as the reason.

Well their projection was wrong wasn't it!

Whoops have we gone past 2026 without me noticing? I know Christmases seem to keep on whizzing around these days but I never realized I had lost 8 years since last night.

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2 hours ago, Alan Whickerbasket said:



I do want him to complete his first term in office and then romp to another election victory and carry on all the great work he is doing for the US.


- it's OK for China to artificially devalue the Yuan but if Trump puts tariffs on goods that's not the same and he's a terrible man for doing so.


- it's OK for China not to have to do anything for 20 years but if the US doesn't tie its hands down with the G20 climate treaty (and utterly destroy its already battered industry), then they are suddenly guilty of destroying the planet (have you seen how much neon lighting China pours in to the night sky?).


- It's OK to make bum deals with absolutely everyone and become the laughing stock of the world that even the Iranians fire shells at in the surrounding waters), but it's not OK to cancel them and impose yourself for a better deal.


- protectionism is bad but globalism is good (give it all to 'them' policy).


You know the funniest thing of all - seeing the same people who hound Trump everyday and RESIST his protectionism being the same ones who throw bricks through Mcdonalds on anti-capitalism marches. Don't these people understand they are doing the dirty work for the globalists?


And no amount of mainstream (globalist owned and controlled ) media bile nor Alinski mechanism is going to convince me otherwise - though if you repeat the same thing over and over to the sheeple they will believe it eventually.


6 more years!!!

That's why its so importantant to follow these threads. The deranged hysterical left will demonize anything about PT .You will never see anything positive from them other than hatred .  If I see positive news from the economy,because that is PT strong point, I will post it.

Unemployment rate matches lowest point in half a century

The jobless rate ticked down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market.


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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Whoops have we gone past 2026 without me noticing? I know Christmases seem to keep on whizzing around these days but I never realized I had lost 8 years since last night.

Projections are guessing. Whats in the news today is real

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

That's why its so importantant to follow these threads. The deranged hysterical left will demonize anything about PT .You will never see anything positive from them other than hatred .  If I see positive news from the economy,because that is PT strong point, I will post it

But you never did that with Obama? Jobs have been on a steady increase since 2011 and have progressed to this natural point. Obama created more jobs on average per year than Trump has done, he just didn't make a circus of it. The stock market was on it's ass when Obama took over and it has been on the increase ever since.


Getting a supreme court judge elected (just why is that a major achievement?), bringing in some crappy tax cuts and starting trade wars with allies are not policies responsible for the creation of jobs. What policies exactly has Trump brought in that have created jobs? Movements of large manufacturing facilities to the US have been years in the planning, the decisions do not happen over night. We will see the effects of Trumps economic policies starting in around 6 months time. Then watch things nose dive.

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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

Projections are guessing. Whats in the news today is real

So how can a projection be wrong 8 years before the projection is due to be proven?


Jobs in the US went up month on month with Obama at a rate of 200-230K per month, EXACTLY the same as Trump. Why didn't you praise Obama?

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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So how can a projection be wrong 8 years before the projection is due to be proven?


Jobs in the US went up month on month with Obama at a rate of 200-230K per month, EXACTLY the same as Trump. Why didn't you praise Obama?


Having nothing to do with Trump or Obama, employment growth always slows as you approach full employment. The pool of available workers has shrunk. As such, an additional 190,000 jobs from a pool of say 5 million unemployed persons is a greater feat than an addition of 250,000 jobs from a pool of 10 million unemployed persons. That said, I don't think Obama or Trump had anything to do with it. This economy is brought to you by The Fed.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

But you never did that with Obama?


I wasn't a B.O. hater, until he went against his campaign promise of not giving in to lobbyist. Even then I didn't hate. It wasn't till his last term.  I've supported all my Presidents.It's the Politician ,the Washington establishment that made me want change. Along with a few more policies of the PT agenda.

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12 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So how can a projection be wrong 8 years before the projection is due to be proven?


Jobs in the US went up month on month with Obama at a rate of 200-230K per month, EXACTLY the same as Trump. Why didn't you praise Obama?


The news is "The unemployment rate matches its lowest point in half a century"

and its happening under PT watch.


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