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Thailand's PM says needs a little more time in office to prepare for vote


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Everyone will remember that Prayuth announced November 2018 elections during his US visit.


The US visit was just weeks before the date of the "big event" which was touted by many as the date to which the Thais adhered to refrain from starting to stand up for there rights.


So the statement at that time was never considered to be also actively applied, but merely an attempt to avoid the start of unrest, as an election date was what everyone was waiting for.


Of course he couldn't keep it up for long, and you can be sure that currently things are brewing underground, and he will not be able to stop it any more with more conflicting statements

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16 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Have any of the papers done a head count as to who will support the General and who won't.

Not sure whether you mean a head count among the government ministerial ranks or the public at large? Either way, I reckon he'll get the thumbs down and by some clear margin. It's his recent realisation that most folk ACTUALLY DON'T LIKE HIM that has brought about all these farcical delays - e.g. NLA ruling - and pretending that they are none of his own doing. He is already known as a liar and people don't forget that 'quality' as a rule.

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

"Please give me some time to lay the foundation for the country, that's all," Prayuth told reporters after a weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

As I imagine the meeting: After minutes of riotous laughter from reporters - if only they could have the guts to act naturally in his Lordship's presence - Prayut, grinning sickeningly as usual, said that last week's 90 day extension might give him chance to check what 'foundation' actually means. That this guy actually believes that the country wants him to get anywhere near its foundations simply beggars belief . . . he really is sommat else.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He reiterated that the election would be held in accordance with the roadmap on the condition that there is no problem regarding legal process.

A couple of greyish areas, here, for me that are making this entire election 'run-in' very hazy - or smoggy, if you lived in Bangkok. First, has anyone - absolutely anyone - clapped eyes on this ROADMAP, this document that is acquiring biblical importance, even before its publication? Maybe I missed that bit of news when Prayut gave a clue as to when this KEY document might appear, for all to see. Maybe he plans to wave it above his head, smugly, once he gets to the big chair, unelected or as an outsider . . . either option makes me reach for the bucket.

And second, this infuriatingly frequent blaming of legal process and organic bills; not just for the odd day that you'd expect for stuff to be written on paper, but for periods measured in 3-month or 90 day chunks. Jeez . . . I'd love to see what is actually happening in those Government House 'work' areas.

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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Isn't it the Election Commission that carries out the election? Not a word from them in regard to needing more time for preparation.

The PM's role is simply to concur with the EC as to the election date. But that date must comply with the Constitution and the laws! Prayut's time in office is irrelevant.


Unless of course he needs more time to plan for his own election. That would be such a great way to return Thailand to democracy - through abuse of power!

A relative of my girlfriend is in charge of the  Election Commission in our province, I asked him what has he done sine 2014, his answer was not a lot. Sounded like his whole office had been transferred to an inactive post.

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17 hours ago, JAG said:

It doesn't matter. If there is any counting to be done, he will be doing it anyway.

Not really Jag. He is finding out that he is not that popular. The outcome is that he puts himself in the job, without the support of whoever under the constitution then people may not be happy. His Thainess will fall apart even though he followed Thaidemocracey.

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4 hours ago, hansnl said:

Like the ousted government, which was also not elected but formed in parliament, could be believed and/or trusted?


"Like" it matters now?


Old, tired.......redundant.



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1 hour ago, Ossy said:

A couple of greyish areas, here, for me that are making this entire election 'run-in' very hazy - or smoggy, if you lived in Bangkok. First, has anyone - absolutely anyone - clapped eyes on this ROADMAP, this document that is acquiring biblical importance, even before its publication? Maybe I missed that bit of news when Prayut gave a clue as to when this KEY document might appear, for all to see. Maybe he plans to wave it above his head, smugly, once he gets to the big chair, unelected or as an outsider . . . either option makes me reach for the bucket.

And second, this infuriatingly frequent blaming of legal process and organic bills; not just for the odd day that you'd expect for stuff to be written on paper, but for periods measured in 3-month or 90 day chunks. Jeez . . . I'd love to see what is actually happening in those Government House 'work' areas.

Good points Ossy. And so how are the numbers crunched? Its an outsider for the job? as I understand. The general appears to be just an outsider the longer he hangs on.

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2 hours ago, Ossy said:

Not sure whether you mean a head count among the government ministerial ranks or the public at large? Either way, I reckon he'll get the thumbs down and by some clear margin. It's his recent realisation that most folk ACTUALLY DON'T LIKE HIM that has brought about all these farcical delays - e.g. NLA ruling - and pretending that they are none of his own doing. He is already known as a liar and people don't forget that 'quality' as a rule.

As I understand the boys are elected to parliament then they vote on who should be Prime Minister. The new bloke will also have to be of a criteria that all the good ole boys like, or something like that. If I am wrong please don't shoot me but enlighten me.

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Asking for more time simply means he can't give any date. He can't give any date because he doesn't want an election and he's so short sighted he thinks people will just forget. People are not forgetting and it's now getting harder and harder with each passing day.


Unfortunately for him, he can't quite work out that he isn't the saviour of Thailand. I'm sure he really believes he is, and having people become more and more discontent will really bother him. He won't be able to understand why the public don't see him as he sees himself.


We might get to the point where he breaks down in front of the press. I'm talking tears. Asking why people won't let him help them. Grandiose delusions will revert him back to a child like state when he slowly but surely comes to the realisation that he's losing his grip on power at an alarming rate. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Good points Ossy. And so how are the numbers crunched? Its an outsider for the job? as I understand. The general appears to be just an outsider the longer he hangs on.

This whole 'gimme just a little more time' thing is starting to smell worse than a North Yorkshire (*) pig farm that I took the kids to, when their mum and I were trying to get them to like bacon. They took to bacon like ducks to water, but HELL, what a stink we had to go through. Could it be the same for Thailand, I wonder. Its LOS nickname will come under threat.

(A great county, really . . . it has to be, taking me in as a Red Rose renegade)

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I'm bending over backwards to be understanding here.  Is it possible his delay tactics are due to some people's reluctance to move forward and have the Coronation.  Just as for the Cremation some might argue this event could destabilize the country.

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29 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Asking for more time simply means he can't give any date. He can't give any date because he doesn't want an election and he's so short sighted he thinks people will just forget. People are not forgetting and it's now getting harder and harder with each passing day.


Unfortunately for him, he can't quite work out that he isn't the saviour of Thailand. I'm sure he really believes he is, and having people become more and more discontent will really bother him. He won't be able to understand why the public don't see him as he sees himself.


We might get to the point where he breaks down in front of the press. I'm talking tears. Asking why people won't let him help them. Grandiose delusions will revert him back to a child like state when he slowly but surely comes to the realisation that he's losing his grip on power at an alarming rate. 

An excellent post and good to know there's someone else sharing my view that Prayut's digging himself into a PR hole that his tears will make it even more slippery for him to climb out of. Boy, would about 60 million people love to see that!

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I could be completely wrong but it just seems to me that they edge on a little bit here and there. In that way they don't incur the beginning of what be sanctions from the international community that they might get by declaring openly a military rule of an indefinite nature. But then again would the international community really care? I certainly don't know.

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18 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

But then again would the international community really care? I certainly don't know.

Hopeless and horrible as the Junta have made this process, I believe that the IC does care about Thailand. Politically unmanageable, maybe, there was big respect, I sensed, for Thailand's holding its own as a middle power, going into the 21st C.

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1 hour ago, greeneking said:

I'm bending over backwards to be understanding here.  Is it possible his delay tactics are due to some people's reluctance to move forward and have the Coronation.  Just as for the Cremation some might argue this event could destabilize the country.

IMHO the former will prefer to be held during tenure of an elected government. Better image. The latter have to be held within certain period for religious reason. Just my cents worth. 

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What he was trying to say was " give me time to make sure i beat the opposition into the ground so we can' t loose. Look i am starting to feel now we can say all we like nothing will change This will still be talked about next year and the junta will still be there. Oh question " Did anybody in here have trouble reading about the P.M defending Pawit about his watches. Every time i clicked onto topic it came up about the guy who was speeding in pick-up and slammed into the pole Might of just been my computer but i see no responses in here what the Pm said about the watches 

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21 hours ago, Ossy said:

Hopeless and horrible as the Junta have made this process, I believe that the IC does care about Thailand. Politically unmanageable, maybe, there was big respect, I sensed, for Thailand's holding its own as a middle power, going into the 21st C.

I read this morning that the DPM is suggesting that elections could be after February next year due to the new laws. Man, that was quick...possible further delays on top of previous possible further delays.

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2 hours ago, TKDfella said:

I read this morning that the DPM is suggesting that elections could be after February next year due to the new laws. Man, that was quick...possible further delays on top of previous possible further delays.

That's just Prawit's primeval way of putting a finger up to all those who've helped to give him an uncomfortable January; to those who doubted for one minute that his weird fetish for wearing other people's watches was solely thanks to the kindness of those people . . . dead or alive. What a feller!

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