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When Farangs Go Native


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On 2/13/2018 at 9:39 AM, sanemax said:

What does a "Wai" mean ?

I  may be being cynical and simplistic here , but the "Wai" means that you want something .

A "Wai" means that you want something , money , forgiveness or favour


A wai is mainly used to say hello and goodbye. 

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On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 9:50 AM, OldSiamHand said:

For the most part, yes.  The Chinese in Thailand focus on providing for their children and their education, whereas the native Thais have children who will provide for them in old age.  You'll find the same trend throughout SE Asia. 


Yes, there are exceptions, and I know many here will pound their keyboards to share their anecdotal evidence of native Thai acquaintances from wonderful supportive families and great education.

Far as I know Chinese provide for their children and education in the expectation they will be able to look after them better when they get old than a peasant can do.

The only people I know of that normally abandon their parents in old age are westerners.

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On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:21 PM, Neeranam said:

Why would he want kids?


Not sure what you mean, but I rather like my kids.

Happy to hear it. Most people I know don't like their kids. My first ex just ignored hers and then felt guilty and tried to buy their love, which didn't work, so she got upset. All they really wanted was her time, but they were not important enough to her to give them any.

Her parents were horrible to her, so she probably learned that from them.

My own loved me so much they sent me to boarding school ( even though there was no need to do so )  and my father tried to make me pay rent when I was home on holidays. In the end I stayed with someone else on holidays, which sorted that problem.


Turns out he does have at least one with his current wife, but I don't know if he likes him or not.

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On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 12:54 AM, wildewillie89 said:

There was a discussion about car seats in the media a few months ago? Saying that bugger all people in the country use them? How did you miss it? Probably a safer bet to base my example off that than the handful of people you know. 

She is not Thai Chinese. Does being educated only extend to being Thai Chinese? She was last working in the insurgency in the deep South (great place to visit) and also Malaysia most months, but moved back to the village to start our family. She didn't want to handball the kids to their grandmother, which I personally respect. As a result ended up with a much more boring job, but two great children. 

The rest isn't going native, it is just doing things to either benefit the people around you or in other instances to benefit my family and I (networking). I think most people would help out the people around them if they had the chance and it didn't take too much effort (regardless where they are from/live). Maybe not. Maybe I have been away from city life too long and the village life is rubbing off on me. Not a bad thing if the worse of it is helping others. 


The reference to going native is used to describe those farangs that think the Thai way of life is so much better than their own that they disparage those that don't speak Thai, wai, or use a squat toilet with a bowl of water to clean up in.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why are you quoting me? I was responding to J L Crab.

Seeing as you responded and in the past have been so big on relevance , I would have thought you understood the point so could have clarified it...but it was cleared up. No relevance to the thread in the end. 

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2 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Seeing as you responded and in the past have been so big on relevance , I would have thought you understood the point so could have clarified it...but it was cleared up. No relevance to the thread in the end. 

LOL. If all threads on TVF were "relevant", most would be about 1 page long.

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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The reference to going native is used to describe those farangs that think the Thai way of life is so much better than their own that they disparage those that don't speak Thai, wai, or use a squat toilet with a bowl of water to clean up in.

Why the assumption that going native means being poor? 

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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The reference to going native is used to describe those farangs that think the Thai way of life is so much better than their own that they disparage those that don't speak Thai

I disagree. It's just a a different way of life. Those that don't learn Thai seem to have a chip on their shoulder, low self-esteem/IQ perhaps? 

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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I disagree. It's just a a different way of life. Those that don't learn Thai seem to have a chip on their shoulder, low self-esteem/IQ perhaps? 

chip on shoulder because of low self-esteem/IQ = illogical assumption.


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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

Interesting point.  Perhaps you could clarify?

"chip on shoulder" has two meanings based on what i was taught many rainy seasons ago. for clarification use Google. by the way, English is my third language so please be lenient.

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35 minutes ago, Naam said:

chip on shoulder because of low self-esteem/IQ = illogical assumption.



5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Interesting point.  Perhaps you could clarify?


2 minutes ago, Naam said:

"chip on shoulder" has two meanings based on what i was taught many rainy seasons ago. for clarification use Google. by the way, English is my third language so please be lenient.

I'm English, so understand the term 'chip on shoulder' - and wasn't in any way criticising your post.


I'm just interested in what you meant, and why.


Edit - having googled, I see that it can also be defined as 'thinking too much of oneself' - not a definition I've heard of previously.

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11 minutes ago, Naam said:

"chip on shoulder" has two meanings based on what i was taught many rainy seasons ago. for clarification use Google. by the way, English is my third language so please be lenient.

Now I understand why so many of your posts don't make sense if using google translate.



An ingrained feeling of resentment deriving from a sense of inferiority and sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour.

‘I had a dirty great chip on my shoulder—I thought everybody was against me’
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22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The reference to going native is used to describe those farangs that think the Thai way of life is so much better than their own that they disparage those that don't speak Thai, wai, or use a squat toilet with a bowl of water to clean up in.

??? Why do you assume that those who go native think that the Thai way of life is so much better?  Perhaps its just to fit in and avoid complications - you know, the whole "when in Rome" idea.


You do realize that squat toilets with either a bowl of water or a bum gun are vastly superior to western toilets.  We've evolved to poop while squatting, not sitting.  And cleaning poop with water rather than a piece of paper - can you even compare the two?

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1 hour ago, OldSiamHand said:

??? Why do you assume that those who go native think that the Thai way of life is so much better?  Perhaps its just to fit in and avoid complications - you know, the whole "when in Rome" idea.


You do realize that squat toilets with either a bowl of water or a bum gun are vastly superior to western toilets.  We've evolved to poop while squatting, not sitting.  And cleaning poop with water rather than a piece of paper - can you even compare the two?


It probably works quite well provided you don't have bad knees or a bad back.

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2 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Now I understand why so many of your posts don't make sense if using google translate.

poor chap going native,

you can't impress anybody with your repeated lame personal attacks. i've challenged you before to present evidence pertaining to accusing comments. result = zero. now i'm asking you again to come up with one of my senseless postings using google translate. either put up or shut up!

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23 hours ago, JLCrab said:

The relevance was quite simple: Just who the f*&^k are you to come on a topic like this and start telling people that they must have a problem with their own lives?

Hang on, this is the person that has completely made up things about my life in an attempt at a lame, personal put down. Then when questioned on these things the response is 'it's not your show/it's not relevant'.  

I see a new level of hypocrisy has been reached. 

Relax, don't let me get to you so much. Go out and enjoy the sun :). 

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Made up what?


BTW from Wikipedia: 
The Encyclopædia Britannica defines "political machine" as, "in U.S. politics, a party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state"


... and don't tell me what to do: This ain't your show.


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On 2/15/2018 at 2:06 PM, Naam said:

poor chap going native,

you can't impress anybody with your repeated lame personal attacks. i've challenged you before to present evidence pertaining to accusing comments. result = zero. now i'm asking you again to come up with one of my senseless postings using google translate. either put up or shut up!

There is one earlier in this thread.


I am not trying to impress anyone, as I don't have a chip on my shoulder.


You'll be denying next that you didn't get the Thai Visa Poster of the Year award taken away from you due to voting for yourself many times and getting you friends to do the same. You never did reply to that. Selective in your answers aren't you, Walter.


You are the one constantly trying to put others down. Go read an Urdu book and remember the good old days in Germany.



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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 12:15 PM, OldSiamHand said:

??? Why do you assume that those who go native think that the Thai way of life is so much better?  Perhaps its just to fit in and avoid complications - you know, the whole "when in Rome" idea.


You do realize that squat toilets with either a bowl of water or a bum gun are vastly superior to western toilets.  We've evolved to poop while squatting, not sitting.  And cleaning poop with water rather than a piece of paper - can you even compare the two?

Sigh, it was SARCASM.

I have lived in a village with a flushless and bum gun devoid squat toilet, with all that entailed. Any more primitive and I'd have been digging a hole outside when I needed to #2, but I've done that as well. No toilets in the jungle.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 12:12 PM, OldSiamHand said:

Interesting, I can't think of a single person I know who doesn't like their kids.

I'm tempted to think that you don't know many with kids, but perhaps I just grew up in a different world, when it was OK to thrash your kids, or send them off to boarding school where they were thrashed by other people.


Perhaps not the same thing, but I have friends that raised kids that I loathe. My SIL had a particularly revolting specimen that contributed substantially to my divorce, but that a different thread.

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